Chapter 36

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After the call with Nathan and Kath we decided to go have some fun for the last day we would fully be alone. (not that kind of fun you dirty minded people, that's later😏) We went out for a drive and we went to a party, but after a few minutes we hated it and then left. We laughed about it and then we did some other stuff. Lastly we went out for dinner together. We laughed a lot and told lots of stories, the happier ones of course. We decided we could drink and he got drunk so I had to drive us home. He fell asleep in the car. He looked so cute. I carried him inside and he woke up when I placed him on the couch. I grabbed the bag of weed we put on the counter a few days ago and started smoking it.

Lannan: Y/N don't smoke inside. When everyone gets back they might smell it.

Y/N: Fuck it. We'll clean up the house tomorrow. Or is it that you want some too?

Lannan: A little bit of both.

He said that with a smirk on his face. I handed him a joint and he smoked it. We said we would only do one each so that we would have less cleaning to do in the morning. We decided to go take showers and then watch a movie.

Lannan's POV

I went to my room to go take a quick shower because I wanted to get everything ready for her. I got out and got dressed into some new clothes. I was about to walk out of my room until I heard a voice behind me that I recognized. My ex girlfriend.

Ex Girlfriend: I heard Elliott shot himself.

Lannan: How do you know about that?

Ex Girlfriend: I have my ways. Have you chosen to be mine yet?

Lannan: I would never date someone I hate. It sucked dating you.

She attacked me and tide me up with the two ropes she had. I screamed to try to get Y/N attention. She came in and punched her in the face. She was awesome. Her beat the shit out of her. I had tears running down my face quietly because I was scared of my ex. She always want me to have sex with her when I didn't want to. Then she would tie me to the bed and hold a knife to my throat if I didn't. Y/N came up to me and cut the ropes They were put on so tight that they left marks.

Y/N: Lannan, are you alright?

Lannan: It hurts where she tied me up and I'm scared but otherwise I'm fine.

Y/N: I will get some ice to reduce the swelling. You can go sit on the couch and relax.

Lannan: Do you want me to help get the snacks?

Y/N: It's fine. I will get it. You focus on relaxing.

Lannan: Okay then.

We left my room and she walked over to the freezer and grabbed some ice packs. She handed them to me and I looked up at her. My ex gave her a black eye.

Lannan: Y/N!! You have a black eye!

Y/N: I'm fine Lannan. You worry about yourself.

Lannan: Let me help you Y/N. You've helped me so much it's the least I could do.

Y/N: Okay fine.

 I walked her over to the bathroom and grabbed a towel and got some water to clean the little bit of blood off. When the wet towel came contact with her face she flinched and her eyes watered.

Lannan: Shh, shh, you're going to be okay.

I wiped her tears with my thumb and looked into her eyes. I could see the fear in them. She was scared. I sat her down and talked to her.

Lannan: Y/N, talk to me. What's wrong?

Y/N: I'm scared of what happened to you will happen to me. I've been hearing banging on the window and it's really scary. It's only been when I sleep.

Lannan: Sleep with me. I'll protect you. Forever.

She hugged me so tight. I loved it. I clean all of the blood off. I didn't know what do to with th bruise.

Lannan: What should we do about the bruise? Nathan may get mad and think I did it to you.

Y/N: Would you ever?

Lannan: Never! I love you!!

Y/N: I love you too. I will put make up on in the morning before they get here.

Lannan: But you look beautiful without it.

Y/N: Aww thanks Lannan but I really don't. I'm just doing it to cover the bruise up.

Lannan: Okay. Wanna go sit on the couch?

Y/N: Yeah lets go.

 I picked her up and brought her to the couch. She was laughing the whole way. After a few hours of watching more Game Of Thrones she wanted to go to bed.

Y/N: Are you tried yet Lannan?

Lannan: Yeah are you?

Y/N: Yeah.

Lannan: Wanna go to bed?

Y/N: Yeah but to you want to in Elliott's bed. It my be our last chance.

Lannan: Yeah lets go.

I carried her to Elliott's room and placed her on the bed under the covers. I climbed in after her. She leaned her head against my chest and to be honest I loved it so much.

Lannan: I love you Y/N.

Y/N: I love you too Lannan.

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