{Jamilton} "Get back in bed, you're not healed yet!" (70)

Start from the beginning

"Oh my gosh," the driver ran over to me in worry, other people pulling over and someone already calling 911.  "Are you okay?"

I opened my mouth to speak, words caught in the back of my throat.  I felt like I was suffocating.  

Soon enough, officers and ambulances showed up on the scene, taking me away as the police talked to the semi-truck driver.  It must've been my fault for the crash.  Everything was my fault from Eliza cheating on me to driving into a semi to almost die.  

Maybe I could die from this. 


I didn't die.  

Eliza stood at the foot of my bed when I woke up, light brown eyes full of tears.  "Alex," she murmured, running over to me and holding my hand.  

I quickly snatched my hand away, an icy glare settling on her.  "You cheated on me, with Maria."

Eliza was shocked by this sudden outburst, her tears finally falling.  "How do you-"

"I heard you on the phone," I told her half of the truth, looking away from her.  

She became quiet as John came in, his nurse uniform looking quite clean, like he hadn't been working all day.  "How are you feeling?" he asked as he walked in, smiling when he knew I was awake.  

"Fine," I replied, looking at the hazel eyes of my best friend.  "Is Herc or Laf here?"

"They're still on vacation.  They know you've been hurt, so they're cutting their vacation short and trying to get tickets back here," John explained, fixing something on one of the machines that's attached to me.  "Do you feel any pain?"

"Only in my heart," I murmured, glancing at the brunette girl before looking back at John, who shared a sad smile with me.  "No pain, that I notice.  What's broken?"

"Well," he pulled out an x-ray of my ribs.  "You broke three ribs, and your leg is very scratched up.  You hit your head, but it was barely anything to worry about.  Other than that, you got through without too bad of injury.  You're lucky."

I couldn't seem to die.

Eliza stepped up.  "George Washington is here with a few co-workers."

I wanted to tell Eliza that I loved her, maybe we could work things out between us.  It hurts, but I love her.  I can't let her go.  

None of those words spilled from my mouth, silence around the room.  "I'll go get them," she murmured, walking out of the room without glancing at me.  

I put my head in my hands and rubbed my face tiredly.  "Eliza told me what happened," John said.  "I can't believe she would do that."

I didn't reply, Washington walking in with a softened expression on his face.  "Son."

"Not your son," I mumbled.

"How are you feeling?" he sat down in the chair near the bed I was laying on.  

"Fine," I shrugged, now sitting up.  I scrunched my face up in pain as little shocks of pain flowed from my ribs down my spine to my leg.  "Ow."

John rushed over, holding medicine and a glass of water.  "Drink," he ordered, making me take the medicine and drink the water.  

Washington looked at John for answers, not wanting to ask me.  I placed the glass down on a table and gazed at Washington.  "Who else is here?"

"Aaron is here with Hercules.  Lafayette is out there, as well.  James forced Jefferson to come," Washington explained.  

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