How Dare They

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“I’m married to the most wonderful woman I’ve ever met,” Kaname said as he examined his ring with a look of fondness and slightly upturned lips.

Slowly, he placed his hand back on his lap before searching for me in the audience. His eyes found mine despite the distance between us. I smiled back at him lovingly, a beautiful warmth filled my heart as I did so.

“Wow, what an announcement,” I heard Luna say. She must have followed his gaze because she added, “I see that you’re the perfect match. Your wife is lovely.”

“My Hinata completes me,” he answered without breaking eye contact with me.

Right at that moment, I felt the most blessed woman in the world for having Kaname in my life. I’ve always known this fact, of course… But it felt the realest at that very moment. It was like I was being physically wrapped in my husbands love for me. I didn’t just like the feeling. I love it.

I couldn’t hold it in anymore so I had to look down to wipe the happy tears that were blurring my vision. I opened my minaudière and wiped my eyes with my handkerchief.

Kaname’s interview continued and became a lot more serious afterwards. Luna's questions started focusing on the project after asking three more about him. Karina and Joshua as well as Sabrina and Alfred also joined in on the discussion. When it ended, a couple of VIP's joined them on stage for a photo op.

I suddenly felt the need to pee so after sending Kaname a quick SMS informing him that I was headed to the ladies room, I got up to look for it. A passing waitress told me that it was at the end of the hall.

As I was relieving myself, the unmistakable sound of high heels echoed in the room followed by the squeak of a faucet opening then running tap water.

“You really should be on that stage!” came the voice of the woman I’ll never forget. “Look at what that man has achieved because of you! He has the Consuji heiress backing him up and what for? It’s because he saved you!”

“Do you remember how I tried and failed to make something out of that incident, sis?” Of course it was Julianne. I had to roll my eyes at how unsurprising this encounter was.

“That’s because you’re too slow and your acting skills suck! Even I could tell your tears were fake during your interviews!” Maggie told her savagely.

“Oh please!”

“Men are all the same! They like weak women! You could’ve easily snatched him up if you just worked on looking more fragile!”

“Didn’t you see how in love Kaname is with that woman?? The entire room was filled with happiness for them earlier! What they have isn’t fake, how am I supposed to win against that??”

“Even Oliver, who was so in love with Gloria before, left his family to be with me!” the rotten woman scoffed. “I wasn’t even pregnant with Kimberly then! If I can do that, how can you not?”

“So… You mean there’s a chance for Kaname to be mine?” The obvious hope in Julianne’s voice made me want to break something.

“Sister, you’re beautiful, too! Of course there is!”

Furious, I slammed the toilet cover shut and quickly flushed the toilet. With my bag tucked under my armpit (to hell with class!), I got out of the cubicle to wash my hands. Reminding me of Rachelle and Joan, the two women froze when they saw me.

“Please, continue with your topic,” I told them mockingly. “I’d love to know more about how low you both would go just to ruin my family!”

My Soul Will Find Yours : The Fulfillment of the PromiseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora