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SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER : I hate you, I love you by Gnash ft Olivia o'brien


I could hear the sound of someone tearing cloths and several other movements I couldn't comprehend..
"Ardo!!" Mia called out for me and my heart twitched...
"I can hear you.. Mia. I was waiting for your signal since.. You really slept for long.. I was worried as several scaring thoughts ran through my mind" I said sincerely not exactly telling her why..
"I told you that am invicisible.. Didn't I?? Emilia Anna Smith is the goddess of Invicisibility... I told you to trust me" she said and I smiled. If only she knows what's going on...
"I trusted you and I'll always trust in you.. Mia" I confessed wholeheartedly
"Where's Marc and how's my children coping with my absence??"
How can I tell her that Cassius health has detoriated ever since she was kidnapped and Castillo hasn't been eating properly and as a result he has also fallen ill.. I'll have to lie to her..
"Sandra is taking good care of them.. Marc is sleeping" I answered..
"It's time.. All the best Mia.. please stay save.." I continued....
"It's now or Never" she whispered and I held my locket in my hand and kissed her picture...
For the first time in a long time am scared of the danger ahead. Am scared of losing my one true love.. My Mia..
I heard the sound of the door clinging for a while before it finally opened and I let out a deep breath. I couldn't comprehend what happened until I heard the sound of gun cracking..
'she must have silenced the guard' I said to myself..
"Are you okay?" I couldn't stop myself from asking  her even though I've decided not to distract her..
"Am fine.. My foot hurts a lot though" she whispered..
"Hey!!!" someone yelled at her.. All I heard next was a gun shot been fired..
"Shit!" Mia sighed and I felt a wash of relief.. She began to run as more gun shots were fired at her..
Their attack was pretty much heated and I could hear Mia whimpering in pain and her uneven breathing..
I wanted to reach out to her but I didn't want to distract her... I got to know that a bullet hit her because she screamed out in pain but it felt like I was the one who got hit.. Another bullet hits her and she fell down.. Immediately, my locket also slipped from my hand.. My heart missed a bit..
I stared down at my locket in fear. With my shaking hands, I picked the locket..
"What's wrong??" Marc voice boomed from behind me.. I just raised my locket to him and he stared at me in confusion. I turned my attention back to my transmitter..
I could only hear her grunting in pain and my heart throbbing loudly in my ear..
"Mia..." I screamed in pain and fear squeezing my locket in my hands tightly as loud falling sound rang in my ear

"I won't die today not until all my enemies are six feets below the ground" she whimpered in pain and tears flowed down my eyes helplessly..
"Marc.. Call up the driver.. Text mom.. We have to.." my voice cracked ...
I grabbed my phone in tears..
"Am in Mexico not Prana.. Come to me" she voiced out and sighed heavily..
I hurried down stairs with Marc trailing behind me..
I drove like a manaic to the airport..
If I could have my way I would have teleported back to Mexico..

The hospital was crowded with reporters.. I made my way hurriedly inside the hospital with the help of mom's security men.. Sandra, the children, Mom and Nils were seated opposite the ICU..
"Son" my mom called out for me and I increased my steps and embraced her.. Letting out all my emotions and pain through my tears.. I've never been this weak before but today, I couldn't hold back my pain.. I needed someone to console me and seeing my mom here was a big relief for me.. I cried out my never ending pain.. I shamelessly wept on my mother's shoulder something I did at a tender age..
My mom wrapped her arms around me securely patting my back slightly..
"Daddy??" Cassius tapped my legs..
I crouched down and stared at him with my swollen eyes..
He embraced me and I swallowed back the tears threatening to fall from my eyes.. Soon Castillo joined us as we consoled each other.. Mia may be a monster to others but to us she's our righteous Queen who love us with all her heart.. She displeases herself just to please others.. She loves unconditionally..

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now