Chapter 57

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I really didn't want to go to Kyle's again. Everyone in the Click house was being more secret the closer the weekend. I needed to go to his house and I was crying on the way there. I thought about crashing the car but I needed to get there or else everything would just get 100% worse.

Lannan's POV

The plan was being put into play. We all followed Y/N and parked our cars in a parking lot a few miles away. We all went in separate ways.  We all thought we would be safe but I guess not.

Kath's POV

I was scared to go out on my own way without Marcus or any of them. I was getting closer to her. I could feel it. All of a sudden I saw her car drive by and park in the lot close by. I saw the building she walked into. I saw it!! I tried to run back but then when I turned around someone was there.

???: What do you think you're doing?

I screamed and everything went black. 

Marcus's POV

I heard Kath scream and I got alarmed. I knew the boys did too. I moved back and then someone hit me. I looked back again and saw Elliott.

Marcus: Holy shit! Elliott! You scared the shit out of me!

Elliott: What about me! Did you hear Kath scream?

Marcus: Yes! I got alarmed and moved back to find you!

Elliott: Me too!

We saw Brodey, Lannan, and Nathan running at us. Brodey and Nathan were panicking and Lannan was silent. I knew he was up to something. He had a tear in his eye and gave me a look that I had no idea what it meant.

Brodey: We saw something!!

Nathan: It was dressed in all black!!

All of a sudden Lannan is knocked out by a bat and then everyone else besides me. I tried hitting them but then I got knocked out too. It didn't take me long to wake up and we all were tied to chairs and I saw Kath awake. I was so happy. She was panicking.

Kath: Please! Don't hurt them! Hurt me! They don't deserve it! Don't hurt Y/N!!

Marcus: Don't hurt her! I need her!

Kath: Marcus!!

Marcus: Kath!! I missed you!

Kath: Me too Marcus!! I love you and never want to lose you!

???: Shut the fuck up there is sex going on!

Marcus: What the fuck-

I got knocked out again! Fuck!!

Lannan's POV

I woke up and everyone is looking at me. I'm on the very right next to Elliott. Next to Elliott is Nathan, then Brodey, then Kath and Marcus. I say Kyle standing in front of me.

Kyle: So I've seen you've been having fun??

Lannan: Who'd I kill?!

Kyle: Oh...You mean my best friend!!


Kyle: Well then have fun getting out of there.

He went into a room and I heard Y/N!!! He was trying to fuck her!! I tried breaking out with everyone watching me. After a while Elliott said something.

Elliott: It's useless Lannan.

Lannan: I know.

I get upset I can't do anything and started crying.

Nathan: It's going to be okay Lannan. We'll all get out of her.

Lannan: It's not that, I've been telling a lie to you. All of you.

Nathan: What do you mean??

Lannan: I like your sister.

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