Chapter 35

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Jungkook's POV

Seeing Y/N asleep in my room on the chair closest the window stirs curiosity in me. What is she so anxious about? Is it really about her sister? I grab some clean clothes and my towel and head over to the bathroom. I lock the door and place my clean clothes on the sink table. I start the shower, letting the water warm up. 

"I can't believe I'm about to enter my last year of high school. I don't even know what college I want to apply to yet, or even do with my life," I pile up my dirty clothes and enter the shower. 

"Maybe I can be an IT technician or even a game designer," Just the pure thought of working with games in a high business setting makes me excited. I clean my self until I feel satisfied. I turn off the water and exit the shower. I grab my towel and dry my hair before wrapping it around my waist. 

As I was about to turn to face the sink I hear a soft giggle. My heart stops, causing my blood to go cold. I quickly turn around and see a woman who looks freakishly like Y/N. The only difference is that she has forest green eyes and hair. My instant reaction causes me to hold my towel tighter and step back a bit. 

"W-w-w-" I couldn't even say a word so she spoke. 

"My my my. Look who we have here," She sits on the sink counter. Legs crossed and eyes all on me. "I think we caught a good one today. One thing my sister was always good at was choosing men."

"W-what d-do you w-w-want?" Fear fills me. The look in her eyes doesn't sit well me and the fact that she looks like Y/N confuses me a bit. 

She just laughs and jumps off the table. She walks over to me until we are about 6 inches apart. A huge grin forms on her face. "Can't a girl have some fun without wanting something in return?" 

I stay quiet, not sure what to say. Just like her presence here, with a quick snap of her finger and she was gone. 

After the incident in the bathroom, I head back to my room after I finished changing and lock the door. "Ah, Jungkook what's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost."

I jump from the voice and look behind me. I let out a sigh as I realize that it is just Y/N.

You can say that again. "Oh, um...I just wanted to hurry and put my clothes away so I can head down and have breakfast already." She knows I'm lying but doesn't press forward. 

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that. I haven't even warped up something for any of us to eat." She stands up from the chair and disappears without a trace. 

I look over at Chinsun who is still sound asleep. She's so young that she won't remember any of this. That's good for her. No memories of our parents' abuse or the smell of drugs and alcohol. I sit on the edge of my bed and ponder. 

Why does any of this have to happen to me? Why couldn't I have had a normal life with normal parents who don't abuse their kids? 

I look down at my hand. The palm lays a scar. Not too big; not too small. Enough to be seen and questioned. 

The day I tried to defend myself from my father. How stupid I was to think that I ever could. 

I hold my shoulders remembering my past. 

The day I was attacked by a freaken ape. Whoever thought that such a thing would happen to me? Those foul creatures. Reminds me of my father. 

I then hold out my hand and look at the ring on my finger. A small smile finds its way on my face. 

The day I was saved by a Genie and had my life turned upside down. These are the days I will never forget. The day I had a new meaning in life. A new reason to live again.  

I stand up from my bed and pick up Chinsun. She needs to eat. I walk out of my room and begin to hear two females fight. I stop at the top of the stair and try to listen in. 

"That's the good thing about not being a Genie, I don't have to be anyone's little slave like you," That must be the sister. 

"Oh shut up. You say you aren't anyone's slave yet last I heard you were trying to start a whole new era where people sell drugs. And from the amount of time I've been away, you probably have already done that. Doing people's dirty work."

"Hey, don't hate because I was able to change the world and offer something you couldn't. Imagine the world without the mafia and the wonderful world of illegal drugs." 

"And imagine a world without a Genie like you. Oh, wait I can, because the Elders never deemed you worthy enough to be one," Burn.

I slowly walk down the stairs getting a better view of the commotion. Y/N and her sister are in the kitchen. Y/N is cooking while her sister stands next to her, fuming from her ears. Literally fuming.

Y/N just stares her down. She must have hit a soft spot. But that would mean that Y/N's sister isn't a Genie like her but like Mrs. Hwang. Could she be jealous of Y/N? 

"Look here sister of mine. I may not have been deemed worthy like you, but at least I was able to leave my mark here, my reign, in a place where you are nothing but a servant. You serve in my world now so don't start becoming cocky with me. I made the people you see on the news, while you serve these people. How can I be jealous over something so pathetic as that?"

I am not going to lie, but the way she makes that sound seems very true. I just can't remember her name. Ernie, Aerith, Erie, man I can't remember.

"And I agree with you." 

You do? "You do?" 

"Yes, but listen very closely Eris because I don't want to have to repeat myself. You never created what you say you have. On the contrary, you only enhanced it. Enhancing a power structure that was weak. I know because I was there. Way before you even thought of doing something like the mafia and the cartels, I already heard the whispers of such thing. I watched as children and adults begin to do horrendous activities. But, in the end, I am the one who helped keep the society calm and safe while no one even knows about your existence. You say you aren't jealous yet every time I see you, you always talk bad about OUR society. And you even say you reign in this world when the people in this world only talk, write and even entertain the thought of a granting Genie. The Genie realm gave you a purpose, you didn't want it. Now you are off searching in another route where all you do is harm. So don't hate on me that I have a purpose that mother and father were so joyous about. I can't help that you hated them for not being more happy for you. I would have done anything for you but not anymore. You say your not jealous yet you reak of envy. That's the only reason why your eyes are green. That's all you see anyways." 

With that Y/N sets all the food on the table and sits down. I'm speechless. 

"So, if you want to play games then go ahead. After all, I am immortal, unlike you." Eris snarls at her and sits down as well. 

"You may have won this round, but I will get a home run next time."

What have I gotten myself into?

A/N: Thank you for reading!!! I hope you enjoy. Feel free to drop a comment and a vote. It lets me know that you are enjoying this book and story so far!!!! Have a wonderful week💙

Also I am so happy for SHINee and SHAWOLS. Its been a long 11 years but we stay strong. 💙💙💙💙💙 I'm proud to be a part of this amazong Fandom!!! 11 years of SHINee and 9 years with them and SHAWOLS💙💙💙 Congrats SHINee 💙💙💙💙💙

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