Chapter 20

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I was standing there with the door open. I could tell they knew I was crying. I saw fear in all of there eyes. There was one thing I forgot though, I was holding a razor and a knife in my hands from cutting myself. I don't think any of them saw it so that was good. I looked at Nathan thinking he would say something.

Nathan: Y/N, we need to talk.

Y/N: About what?

I acted like I didn't know what it was but I did. It was going to be about me and probably something about Lannan. All of the lights were off in my room so it was darkness behind me and there was only one light on where they were standing.

Nathan: About what just happened.

Y/N: I don't want to.

Elliott: You should. We could help you if you do.

Y/N: Okay fine.

I walked back into my room and they followed. Lannan didn't say a word. He was probably scared he would fuck something up. Elliott was the last one to walk in so he shut the door. I turned on a light but it wasn't very bright. I didn't want them to see my face. I knew he was going to treat me  like I was a little girl but I liked it because my childhood was filled with stress.

Nathan: What do you think just happened?

Y/N: I don't know.

Nathan: What were you thinking about?

Y/N: Everyone in Click and me. I feel like I shouldn't have agreed to come and live here for a while. I should just find my own place. I've influenced bad shit onto others and now they felt the pain I felt my whole life. I know it's bad but I haven't been able to stop for less than 2 months and you know that. Even when I had Kyle. I hate bringing him up because I know you all hate him. I guess it was just another mental breakdown.

Nathan: It's getting bad again. Where did you go earlier?

Y/N: I'm not telling you.

Nathan: Why?

Y/N: Because it's embarrassing.

Elliott: It won't be Y/N. Were always going to be here for you.

Y/N: I went to go see a therapist because of all of the recent stress with Kyle.

I saw Lannan's face. He had tears in his eyes. I started crying and Elliott and Nathan gave me a hug and I hugged them back. As I was hugging them, I remembered I was still holding the razor and the knife and Lannan saw it. He grabbed them from me but I didn't say anything because I didn't want Elliott or Nathan to know. Then he finally said something.

Lannan: I'm going to use the bathroom. Y/N, can I use yours quickly?

Y/N: Yeah sure. It's right there.

Lannan: Okay thanks.

He walked in and I noticed he still was holding the knife and razor. Maybe he was putting them away. I hope. I turned back to Nathan and Elliott so they could continue talking.

Nathan: Y/N, I just want to let you know that you can come talk to me or Elliott if you need anything or just someone to talk too. You can also talk to anyone else in the house.

Y/N: Okay. I will next time.

Elliott: I just want to say that we all care about you and if we lost you, we would lose so much.

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