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It's been three days.. One of the worst days of my life.. My brother has been lying in this darm hospital bed unconscious and my only sister and bestfriend Ann has been abducted and we gat no calls from her kidnappers demanding for randsom which is so unusual and alarming.. I pray she's still breathing.. I held the necklace she gave to me on my birthday tightly to my chest as it burned in pain at the mere thought of losing her.. I felt a movement underneath my hand
"Brother.." i whispered.. He moved his hand again and again.. I quickly pressed the alarm button and the doctor and nurses rushed in..
"Mrs.. You have to excuse us please" the younger nurse said, i nod and walked out nervously..
"What's going on Sandy" mom asked me..
"Mom.. He moved his finger thrice.. He moved his finger mom" i said louder in joy and she embraced me as we cried out in joy..
"Women are very emotional. They shed tears in pain and also in joy" my husband whispered to Nils even though he knew i could hear him clearly and i smiled within me..
"I'm just like my mom" i said out loud wiping off the tears on my mother's face and she does the same to me smiling.. We may not be related by blood but our heart is one..
The door of Edwardo's ward swung open as the doctor walked out..
"How's my son doing..?" My mom asked..
"Your majesty.. He's awake but he's still very weak and he requested to see Mia.. Who's Mia? She must go to him now..". The Doctor said and we frowned and exchanged glances
"Unfortunately doctor, she's not here" i said breaking the silence.
"Call her up.. He was restless.. I had to inject him so he could calm down.. She has to come here before he wakes up" the doctor said
"Thank you doc, but Anna was abducted three days ago.." mom said with a sad voice and the doctor stared at us in confusion
"Emilia Anna Smith is her name but he calls her Mia.." Nils chipped in clearing the confusion.. The doctor nods and excused himself..
"We have to watch him closely.. He may attempt to flee when he wakes up" mom said worriedly and i smiled slightly
"He won't Ma.. I give you my word" my husband pledged to my mom and she smiled..
"I would love to stay with him for a while before leaving for the royal meeting" mom said and i replied
"okay mom.. I'll go prepare his lunch for him to eat when he wakes up" i replied and she kissed my fore head and entered inside Ardo's ward..
"She's exchausted and she wanna attend those fustrating royal meetings" my husband mutters out loud..
"She's a badass.. She'll do just fine" Nils contributed..


Edwardo woke up and i forced him to eat but he refused.. After much preasure he decided to eat only fruits. Despite being confisicated to a hospital bed Ardo continued his work.. He told us that he rubbed a tracking gel to her hair and hid a bug on her necklace.. He's been on his lapop for about ten minutes now but the device signal is very poor.. We lost the one of the tracking device signal and i hope the last device won't fail us.. Please God i need my sister alive with us..
"Ardo.. Please wake up" i heard Ann's voice whispering in pain..
"Did you hear Ann's voice?" i asked them and they replied no chorusly..
"Ssshh.. Listen attentively" I urged them and i heard her voice over and over again..
"My Transmitter" my brother exclaimed happily.. We traced her voice and found it in his trouser back pocket..
"Mia.." Ardo Whispers with tears in his eyes..
"Ardo.. You're alive.. I kept trying to reach out to you.. I thought i lost you..." She weeped gently..
"Ann.. Are you okay?" my voice cracked as i sob gently
"Shilla" she called out and i quickly composed my self.. But i couldn't as my tears flowed down my eyes
"Am alright.. Shilla" she said coughing out loudly and i nod my head afraid that my voice could fail me
"Where are you" Nils asked eagerly
"i don't know but.." she paused
"Mia.." Edwardo whispered softly but no response..
"Sister!" Nils called out but there was no reply from her..
"Mia" Edwardo called out louder but she did not reply.. But when we listened closely we heard her breathing heavily
"Hello bitch. You look unkept .. Should i tell my boys to set your bathing water ready.." an unknown voice said teasingly "Get your hands off me." Ann shouted weakily..
"Boys get me the water.. She must break today.. I've had enough of her being a badass.. She will cry out in pain.. Only then will i be satisfied" the unknown man said harshly.
"What more would you do to me.. Boiling my foot with your electric stove.. Or wipping me mercilesly.. Or using sharp objects on me? It won't break me down.. Even your bull dog can testify to it.. I won't break so easily.. Well, don't bother until i see the coward who had me confined in here.. If he gat guts.. Let him show his darm fucking face and i'll slice him into several unrecognisable pieces." my Anna yelled at him and received a thundering slap as a reply and i don't know how it happened but i felt the pain.. Suddenly she started screaming out in pain..
I closed my mouth with my hands as tears flowed down my eyes and i bite my palm to swallow back the moan that tried to escape my lips..
"I won't give you the pleasure of seeing my tears.. You bastard" Anna yelled in much greater pain.. Edwardo grabbed the bedsheet tightly squeezing his eyes shut tightly.. Ann's voice decreases..
"Let her go." Another unfamiliar voice shouted
"why should i brother?" the unknown man asked
"she's been suffering from emotional heart break since yesterday after learning that her lover has passed on.. Torturing her will only make her stronger. Let her suffer within herself" the unfamilar voice suggested..
"you got bailed out today.. Next time you won't be this lucky" The unknown man said and we heard retreating footsteps.. Ann grunted slowly in pain. We called out her name at the same time..
"Mia.. Say something please" Edwardo urged her
"Ardo.. My head hurts alot" she breathed heavily
"you've missed the dose.. Your health is deteriorating every minute of the day.. You need to escape from there.." Edwardo urged her
"My foot are sore and trembling.. I can't stand with them.. Nevermind that.. There's a cctv camera here"Ann said weakly "We've got your location.. You're in Prana" my husband said and Ann breaths out
"Ann.. Are you alright.." i asked worriedly "yeah.. My eyes have become too heavy for me to keep them open any longer.. I love you all" that was all we heard. We kept calling out for her but there was no reply nor was her body movement heard.
'Could she be dead.?' i muttered to my self as fear consumed my heart and i burst into tears..

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now