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I got discharged few weeks ago and I travelled and left everyone and everything behind. Currently, I'm in a secluded area in Los Angeles with Edwardo. I know running away is the most stupid thing to do now but I have to heal from all the torture I faced with those hoodlums. The doctor said that if I take my medications, my heart will do just fine but I know better. My legs are still a little sore but I can now move on my own without the help of Benjamin or Ardo. God! For the past weeks I was not allowed to walk outta my room on my own. It's either I was carried by Ardo or Ben when he's outta the country for some sort of business. Isn't that childish? Once, I had argued with him saying that I needed to move the leg for it to heal but he said I can walk around my room to do that. He's just as stubborn as I am.

Right now I'm just here healing physically and emotionally with Edwardo by my side. Some people might think I'm a whore but I don't care. I mean what else can I do to repay Ardo for the love and support he's given I and my champs for the past few years. Thinking of my champs just make my heart ache. Edwardo had long sent them away. Though it wasn't easy to do, it had to be done to keep them safe.
I took a sip of my drink as I heard footsteps. I turned and saw Ben take Ardo's briefcase upstairs. Hmm he's back from work. I felt his hands wrap around my waist as he placed a small kiss on my cheek.
"Hello love"
"Hey" I replied and he came to my front assessing me.
"Don't tell me you intentionally wore this to provoke me or someone else?" he raised his eyebrow.
"I didn't know you were coming back today"
"So you wore it for someone else?" he asked lifting his eyebrows at Ben. Wait! Is this really happening. I mean am just in my crop top and yoga pants.
"Ardo, is that a tiny biny jealousy I see over there" he scoffed and I giggled. I tried to stand up but he rushed to where I was and I rolled my eyes at his gesture 'as if I didn't come downstairs myself'
"Ardo, I know many think I'm a whore but..." he tried to interrupt me but I held my hands up to silence him.
"I know that's what they've been saying for sometime now. Even they feel am a slut, you should know that I won't cheat on you with Ben of all people. He's your employee for Christ Sake"
"I know but you'll certainly consider Emilio"
I removed my hands from his immediately he said that to show my anger. I know I still love him but does my life have to revolve around him? Did he have to bring it up?
"Am sorry for saying that. I've just been on edge since morning" oh, that explains his ridiculous reason of being jealous but I'm not forgiving him just yet so I looked away.
"Baby please don't do this. Am truly sorry"
I ignored his apology and activated the business mode.
"Fill me in on what's happening in Mexico" he took a dee breath before he answered
"The Mexican press thinks you're ashamed of what happened to your company. Pay them no mind" I rolled my eyes
"Of course I won't. Is that all that's going on?"
"Nope... am getting tired of having to lie to Sandra, Nils and Zena"
"Did you say Zena?"
"I thought she wasn't even in the country. The last time we spoke she was in Boston with her unknown lover"
"I don't know of that but she's back in Mexico"
"Hmm... what about Mac. Don't tell me you told him cos I specially pleaded with you..."
"Common Emilia, have a little faith in me. I didn't tell him. He found out"
"What? How? Does it mean we weren't discrete enough?"
"We were but what do you expect, he's a darm tracker" he replied
"Hmm... If he was able to find me without stress, I think other trackers would be able to do likewise if the need arises"
"Relax Mia, he doesn't even know where you are but unlike everyone who thinks you're hiding somewhere in Mexico, he know's you aren't in that Country. "
"Hmm.. fair enough but the second you know he knows where I am make sure to tell me so I can relocate "
"Tell me why you're here again" I rolled my eyes
"I need to be far away from the drama so I can heal properly and strategize to come up with better plans. So, is that all I should know?"
"Ehm... the company? " he hesitated and I could tell that he wasn't ready to tell me what's going on but he just made me more curious.
"Spill Ardo, I wanna hear it all"
"He didn't change the name. It's still ER Inc. He also didn't have your office cleaned or anything changed. As sad as it is, he's managing the company well"
I smiled. It's a good thing to know that he's doing fine. I also want him to know that I'm with Ardo so he can hate me more.  Hey! Don't say I'm insane cos I'm not. When our mum died, he couldn't take it. He almost ruined his life and that was when he started building up so much anger that he ended up releasing on my dad. I know he still loves me. I saw it in the way he was angry to see Ardo with me the day I donated my blood. I just want him to hate me now so that he doesn't get to feel it or try to ruin his life again when I die.... Ardo tapped my hand and revived me..
"What are you thinking about.... you were smiling and it slowly turned into a frown with tears filled eyes. Are you alright? "
"Don't worry I'm good. What about the case he opened, did he find anything? " I asked hopefully
"Nah" he replied and I sighed. He's a very influencial man. He would not leave a trace. Honestly I was hoping that Emilio could find evidence so I don't have to soil my hands with his blood but it's seems that's the only way right now.
"Do you know you never got to tell me who killed your dad or what really happened that day" he stated and I sighed.
"Why don't you go upstairs, freshen up, eat and come back..." I quickly rushed to the nearest bathroom to throw up. Ardo followed me immediately.
"Mia, are you ok in there?"
"Yeah" I replied him after washing my face. I have been throwing up since morning but I can't seem to understand why. I looked at my face in the mirror. Hmm I looked pale. I just hope it's not what an thinking.
I opened the door to see a worried Ardo.
"Baby, are you okay?" I nod my head
"I'm just hungry" he walked me to the kitchen as he instructed Ben to prepare something for us to eat while he went upstairs to freshen up. I didn't even have the strength to say anything. All i did was wonder how I got so lucky to have him by my side.

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