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After the crying and hugging session, we had a family dinner with Emilia and Edwardo trying to lighten up our mood but to no avail... After several attempts, they decided to stop and all of us ate or let me say played with our foods in silence.
I can't believe that Emilia is dying anytime from now. Her words is still ringing in my ear.

I want you guys to get used to my absence

Why should a young lady with courage be allowed to die like this. Can't they just look for someone who just died to use his or her heart for a transplant? I was forced to speak up
"Can't a transplant be done? Like looking for a fresh corpse and using the heart for you, Mia" she looked at me
"That's not as easy as it sounds. Nobody is willing to bury their diseased without a heart. So I've accepted my faith. It's going to be ok" How can it be ok when she's dying. Doesn't she understand?

My phone rang breaking the silence that overtook the house and I checked the caller's ID; Emilio? This is not the right time dude. I silenced the phone. He called again and everyone gave me a kinda
'won't you pick your call' look. Hmm. I knew I couldn't eat because my appetite has been kinda buried by this news. Maybe I should just leave before the tears spill.

I fought the urge not to cry trying to keep my emotions in check but i failed.. My tears were at the brick of falling down.. I immediately bid my sister farewell with a heavy heart.. The heaviness in my heart flowed down to my feet making my feet too heavy for me to walk away..

I broke down in tears immediately i got to my car.. I cried all the way home.. When I got home, I checked and discovered that Emilio wasn't home yet. Why then was he calling me. Well, am lucky that he's still at work because i don't have strength for his usual tantrums of me not picking his phone calls..

I sat down on my sofa feeling depressed as more tears flowed down my eyes.. I did not cry like this when my mother died nor when my father cursed and disowned me.. I may not share blood relationship with Emy but our bound is more stronger because it was built with love.. Emy has always been there for me.. She stood by me through thick and thin.. She loves unconditionally. She spread joy where ever she goes.. She knows how to lighten people's mood.. She hates to see me cry.. She hates tears.


''Why are you crying brother?'' Emilia asked me almost in tears..
''Am not crying, Emy. Am just sad that you're leaving me'' i said choking in tears.. She used her thumb to wipe off my tears.. Placing light kisses all over my face and i smiled at her gesture..
''I won't ever leave you, I promise.. Am just going back to round up my sophorme year. I hate to see you cry. Big boys don't cry like babies.. So henceforth, no more tears especially not in front of people and mostly girls else they'll see you as a weakling and then mock you for eternity'' Emy cautioned me sounding like my mom..
''noted.. Ma''


With my shivering hands, i wiped off my tears but that did not stop the tears from falling from my eyes..

''What the heck?'' Emilio spat swinging the door open unceremoniously.. My attempt to hide my face failed woefully as he stalked towards me. I looked at him as I saw his angry face melt into that of concern..
''What's wrong dude..?'' He asked me.. I'm afraid to reply because of my uncontrollable tears.. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out..
''I have never seen you like this before.. Even when you lost your mom, you did not shed tears.. Tell me the truth brother, Please. What's going on? '' he requested in a sad tune..
Emy will hate me for this but i can't lie to him.. We're family.. He should that she's dying. I looked at him and then discovered that he doesn't deserve to know. No.. I can't tell him.. He has hurt her alot.. She deserve a happy death if there's anything like that..
''I just miss my mom alot.. Am okay..'' he looked confused by my statement. I don't blame him anyway. He probably knew I was lying but he didn't push it.  He patted my back and went to the kitchen while I wallow in my own thoughts. After few minutes he came out with a drink for me and sat it on the stool close to my chair while sitting across me. As I drank from the cup, I felt his eyes scrutinising me as if trying to pull away my skin and penetrate through me to know what's actually wrong. I dropped the mug and we both sat in silence. None of speaking at all.
After a while, he stood up abruptly, and headed towards the door...
"Where are you going? " I asked and he turned...
"Somewhere I should have gone a long time ago"
With that, he left.

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now