Chapter 35

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Kath's POV

I was terrified when Elliott held up the gun. I thought he was going to kill us. I was crying my eyes out when he shot himself. I tried to cover up the wound as much as possible. Marcus was trying to comfort me as much as he could but it wasn't working. Brodey was on the phone with 000 trying to get someone to come as quick as possible.  I saw the scars he had. I was able to hear the sirens outside. They had to come in and take Elliott to the hospital to try to get the bullet out of his wrist. Brodey and Marcus were going with Elliott to the hospital in the ambulance. Me and Nathan were going in one of our cars. He was looking out the window with tears in his eyes. 

Kath: Nathan, are you okay?

Nathan: I let this happen to him. I should have stayed with him or at least brought him with me. 

Kath: We all make mistakes Nathan it's okay.

Nathan: What is he dies. It would be my fault.

Kath: He wouldn't. He's in good care. He'll be fine.

Nathan: What if he's not fine?

Kath: He will be Nathan. And it's not your fault.

Nathan: Okay. We should get going. 

Kath: First can we call Lannan and Y/N. They need to now he's in the hospital.

Nathan: I have the feeling he is going to try and come though. He might think it is his fault.

Kath: What do you want to do if he does?

Nathan: We'll think about it if he does.

Kath: We leave soon anyway. We leave the day after tomorrow right?

Nathan: Yeah. Let's call him now.

Kath: Okay let's do it

Lannan's POV

I was sitting on the couch watching Game of Thrones. I was hear Y/N breathing as she slept. She was so peaceful. I wish she was mine. As I was looking at her with a smile on my face, she woke up because she heard my phone ring. Nathan was calling and he never calls me unless it's really important. Y/N sat up and I answered the call.

Lannan: Hey Cray! What's going on?

Kath: There is something we need to tell you but you're going to be really upset.

Lannan: Who's it about?

Nathan: Elliott.

Y/N: Umm..... okay what is it?

Kath: Elliott is in the hospital.

Y/N: OMG!! I'm so sorry! How?! What did he do?!

Nathan: We all watched it. We don't have a lot of time because we need to leave the hotel because we need to get there, but he shot himself.

I instantly burst into tears. I felt so bad. It was because of me. I knew it! We shouldn't have told them until they got back!

Kath: LANNAN!! Calm down! He's going to be fine!

Nathan: He won't die! He's in good hands!

I couldn't stop. My best friend shot himself. I finally got myself together and tried to talk.

Lannan:  Can I come?

Kath: We are coming home from the trip right when he can leave. Don't worry.

Lannan: Okay. I will try not to. Love you guys.

Kath and Nathan: Love you too! Bye!

Y/N and Lannan: Bye!

We ended the call. I was sad but I stopped crying thinking he would be okay.


I was sad but I was crying on the inside. I was just thinking about Lannan. I felt different around him than I did with the others. I felt special. I felt loved. I knew the others loved me but I knew this was a different kind of love. He was always nice to me.

Y/N: Hey Lannan. Can I ask you something?

Lannan: Of course you can.

Y/N: How much do you love me?

Lannan: I would go to the moon and back for you. You are my treasure- the most precious thing in my life. With you, forever isn't long enough. I don't even want to think about what life would be like without you. You make my life complete. I need you Y/N.

Him saying that made my heart melt.

Y/N: I need you too Lannan. My life would be incomplete if it weren't for you.

I started to cry into his shoulder. I liked Lannan Eacott.

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