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I sat on the couch and watched her sleep. Oh God! My Emilia has suffered a lot. Her family was wiped out by my dad and his colleagues, she lost the only love of her life because she wanted to please her father. According to her, her dad knew she was secretly dating Emilio. If her dad knew that they were so in love why then did he tell her to marry Bill.
After raking my brain, I could only come up with one explanation. Her dad knew that she was going to look for her parents since Emilio already told her she wasn't his sister which also made her agree to date him and go that far with him. He also knew that if she dug throughly, she might find out what him, his twin and my dad did in the past and she will haunt them down. Well, he went too far with trying to cover his past. He destroyed the blissful relationship of his kids. Well, if not for what he did, I wouldn't be where I am with Mia today.
I can't believe I'm married to this woman. When she told me that she wanted to marry me I taught I was hallucinating but when I saw the look on her beautiful face, I knew she was darm serious and few days later we did a court wedding. I am both happy and sad at the same time. I'm happy because I finally married her but I'm sad she's ashamed of being called my wife. I mean I want to shout it to the world that she's mine but she's too ashamed to be called my wife. If she's not why would she refuse to go to Mexico. What if she's just using me. I shook my head and buried the thought at the back of my heart... I kissed her forehead as I whispered to her how much I love her and slipped inside the duvet.

The sun shone through the windows into the room. I rubbed my eyes and slowly opened it I checked the time in my nightstand and discovered it was still 7:00am in the morning. I looked round the room and discovered that she was no where in sight. I walked inside the bathroom and did my business and thereafter I went downstairs.
There she was spaulled on the couch eating and watching TV. I stood on top of the stairs as I watched her do her thing. A minute passed by and she rushed to the bathroom to throw up I guess. I rushed downstairs to help her out and I stayed close to the door listening to how she was throwing up and vomiting everything inside her stomach. I'm definitely taking her to see a doctor today. I felt for her. When she was done, she came out and met me at the door. She was shocked but composed herself.
"Good morning. How long have you been here" she said walking away knowing I'll be trailing her behind.
"For as long as you got in there. Baby, we are going to see a doctor today " Her face showed that she was ready to whine
"Don't even try to object to it" I cut off what she was about to say.
I sat across and stared at her. She came to me as if trying to persuade me out of my decision...
"Babe, relax. It's nothing. Really"
"Don't tell me to relax. Benjamin called in when I was in Mexico to tell me that you were not fine and now that I'm here I can see how true it is. God, Mia I called several times to ask if you were ok and you kept telling me you were fine. Mia, I love you. Why can't you come clean before me so I can help you. Look how pale you are" she wrapped her arms around my neck and started to kiss it.
"I know what you're trying to do Mia and I won't let you succeed" she didn't answer me. Instead, she continued her assault on me and I was slowly slipping into her charm. I carried her so that she'll be straddling me.
"Am just scared of what the doctor will say" she voiced out her thoughts. Hmm I can understand where she's coming from now.
"Mia, there's no need to be scared ok?" she nodded and I carried her down. I took her phone and placed a call across to her doctor and she told me she was going to come over in 20 minutes.
"Your doctor said she'll be here in 20 minutes. Meanwhile, I'm gonna teach you a lesson for assaulting me just now" she squealed and tried to run but I caught her and she yelled..
"But you said the doctor will be here in 20 minutes" she said while giggling
"Don't worry I'll be needing only 15" with that I took her to our room....

Several tests were ran on her and I got to know we'll be expecting a baby. I'll be a father and she'll be his mother. What a dream come true. Looking over to Mia I discovered her face was emotionless. Allowing the doctor go, I faced her.
"You ain't happy about this, are you?" I asked..
"The question is are you?" she said throwing the question at my face.
"Of course I am. Why won't I be happy. I'll be getting a child from you. This a dream come true for me" I said looking at her while searching for answers. She didn't even seem surprise about this.
"Wait! Mia, you knew you were pregnant, right" she slowly nodded
"And you never thought it wise to tell me. Making me worried that it could be your heart that's getting weaker. You even refused seeing a doctor. Oh, you wanted to keep it away from me and probably terminate it. Jesus! Emilia Gates!" I stood up immediately not wanting my anger to take a toll on me but her silence was making it all worse. It shows that all I was saying is true. She wanted to kill my kid. My own blood. I heard her coming to me.
"Don't. Don't come close to me" I yelled as all I saw was red...
"What did I do to recieve this ill treatment from you, Emilia. All I've ever done was love you. Where did I go wrong. Are you using me" I said turning to face her
"God! No! No, am not using you and you didn't do anything wrong Ardo" at this point she was already in tears. It hurts to see her cry but her actions are hurting me more.
"Then, why are you ashamed of being my wife and why the hell would you try to kill our unborn child"
"I never thought about that Edwardo " she half yelled
"What were you thinking then"
"I was scared of telling you because I thought you might tell me to abort it because of my health. We both know that keeping this baby is dangerous to my health and that of the baby" I sighed heavily
"There are so many ways to save our baby Mia. We could get a surrogate mother you know. I can hire someone"
"I don't want you to hire anybody. I know of cases where the surrogate mothers ran away with the kids involved. Some of these women are even infected with diseases. I don't want to take chances besides I need someone I can trust"
"Let's go home then. You have a bunch of trusted friends there. Anyone you pick I'll go with it"
"I don't want to"
"Does this have to do with the fact that you're ashamed of being called my..."
"Shut up Edwardo. Just...just stop talking. I'm not ashamed of anything...." I cut her off...
"Then what is the problem. Do you want your enemy to track you till they discover that you are here. Honestly, I'm trying to understand you but I can't. Just yesterday you said soon and today you're saying you don't want to. I don't fucking understand you. The Emilia I know is never afraid of criticism and never run away from her problems. That's the Mia I fell in love with not the weakling am seeing right now" I sneered through my teeth while expecting a reaction but instead she smiled.
"When people throw you stones, it's because you are a good tree full of fruits. They see a lot of harvest in you so don't go down to their level by throwing the stones back at them. Instead, throw your fruits so that your seed can inspire them to change their ways. Am not afraid of criticism. If at all people criticise you, it's a good sign. It shows that there's something unique about you. So, I fear no criticism. I'll go back home Ardo but not now"
"I have to re-strategize my plans before I go back"
"Are you going to strategize till its too late to leave this place" she stared at me for good two minutes without blinking as if weighing her options.
"Fine. Let's go home"

It's been difficult for me to manage the company, try not to think about Emilia, search for my father's murderer and keep it discrete from the Mayor's wife all at the same time. For the past weeks I've been walking hand in hand with trusted men to find proof against Emilia but nothing is leading us to her. In fact every information we have is leading us somewhere. My men has been telling me that she had no hand in it right from the first day they started the research but it's kinda hard to believe. I mean, she sent me to prison, tried to have me killed and told me to my face that she killed my father. My mind flashed back to when she told me. When she came, she was kinda anxious to tell me something and then I saw a flash of fear in her eyes before she masked it and dropped the bomb. I hope it's not what my mind is suggesting.
I've been trying to unfold what really happened but nothing came to my mind. The only thing that kept playing in my head were Nils words...



             YOUR  FATHER??? 


As it played in my head, it clicked. She was obviously trying to pass a message to me but couldn't. Nils also knew something that I didn't know. I picked up my phone and called Nils. After a few rings he picked up.

NILS: What's up dude

ME: Am just here man. Emm.. Nils?

NILS: Yea?

ME: Remember when you said you think that Emilia didn't really kill my dad?

NILS: Yup.

ME: Was there something you wanted to tell me?

NILS: Well, you obviously didn't want to hear it then.

ME: Emm... I think I want to know now.

NILS: Am sorry am not in the right position to tell you that. Only Emilia can.

ME: I've not heard anything about her recently. Do you maybe know where she could be.

NILS: Don't even ask me that question. You should have thought about the consequences of your actions before carrying it out.

ME: I don't understand

NILS: She disappeared as soon as she heard what you did.

ME: What? I mean why?

NILS: Do me a favour Emilio. Next time you want to call me make sure it's for something important or else I'll cut off your d*ck. Have a nice day young man.

With that he ended the call. Shit! I hope she hasn't done anything stupid. I called my most trusted tracker.
TRACKER: Hello Sir

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