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"Boss!!"Jon barged in without my permission and I pulled out my gun to kill him but he knelt down raising his hands up...
And I shove my gun inside my pocket..
I gestured him to speak up..
"Queen is back!!!"he shouted and my heart beat increased in joy and in anger..
"My Emilia!!!"I muttered to myself..

I rushed to the dugeon as I came face to face with the only woman that stole my heart..
The lover of my son's murderer..
Tied up in my cell..
Unharmed and helpless..
Just the way I like it..
"Look who I found in my cell.. when the mountain is on fire"
"I was craving to see your sorry ass.. couldn't wait for you to find me as always I came for you.."she replied arrogantly as always..
"Too good to be true.. yet I love the surprise"
"I don't think you'll love it for long.. Let's end this war once and for all..  Am here to pay for my sins.. I take due responsibility for killing your innocent son.."she spat and I pointed my gun at her angrily..
Blood for blood..
"Nice lines.. Take it to the grave!!"I spat grinding my teeth angrily as I pulled the trigger..
Staring deep into her eyes..
I came to the lion's den out of my own free will..
Louis would be disappointed in me but I couldn't risk his safety..
I let Tega's men dragged me to a stinking cell..
This is the worst sucide mission ever..
But so far, no risk no gain..
My family's safety is all that matters to me..
But I won't go down without killing Tega with my bare hands..
I watched as he rushed to my dugeon.. His evil grin widen as he came face to face with me..
There's lust.. Anger.. Revenge and Relieve in his eyes..
And my body reacts to his hard stare..
I look weak..
Tied up in his stinky cell..
Unharmed and helpless..
Just the way he loves it..
It must be a turn on for him..
"Look who I found in my cell.. when the mountain is on fire"he mocked
"I was craving to see your sorry ass.. couldn't wait for you to find me.. as always I came for you.."i replied him arrogantly as always..
I can't help it..
I like being sassy around this devil..
"Too good to be true.. yet I love the surprise"he paused.. His eyes roaming around my body..
And I spoke up
"I don't think you'll love it for long.. Let's end this war once and for all..  Am here to pay for my sins.. I take due responsibility for killing your innocent son.."and he pointed his gun at me angrily..
"Nice lines.. Take it to the grave!!"he spat grinding his teeth angrily as he pulled the trigger aiming at my head..
Staring deep into my eyes..
He tilt the gun down as the bullet hits the chain wrapped around my hands..
Releasing me from boundage...
I looked at him confusely..
And he also looked shocked at me..
Like he wasn't expecting to free me..
He was lost in my eyes..
We share eye contact for a while before one of his men whispered something in his ear and his face harden.
The smile on his face disappeared..
Standing before me is Tega the monster..
A shiver run down my spine at the realization of this beast..
"Bring her along!!"he ordered his men as he turned his back at me.. He halted and stare at me for a while..
"Unharmed!!!"he spoke up Breaking the eye contact and walked away..
And I walked along his armed men as they led me to his garden..
My heart missed a beat as I stare at  Emilio.. Before I looked away glancing at Nils.. Then to Marcelo and finally my eyes landed on my son..
I glanced up at Walter and he winked at me..
"Why!!"I whispererd sounding depressed and heart broken..
And Walter could see through me..
He could feel my fear..
Emilio killed his son..
Now he wants to wipe off all the male in my family..
This is his greatest revenge..
"Spare them.."I held his wrist but he pulled his hands away from my grib..
Staring at me like I was irritating him..
Eyes filled with hatred and disgust..
"I'll.. in due time"he replied and snapped his fingers in the air..
I watched helplessly as they tied them up in different pole..
Castilo looks scared but he tried hard not to let his show..
But I could see through him..
His listening to my advice after all..
I've cautioned him never to give his enemy the pleasure of seeing his fear and pain.. But here I am showing all my weakness..
"We'll play a game my Queen.. You get to save only one person if you win.."Tega toss a gun at me..
He won't spare them even if I win..
I grabbed the gun and held unto his outstretched hand..
"Close the kids eyes.. You won't like him to see this.."Tega ordered me and I blindfolded my son's eye's..
Giving him a warm smile..
Immidiately, my cloth ripped off...
And the gun fell from my hand..
I felt Tega's hand sneaks up to my waist as he gently roam his hands around my waist..
He showered pepper kisses on my shoulder and he bites my neck slowly.. His kisses only irritates me and make me wanna puke.. He gently removed the little piece of clothing on me.. Leaving me in my bra and panties..
I glanced over at Emilio as I felt his heated gaze on me..
Nils boils in anger as he struggles with the rope tied around him..
His hands move underneath my panties teasing my clit for a while before he inserted two fingers inside me roughly.. And I whimpered in pain not pleasure..
My gaze flitter around before landing at Emilio.. His blodshed eyes held mine captive.. I could feel his jealousy and his pain..
I lowered my gaze..
I couldn't withstand staring at the pity he felt towards me..
"Stop!!"I whispererd in Tega's ear..
But rather he seized the opportunity and captured my lips..
He taste so much of alcohol..
I struggled with him..
And he tries to pin me down but I kicked his stomach..
And I shove away from him..
He groans in pain..
As he stare angrily at me..
I shouldn't have pushed him away..
Someone amongst them will now pay for my misconduct..
I rushed towards him but he pushed me away aggressively..
And I stumbled and fell down helplessly..
"Mom!!"Castilo screamed and I glanced up at him..
"I don't spare traitors"Tega barked as he charged towards me and slapped me hard and my lips broke..
My damn lips is bursted..
"Tie her back to that damned chair and remove the child's blindfold.."Tega barked and his men forcefully tied me up to a freaking chair..
"You lost!! But you won also"tega whispered...
"I can't kill you but I have something installed for you.. Something worse than death.. Something far more painful than death.. My queen.."he said as he picked up a dagger.. He smiled at me.. While i watched him as he walked towards my brother and Marcelo and stood in between them..
"Something like this.."tega shouted as he chopped off Nils index finger and he screamed out loud in pain and tears slowly flow from my eyes..
"How's that!!"he asked and his men yelled happily..
"How good does that makes you feel My Queen??"he asked me and I shake my head in tears..
Damn my pride and Ego!!
I'm hurting badly..
"Spare my brother!!"I yelled in tears as he chopped off the other index finger..
And his men hailed him..
"Don't cry!!!"Nils groaned in pain but I couldn't stop myself from crying..
Nils smiled weakly at me ..
He knew he was not gonna survive Tega's wrath..
So did I..
But I hoped deep down my heart..
I hoped that he survived..
"Such a braveman he is.. Too bad I'm clumsy"Tega said as he stabbed Nils on his chest..
Pretending like it was a mistake..
I screamed out loud..
My throat hurts badly but I continued to scream out loud..
I didn't even notice the sudden proximity between me and Tega.. I felt his stinky hands on me..
His hands stained with my brother's blood..
My only brother!!
I glanced over as his men untied Nils as he jerked his body..
"Let me go to him please"I pleaded in pain and surprisingly he cuts off the rope tied around me and I rushed to Nils..
I placed his head on my lap and kissed his forehead and he smiled..
"Remember my smile"he breathed out as he drew his last breath..
I yelled..
I could hear my son burst out in tears..
But I couldn't pretend anymore..
I couldn't act like a brave and cold hearted bitch..
Tega has managed to unveil my mask...
He has shown his whole men the real me..
He managed to reveal to them how weak I am..
I couldn't mask this feeling anymore..
I let the pain overwhelm me..
I let myself burn in my grieve..
I let out the scared little girl who watched her family burn down to aches..
A widow whose husband died for me..
A mother whose son.. she couldn't save..
And now a sister whose beloved brother died for my misconduct and my chattered pride and dignity..
I just couldn't find the will power to fight back..

I continued to scream in pain as Tega's men dragged me away from Nils and tied me up once again..
"I never knew you could cry like that.."tega said mockingly..
As I Slowly felt drained..
I couldn't even cry even if I wanted to..
I've exhausted all I had left inside me..
I wiped off the tears from my cheeks as I stare angrily at him..
"Untie me.."I growled not recognizing my own voice..
"I challenge you.."I growled louder..
And his men swooned..
"Accepted!! Untie her and give her weapons"Tega ordered his men.
I picked up two short dagger..
I shove them in my thong..
He also picked up the same type of dagger I chose but his was a little longer than mine..
He charged at me..
Attacking me angrily..
And I dordged his every move..
He add more pressure in his attack but I managed to dordge his every move..
And I punched him from behind..
"Fight mom!!!" Castilo shouted..
Tega twist  his dagger and charged at me.. His dagger slashed my arm and the other one aimed at my neck and I bent my head quickly and placed my hand on the ground for support..
I regain my balance..
And kicked his right foot.. But he didn't burdge..
He outsmarted me and his blade slashed my neck..
I groaned loudly!!
"Took weak for me!!"Tega mockingly me and I growled at him..
I charged at him..
As I drew closer to him I drew out my dagger..
I fell to my knees and stabbed his feet..
I slashed his other leg with my second dagger..
I maneuver him and twisted his wrist..
He groaned out loud..
I threw my dagger at Marcelo aiming directly at where he was tied..
I knocked off tega
In one swift move i pulled out Tega's gun and shot at his men as they fire at me..
I looked over at Marcelo..
He has already untied Emilio and Castilo..
We continued exchanging bullet at each other..
"Emilia watch out!!"Emilio screamed and before I could turn around.. I heard a bullet from behind me..
I spun around quickly and saw a lifeless man behind me..
I looked at my saviour and I couldn't believe my eyes..
My Castilo..
Standing fearlessly holding a gun..
"Mom!!"he whispered
"Stay alive my son.."I encouraged him and he smiled..
"Flee from here casty.."I urged him and he ran off..
Fear grin my heart .
But I knew he was safer alone than being with me..
I ran back to where I left Tega but couldn't find him there..
"Hey!!"someone yelled from behind me hitting me..
I fell down and kicked his dick and he fell down and I stabbed his neck..
I got up quickly and I heard noises coming from the range..
I sneaked up discreetly to the range ..
Someone unexpectedly tapped me from behind and I flinched..
"Louis!!"I breathed out in relieve..
And I hit him slightly..
"Our men are raiding here.. You need to get out of here"Louis said..
"That's impossible!! He killed my brother and he assaulted me publicly"I said grinding my teeth angrily and he nodded his head in agreement..
"I gat your back.."Louis whispered and I nod my head and smiled at him..
He handed me a gun..
We sneaked back to the main mansion..
I wasn't able to find Emilio and Marcelo nor Castilo but I gat the feeling that they're okay and alive..
At least, I've gat Louis by myside..
"You came late!!"Tega's voice boomed from the darkness of the room..
I halted at the sound of his voice..
Soon the darkness disappeared as the room brightens up..
My heart missed a beat as my gaze landed on Emilio..
He's soaked in his own blood and badly injured..
He lies down weakly as his eyes landed on me..
I was about to run to him but Louis grabbed my waist holding me tightly..
"Let go off me.."I screamed but Louis tightened his grib on me..
"Set my queen free.. It wouldn't be fun without her.. She should have a clearer view of what am about to do!!"Tega winked at me..
He raised up a heavy harmer staring deeply at me..
"Nooo"I screamed closing my eyes tightly..
"You do love this man.. don't you??"Tega raised his gaze at me
And I shake my head
"No.. I don't love him intensively but he's very important to me.. please let him go.. Take me instead..
After all, I killed your son.. He didn't die by Emilio's bullet..
I finished him off in the hospital in coldblood..
He was laying in the hospital bed defensively and I removed his oxygen mask and watched as he gasped for breath..
I'm guilty..
My life in exchange for his freedom!!!"I lied pleading in tears hoping I was able to transfer his aggression to me..
I can't watch him kill Emilio..
He's my son's father..
He deserves to be given a chance to be a good dad..
He deserves to live a happy life with a woman who deserves his love and worthy of being his companion..
He deserves to find true love like I did..
Have his own family..
Tega stare at me furiously..
Probably contemplating on what to do with Emilio..
Strangely his angry face was replaced with a smile..
Louis released his grib on me as I walked closer to Tega..
He continued to smile as I drew closer to him..
I halted inch away from him..
Standing in between him and Emilio..
He pulled his gun aiming at Emilio holding me tightly away from his gun and he pulled the trigger staring at me with an evil smirk on his face..

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now