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"Please Walter, Get up" I pleaded with him..
But he lay down laughing at me and I fumed in anger
'His life for my son' I reminded myself calming my temper..
I struggled with him as I pulled him forcefully to his feet.. I shoke him angrily and dragged him with me..
"My Queen.. Easy" he said mockingly but I chose to ignore him..
I pushed him behind me as I pulled out my knife and aimed it at the cop rushing towards me. I grabbed hold of his gun and fired back at the cops..
'Lord have mercy on me..'

"Let's go!! Hurry" I dragged him with me and he smirked at me and roamed his hands around my waist. Shameless bastard..
He's flirting with me in this tight situation..
I pulled him trying to hide from the cops but he foolishly unclasped his hand from me..
I rushed towards him to save him but couldn't reach for him as someone hit me from behind and I fall down helplessly and i slowly embraced darkness...

I heard murmuring and small sobs around me.
I lazily opened my eyes and shut it..
Then opened it again as my view became clearer. I glanced around and observed am in a hospital..
Flash back on how I ended up here flooded my mind. I looked at the piercing gaze of my family members..

My whole family was standing before me with different emotions on their sad faces..
Some cheeks were stained with tears..
They can't be so sad that it'll lead to tears because I ended up in a hospital.

Something is wrong!!

Then it hit me!!

'what the hell happened to Walter

"Where's Cassius??" I asked but my voice came out as a whisper..
I raised my head and suddenly felt dizzy..
"Lay back child" grandma carjoled my face but I ignored her..
I pulled out the injection from my hand and hissed in pain..
"Mum!!!" Castilo rushed to me in tears..
"Where's your brother??" I asked him breaking the hug but he burst out in tears and I shivered in pain.. I looked at everyone before me..
They all had one look in common
'A sad face'
I tried to stand up but Emilio grabbed my hand and I raised my gaze at him angrily..
If only looks could kill.. He'll be dead by now..

"Calm down and lay back" his hoarse voice said and I pulled my hands away from his grib..
"Where the hell is my Cassius??" I shouted but they remind silent but someone behind me burst out in tears..
I pushed Emilio away from my view as I stared at Zena in shock..

What is she doing here??

She's supposed to be in England in her heavy condition but lo and behold she's crying before me..

And then I understood their silence..
I suspected it when Castilo rushed to me but refused to believe it..

"My son is dead?" I voiced out in disbelief
Shilla, mom and grandma burst out in Tears..
I shook my head in disbelief and rushed out of the ward..

I ran with all my strength..
I halted as I sighted a body covered with white shit..
I walked slowly towards it as I ignored the voices behind me..
I walked inside the room as I touched the corpse with my shaken hands..

I closed my eyes and removed the cover..
I inhaled and exhaled a deep breath for a while before I snapped my eyes open..

I got the biggest shock of my life..

I stared at the corpse before me..

"Cassius!!!"I yelled..

My heart broke into a million pieces..

Laying lifelessly before me is my precious son whom I failed to protect. I sat down beside his corpse and touched his cold face. Memories we shared flow through my mind..

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now