Chapter 25

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I can't help but laugh on the inside. Jungkook's reaction was priceless. Obviously, I was lying, but I wasn't lying that he shouldn't get on my bad side. Either of my bad sides. I pull out my phone and text Mrs. Hwang.

Genie #97
I think that she is back

Auntie Hwang
If SHE is back, then be careful. You know exactly what she can do.

Genie #97
I know. If you come across her, tell her I left town or something. I know she will come here sooner or later, I already got the branding

Auntie Hwang
She already branded you?
She will come to you soon. I will do the best I can to stall her.

Genie #97
Thank you. I won't let her hurt the family I created. Not this time.

I put my phone away and make my way upstairs. "Where are you going?" Jungkook whispers out. I hold in my laughter. I can tell he is still riled up. 

"I'm going to get some things ready for Chinsun. I don't want to wait until the last minute to get her things ready." I poof myself into her room and admire everything. 

"The sooner we leave the better." I walk to Chinsun's closet and scan her clothing. Looking for summer clothing.

Chinsun has become like a sister to me. If I let this wicked witch ruin what I built then I will not hesitate to put a final stop to her. 

I fold her clothing and put them in a backpack. I've never had to take care of a toddler before. I am still learning all of this. In the Genie Realm, we do have babies and toddlers just not were us who have Masters are. If I decide to stay in the Genie realm then I will finally start aging and can start a family of my own. They would move me to the Genie Society. This is where we can slowly age up like any human and ultimately die.

I pick up a stuffed elephant and smile at it. I can barely remember my parents. It's been centuries since I have last seen them. The only thing I have to remember them is the stuffed monkey in a Genie costume.

My eyes widen. My monkey! I have forgotten all about him. Before I can take any step to run to my lamp, I poof my way there.

I run to my bed and throw my pillows everywhere. "Where are you?" How did I misplace you, my friend? I run to my small cabinets and open each door. Nope, not there. "Where have you gone, my dear friend?" I then hear the rustle of my covers.

I smile as I walk over to my bed. "I wonder who is under here." I rip my blankets off my bed and there I see my stuff animal. I grab him and place him on my lap. "I guess we will be here for a while. So no need for hiding anymore. Let's go so you can meet my Master and her brother." His eyes sparkle in agreement.

In the blink of an eye, we appear on Jungkook's bed. "Okay let's go say hi." I make my way downstairs. With my dear friend in my arms. 

"Jungkook! I want to introduce you to someone." I enter the living at the speed of light. He looks at me with confusion. 

"Who?" I stand in front of him as he sits on the couch. 

"Say hi to my best friend Ali." I hold out Ali to him. Jungkook just stares at it then back at me. 

"This is just a stuff animal." My eyes widen at his words. 

Wishing For A Genie |J.JK X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now