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I lazily opened my eyes. The walls looked the same which means am still confined in the same room..
I turned around slowly and I noticed some hospital equipments. Someone swung the door open and I shut my eyes tightly.. Am gonna flee at any chance I get...
The person who came in seemed to be a Nurse.. She kept on examining me so, I opened my eyes secretly.. I saw a tray with syringes and a pack of blood.. I stressed forth my hand and grabbed hold of the syringe.. I removed the needle inserted on my hand..
"Miss.. What are you doing.. You.." I interrupted her by spinning her around, pulling her closer to me forcefully applying much energy.. I Pierced the syringe slightly on her neck .
"If I Pierce this syringe deeper you would surely lose your life.. You must not raise any alarm.. Do you understand me" I said breathing heavily..
"I can't disobey his orders.. He will wipe out my entire family with just one phone call.. Am sorry Miss but am helpless.." the Nurse replied.. How the hell am I gonna convice her without hurting her and her family..
"I won't hurt you but please don't raise any alarm.. i promise you" I requested nicely and she nod in agreement.. I released my grib and she let out a deep breath..
"You haven't regain your strength you need to rest" the Nurse advised and I sighed
"I'll give you an injection, it'll make you fall asleep for a while.. You'll feel stronger when you wake up.. There's always one guard on standby at night so be careful. The cctv control room will be free tonight.. That's the best I can do for you.." the Nurse said and I smiled at her giving my approval..
"Thanks.. I would like to know your name please" I requested..
"Sarah and yours??" she muttered
"Emilia Anna Smith" I replied..
"Keep this hair clip with you it might be of help" Sarah suggested giving me the clip and I smiled and closed my eyes...


I woke up feeling better than ever.. All thanks to Sarah. She's indeed a magician.. I tore the bed cover into several pieces,  wrapped some on my foot and hands.. I pulled my shirt and placed it around the CCTV camera quickly.. I glanced down on my dressing. My trouser was torn in several places looking more like a rag.. I hide the Nurse's knifes and scissors in different places.. That's when I recall that I still had a bug on me..
"Ardo!!" I called out..
"I can hear you Mia. I was waiting for your signal since. You really slept for long.. I was becoming worried as several scaring thought ran through my mind.." Ardo said and I smiled..
"I told you that am invicisible.. Emilia Anna Smith is the Goddess of Invicisibility.. I told you to trust me" I said to him
"I did trust you and I'll always trust you Mia" Ardo said and I smiled
"Where's Marc and how's my children coping with my absence?" I asked as I suddenly began to feel uneasy..
"Sandra is taking good care of them.. Marc is sleeping.." Ardo answered
"It's time.. All the best Mia.. Please stay safe.. I'll always be with you.. Promise" Ardo said proudly and I trusted him.. I wish Emilio was able to see the truth in my eyes and how much I loved him, the same way I could see and feel Ardo's love for me.. Too bad our story ended up with so much lies and deciet.. Once again I misjudged you Emilio.. The same way you have misunderstood me.. It's better he hates me.. He won't have to suffer from loneliness after I eventually die. I took a deep breath..
"It's time.. Ardo" I whispered..
I used the clip to unlock the door quietly..
The guard tried to attack me and I stabbed him on the neck with the scissors.. I collected his gun and crossed check the bullets..
"Are you okay?" Ardo asked..
"Am fine but my foot hurts a lot though" I whispered..
'How do I get to the damn exit when I don't know the route around here..?' I questioned myself..
"Hey!!" Someone called from behind me.. I spun around and shot him dead..
"Shit" I sighed as I heard more footsteps approaching.. My gun shot must have attracted them.. I began to run as the footsteps approached closer.. I diverted to my opposite direction and someone shot at me and I swiftly dordged the bullets and pulled out my knife and threw it at him swiftly..
I attempted to divert my direction when someone unexpectedly kicked me hardly.. I staggered and struggled to maintain my balance.. He used this opportunity to punch my stomach.. He attempted to punch my face but I blocked him.. I hit him hard using my head.. He staggered and I used his vulnerability to attack him fearlessly. I kicked him continuously.. I climbed the wall, jumped on top of him and with all my strength I cracked his neck and he fell down lifelessly..
I started to feel dizzy and my breathing  became uneven.. I wanted to sit and relax when they started firing gun shots at me.. I hurried and began to run with my trembling feet..
A gun shot hit me on my leg.. I screamed as it weakened me but I continued to run to an unknown destination, following every route that comes first to my mind.. I just hope I find the exit soon else I'll collapse here.. Another shot aimed at my second feet and I fell down..
"Catch her quickly.. She must not pass through the door.. Else we're finished" the bulldog yelled and I dragged my foot up as they approached closer.. I rolled myself over the edge of the window and closed my eyes shut tightly enduring all the gun shot and pain within me.. Keeping in mind that my freedom lied in this jump..
"Mia.." Ardo yelled my name..
"I won't die today until all my enemies are six feet below the ground" I whispered to him and jumped.
I yelled in pain as I came in contact with the hard tiles.. The security men rushed to me.. I glanced at their uniforms and then I understood that I was held in an airport.. Not even in Prague or Prana but in Mexico..
I'll eliminate you and your son; Bill for all the pain you've caused me and my family when I regain my strength
"Am in Mexico not Prana.. Come to me" I voiced out with my last strength


"Will you stop pacing around?" Marcelo asked me and i hissed.. How can i sit calmly when i haven't heard Mia's voice for three fucking days.. I trust you Mia.. You're my goddess.. Give me a sign.. Wake up Mia.. I love you
"It's frustrating to always hear the Nurse say the patient is not responding to treatment. Her heart is too weak.. She's
not gonna make it.. She may take a year to wake up.. She's faintly responsive now.. She needs more blood.. Her blood is
rare.. We have only two pack left.. All those shit are ringing in my head and am not there beside her where i ought to
be.. It's killing me man" i sighed
"it's hard.. I understand how you feel.. Just keep in mind the good moment you've shared with her.. You'll feel better.." Marc said and i nod my head lazily.. I closed my eyes but all i can think of is her last words ringing in my head..

"Darkness may have consumed my heart for hatred to reside in.. I survived because of my thirst for revenge.. Many has come and gone but none was a match for me.. Some call me goddess of immortality and
Incarnation but i preferred being called invicisible. I may die a thousand time but my span of life will only increase. You may harm me countless time, you're only making me stronger and stronger than any mortal on earth.. For Death has refused me.. Mortuary denies my corpse.. The gatekepper rejected my soul.. Heavens have made me invicisible giving me the chance to seek justice.. I don't succum to my weakness.. Drain my blood.. Trap my soul.. For i'll always be invisible till the creator calls me home to rest"..
'What if her creator has called her to rest?' I asked myself..

"This is not my end but my starting point"..

I suddenly felt her heart beat and my heart throb faster..
"Mia Is alive.. She has woken up" I exclaimed happily..
"How sure are you?" Marcelo asked me
"I felt it.. Am positive.." i said
"you're insane and crazily in love brother" Marc said mockingly.. But i knew my instinct was right.. She's the only one that make my heart beat as fast as it's beating right now.. You won't believe me Marc but am right.. I heard the Nurse's voice but i couldn't comprehend what she was saying.. Until i heard Mia's voice. I thought I was hallucinating until I heard it loud and clear.

"If i pierce this syringe deeper you would surely lose your life.. You must not raise  any alarm.. Do you understand me". Mia asked obviously breathing heavily.. I wanted to say something but Marc gestured me to remain quiet and i nodded my head unwillingly..
"I can't disobey his orders. He will wipe out my entire family with just one phone call" the Nurse replied chokingly..
"I won't hurt you but please don't raise any alarm.. I promise you" Mia requested with her voice sounding weaker..
"You haven't regained your strength.. You need to rest" the Nurse advised but i doubt her intentions..
"I'll give you an injection.. It'll make you fall asleep for a while.. You'll feel stronger when you wake up.. Keep in mind that there's always one guard on standby at night.. The CCTV control room will be free tonight.. That's the best i could do for you.".
The Nurse said.. She shouldn't trust her so easily..
"Thanks.. I would like to know your name.. Please" Mia requested
"Sarah and yours..?"
"Emilia Anna Smith" Mia replied and i punched the wall angrily..
"What if this is a trap?" i raised my voice in anger as Mia's word echoed in my head again..
'Trust in me' and i inhaled a deep sharp breath..


I was going through all the business emails. For the past few days we have been facing challenges and difficulties in the company.I've not been in the right frame of mind to tackle these challenges on my own. Nils have been struggling to keep up with the crisis but couldn't ..
Someone has been threatening our top business clients as most of our shareholders have backed out refusing to patner with Mia's company..
We are currently facing serious financial instability due to the withdrawal of our international clients.. I'm a business genius like Mia but this situation needs only her attention. 
My phone vibrated, i sighed and glanced at the caller's ID.. 'Nils' i hope he has good news for me.
"Hello" Nils said hoarsely.
"How did the meeting go? I hope the board members and the bank officials accepted our request to give us more time?" I asked worriedly
"it's bad news.. We've lost the company.. It was sold to Emilio Roderico" Nils said with a tone of sadness.. My heart missed a bit.. How would Mia handle this news?

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now