Chapter 41

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Kath's POV

I had a black eye and a busted open lip. I was socking wet and wanted to die. I saw the cops and went behind a tree so they wouldn't see me. I didn't want to get them into it. I was walking home and listening to music we a car drove by get me more wet. I went to the store to get something to cover up my eye. I couldn't cover my lip so I just decided to cover it with my hand when I get home. I got a patch for my left eye. It look like a pirates eye patch, black and was soft. The store clerk asked me some questions.

Store Clerk: Why are you buying the eye patch and have a black eye?

Kath: I am doing a cost play and this is just make up.

Store Clerk: Okay then mam.

I got my stuff and starting walking home. On the way home I saw a bench and took a rest. I started crying and talked to myself because no one was around.

Kath: It's all over. I can't. I can't. I hate it. I---I hate it.

I continued to walk home. I put the eye patch on about 5 minutes away from home. I covered my lip also because of the security cameras. When I walked in they were all watching a movie and looked to me. 

Y/N: Kath! Where have you been?! I was so worried!!

Kath: I run away and was planning on not coming back but then something stopped me.

Marcus: Why were you not planning on coming back?

Kath: I'll tell you later.

Brodey: Why not now?

Kath: Because I'm not ready to tell anyone yet. I need to let it settle in.

Elliott: Let what settle in?!?!

Kath: THE PAIN!!!

Lannan: The pain of what?!


I ran off to my room. I heard knocking at my door. Then I hear Y/N's voice. I walked to the door letting her in. She shut the door behind her. We sat down on mine and Marcus's bed.

Y/N: What's been going on Kath?

Kath: I can't tell you.

Y/N: Why? 

Kath: Because it's hard to.

I started to cry and Y/N hugged me. I wanted to tell her but I didn't know how she was going to react. I still had the eye patch and my hand covering my face so she wouldn't see.

Y/N: You can tell me anything Kath. I will understand.

Kath: Well.... I was walking and listening to music until I had the thought of someone being behind me. I looked back to see a creepy old guy following me. He grabbed me so tight and wouldn't let me go. He took me to his house and through me onto the couch. He told me to love him and when I said no he hit me until I got away. I went to the store to buy stuff to cover it up.

I uncovered my face and she freaked out. She saw my black eye and lip.

Y/N: Did he touch you sexually? 

Kath: Yeah.

I burst into tears. She hugged me for a minute until she talked again.

Y/N: You can tell me anything Kath. I know the feeling. I want to be here to help you. What did he exactly do to you??

Kath: He hit me until I couldn't feel it. He also sexually harassed and assaulted me. He didn't rape me, I don't think.

Y/N: Are you going to tell anyone else?

Kath: I can't cover it up forever so at some point I'm going to have to.

Y/N: You should tell them instead of letting them find out on there own.

Kath: I guess so. Is it okay if I tell them all later?

Y/N: Yeah that's fine but can I talk to you about something?

Kath: Yeah sure.I

Y/N: Is there something going on between you and Marcus ?

Kath: I haven't really talked to him in days. He's been acting weird and I don't know why. I wanna talk to him but I'm scared.

Y/N: Want me to go get him?

At that moment someone knocked on the door.

Lannan: It's just me Lannan!  I want to talk to you! Kath?! Y/N?!

Y/N looked at me and I nodded at her letting her know that Lannan could come in. I covered up my eye and lip so he wouldn't see even though I was going to tell him anyway.

Lannan: Kath, I've been worried about you. You're starting to scare me.

Kath: All girls scare you Lannan.

Lannan: I know but not like that. What's been going on?

I again uncovered my eye and lip and Lannan looked upset about something but I didn't know what.

Lannan: What happened Kath?!

I told him the story and he asked the same thing Y/N asked.

Lannan: When are you going to tell everyone else??

Kath: I don't know. I'm a little scared to tell them because of how they are going to react.

Lannan: I haven't seen you talk to Marcus in a while.W

When he mentioned Marcus I burst into tears. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I didn't tell Y/N this part. They part about Marcus.

Y/N: What's wrong Kath?!

Kath: I haven't talked to Marcus!

Lannan: Why?!

Kath: H-He's been acting weird and I don't know why and I need to talk to him and I don't know how.

Y/N: Want us to go get him?

Kath: Yes please. And when you get back can I talk to him alone?

Lannan: Of course you can.

I cried when they lefted. I love Marcus but I don't think he loves me. I had no idea what I was goig to say to him.

Marcus: Kath?! Are you okay?!

I didn't even cover my face. As soon as he saw me he burst into tears.

Marcus: Kath!! What happened?!

I told him the story and felt so bad I could tell in his tone of voice.

Kath: Can I talk to you about something?

Marcus: You can talk to me about anything.

Kath: Do you still love me like you always have?

Marcus: YES!! I love you to the moon and back! I would die for you! I would lie for you! Why would you think that?!

Kath: You've been acting weird lately and I don't know why?

Marcus: I had the thought of losing you and then when you went out for a walk we talked for a little longer before they all walked out. I sat there thinking of losing you. I cried until I heard Lannan and Nathan get into a fight over Y/N I went upstairs and dealt with it. I love you Kath and never want to let you go.

Kath: I love you too Marcus.

We talked for a few minutes before walking out and went to our room. I sat on the bed with Marcus and he kissed me. Let's just say we got to a little more than kissing....(they fucked)

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