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I felt very depressed and confused.. As several scaring thought flood in my mind.. My brother is capable of doing anything dangerous mostly in a drunken state.. He barely drinks despite being a gangster..
He always avoided alcohol except in rare cases to get his mind off something bothering him..
Or to suck in his own mystery..
He loves Ann alot more than his own life and taking his life is a better option than to hurt Ann.. He's a jerk at times but he's certainly the best man I know.. His flaws just brings out his charisma in a dangerous yet protective manner..

"He's gonna come back home.. Child"my uncle assures me patting my back lightly..
I shake my head subconsciously but deep down me I find his words hard to believe..
"What if he has drowned himself to death..??" I blurted out in anticipation of the unknown..
"No child.. He wouldn't leave without a good bye"uncle Horlugar replied
"But he already said goodbye.. He called you didn't he??"I asked and he nods his head..
"That's is also a way of saying goodbye.. He might have already committed sucide.. What if his corps..."my husband places his hand on my lips to quite me from blabbering my useless imaginations..
He kissed me gently on my forehead which tends to calm my trembling body..
"He's not a coward to waste his precious life.. Think positive my love.. He may have ran back into Emilia's arm confessing his love for her.. Wooing her back once again.. His mother of his unborn child.. His one true love.."
He was interrupted as the door swung open..
Ann and Edwardo giggling at each other.. Overwhelming in each other intense love in their own little world.. Making out unaware of our presence..
Am worried about them but here they are licking each other's lips ..

I clear my throat to gain their attention as there stare at us in awe..

"Sorry.. We didn't know we had companies.." Ann said as she tries to hide her blushing face...
"How would you know.. When your were to busy sucking the life out each other.. And here we are worrying our ass out..."I stated feeling a bit of anger building up gradually
"Sorry"they muttered feeling embarrassed..
"It's good you're both safe and sound.. I'll take my leave now.. Be happy" uncle Horlugar embraced them lovingly
"Don't pull such stunt like that again else you'll leave your pretty wife devastated.."he said to Edwardo and walked away.. Leaving us in an uncomfortable silence..
Ann and Edwardo sat opposite me and Marc..
Stealing glance at one another..
"We know what really happened"I said and Ann lowers her gaze in shame..
When I heard what happened I was shocked and pissed off.. Staring at them gat me pretty confused..
"I fucked up big time and for that am sorry"Ann broke the silence with her eyes locked on mine..
"We have no right to criticize you for we humans tends to make such silly mistake.. Am glad this shit didn't affect your marriage"Marc spoked up..
Edwardo glance at his wrist watch and said
"We have half an hour to get you ready for the big event"Edwardo said cupping Ann's face and she kissed him and walked upstairs.. What the hell did he meant by 'big event'..
"She's a tough lady.."Marc complimented.. But I always felt slightly jealous each time he praises her..
"She appears so but deep down she's like a damaged goods.. She's broken and am afraid to say maybe beyound repair.." Edwardo said in a sad tune..
Who wouldn't be.. My Ann has always being the victim since childhood..
She endures the pain of her loved ones just to see them happy and blissful..
"My love.. Don't cry..
Emilia hates tears.. It will break her down if she see you in tears.."my husband said wiping off tears from my eyes.. That has soaked my cheek..
"I better freshen up.. I look smell trash bin "My brother said earning a smirk from my husband.. And I fight the urge not to punch his face.
Edwardo smiled running upstairs..
To probably continue whatever the fuck they were doing at the beach..

Then it occurred to me what the hell did they mean by the big event..
"Sweetheart what did Edwardo meant by the big event??"I asked curiously..
And the smile on his face disappears..
"She's gonna transplant her seed into another woman's womb.. Who would be able to give birth to the child.."
'So she's actually leaving us all behind for good..'i said to myself rhetorically
"Whose the surrogate mother"I asked placing my head on his shoulder..
"Zena!!" Her best friend..
'Why not me?'
'why choose her over me?'
'Doesn't she trust me..??'i asked myself feeling jealous of Zena..

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now