~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢 ~

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Sofya finished writing the letter to her husband and stood up silently. She peeked into her mother-in-law's room and saw Lady Catelyn sleeping peacefully. The Queen sat on the edge of her bed and moved few auburn hair strands from Lady Stark's worried face. She was beautiful despite her age and horrific loss of her husband. Sofya wished to age as gracefully as her mother-in-law.
The Queen in The North sighed and left her chambers. She found herself walking in the direction of her brother's bedroom. That's when she spotted Queen Margaery Tyrell leaving Renly's chamber. Her dress was very revealing and Margaery was clearly embarrassed to see Sofya there.
"My Queen", she nodded her head.
"Your Grace", Sofya bowed down, "I've wanted to visit my brother but I'm afraid it would be inappropiate now?"
"No, quite opposite. I think he's in need of your company", Margaery said with a smirk.
"Ah, I see", Sofya smiled at her and entered Renly's chamber without knocking.
He was sitting on his bed with opened shirt but he looked like he was about to cry.
"S-Sofya?", he sniffed and stood up, "What are you doing here? You shouldn't have seen..."
"Renly, I am not a little girl anymore. I am a wife myself", she noticed furrowing her brows and approached her brother. She helped him to tie his shirt up again.
"I can't, Sofya... I don't know what to do with women", he confessed looking down and biting his lip.
"I know, dear brother", she kissed his forehead and smiled at him warmly, "But you have to. You want to be The King. And being The King sometimes means that you need to sacrifice yourself and your sanity"
"Her brother... The one who's been acting so boldly... He's the one I..."
"I know", Sofya chuckled, "Otherwise he would never dare to disrespect your sister like that, right?"
"I'm sorry for him"
"No need. Ser Loras is lovely", Sofya tried to cheer her brother up and finished tying his shirt. She sat next to him.
"What are you doing here? We were supposed to have a meeting tomorrow morning?"
"With Lady Catelyn tomorrow morning. But I want to speak to you in private before the official meeting in her presence", Sofya put her head on his arm gently.
"Little rebel as always", Renly snorted, "Can I ask you something personal?"
"You are my brother, of course you can"
"Why aren't you with a child?"
Sofya raised her eyebrows and looked into his brown eyes, the same as hers.
"My husband and I agreed that it is not the best time to have a child during the war"
"He's The King, he needs an heir"
"He's got two brothers in Winterfell. Starks don't worry about the heirs. Why?"
"I have to make Margaery pregnant", he sighed and Sofya laughed.
"Oh, poor you. Other Kings have bigger problems than that, stop whining", she kissed his cheek cheerfully and stood up, "I want to speak to you about Joffrey"
"Joffrey?", Renly made a surprised face.
"I know you've never been close to Robert's... children... but I don't want you to kill him"
"He killed Lord Stark"
"He's my nephew no matter what. You perfectly know that he's manipulated by Cersei. She's the one I want dead", Sofya stated although she wasn't sure of her words, "Joffrey is still a child"
"It was his order to get your father-in-law killed. Wanting to spare his life is a plain disrespect", Renly tried to explain.
"Robb promised me he wouldn't kill him"
"Ah", Renly snorted, "And you believed him?"
"Why wouldn't I? He's my husband"
"He says such things to keep you in his bed but he's going to do whatever he pleases. I know men, Sofya"
"Robb's not like that", Sofya gasped and gave her brother a deadly look, "We love each other"
"You do?", Renly made wide eyes, "I'm sorry then, I had no idea"
"It's alright, sometimes I can't believe in that myself", Sofya giggled.
"About Joffrey... I'll think about it"
They weren't saying anything for a while and Sofya sighed trying to find the right words to start the proper conversation.
"Look", Renly started instead, "You're The Queen, I am The King, Robert was The King, Stannis somehow is as well, he's got people by his side... Us Baratheons are unbelievable", he laughed.
"Indeed! And our parents are almighty for that", Sofya nodded her head with a smile, "Speaking of Stannis... I don't want you two to fight against each other. Isn't there really any way to make you two cooperate?", she bit her lip.
"No, Sofya. You know Stannis"
"It's a shame", she sighed.
"You came here to speak about something else, though, didn't you?", Renly stood up.
"Yes. I want you to become my husband's ally. Together we shall win easily. Lannisters are going to be outnumbered and they will surrender. You know that Tywin is a genius. But he won't be able to fight us all"
"Alright", Renly nodded his head with a smile, "Tell Robb to bend his knee in front of me and we shall meet Lannister army together"
Sofya's smile disappeared from her face as she took a step back clenching her jaw.
"Excuse me?", she asked.
"You've heard me, Sofya. My goal is to become The King of Seven Kingdoms. Not Six", Renly remained calm.
"You must be insane! You're losing The North but you're gaining The Iron Throne with no effort!"
"Sofya, come on... Convince Robb...", Renly approached his sister, "If he loves you then use a little bit of your charm and make him bend the knee in front of me..."
"No way!", she snapped at him angrily, "I am The Queen in The North"
"If that's about the title, I can..."
"Oh, shut up! It's not about the fucking title! You don't give a shit about The North, no one ever did! Have we ever cared about what was going on in Winterfell? Never! We treat The North like it's the worst place in Westeros-  ugly, raw, cold and poor. Those were my thoughts when I was going there as well. But Winterfell stole my heart, Renly. I'm... I mean, we... We're going to take a good care of The North and you shall be The King of The South. It's going to be perfect", Sofya was trying very hard not to yell at him.
"I can't lose the whole Northern Kingdom"
"Renly, stop being so stubborn! We're going to remain friends. If something bad's going to happen to The Six Kingdoms, The North's going to help. And if something bad's going to happen to us, you're going to help as well. We're going to send our children to each other", she tried to joke, "Your sons are going to come back home and cry that they don't want to ever come back to that cold and ugly Winterfell", she chuckled.
"And aunt Sofya's such a bitch", Renly laughed as well, "You're not Sofya Baratheon anymore. You sound like a Stark", he noticed.
"I don't. I am different from them, believe me. I almost lost my head for that"
"What?!", Renly screamed and made a scared face, "Sofya, what are you talking about?!"
"Doesn't matter anymore, the traitors are dead. But being The Queen is causing me trouble"
"You can stay here", her brother proposed carefully, "Nobody's going to hurt you here"
"That's exactly what Robb's afraid of", Sofya chuckled, "Me staying here with you and never coming back to him. He...", she took a deep breath, "You have no idea what he's like. He's so good, so loyal, lawful and righteous... Just like his father", she gave her brother her famous doe eyes, "I don't want him to lose his head just like Ned. Let me tell you something. Robb's not going to be a good King"
"Excuse me?", Renly asked in a surprised tone.
"He's going to be too good, too naive and too forgiving. He's an excellent warrior, he's never lost a battle, but he won't ever be a good King. I am The Queen, though. The Queen in The North. And your sister. Our alliance is the only right way. But we won't bend the knee", Sofya stated for the last time and watched her brother's reaction.
"What if I don't agree? Will you go to Stannis?"
"If you don't agree I won't tell you my plans for sure", she smirked knowing already that she's won.
"Gods, alright. You are my little sister, I can give you The North as a gift", he winked at her and she hugged him tight rolling her eyes.
"How did you sleep, Lady Stark?", Sofya asked with a smile when they started eating breakfast.
"Good. Your chambers are cozy and comfortable", Catelyn nodded her head with a smile.
"Your Graces, My Lady", Margaery joined them with a smile. She was the last one to come.
"Your Grace", Catelyn, Sofya and Renly bowed their heads.
"Queen Margaery, there was no occasion yesterday and I'd like to thank you", Sofya smiled, "For the grain your father had offered us"
"No problem, Queen Sofya"
"So", Renly started looking at Lady Catelyn, "When will I be able to meet with Robb Stark? I can't wait to finally meet the man that my sister is so fond of. And I guess we have to come up with the battle plan together"
Catelyn made wide eyes and looked at her daughter-in-law. Sofya was smirking.
Lady Stark got slightly angry that the most important part of the negotations has taken place without her. She didn't want to let Sofya and Renly know about that, though. After all, everything turned out to be alright. But still, the thought of Sofya discussing the future of The North and Winterfell without Lady Catelyn by her side was dreadful.
Sofya, on the other hand, finally felt like The Queen in The North and she thought that her mother-in-law should have more faith in her. She didn't feel guilty in any way.
"He... He's going to be delighted to hear the news and I think you two are going to meet very soon", Catelyn assured nodding her head.
"When are you leaving?", Renly asked, "I hope not today. Stay few more days, please"
"Gladly", Sofya agreed looking at her mother-in-law.
"My Queen's wish is my command", Catelyn smiled faintly.
"But if my Lady Mother wants to be back..."
"No, no... Let's stay. We both need a break from the war and Storm's End is a wonderful place"
"Your Grace", one of the guards entered the chamber but stopped himself seeing Catelyn and Sofya.
"Go on, there's no need to hide anything from my dear sister and her Lady Mother", Renly encouraged him to speak, "They're representing our ally, King Robb Stark"
Sofya held her head a little bit higher proudly.
"You have a visitor, My King", the guard bowed down.
"Lord Petyr Baelish"
Everyone looked at each other furrowing their brows.
"Alright, tell him to wait, I'm coming", Renly stood up from the table, "Excuse me, my ladies"
"Renly", Sofya stopped her brother, "Be careful around him"
"I know, I wasn't born yesterday, Sofya", he stated with a smile and left.
"I had no idea you know Lord Baelish", Lady Catelyn started carefully.
"Lady Mother, of course I do! I was raised in The Red Keep", Sofya chuckled.
"Sometimes I forget about the fact you know all these people"
"I think Lord Baelish is even less trustworthy than Cersei Lannister herself", Sofya looked at Lady Stark and Margaery, "I'm not happy with his presence here. It always means trouble"
Lady Catelyn sighed and quietly nodded her head.
Sofya spent the whole day with Queen Margaery and they were looking through the jewelry in castle's treasury room.
"Renly's never showed you that room, I assume", Sofya giggled.
"No, he's always so busy", Margaery chuckled.
"Look at us, two Queens", Sofya kept giggling, "But we're still children as well", she added in a more serious tone.
"I don't feel like a child", Margaery stated, "Do you?", she looked deep into Sofya's eyes.
"Sometimes I do", The Queen in The North shrugged her arms, "You're Robb's age I've heard?"
"Mhm", Margaery nodded her head.
"And don't you think sometimes that we're a little bit too young to be married women in the middle of the war?"
"I am The Queen, though", Renly's wife laughed, "And my husband doesn't even sleep with me. So why would I care?"
"Ah, yes", Sofya snorted.
"Does yours sleep with you?", Margaery asked curiously.
"Yes, he does", Sofya answered and looked down trying to find something nice in the wooden box in front of her to change the topic, "Look!", she handed Margaery a necklace made of many colorful gems, "It was my mother's. I want you to have it"
"Oh, no... Really, that would be..."
"You're her daughter-in-law, you can have it. It suits you", Sofya insisted.
"Thank you", Margaery took the necklace carefully, "Do you think she would like me? Your mother?"
"I don't know...", Sofya admitted sadly, "I don't even know if she would like me. I don't remember her much"
"Renly always says that you remind him of her"
"Robert was saying the same thing. I guess it must be true", Sofya sighed.
"And what is that?", Tyrell Queen pointed at the red ring in the box. It had an interesting sigil on it with three black ravens surmounting a dead white weirwood tree.
"Ah", Sofya smiled widely, "I was looking for it in The Red Keep for years! It belonged to Queen Betha Blackwood, my greatgrandmother. She married King Aegon V Targaryen and was a mother to my grandmother Rhaelle"
"Now it's easy to understand why all of the Baratheon siblings are wearing crowns", Margaery smiled.
"I'll keep it", Sofya hid the ring inside her dress and winked at her sister-in-law.
"Alright, I think it's time for me. Renly's in his camp, I'm going to visit him and see how he's doing"
"You have to keep trying every night", Sofya smiled kindly, "I'm going with you, I feel bad for leaving Lady Catelyn alone"
They left the treasury room and went outside. It was dark already.
"I love your dress, by the way", Sofya told her brother's wife.
"Thank you! I can hear a hint of jealousy in your voice although you are known in Westeros for wearing beautiful dresses yourself"
"Old times. Now I'm Lady of Winterfell and it would be inappropiate. I don't mind, though. I love my husband and I'd still be by his side even if he was a carpenter or a smith"
"But he's The King", Margaery giggled.
"Exactly. I have nothing to complain about"
"You can complain about being The Queen. It's not as easy as people think"
"I have to agree with you once again", Sofya stopped herself and smiled, "I guess we're here, I can see my brother. Good luck"
"Thank you" Margaery nodded her head and left her side.
Sofya started to look around for her mother-in-law when she spotted Lord Baelish leaving one of the tents. She tried to avoid him but he saw her immediately.
"Princess Sofya!", he greeted her with a smile and she rolled her eyes.
"That is not a proper way to address me", she hissed, "Baelish", she looked at him with despise in her eyes.
"Ah, right. You're The Queen now. Queen Cersei's talking about it all of the time"
"If she doesn't have anything better to do then let her speak"
"I guess you're looking for Lady Stark. She's in the tent behind me but I'd rather not walk inside at the moment"
"Why?", Sofya raised her brows.
"I had a gift for her. Her husband's body so it can come back to Winterfell"
"Oh", Sofya gasped and turned her head to look at the tent in which Lady Catelyn was in.
"Let's have a walk", Lord Baelish put his hand on The Queen's arm causing her to feel the creeps on her back.
"Alright, a little walk", she nodded her head and moved away from him quickly, "Although I don't know on which side are you on at the moment"
"I'm always on the one side. My side"
"Which may be the end of you"
"At least I'm not with The Starks", Baelish noticed with a smirk and Sofya clenched her jaw.
"Starks are hard to kill", she answered to that with a spark in her eyes.
"Say it to Ned, he's in that tent", Petyr pointed it with his head, "Lannisters were offering you shelter many times. You've always been careful and that makes me wonder what made you act so foolish to reject them"
"Something you would never understand, Lord Baelish", Sofya hissed and left his side angrily to join her Lady Mother.
Love was an unfamiliar feeling for him.

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