Chapter 17

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I felt so bad for him. Elliott could tell. I knew I gave him the look that I wanted to talk later. We drove for hours and there was still no sight of him. He was not on the streets. I thought he was in the woods and I knew I had to say something. Elliott and Nathan were already asleep.

Y/N: Are you guys getting tired yet??

Marcus: I'm not, why do you ask?

Y/N: He may not even be on the streets.He  could be in the woods.

Brodey: I never thought about that!

Kath: Poor Lannan. I feel like this is all my fault.

Marcus: It's not baby.

Kath: I really feel like it is.

Y/N: I feel like it's my fault. I influenced him. He followed what I did.

Brodey: What about Elliott?

Marcus: It's no one's fault.

Kath started crying and no one had any idea why. Marcus pulled over the car at a gas station and they stepped outside They walked to around the store to a spot where Brodey and I couldn't see them. I had no idea what they were doing.

Marcus's POV

I felt so bad for Kath that I wanted to talk with her privately. I knew that she was feeling upset.. I could tell always in her eyes.

Marcus: Are you okay baby? Seeing you upset is going to make me cry.

Kath: I still feel like this is my fault. I feel like I caused this to happen.

Marcus: You didn't babe.

Kath: I did.

Marcus: You didn't.

She started crying again. I looked dead into her eyes. I saw the pain she was feeling. I felt what she felt. I then felt like it was my fault.

Marcus: I did.

Kath: You didn't.

Marcus: I did. I didn't get to the hospital in time. He ran away because he was alone. Now he's lost and we've been out here for hours and he's no where to be seen.

I watched Kath's eyes fill up with tears and one fall down her cheek. I wiped it away. I started to feel tears on my face. We both looked into each other's eyes.

Kath's POV

I looked into his eyes. I suddenly really wanted to kiss him but I didn't know if he wanted to. I just wanted to say fuck it. He leaned closer to me and I leaned closer to him. I felt his lips meet mine. I felt my back hit a wall but it wasn't hard. We started making out. We were lucky no one else was back there. We were making out for like 2 minutes. We both pulled away and we looked into each other's eyes with happiness. I realized that Brodey and Y/N were going to ask us what we were doing.

Kath: What are Brodey and Y/N going to say?

Marcus: They'll probably just ask us what we were doing and we can just tell them we weren't doing anything or we can say that it is none of there business.

Kath: Wanna go again?

Marcus: Hell yeah I do.

Y/N's  POV

What the fuck?! Where are Kath and Marcus?

Y/N: Have you seen where Kath and Marcus went?

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