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I had to flee from the hospital two days ago.. I just couldn't trust Mia's safety in the hands of those useless policemen..
My mom had also requested the National Security Agency NSA England to search for Mia but I preferred to search for her myself.. Marcelo and I travelled down to Prana.. Marc convinced Sandra to go back home and stay with the children if not, she was ready to go with us.. I had to also talk Nils out of travelling with us.. After much pressure he accepted to go back to Mexico..
The search has been very stressful and Mia seemed to have disconnected the transmitter.. She's obviously hiding her pain from us.. The Mia i know would die silently in pain.. She doesn't let people in so easily.. She likes to fight her own battle no matter how difficult and challenging it could be.. My tigeress... Fearless and brave..
"Your food will get cold.. Stop stirring and eat up.." Marc said disengaging me from my thoughts.. Mia must be starving out there.. I know she's brave and all that but she has to connect the transmitter for us to know where she is. She's very sick and has missed her dosage for the past days she's been abducted. If she doesn't put it on so we can find her very soon, she might die and no amount of bravery can save her.. I turned to my food and threw it into the trash can.
"What the hell was that for......bro" Marc yelled from behind me..
"Nothing. I Just lost appetite.." i replied rudely..
"Throwing your food into the trash will not solve anything.. You need food..You need something in your system to provide you enough energy for this search.. Emilia is a tough badass.. She'll be alright.." I know she's a tough badass but she can never cheat death.. Am just fucking worried about her health condition..
What if her heart suddenly stop working.? I shook my head in attempt to push such vulgar thoughts aside..
"She's a tough Badass indeed" i muttered out loud hoarsly..
"That's right man.. That's the courage you gat to keep in check" Marc said with a smile cheering me up.
I opened my bag and brought out my laptop. I glanced at my transmitter before tossing it aside.
Marc looked at me and tried to reconnect with Mia's tracking device. Then, i heard her voice faintly.. I thought it was my imagination
"Why are you hesistating to answer her?" Marc asked worriedly slightly tapping my shoulder.. Shit.. It wasn't my imagination.. I quickly grabbed the transmitter..
"Mia!" i called out but there was no reply.
"Mia!" i called out a little louder than before but there was still no reply..
"Mia!!!" i yelled in pain and fear..
"Ardo!" she answered weakily and i let out the breath that i did not know i was holding..
"Why the hell did you disconnect me for two fucking days.." I queried
"why do you find pleasure locking me away everytime you're in pain or troubled.? Don't i mean anything to you..? Why the hell do you keep me in the dark? Do you know how worried and helpless i felt every wasted minute with no clue about you.. It made me extremely useless" i yelled venting my fustration out on her..
"Calm down bro.. She had.."
"Don't tell me to calm down.. She gat no valid reasons.. We could have resuced her.. I was"
"Ardo!"she called me gently.
The sound of my name on her lips melted away all my fustration and anger.. My heart felt at ease and peaceful..
"Am sorry.. I won't do it again.. Okay.." she whispered gently..
"We have been in Prana for two days now but our search has been in vain.. We need your help Emilia.. Give us a clue on your evirons.. Anything relevant or irrelevant might be of help" Marc told her and she sighed..
"Nothing.. All i know is that where am been kept is sound proof and there are CCTV cameras installed everywhere.. No clues marc.."
"it's a hopeless case.." marc said
"no.. I've gat plans am working on.. Am executing it tonight.." Mia said unexpectedly and i smiled.. That's my fearless queen..
"Can you walk properly?" I asked with concern..
"I'll manage.. My foot are sore but i've gat to do what i must do to survive.. Trust me"
"I trust you completely.. What's the plan.. Mia" i asked.. She was about to answer when an unfamilar voice boomed out..


I don't know why i fainted or how long i was lying unconcious. I gathered the broken pieces of my transmitter, gently I lifted up my disjointed bodies.. My flesh have become extremely too weak to endure any pain or torture.. I tore a small piece of clothing and weakily wrapped it around my neck to stop the bleeding.. I glanced at the floor staring at my own
pool of blood.. These bastards will pay with their lives.. I began fixing the transmitter as a familar poem came to my
mind that always gives me inspiration and strength.. I recited out loud

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now