Chapter 28

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Jungkook's POV

"Let's go downstairs and I'll tell you everything," I inform her as we get off the floor. She follows me to the living room with her monkey Ali in her hands. 

"Chinsun, look what I have," I say as we come down the stairs. "Do you think she can play with your monkey?" I ask her as we sit down. 

"I thought you didn't want her near Ali?" She questions me. I let out a sigh. 

"I know, but she loves him and maybe this will help me get over it." She looks over at Chinsun and kneels next to her. 

"Take care of him. Okay?" She hands Ali to Chinsun. Chinsun laughs and neatly plays with him. She comes and sits next to me with her legs crossed on the couch, "I'm ready when you are."

"Thank you." I take a deep breathe since it is a long story. "It all started on a school trip to the zoo..."


I wake up in the hospital. A nurse surrounding me checking my vitals. My body feels sore and pain surges all over it. I look at my surroundings and see a T.V. and a couch to my right with a window above it showing the city of Seoul. There is also a door near the couch that probably leads to the bathroom. 

On my left are the entrance door and the nurse taking some notes. She looks over to me and smile. 

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" She asks me with a sweet smile. 

I let out a dry cough and point to my throat. "W-water," I say out with a hoarse tone. She nods and goes and grabs me water. I wait in the room lonely. 

My mind goes back to the incident. I shiver at the thought. I then hear someone barge in causing me to turn my head towards the noise. 

Standing in front of me is a not so happy mom and dad. I would say something, but my nerves are everywhere. "Jungkook, you just never make things easy on us now do you?" My dad says as he comes close to me. I flinch when he is standing by my side. 

"I didn't do anything," I whisper out. Before he can say anything the nurse comes back in. 

"Here is your water. Sorry for the delay, I needed to help someone." She hands me a glass of water and I hesitantly drink it while my dad glares at me. 

"Thank you," I mumble out towards my glass. She smiles and hums in response. 

"How is my son doing, nurse?" My mom says in a sad tone. That's new. 

"Well, we had to medicate him so he won't get any infection from the attack. So we will send him home with some antibiotics to rid of any infection that would be traveling through his body. We need him to stay overnight and he can go home in the morning." The nurse then bows at my parents and leaves. 

"Thank you, nurse."

My mom bows and then looks at me. "Idiot, we let you do something and this is how you repay us? Do you know how much this bill might cost us?" I lower my eyes in shame. My mother moves and sits on the sofa and begins reading a magazine. My dad comes to my right, back facing the door, and looks me in the eye.

He lowers his head near my face and whispers, "You know, I could end you right here right now and all our problems would be solved. What do you think about that?" Tears well up in my eyes. 

How could he say this to his own flesh and blood? Am I not a son to him? Why don't they care for me? 

Before he can do anything someone walks in. "Hello, I'm Dr. Hong." My father takes a step away from me and looks at the man. 

"Hello, I'm Mr. Jeon, Jungkook's father." Fake smile, fake sincerity. 

"Nice to meet you." He walks over to the edge of my bed and grabs the clipboard. "I see that you are doing a lot better. You should be able to leave in the morning. We will keep an eye on you tonight. That gorilla shouldn't harm anyone now." 

"What did they do to it?" My mom asks, not looking up from her magazine.

"They killed it." A part of me felt bad but another part reminded me of why I am in the hospital in the first place. 

After that day my parents made me do more of their dirty work to 'pay off' the debt I owe them. From then on I hated anything ape, monkey, gorilla, just everything like them. I am terrified of them, but at the same time, they are the cause of my parents hating me more.


"So that's what happened." I look at her as she processes everything I just told her. "I didn't think about telling because I didn't think it was important. Not even the lawyer needed this information."

Sprawl out on the couch and look at the ceiling. "Thank you for listening though."

Then a soft voice speaks out. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." I look over at Y/N in shock. She shouldn't apologize. 

"No don't apologize for anything. I yelled at you without even telling you why." I try to shake away her guilt. 

She stays quiet and looks over Chinsun and Ali. "Look, I am going, to be honest. I am not yet comfortable with your Ali, but he shouldn't have to hide for my sake. Maybe having him around will help me get over my fear, my trauma." I try to convince myself that this will work more than I am trying to convince her. 

"If that's what you want then so be it." She says to me. She looks over to her monkey and snaps her finger. 

Right before my eyes, I see a stuffed animal become real. Its Arabian style clothes really make him stand out. 

"Ali, come." She says in a sweet manner. He obeys his master and runs to jumps on her shoulders. Chinsun looks at him in wonder. "You heard him so please be nice okay." He nods his head while looking at me. 

Suddenly a question pops into my head. "Y/N, why did you disappear for a day?" I mean she could have just hidden in her lamp, but no, she totally vanished. 

She looks over at Ali with narrow eyes. He slowly hides behind her back. "Someone thought that me being gone would do you good." It clicked in my head. Ali wanted revenge, now I know that I should stay on his good side. 

Ali then pokes his head out and looks at me in shock. *Screech, screech-*

Y/N cuts him off, "Ali, don't try to deny it." I can't help but feel a smile form on my lips. Hopefully, nothing pulls us apart again.

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