Chapter 4

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After Jungkook's little fit, I told him that there was no way he would be staying home. Little Master is sleeping and so is Jungkook. My bottle is in the Master's room. I walk to my bottle and in an instant, I am sucked back in.

I look around my home and feel comfortable. "I am back in business!" I jump on my pink and purple bed. And fall onto it with a smile on my face. I will protect Master. I am glad that I can leave my bottle again. 

"What am I going to do about the brother? He needs to go to school. His parents are drug addicts. Why did he never go to the authorities?" I begin to wonder as I slowly drift off to sleep.

゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚7 Hours Later゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚

I wake up to cries. I immediately get off my bed and summon myself out. As I come out I see Jungkook carrying my Master.

He looks at me with wide eyes. "You almost gave me a heart attack." He says as he tries to calm down master. I walk over to them but as soon as I do my nose scrunched up.

"What is that smell?" I ask. I feel like puking.

Jungkook looks at me and smiles. He hands me master and I take her, arm's length away. "Time to change her diaper." He says. My eyes widen.

"What? No. You change her, she's your sister." He shakes his head.

"She's your Master." I scowl at him. His smirk disappears and so does he as he runs downstairs.

I look back at my master and scrunch up my nose. "Master, why?" I say. I lay her down on the changing rack and unbutton her shirt. The smell is strong. I peel off the diaper and almost barf.

"MASTER!" I shout. She just giggles. I can't do this normally. I snap my fingers and she is cleaned.

"Let's go eat, Master," I say as I carry her downstairs. I take her to the kitchen and see Jungkook making scrambled eggs with toast.

I snap a finger and a bottle of milk appears in my hand. "Here you go, Master," I say as I feed her. "Now, Jungkook, I need you to start going to school. Today is Sunday so you must start tomorrow. I need my Master to have an educated brother so she can be well taken care of."

"But, if I go to school, my parents will be able to find us. I don't want that. I don't want that for Chinsun. I can't go to school." Jungkook pleads to me. I let out a sigh. Why do mere mortals have to be so complicated? 

If he goes to school, he could easily be pulled out from it because his parents are his guardians, but if they weren't then they would not be able to. "Why don't you go to the authorities and tell them about your situation?" I ask him. This would have solved everything.

He stays quiet for a bit and looks at his feet. "I don't want to be sent to an orphanage." He says in a quiet voice.  

"Why? Don't they take care of kids there? I was around when they built the first orphanage back in 1806 in New York, but I would believe that they have improved the system. It wasn't all that great back then, trust me." I tell him.

"It's not that. I just now that if we both ended up in an orphanage, she would be instantly adopted and I wouldn't because I am already 16. I also doubt the family who takes her would take me. That would mean, there is a high possibility that we could be separated. I don't want that." He confesses to me. 

Now I understand. He doesn't want to be separated from his sister. I guess there is only one way to fix this problem. 

"Okay, I'll help both master and you," I say as Chinsun burps from the milk. I give the bottle to Jungkook and rock Chinsun in my arms. 

"But how will you be able to do that?" He asks me.

"I'll adopt you guys," I say with a smile. 

"You will WHAT!?" 

A/N: Thank you for reading!!! 🤗🤗🤗😊😊😊😊 I hope you guys have a wonderful day/evening/night.

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