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"Cassy.. Run away!!!" I shouted
"Mom!!!"he whispered
"Now!!!"I shouted as I began to shoot using bill as my cover...
We stopped firing at each other as I noticed the presence of someone behind me.. it was like we were commanded to seize fire ..
Look like we have an influencial guest...
I was about to turn around when my guest of honor shot my shoulder... Causing me to loosen my grib on bill.. I use my left hand to support my hold on him as I continue to strangle his neck... I'll finish him off before attending to my guest..
"Let him go!! Else I'll blow your brains out"I heard his voice... Someone I never imagined to be here.. Look like, Bill wasn't joking when he promised to bring some guest to my suppose welcome party..
"Emilio!!!"I breathed out his name in shock and disbelief... As I slowly turned around..
I released my hold on Bill... Stunned by who I saw standing next to Emilio.. And stumbled to the wall for support..
'How is this possible???'


'How the hell is this possible'i asked myself again..
"Hello!!! Neice!!"Aunt Fustina said flashing a fake smile..
How did she escape that attack..??
Where has she been all this while??
Why is she after my life??
Why the hell is Emilio working with her??
How did they meet each other??
Ooohh my gosh!!!
She's the damned mayor's wife..
Ardo knew about her, why didn't he tell me???
If Ardo knows her that equally means that Marc knows about her existence???
Is shilla also aware that aunt is alive??
How the hell did she made it out alive?? I bumbat myself with questions
"Nice to see you again"she said with an evil smirk but her eyes were saying something else like.. I hate the sight of you, Ann.. You should have died with your fustrated parent.. You're a cursed child... I hate you...
"The pleasure is all mine"I replied gaining back my voice.. I have to get out of here alive..
My eyes caught a glimpse of Bill's gun.. Damn my luck!!!
I gat to distract them in which ever way possible..
"Never imagined to cross paths with you again but am pleased it happened.. Old grudges.. Old enemity... and the same old, lame tactics.. It's obviously written all over your pale face masked with makeup and fake smile.. Aunt Fustina.."I said walking closer to the gun pretending like am watching my back.. to avoid a surprise attack... Hoping my words would provoke her to anger... she usually make irrational decisions when she's angry..
"Oh!! Pardon my manner.. Mrs Valdez.."I said mockingly..
"You have a sharp tongue Anna.. It'll cost you a lot.. I despite your face alot.. It reminds me of..."
"My mother!!!"I spat interrupting her.. As my chest rise in anger..
"You've grown up child.. But you're still the same cursed child.. You should be held responsible for that attack..
Those innocent people died for a mistake like you.. I hate you.. more than I despise your mother"she raised her voice at me.. Igniting the fire in me..
"Don't you dare say Ill things about my mother.. I won't hesitate to snap your neck"I threatened her and i truly  meant every word I said... I would never let anyone disrespect my late mother...
Before I could bend down and grab the gun.. I was lifted off the ground.. slammed to the wall.. I close my eyes tight as I fall down to the ground..
I swore I heard the sound of my bones breaking... And the earth moved around me.. I hate the idea of using a wheelchair again.. it's freaking me out..
I didn't attempt to stand up..
I just lied down flat on the ground.. If only Ardo was alive..
He would never let anyone manhandle me like this.. But Emilio.. then man I was so crazy about.. He's standing like a statue with a blank expression staring at me...
"Stand her to her feet!!"aunt ordered... Her men dragged me up to my feet.. using my side view... I saw bill standing up and walking towards me..
I should have finished him off when I had the opportunity.. But I won't spare him..
I won't spare my husband's murder..
The law won't punish him the way I craved for.. I want to see him suffer and beg for death..

This Emilia standing before them won't back down without a fight.. I maybe looking all weak but when they let their guard down I'll strike back like a lioness that I am.. Fearlessly... Till have hunted down my prey one after the other..
I won't spare you Emilio...
But I need Bill alive..
The way he's gonna die only I have the right to decide that..
I own his life and his death..
But as for aunt.. I can't do anything to her now..
She's very influencial.. And am sure she's not working alone.. And must have an alternative plan.. I won't take that risk..
I'll hunt her down later..
At least I have knowledge of her existence but I must play my cards well..
I don't want my children to pay for my sins.. The same way am paying for my mother's debt..
She's transferring her hatred for my mom to me..
I won't want the history of enemity to flow down to my offsprings...
Surprising Emilio grabbed my chin causing me to meet his heated gaze fuzzing with different conflicting emotions..
It felt strange because I couldn't fathom what he's eyes was depicting but after looking deep into his eyes I clearly understood one thing.. He was yearning for revenge...
"Why did you kill my father??"he questioned grinding his teeth.. My heart ache.. After all the clues I gave him... He still couldn't understand me...
He's mind is made up..
Am just his father's murder to him.. I understood what his eyes wree telling me but he failed to understand mine..
Not fair!!
"Why did you kill my father??"he dared to raise his voice at me.. Squeezing my chin roughly..
I spits at his face..
Seeing the disgust in his eyes as he wipe off my saliva made me smile..
Thumps up.. Mia..
He finally got his answer..
Emilio was about to say something when Bill interrupted him and slapped me..
I could see the shock in Emilio's eyes but in a twinkle of an eye he masked it off..
"She's mine to handle"bill said courageously..
This is the same dude that was trapped in my web..
He's acting all mighty..
But his foolishness and over confidence will benefit me alot..
I should act well..
I groaned like I was in deep pain as they let go off me..
Willingly falling down to the ground.. Pretending like am in deep pain..
"I'll give you the honor.. But don't disappoint me Bill.. Failure means death to me"aunt said boring hole into my skin with her hard stares..
Indeed aunt..
Failure means death..
For the first time in my life..
You're doing me a favour and I always repay my debt.. I'll give you a chance to choose the way you die when the time comes..
"Let's go for a drink Alejandro"aunt said to Emilio and he nods and followed her without a second thought..
I was surprised he agreed..
If he truly wanted revenge he would want to finish me off himself..
But surprisingly he didn't...
Emilio will never back down from a fight..
But he's eyes told me something..
Saying we'll see again..
Or am I hallucinating things..
Bill started to hit me.. And I yelled louder in pain..
I hope am able to convince aunt that bill can torture me the way she wanted to..
I continued to act that way until I was certain that she left..
As I heard the faint sound of her vehicles..
Game on!!
Bill was about to hit me again but I caught his fist..
Pushed him with force.. I quickly pulled out my knife throwing them at the two fools who fired gunshot at me...
"It's just you and me now!! Just the way I imagined it to be Bill"I said flashing him a flirtious smile but deep down am boiling in anger..
He looked shocked to see me standing on my feet..
Strong and determined to kick his ass..
"Never underestimate me.. Some call me the queen of deception..
But you can call me your death.."I said before piercing my knife to his chest..
I unplugged my knife slowly and stabbed it deep to his stomach as he screamed in pain.. collapsing on the floor
"This is just the beginning babe... Smile while I caress you too my heart contempt.."I said mockingly.. He groaned in pain.. shivering on the floor..
I removed his phone from his pocket.. I adjusted the voice to a man's voice before calling aunt..
"Is the job done!!?"she asked immediately she accepted the call
"Yes!! I couldn't torture her the way I yearned for.. She passed out quickly"I replied pretending to be Bill..
"Good news!! Come dine with us"she requested..
"I'll but I have to tidy up something quickly.. Won't be gone for long"I said and hanged up... Tossing the phone away..
"Were's her address??"I asked Bill raising him up using his collar..
"It's in my inbox messages.."he replied groaning in pain..

I climbed on to his shaking body..
"Am sending you to see daddy.. You don't need to be scared anymore.. He will be waiting for you on the other side.. But I need to write my message on your body.. you'll have to convey it to him ..."
"You're a bitch.."
"Nope"I replied stressing the 'P' as I pouch my lips..
"Am your death!!" I said chopping off his thumb and he screamed in pain.. But am not statisfied yet.. I wanted more and more I shall get...
Blood for blood
An eye for an eye..
"You killed my Ardo!!"I yelled my voice overpowering his voice as I digged my knife and plug out his right eyes.. The same eyes he used to wink at me when he's smirking..
His screaming filled my ear as the pain I felt rekindled again..
"All this is vanity!! Life without Ardo is like hell on Earth.. So I know how you'll feel when you get there.. you don't need this eyes to see"I said lifting his eyes to his face before throwing it away..
"Please!!!"he screamed
"Just kill me"he pleased in pain..
And I smiled
"You don't get to give orders here.. Only I have the right to do so.."I repeated his words to him..
"I wanted you to beg for death.. scream until you loose your voice then slowly embrace death!!"I said with venom in my heart..
"You wanted to fuck me so badly Don't you??"I asked him
"Yes!! And I did"
"You didn't... I wasn't the girl you fucked that night.."I answered him sincerely.. And he stare at me in awe looking dumbfounded his body jerking in pain...
"Don't worry I'll elaborate further.. That's the least I can do for you"I answered his questioning gaze..
"When we were romancing.. You were interrupted by a phone call.. and you left..
That's when I left to the bathroom and sent the girl Edwardo hired for me..
She was so perfect for the role because she looked so much like me.  We had almost the same figure.. if you weren't too desperate to sink your dick in-between my legs you would have noticed the big difference..
You're just a pathetic horny bastard.."I yelled at his face..
"But don't worry..."I said cupping his face covered in his own blood..
"I'll make it up to you.. You'll feel better than you could ever have imagined"...
I unzipped his trouser... Wrapped my hands around his dick and he charged at the sudden contact..
Even at the point of death.. He's yearning for sex..
I sliced off his dick slowly making sure he slowly felt the pain.. As it increases with every effort I applied until his bloody dick was chopped off..
I exhale a deep breath and smiled in victory and satisfaction..
My first target is off for good..
To the land of no return..
"This is the message to your father..
It means, that he should be ashamed to have an offspring like you.. A man with no balls..
Safe trip to hell!!"

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now