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My heart missed a bit as those word rolled off her lips..
That bastard dared to kidnap his own daughter for his selfish reasons..
"Why the hell didn't you tell me this..?? Why did you hide the truth from me?? I could have prevented him from killing nanny Lola?? But no you chose to keep things to yourself.. Now everything is fucked up.."I yelled at Mia in rage..
She stare at me in awe.. Standing like a statue..
Glaring at me speechlessly
I transferred my aggression on her..
But it was wrong of her to hide such important information from me..
"Maybe she found out late.. Emy would've spoken up if she knew the truth.. You're wrong brother.. I'll leave you two to sort things out.. In the meantime I will get the boys ready.."Marc said as he excused himself..
He's right.. Mia cares for her family more than her own life..
How could I have been mean to her.. I have to appologize for my misconception..
As I open my mouth to say sorry she raised her hand to silenced me..
Her eyes daring me not to utter any word...
"You don't need to appologize to me.. You're words were clearly stated.. And am sorry.. And I take full responsibility for Nanny Lola's death.. Anything left unsaid.. You can as well hold me responsible.."She said in a bitter tune and walked away...
I sighed..
I have to fix the fuss I created..
I hurried after her calling her name..
She ignored me and fastened her steps heading to our room.. She was about to shut the door when I  pushed the door open..
Thank Goodness she's not hurt..
"Hear me out.."I plea.. As I stretched my hand to reach out for her..
But she she shove me away..
"I deserve this.. But not your silence.. Hit me.. Scold me but don't flee from me.. Am sorry.. Forgive me this last time and I won't give you a chance to complain about me ever again.. I promise you"I blurted out honestly..
She stare at me for a while.. Like she was contemplating on what to say, before smiling at me..
She startled me by hugging me tightly..
"I love you.. Mia" I whispered to her
'More than life itself..'i said to myself
"I love you too.. My Ardo"she whispered back
"If I had my way.. I wouldn't let you endanger your life.. You've not fully recovered"
She smiled and kissed me passionately, in return.. I deepened the kiss..
Sharing the unsaid feeling into the kiss..
There's no better way to die other than sharing your last moment in the arms of your one true love..
'I hope someday you'll forgive me for the pain I've caused you.. I pray you reunite with your one true love just the way fate brought us together'i said to myself with pain in my heart
"Promise me something.. Mia"
"What!!"she smiles.. Ooh those charming smile..
"If you're giving a chance to live.. I want you to live a life filled with happiness and love.. Find true love.. Love and be loved.. Promise me please.. You'll fight to live.."
"That's insane.. We both know only a miracle can make such wish come true.. And I have you by myself.. My companion.. What more can I ask for..??"
"I know.. But.. Promise me please.. My love"I urged her anxiously
"Fine.. fine.. fine.. I promise.."and I slammed my lips with hers sealing the promise..
"I promise I'll always be with you and protect you even after death.. I'll always be with you.."
"Hey!! You're sounding as if you're leaving me.. Is there a problem?"
"No.. Mia.. I just feel tense.. And am scared my father might hurt you.. Am just giving you an encouraging speech.. So you won't freak out"I lied..
But she looked at me suspiciously like she knows am hiding something from her.. Which I can't tell her now..
"Let's get ready quickly.. Delay is dangerous"I smirked changing the topic...

"Hey!!! Boys listen up"Marc spoked up
"You know how the drill goes.. My wife should be back unhurt.. Kill everything or anyone that hinders you.. We're up against the big dog"Marc said.. And they began to murmur amongst themselves..
"He may be the big dog.. But that doesn't makes him undefeatable.. We all know what we signed up for in this business.. It's a do or die affair.. Kill or be killed.. But it's always good to die an honourable death than die a weakling.."I spoke up and they stopped humming and hailed me..
"Let's get this done"I commanded..
"Let's go"Marc ordered
"Am driving" Marc said and I threw the key at him..
"Let's go Angel.."I whispered to Mia..

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now