~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢 ~

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Sofya was wandering around Godswoods of Winterfell when Lady Catelyn spotted her. She sighed to herself and decided to join her future daughter-in-law. She wasn't fond of The Doe Princess - quite opposite actually. She disliked the way Sofya was treating her beloved son. At the same time Catelyn was unable to hate young Princess - she was kind to her other children, especially Sansa and Rickon, and she was raised with no father and no mother. Her brother was not the best around children and her sister-in-law was a cruel woman. Lady Catelyn pitied Sofya for many reasons.
"My Princess", she started softly as Sofya turned around and gave her a faint smile.
"My lady"
"What are you doing here alone?"
"I've been reading a lot about the Old Gods of The Forest. They have always been fascinating me. And know I'll marry a man who's praising them"
"There's also a sept in Winterfell, you can say your prayers there. I am not from the North as well and I visit it quite often. I know it may be a little bit intimidating at first. I still don't feel like I fully belong here", Lady Catelyn wanted to show her support.
"Thank you", Sofya looked down.
"The King wants my husband in the King's Landing to be his Hand. They also think a lot about bonding our houses even more and arranging a wedding between Sansa and Prince Joffrey", Lady Catelyn informed her.
"Sansa would die of happiness", Sofya's eyes lightened up.
"Do you think that would be a good idea? I don't want my daughter do be sent so far away"
"She'd become The Queen one day. It's worth it", Sofya tried to cheer Lady Catelyn up.
There was no point in telling her that no one gave a damn when she was the one to be sent away and she was the goddamn Princess, not some regular lady. Sofya didn't have a mother to care about her and the only person who should act like her mother was Cersei Lannister and she was treating Sofya as a competition. She was more than glad to give Sofya to the Starks - she'd be far away from The Capitol and with no Princess title anymore. That was Cersei's dream come true.
"My nephew may seem to be a little bit bratty and rude but he's still young. He's going to be a good man one day", Sofya added.
"I hope so", Lady Catelyn smiled a little, "My dear, shouldn't you be trying on your wedding dress right now? I think Myrtle has been looking for you"
"Oh, yes, thank you", Sofya bowed down and left Godswoods.
"Oh, gods", Sansa gasped seeing her future sister-in-law, "Where did you get such a dress from?"
"It's beautiful", Myrtle admitted.
"My brother has ordered it from Essos", Sofya answered proudly and turned around to see herself in the mirror. She indeed looked beautiful. So beautiful that it made her blush a little.
"Robb Stark will regret wanting other lady for a wife", one of the servant girls from Winterfell giggled.
"You think so?", Sofya asked raising her brow.
"Yes, my Princess"
"I think my brother is blind or stupid. Maybe both", Sansa laughed.
"That may be the most beautiful wedding dress I have ever seen", Cersei's voice made them all turn around.
It was something unexpected - her kind words. But Sofya looked so wonderful that even The Queen herself had to admit that.
"Thank you, Cersei. But I doubt I'm going to look better than you did on your own wedding", Sofya's words were fake but she didn't want to start another argument.
Living in Winterfell had one advantage - being away from Cersei.
"I didn't say you are going to look good. I said the dress is beautiful", Cersei smirked but laughed after that, "Of course you're going to look beautiful. That dress costed my father half a castle"
Sofya looked down. She hated when Cersei was reminding that Tywin Lannister has lent a lot of money to her brother. Actually The Royal Family owed Tywin Lannister so much gold that it would be impossible to give it all back in one lifetime.
"Could you leave us alone? We need to have a talk", Cersei looked around and all the women stood up and left the chamber quietly.
Sofya didn't know what it was about. She sat on the chair carefully, trying not to wrinkle the dress. The Queen sighed sitting in front of her and scanned her sister-in-law with her piercing green Lannister eyes. She smirked.
"Tomorrow you're becoming Lady Stark. You know what it means, right?"
"Yes, I know. I'm going to have lots of responsibilities in the future. With The North and such. I need to learn more about the life here. The books I have read are not enough..."
"Okay, so you don't know what I'm talking about", Cersei interrupted with a snort. Sofya opened her mouth a little, showing Cersei that she doesn't understand what she means, "I don't care about you being The Lady of Winterfell. I want to act kindly towards you and give you some tips about the wedding night"
"Oh", Sofya gasped. She didn't expect that from anyone, especially Cersei.
"So... Sofya, look at me, you can't blush nor look down anymore. You're becoming a woman. I've been asking around Winterfell and young Lord Stark won't be as unexperienced as you"
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Of course", Cersei snorted, "He's going to know what he wants from you and he won't give a single fuck about you"
Sofya started to nervously play with the hem of her dress.
"Does it really hurt that much?", she asked quietly.
"It's the pain you've never experienced before. But it's not the worst pain waiting there for you. Giving birth is worse. Being a woman is not pleasant, my dear", Cersei's smirk wasn't leaving her face.
"Is there anything to make it better?", Sofya asked shyly.
"Just turn around. You won't have to look at his face and you can try to think about something else. At first it's going to be hard because of the pain but later the pain will disappear and your mind will be able to drift off"
"Th-thank you", Sofya nodded her head as Cersei stood up.
"I believe you'll do well. You're not a Lannister but you have been watching me for past twelve years of your life"
"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am his and he is mine, from this day, until the end of my days", Sofya said trying not to look at Robb's face.
They were in Godswoods in front of a a weirwood tree but the septon was there with them. It was supposed to join traditions from The Faith of Seven and the Old Gods of The Forest.
"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am hers and she is mine, from this day, until the end of my days", Robb stated. He was watching his bride closely since the very beginning.
He had to admit that he nearly gasped when he saw her being led to him by her brother. She looked like a typical Southern Lady - with her fancy hairdo and that decorative dress that probably costed a small fortune. But she looked beautiful that day. He put the furry cape with the embroidered direwolf on her arms and she smiled a little, knowing that it was Sansa's job.
Robb noticed that the eyes of King Robert were watery. Queen Cersei was smirking and she looked bored in general. His own mother, Lady Catelyn, was worried. And his father tried not to show any emotions. It was hard to guess if he was happy. Robb was not. But he had to admit that Sofya looked beautiful. And her eyes were red from crying early that day - she couldn't sleep for the whole night.
It broke Robb's heart - he despised that girl and he wished to marry someone else, yes. But it was devastating to know that some young Princess has been crying all night because of him.
Awkward silence surrouned them after they finished their vows. Everybody were looking at them, anticipating their next move. Robb slowly leaned in and pecked Sofya's lips. After a while she pecked him back and everybody started to cheer. She blushed and looked down trying not to burst into tears again.
So that was it, she was Lady Stark.
"Great! Let's have a feast now!", her brother yelled as people cheered even louder.
Of course that he cared more about the feast than about her feelings. She started walking away when she felt Robb's hand on her wrist. She gave him a deadly look.
"Let's pretend for one day at least. I don't like the idea as well but I've promised my father", he whispered, "There are many Northern lords here and he doesn't want them to gossip"
"Sure", Sofya nodded and sniffed. She was Lady Stark now so she should care about such things.
She took his hand and noticed how sweaty it was. Robb was as nervous as she was.
It was not how Sofya wanted her wedding feast to look like. First of all she didn't want it to be happening in Winterfell, second of all she didn't want it to have drinking contests and that was exactly what was happening there. Her brother was determined to win which meant Sofya and Cersei were dying out of embarrassement.
The only good thing about the feast was the fact that Sofya's dress was the most beautiful one. And the fact that she was surrounded by children. Rickon was sitting on her lap while Tommen and Bran were sitting nearby arguing over something. Myrcella was eating a piece of the wedding cake next to Sofya.
"I wish Shireen was here", Sofya sighed.
"Who's Shireen?", Rickon asked looking up and she kissed his forehead.
"My niece. She's a lovely girl, you'd adore her"
"I adore you", he admitted shyly and Sofya giggled hugging him tighter.
"Where's Sansa?", Sofya asked looking around.
"Flirting with Joff", Myrcella laughed.
"Oh, they're going fast, aren't they?"
"Congratulations, Lady Stark", some deep voice interrupted them. Sofya turned her head and spotted Jon Snow. She smiled at him.
"Thank you, Jon. Please, sit with us"
"No, I don't think that would be a good idea", he admitted. He could already feel Lady Catelyn's burning gaze on him.
"Move, Snow", annoying voice of Theon appeared and Sofya could feel herself stiffen, "Shall we dance?", he asked looking at her.
"Um... I can't, I'm looking after the children"
"Oh come on, it's your wedding. Jon can look after them. You should dance with your husband's best friend"
"Are you? His best friend?", Sofya asked with disgust.
"Theon, leave my bride alone", Robb put his hand on man's shoulder and laughed a little, "She doesn't want to dance nor have fun. She's not like our Northern women"
"Excuse me?", Sofya asked, "Actually your Northern women are known for being serious. Us, Southern ladies surely know how to have fun"
"Then prove it, Lady Stark", Theon laughed. Robb and Jon were laughing at her, too.
"I don't need to prove anything. Especially to such jerks", she muttered.
"She's a tough one, Robb. You should give her a proper spanking", Theon winked at his friend.
"Maybe I will", he said as Sofya gasped at that.
Robb was slightly drunk already and well, he didn't like her, but he couldn't wait to be with her in the bedroom chambers anyway.
"Disgusting", she commented.
"What are you even talking about?", Myrcella asked whining, "I'm bored"
"No one should be bored at the wedding, that's a bad sign", Theon noticed.
"We don't need bad signs to be a disastrious marriage", Sofya sighed.
"You see, sometimes we can agree on something", Robb sat next to his wife and caressed Rickon's hair.
"Alright! It's time!", King Robert yelled and everybody looked at him.
"Time for what?", Ned asked.
"The bedding ceremony! Come on!"
The guests looked at Sofya and Robb now. Sofya's heart was beating as fast as possible. Ned gave a stern look to his son. He wasn't fond of this tradition and it was known.
"There will be no bedding ceremony, I'm sorry", Robb stated and the guests made a sound of disappointment.
Sofya looked at her husband surprised as Catelyn approached her and took Rickon from her.
"It's time", Robb turned to her and extended his hand. She took it and stood up although her legs were weak and she started shivering out of fear.
All eyes were on them as they were leaving to their chambers. Sofya saw Cersei winking at her but she didn't even smile at her sister-in-law. She was terrified.
"Why did you do that?", new Lady Stark asked finally when she was alone with Robb, walking through the corridors of Winterfell.
"My father insisted"
"Anyway, thank you", she said quietly.
"There's no point in making you feel even more uncomfortable, is it?", he asked noticing how her wet hand was still holding his tightly. She was pale and there were goosebumps on her shoulders.
At first Robb wanted to tease her about it because she was always acting so tough and there she was, shivering out of fear, but he changed his mind. Sofya looked like she was about to faint when he opened the door to their chambers.
She walked inside and started to undress herself ineptly the moment he closed the door behind them. Her hands were moving chaotically and shaking so much she almost ripped her dress. That's when Robb approached her and held her shaky hand in his warm and steady one. Sofya looked up shyly with her big brown eyes.
"Easy, my lady", he whispered, "We don't have to do it tonight. I can wait"
She took a step back making wide eyes at him.
"I thought you despised me. Why are you so nice suddenly?"
"I'm not happy with the fact I am your husband but it is not my intention to hurt you or cause you pain", he explained, "We can wait if you're not ready"
"I am ready", she stated, "I... I want it to be over already, let's do it"
She knew that if Robert and Cersei would find out about her being a virgin on a day after her wedding, she'd be in deep trouble.
Robb started taking off his clothes and when he finished, Sofya was on the bed already. The thing was that she was turned around, facing a wall.
"What are you doing?", he couldn't stop snorting.
"Wh-what, am I doing something wrong?", she turned her head to look at him. Sofya didn't understand why he was laughing.
"Come on, turn around"
"Oh...", she blushed as she laid down on her back, "Cersei told me that it would be a good idea if..."
"Shhh... It's okay, really", Robb leaned in and laid upon her, "Are you sure?"
"Yes, just do it already", Sofya sighed.
"Put your hand on my back or neck, don't just lay there", he smirked.
"O-okay", she squeezed his arm with her hand and he smiled at her before clashing his lips with hers.

The Wolf and The Doe || Robb Stark || Game of ThronesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang