Chapter 27

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Lannan's POV

I walked back to my room. I really didn't want to get sick. Not before E3. I really wanted to go. I went to my room and laid down onto my bed and ate. I started to cough after so I went to get some. I took it and then I really didn't feel good. I never threw up so I was fine. Tomorrow was the day before E3 and I really hoped I could go.

The next day...

I really didn't feel good and tomorrow we get on the plane to go to E3. Fuck. I really didn't want to be sick. It sucks. I went to eat and no one was in the kitchen. People started coming in after I was in, but it wasn't right after. After I ate I felt like I was going to be sick. I told everyone I was going to use the bathroom. I threw up. I knew I would need to tell everyone I couldn't go. I kinda wanted to cry. I came out and everyone looked at me. I don't think they knew I threw up. I had to tell them now.

Brodey: Lannan, are you okay?

Lannan: I can't go to E3.

Marcus: Why?

Lannan: I think I'm sick.

Y/N: Come here.

Lannan: Okay.

I followed her to my room. I didn't know what she was going to do.

Y/N: Lay down.

I did as she said. She took my temperature. She said it was 103.6 F. 

Y/N: Shit. You need to stay home for a few days.

Lannan: It's fine.

Y/N: You stay here. I'm going to talk to everyone else and then come talk to you.

Lannan: Okay.


I felt really bad for him. He had to miss E3. When I got upstairs everyone looked at me.

Kath: What did you do?

Y/N: I put him to bed. His temperature was 103.6

Nathan:  Poor guy.

Elliott: He really wanted to go too.

I felt so bad for him. I wish I could just make him better.

Brodey: Can we talk to him?

Y/N: Yeah

We went to his room and he was on his phone. He looked up at me and smiled. He was really cute sometimes. 

Elliott: Sorry about you being sick Lannan.

Lannan: It's fine. Maybe I will get the chance to get to know a little more about Y/N.

I smiled at the thought that he was thinking of me. We all talked for hours in his room. They all needed to make videos so they went off. I wanted to hang out with Lannan but he needed to sleep and I wanted it to just be us two, without any interruptions.

Later that day, I helped them all pack for the trip. I told them all to go to bed and then I put them all to bed. I tried to sleep but I just couldn't. I heard Lannan crying so I went to his room.

Y/N: Lannan, are you okay?

Lannan: No.

He spoke softy. He was curled up in a ball on his bed. I came over and sat next to him.

Y/N: What's going on?

Lannan: It hurts.

Y/N: What hurts?

Lannan: Everything.

Y/N: The night will go by Lannan. I promise. What are you feeling?

Lannan: I feel super alone.

Y/N: Want me to sleep with you?

Lannan: Yeah.

I got into his bed and cuddled with me. After a few minutes I noticed he fell asleep. I decided I didn't want to leave so I just fell asleep next to him.

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