~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔬 ~

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Sofya left the crypts and sighed. It was nice to feel the fresh air again and come back to reality instead of drowning in sorrows all evening. It was less nice to have Robb Stark by her side. Myrtle, her servant, joined them as well but she was walking behind them in silence.
"How do you like Winterfell, my Princess?", Robb awkwardly tried to start a conversation.
"Not much", Sofya answered honestly.
"A bit too cold for you, I assume"
"And a little bit too ugly", she smirked.
"Well... It's not The Red Keep for sure... May I show you around?"
"That's what you're supposed to do", Sofya shrugged her arms.
"People here need time to trust someone and your funny hairdos won't help", he dared to notice as she gave him a deadly look.
"Funny? You dare to call it funny? It's the latest fashion trend! Myrtle, am I right?", Sofya turned around.
"O-of course, my Princess", she bowed down a little, "All ladies in King's Landing do their hair like that"
"Well, I don't know much about fashion and I don't even care about it", Robb shrugged his arms.
"That I can see", Sofya scanned him with her big brown eyes and looked away.
Robb went silent. He already couldn't stand The Princess and the thought of her becoming his wife was making him sick.
"Um...", he tried to change the topic, "Well... The story of your brother and Lyanna... Very sad one"
"True love is very rare indeed, it's a shame what happened to them", Sofya admitted, "If they had gotten married, I would have been your aunt"
"In-law", he noticed.
"Doesn't matter", she rolled her eyes.
He didn't try to start a conversation again.
Sofya loved the parties in King's Landing so she hoped for the feast to be the only interesting thing about Winterfell. Unfortunately, it was disappointing. It was nothing like in The South and her brother was getting more and more drunk with each minute which was embarrassing. Cersei and Sofya were the only ones in beautiful, decorative dresses and their hair done up. Other ladies looked as gray and basic as before and they were making wide eyes at The Princess and The Queen.
The worst part was that Robert insisted on Sofya sitting next to Stark children instead of him. Sofya felt hurt by that and she whined about it but he gave her a stern look and walked away.
"You're gonna be my sister?", the youngest girl asked. Her name was Arya. She was bold and boyish.
"Arya! That's no way to address The Princess", her older sister, Sansa scolded her. She was a rare beauty of red hair and a shy smile. She was in awe of Princess Sofya and she absolutely adored everything about her - her dresses, her hair, her attitude. Sansa hoped to be like her one day.
"That's alright", Sofya smiled a little. She had a soft spot for children, "Yes, we're going to be sisters"
"What are your interests?", Arya asked.
"Being annoying", Robb murmured and took a sip of his beer. Sansa gave him a deadly and a little bit terrified look.
"At least I'm not a drunkard", Sofya snorted.
"And who is? Me? It's my first beer", Robb shook his head.
"First but not last", she said.
"My last, for your information, Princess"
"Um... So what are your interests?", Arya repeated the question.
"I love sewing, reading and dancing. You?"
"Oh", the girl sounded disappointed, "I like sports and shooting a bow and arrow"
"That's not very ladylike. Do your parents allow that?",  Sofya asked. Although she tried to sound as nice as possible, Arya seemed to be offended.
"Ladies in The North are different. Tougher", Robb noticed finishing his beer.
Sofya squinted his eyes at him but he put the mug down and didn't take another one.
Maybe, just maybe, he wasn't like her brother.
It didn't change the fact she didn't like him.
"I just hope that you are aware of the fact that being tough does not always mean fighting with a sword. Sometimes it takes a bravery and courage of a different kind. Sometimes shy ladies in dresses and long hair are tougher than any knight you know", Sofya said to Arya but she looked at Robb.
"I just prefer swords over dresses", Arya shrugged her arms.
"If that makes you happy...", Sofya started when the youngest of Stark children appeared nearby and started to pull her dress.
"Rickon!", Robb hissed, "You should be in bed already! What are you doing here?"
"Wanted to meet The Princess", Rickon admitted and looked down.
"Then stop pulling her dress for gods' sake!", Sansa scolded him.
"That's alright, really", Sofya laughed as she hugged the boy and sat him on her knees. He was adorable and made her heart melt, "Wanted to meet me?"
"Ye-eah", Rickon smiled and Sofya caressed his hair.
Robb was watching her closely. For a moment her eyes stopped being cold and empty and he had to admit that she could be looking beautiful. But her heart had to be made of stone. Well, most of the time at least. Because she had nothing but kindness towards his youngest siblings.
"Sofya, come on, you don't like me anymore?", Tommen's voice made her turn around.
"Oh, darling, don't be jealous. Rickon, that's Prince Tommen, my nephew. And that's Rickon, my future brother", she introduced them and smiled.
"Nice to meet you", Tommen extended his hand but Rickon blushed and hid his head in Sofya's chest.
"Young lad knows where to put his head", Theon laughed.
Sofya had been introduced to him earlier that day and she didn't like him right away. That comment made her frown. She couldn't understand why he was given permission to share the table with them anyway.
"What did you say?", Robb asked before she could react.
His friend blushed and looked down immediately. He didn't expect Robb to get angry.
"I... I mean..."
"You should apologize to The Princess", Sansa hissed.
"I'm sorry", Theon looked at her.
"Thank you"
"For what?", Theon asked surprised.
"For apologising. I'm not going to say that it's alright because it's not"
"Rickon's falling asleep, Sofya", Tommen noticed laughing a little bit.
"Oh, poor kid. It had to be a very exciting day for him", she caressed boy's head, "Um..."
She looked at Robb who was having a conversartion with his step-brother, Jon, who was not allowed by Lady Catelyn to sit by the table with them. Sofya would rather have him around than Theon, though.
Bastards were part of that whole marriage thing and she was aware of that. Her brother had bastards, Ned Stark had bastards, Robb will probably have them too. Dealing with that was a part of being a woman.
"Um... Robb...", Sofya started and he looked at her with annoyance in his blue eyes. Jon Snow looked at her as well. He was curious to know more about her. Was she as bad as his brother was saying?
"Your brother's falling asleep on me, would you mind taking him to his chamber?"
"No, not at all", he stood up and she handed him sleepy Rickon after kissing him on the head.
Robb took his brother and went away. Sofya sighed.
"Princess... I absolutely love your hair. How do you do it like that?", Sansa asked shyly.
"Oh, my dear, don't call me Princess, please. My name's Sofya. And I don't do my hair", Sofya laughed, "Myrtle does it. She's my servant. I'll tell her tomorrow to do your hair as well if that's what you want, how about that?"
"Oh, that would be too much..."
"Not at all", Sofya smiled.
Well, at least Sansa was nice. Rickon and Bran were cute as well. It couldn't be that bad in Winterfell. It wasn't home but it wasn't hell either.
The very next day Sofya was walking around with Myrcella and Sansa. She was avoiding Robb and she was avoiding Robert because he would force her to spend time with her fiancé. Sansa had her hair done up and she was very happy about it. She was gossiping with Princess Sofya and Princess Myrcella when she accidentally admitted to have a crush on Prince Joffrey.
"Whaaaaaat?!", Sofya gasped, "Oh gods, Sansa! That's... That's so amazing, actually"
"Really?", she looked down shyly.
"Of course! He's my nephew and I like you very much so why would I be against that?"
"They'd be a cute couple together", Myrcella agreed, "Much better than you and Robb"
All three of them giggled but Sofya's heart was breaking. She didn't want her marriage to look like that. Perhaps she was stupid but she wanted to marry out of love.
Suddenly, a dog jumped out of the corner. At least Sofya thought that it was a dog at first. He was quite big but he looked like a pup. It could be a wolf.
"Oh dear, what kind of beasts do you keep here?", Sofya asked.
"Never seen a direwolf before, huh?", Robb asked. He appeared out of the same corner.
"Robb, she's from The South. Of course she's never seen the direwolf before", Sansa rolled her eyes at him, "And don't be such a smartass because none of us had seen them before you found them in the woods", she added and Robb blushed a little.
"Also, it was a joke", Sofya crossed her arms, "I love animals. I just got scared. But I love dogs and cats... And everything", she wanted to prove that and attempted to pet the direwolf.
"Be careful, they're...", Robb started but to his surprise, Grey Wind let her caress his head. He even laid down on his back so she could pet him some more.
"What were you saying?", she asked with a smirk.
"Father, Robb, Jon and Theon found the pups in the woods. Six of them. One for each. Robb's one is called Grey Wind", Sansa explained.
"What a terrible name he's given to you", Sofya cooed to the wolf, "Such a pretty dog with such a stupid name. I'd call you some noble name"
Robb snorted. He was trying not to show that he was actually jealous of Grey Wind. He expected his direwolf to dislike Sofya just like his owner.
"My direwolf is named Lady, Arya's named Nymeria, Bran called his direwolf Summer. Rickon's one is Shaggydog"
"And Jon called his one Ghost", Robb added.
"They're all better names than Grey Wind", Sofya kept teasing and petting the wolf.
"What's on your head, Sansa? You look ridiculous", Robb laughed at his sister and she blushed.
"It's fashion", she muttered.
"He doesn't know anything about it", Sofya snorted.
"Enough of that. I was just leaving with him. Grey Wind, get up", Robb ordered.
"Leaving? Where?", Sofya asked suddenly.
"You're not his wife yet", Myrcella giggled.
"Exactly. I do not have to tell you where I'm going", Robb squinted his eyes at Sofya.
"Are you going to bring me bastards home before we're even married? Of course I want you to tell me", she drawled out.
Sansa and Myrcella went silent and looked at them making wide eyes.
"That insinuation is rather ludicrous", Robb stated and left with Grey Wind.
"My brother may be annoying at times but he's not like...", Sansa started carefully.
"Like your father? I had been told otherwise. My brother is always telling me how Robb's as great as your father. He can be as terrible as him as well"
Sansa looked like she was about to cry and Sofya felt bad about it.
"I'm sorry, Lady Sansa", she started again, "I'm sorry. I don't think your father is terrible but there is no denying in the fact that he has a bastard son. And I'm just scared of having a marriage like my brother... I shouldn't have said that probably but..."
"Yeah, mom and dad are not the perfect couple indeed", Myrcella added.
"I know that Robb won't be loyal to me. I can't expect that especially when we don't even like each other. It's devastating, you know? Marrying someone you don't want to marry"
"I'm sorry", Sansa looked up finally, "I'm sorry you are being forced to marry my brother. But he would never harm you, you have my word"
"Alright, alright... Let's talk about nice things again... Like you and Joffrey", Sofya winked at Sansa and her sister-in-law-to-be smiled at her. Myrcella giggled.

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