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"Emilia!!" Emilio called out for me as he opened the door and walked up to me..
"Sorry to interrupt you.. I came to drop Castilo off.." he explained
"Oohhh!! Hope you had a great time together??" I asked
"Of course we did.. Surprisingly, he called me dad today" Emilio exclaimed happily..
"Am glad to hear that!! He's finally accepting you as his father.. you'll be a great dad"
"Won't I also be a great husband??" he countered back at me closing the gap between us..
"You'll!!" I whispered
"Let me in.. Emilia!!" he murmured in my ear and I shivered within me..
I pushed him away from me and he looked hurt..
"Why??" he asked
"Why torture me.. You're punishing me for a crime I know nothing of..
I may have hurt you but it's all in the past..
Let by gones be by gones..
Let's start afresh..
Marry me Emilia..
Make me the happiest man on Earth..
Marry me please??" he whispererd in my ear as he tightened his grib on me..
What came out of my mouth shocked Emilio that his grib on me loosened..

Looking at him, I knew he wanted me to say yes to him but I can't, at least not now. I know everything is over now but the times when he connived with my enemies to kill me is still fresh in my mind.
"I don't think you'll be a great husband Emilio..."
He was super shocked and he released his hold on me..
"You don't trust me, you don't even understand me the way Ardo does"
At the mention of his name, I saw his face flash with jealousy and I chuckled... A thought also dropped in my heart. Love and be loved... Before I could say any other thing he walked away clearly hurt by my words...
"You have to work for my heart if you desperately want it" I yelled. He stopped and turned.
"Really?" I could feel the excitement in his voice
"Like you're willing to give me a chance if I can work for it?"
I nod my head slowly. He rushed to me and engulfed me in a tight hug. Thanking me profusely. All I could do was feel contempted since I know that Ardo will be smiling at me right now..


The past few months have been hilarious..
Filled with thrilling and unexpected events especially from Alejandro and Ann..
As for our comic Alejandro..
He turned into a slave just to win Ann's heart but all his attempt have been fruitless and have yeilded no result..

Because, Ann was strangely cold towards the whole family members most especially towards Alejandro..
She barely talks to anyone..
Doesn't give a damn about us..
It felt like the whole family was splitting apart..
Though we loved and cared for each other but it felt incomplete with Ann..
She was like the head of the family..
And without her we're nothing..
But things slowly fell into place..
I failed to understand her attitude towards us her family until a few days back I earsdropped on Ann's conversation..
At first I thought she was talking with someone on the phone but drawing closer to her..
I saw clearly that she was watching a video clip Edwardo left for her..
I've never seen her so vulnerable before..
She broke down in tears..
All the pain.. Anger.. Hatred she conceived in her heart was unveiled..
Despite though Edwardo was dead..
He was still able to unveil her mask..
He was able to prove to her how weak and scared she was .
He also told her that she was afraid to commit into a relationship because she was scared of losing what she holds dear to her..
I don't really understand what Edwardo meant but whatever he said Ann clearly understood his message...
He said alot of things but his words got deep into her..
I've failed to understand her but my brother understood her...
He knew the true Ann..
He was able to unveil her true identity..
A part of her I never knew existed..
Like he called her..
'The broken girl who sacrificed her everything for those she loved and for what she treasured most.. Her family..
Who haddened her heart towards those she loved.."
I felt her pain..
I understood her fears..
After that day..
Her attitude towards us and Alejandro changed..
She spent time with us..
Sometimes she organised a picnic or a small dinner party..
Our house became lively again..
She stopped ignoring Alejandro's advances towards her ..
She accepted his request to go on a date with him..
I can confidently say that she's gonna give him a second chance..
Poor dude..
He was slowly turned into a slave for love...
I heard loud screaming.. Drifting me from my thoughts..
And I rushed downstairs as I found Alejandro lifting Ann in joy..
And met an unfamiliar man standing next to my husband..
"She accepted!!!"Alejandro shouted as he noticed my presence.. He slowly dropped Ann to her feat and I hugged her happily..
"I can hear the wedding song from afar!!!"I shouted happily..
"Sis.. Meet my best friend lasse"Ann spoke to me and Alejandro walked away heading towards the wine bar..
Smiling like he just won a trophy..
He literally, just won a trophy..
He won my sister heart for the second time..
"Nice to finally meet you.. Lasse"I spoke up and he embraced me briefly..
"I'm glad I finally met you.. I've heard alot about you.."he said and I chuckled..
But strangely, I haven't...
"The wine is finally here.. let's cheers!!!"my husband spoke up handing me a wine glass filled with wine..
And he pecked my lips softly..

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now