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The flight to Prague was an extreme punishment to me cos I was fighting the urge not to ripe off her clothe while she slept soundly beside me.. I just couldn't resist the urge of caressing her hair with my fingers to feel the warmth of her hair..I know you feel am a sex maniac but I assure you that am not. I just love this woman so much and I can't get enough of her...
Several thoughts flood in my mind of what i could do with her but i pushed those thoughts aside while I resolved to just watch her sleep..
She barely slept well for the past few days. Even when she tried to deny I caught her as her eyes were red and visible bags were under her eyes.
She rolled closer to me as she curled herself like a baby. A giggle escaped my lips immediately.
I glanced at my wristwatch and sighed
"it's time to wake up sleeping beauty" i said blowing slow and timid air at her face...
"You gat to freshen up before we land.. Mia" i said to her and she lazily opened her eyes..
"Thanks.." She breaths out
"why are you thanking me?" i asked as i moved her hair behind her ear giving me a clearer view of her beautiful face and pouting lips..
"Because of you, I slept peacefully today without waking up by a scary nightmare.."
"I don't mind making it my duty but you gat to shower and freshen up quickly" i said as i lifted her up and carried her to the bathroom..
"I'll be back soon" i said and walked out closing the door gently behind me..
As i took few steps away from the door, she started vomiting and i rushed back in with a glass of warm water.. She sat down weakly next to the toilet bowl while i flushed the toilet..
I handed the glass of water to her and she rinsed  her mouth....
"You don't have to attend the exhibition.. Mia.." i whispered to her as i cleaned her up gently yet lovingly...
"am feeling better now.." she whispered back.. My stubborn queen..
"There's no use arguing with you..." i said while wrapping her head with a towel.. She giggled as i lifted her up in my arms.. I placed her down gently.
"Get dress.. I'll place your medicine on the table.. Make sure you take them.." I said and tried to walk away but she grabbed my arm pulling me closer to her
"you don't have to leave...stay with me for a while" she pleaded and i became tempted to take her and succum to the burning pleasure within me.. 
"I would love to watch you dress but not in this condition.. My self control has been exhausted.. I need to be alone for a while.."
"okay" she murmured with a fake smile
"i'll go check up on the pilot while you get ready.."i kissed her cheek and walked away...


I waited until i couldn't hear Ardo's faint footsteps before dailing my doctor's number
"Goodday doctor" i greeted
"Mary-Ann how you feeling today" she asked
"nauseous and dizzy and i vomitted few minutes ago"
"It's the side effect of the drugs.. I'll prescribe another medication for you but you need to eat regularly and most importantly you need alot of rest my child.."
"am trying my best ma'am but i find it difficult to sleep especially when i know i won't live for long.. But promise me that you will save my son at any cost" i pleaded in tears
"ooh.. Maria-ann my child.. I promise to save the both of you.. You're a fighter.. You must fight till you win.."
"yeah...I'll try.."
"God bless you with long live" she said before i hanged up..
"Can God bless me when he has already cursed me from birth.?" I asked myself and sighed.
I quickly dressed up after taking alot of time to do my makeup and my hair..
The door suddenly swung open.
"Ardo!!!" i breathed out.. He stared at me hungrily.. His mesmerizing gaze held mine captive that i didn't even realise the proximity of the closeness between us..
'How the hell did he get so close to me'.. He grazed his fingers slowly on my  exposed back as i inhaled a sharp breath at the sudden contact between us..
"You look stunning" he whispered to my ear with his lips grazing my ear.. I bit my lips and squeezed my eyes shut as a moan tried to escape my lip and i quickly tried to compose myself..
"Thanks for the complement.. When are we landing?" i asked trying to reduce the tension between us and he burst into laughter..
"What's so funny?" i asked
"we landed few minutes ago.." he replied
"Oh...I got carried away in thought.." I replied as I tried to hide my blushing face.. I raised my head in shock as he grabbed my arm to pull me closer to him. My heart throb fasten..
What the hell is wrong with me.? Why am i feeling so affected by our closeness. My face redden as i lowered my gaze to hide my blush but Ardo held my face straight as he looked deep into my eyes searchingly..
"Don't hide your face from me.. You look extremely sexy when you blush.." he said hoarsely and i couldn't stop myself from blushing intensely. His eyes wandered from my eyes to my lips and slowly our face drew closer with our breaths filling our nostrils.. Our lips graze each other as a spark of electricity ran through me.. He smashed his lips to mine and i open up to meet his hungry lips..
"We're all set boss" the annoying flight attendance called out from behind me..
"Why do you lack courtesy, Sancia?" i spat angrily breaking the kiss.. Ardo groaned in anger and irritation..
"Sorry ma'am."
"Get lost.." Ardo yelled startling her and she rushed out in tears.. Poor girl..
"You just broke her fragile heart.." i said punching his chest and he frowned
"i don't give a damn about her feelings.. She's just my employee" he raised his voice and I lifted my eyebrow..
"Sorry for shouting at you like just..."
"nevermind.. Let's go" i said and he wrapped his hand around my waist and I smile at him..
"We are definitely gonna be crowded by reporters" i whispered to Ardo
"that's not a problem.. We'll just smile and ignore them" He whispered back..

We walked out majestically as several camera flashed their light at us.. We ignored their questions and entered into the waiting car..
After few minutes of a silent drive, I glanced through the latest news feed and I saw several headlines tagged to our photographs...

"Look how stunning we look together.." i said showing our photos that was uploaded to Ardo....
"perfect pair.. You look hot and breathtaking" Ardo said with a smile as he scroll down to view the comments. We laughed and giggled at the comments and argued on some controversial comments until the car came to a halt..
'Let the show begin' i muttered to myself as we stepped down..
"When will these reporters stop meddling in my personal life.."i muttered as I saw the multitude of paparazzi waiting  outside the car.....
"they are just doing their jobs" Ardo replied
"that does not give them the right defame and critize me like that.. I understand that I'm a public figure but i won't fold my arms and let those scoundrels insult me.."
"of course you won't.." Ardo replied as my bodyguards opened the door and guarded us through to the art gallery..

My eyes wandered as it surveyed the massive hall.. It was indeed a beautiful hall with coloured chandeliers illuminating the various things on exhibition. Everyone was looking beautiful as they moved around checking out the various paintings.
I looked straight ahead as my eyes landed on a particular painting. A sudden pull attracted me to the painting.. I stalked towards its direction with my eyes fixed on the painting. I ran my fingers on the surface of the painting  as i tried to understand the artist's mind set behind the painting.
"It's a lovely painting" Ardo commented and i nod my head in agreement
"Behind it's beauty there's alot of pain and loneliness" i chipped in..
"Impressive m'lady.." an unfamiliar voice said from behind me and i spun around quickly. He stood opposite Ardo checking me out. Like seriously he was staring or let me say striping me!!
"You're indeed a goddess of beauty and wisdom" he said and i flashed him a fake smile
"And you must be cunning artiste whose painting i tend to admire.. An artiste who can't keep his eyes off another man's property.." i said with my eyes daring him to deny my words but he laughed and he extended his hand for a handshake and i locked my hands with his.
"Luis Ray.. Pleasure to meet you" he said with his french accent..
"Emilia Anna Smith.. Not too pleased to meet you.." I replied and he giggled like a teenager..
"And you must be Edwardo Gate.." Luis said shaking hands with Ardo..
"Yeah.." Ardo replied
"You've gotten yourself a lovely lady but despite watching me flirt with her you remained calm..." Luis said.. What exactly does he want...
"Actions speak louder than voice.. So, i tend to talk less in most circumstances but the lady in question is capable of defending herself..... Please excuse us" Ardo replied and wrapped his arm around my exposed waist as we walked away
"I want that particular painting. Ardo" i said and he tightened his grib possesively
"You don't need a reminder of that French dickhead" Ardo said and i smiled as i gently caressed his chest while he relaxes to my touch..
"I want the painting and not Luis"
"you'll get the painting Mia" Ardo whispered as he kissed me slightly on my cheek and i blushed. Goddamit!! compose yourself Emilia.
"You're both flirting shamelessly in public yet you deny the allegations of not being lovers" Bill's voice echos from the opposite direction..
"We're who we claim to be.. Friends and business patners.. Maybe someday we'll fall in love and get married and get the happy ending we deserve" i said flashing him a false smile.
"You're a shameless bitch.." Bill spat loudly..
"Mind your language brother. I won't stand here and watch you insult her" Ardo warned him angrily as the gallery suddenly became quiet with their piercing gaze on us and camera lights flashing on us..
Looking at Bill I knew he wanted to attack Ardo so I stopped him and gave him a slap instead which I knew would infuriate him.
"How dare you hit me" he shouted while glaring at me. He wanted to retaliate but he wasn't fast enough as I twisted him arm. You wanted a show, a show you shall get Bill.. He flinched in pain as he stared at me with rage..

"Appologize to the lady." a voice shouted from the crowd but Bill spat to his side..
"Appologizes accepted.." i said and turned to walk away but halted at the sight of someone i never expected to see..

"Long time to see my queen" walter said with a mischievious grin..
"Never imagined to cross path with you Walter.." i mimicked his tune and he laughed..
"Hey!! bitch, am not done talking to you" Bill yelled...
"Don't you dare.." Ardo started but i raised my hand to shun him..
"Let's have a drink and talk like civilized adults.." I suggested to Bill with a fake smile as i tried to calm the rage building within me..
"Your attempt to hide the truth from the whole world is quite lame.." Bill said and i smiled.. So, he's trying to turn the tables around...
"I live a transparent life.. I gat nothing to hide.." I countered...
"Really??? You're acting so innocent after cheating on me with my brother and you claim you live a transperent life.." Bill said and I remained quiet and swallowed back the harsh words in my mind..
"Why are you quiet? Is something wrong with your tongue.." Bill said mockingly...
"your silence means alot Emy.. It proves you're guilty and short of words."
"Indeed silence signifies alot of things but in this case my silence is the best answer given to you as a fool. You call me a cheat.. Do you have an evidence to backup your claim?" i questioned him
"i may not have evidence but your public romance proves my words to be true.."
"how can you stand in front of me and defame me after all you've done.. You hired a fake priest, decieved me, claimed to be my husband for over 6years despite knowing that our marriage was not valid. You forgot the fact that i was never in love with you and i only agreed to this alignment because it was my fathers last wish.. I could have divorced you after he died but i didn't but you cheated on me with your mistress, Nadia Marsh and I in turn stayed faithful to you" i spat angrily...
"yes! I cheated because i was jealous and crazily in love with you but you chose my brother over me.. Why him? What the hell do you see in him that i don't have?" Bill shouted..
"His love for me is pure and geniue but yours is of obsession and greed and if caring for such a person means love then yes.. I love him.. I LOVE ARDO.." i shouted angrily..
That's when I realised the gravity of my statement.. SHIT!!

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now