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I sliently walked with him as he led me to my so called room.. He urshed me in like a nice gentleman.. This man is really unpredictable and it's getting on my nerves.

He closed the door before slamming his lips on mine taking me off guard and I pushed him away from me gaining my balance while breathing heavily..

"What the hell is wrong with you.." he shouted

"Am not your fling and neither are you my man.. You have no right over me" I raised my voice back at him..

"You're the only woman who don't fall at my feet and it's driving me crazy.. I may have a soft spot for you but don't push me to the edge because I could do something beyond your imagination that will wreak your life into pieces" he said grinding his teeth..

I could see the anger in his eyes..

He sat down for a while and I stood still looking at him..

"You won't give in to me so easily right?. Guess what, I won't give up either.." he paused and put a call across to someone..

"Felipe.. Get the package ready.. Emilia will deliver it and also get her ticket ready"Walter said and toss his phone away..

"What package are you referring to Walter???" I asked curiously and he smiled..

"I don't usually discuss stuff like that.. I like to keep people in the dark but you're special to me" he paused then walked closer to me with an evil grin

"You're gonna transport drugs to Indian.. You leave today.. Your plane ticket will be ready by 8.." he spoke and I stumbled back in shock..

WALTER'S ( King Tega ) P.O.V

She sliently walked behind me as I led her to her new room..

I urshed her in like a nice gentleman..

it's quite surprising but am always a different person around her. I can do anything for her but her courage and principles instigates me to anger and also turns me on.. She's different and I love her..

I closed the door before claiming her lips, taking her off guard.. She didn't respond to me but rather she pushed me away breathing heavily..

"What the hell is wrong with you.." I shouted glaring at her angrily...

"Am not your fling and neither are you my man.. You have no right over me" she raised her voice back at me.. Her anger turned me on so badly and her attitude irritated the hell out of me at the same time.. I shouldn't give her the privilege to misbehave like this..

"You're the only woman who don't fall at my feet and it's driving me crazy.. I may have a soft spot for you but don't push me to the edge because I could do something beyond your imagination that will wreak your life into pieces" i said grinding my teeth.. And I meant every word I said..

I sat down for a while.. she won't run into my arms so easily but she will surely do anything for her dearest son..

Her presence here is of great advantage to me and my business..

She's smart..


And courageous...

"You won't give in to me so easily right?. Guess what, I won't give up either.." i paused for a while as a devious scheme came to my mind. I quickly put a call across to my brother..

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now