~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫 ~

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"Gwyn, be careful!", Sofya chuckled while observing her young servant playing with Grey Wind on The Crag's courtyard. She was sitting on the bench next to her husband as they were holding hands, "I really like this place", she told Robb.
"I see", he smiled, "I'm glad that you came here with me. You'd be drowning in sadness and sorrows in the camp"
"Yes, probably", Sofya nodded her head, "But I can't stop thinking about the boys..."
"Theon would never hurt them. I hope..."
"He killed Rodrik"
"Sofya, I don't want to speak about it now", Robb looked at her, "I don't want to think about it neither. There's no point of mourning when we don't know what happened"
"I know, I'm sorry"
Gwyn squealed as Grey Wind jumped on her happily and she fell down to the ground.
"Gwyn!", Sofya rushed to her side, "Are you alright, my child?"
"Y-yes, Your Grace", girl answered in a shaky voice. There were few tears in her hazel eyes but she remained brave.
"Grey Wind! You can't do such things!", Sofya scolded the direwolf and he looked down.
"It was not his fault, My Queen. He meant no harm", Gwyn sniffed.
"Let me help you, Lady Gwyn", Robb offered her his hand and she blushed before letting him to do so.
"Thank you, My King", she bowed her head.
"Ah, you're lovely", Sofya hugged Gwyn and caressed her cheek, "Are you sure you're alright? Your elbow is bleeding"
"Only a little bit", Lady Whitehill shrugged her arms.
"We should see the maester", Sofya insisted.
"Ah, maester! Did the healer give you a list?", Robb asked his wife's servant.
"Yes, it is here", Gwyn handed him a sheet of paper hidden in her dress.
"Alright, let's go now", Sofya smiled at them and squeezed Gwyn's hand to take her inside.
"Your Graces", Lord Westerling approached them, "I must admit it pleases me to see you both feeling so comfortable around my castle. I'm sorry for its condition..."
"There's no need, My Lord", Sofya told him kindly, "It's one of the most beautiful castles I have ever been to"
"Said The Princess raised in The Red Keep", Lord Westerling chuckled.
"The Red Keep is overrated", Sofya admitted, "I've been to many castles all around Westeros. My words are honest"
"Thank you, My Queen", Lord Westerling bowed his head.
"We're looking for your maester", Robb explained, "Can you show us a way?"
"Of course. Come with me", Lord Westerling turned around to enter the castle and they followed him.
"How's Jeyne, Lord Gawen?", Sofya asked, "I miss her sometimes"
"Ah, Jeyne...", Lord Gawen furrowed his brows, "We had no occasion to speak about her yesterday", his voice sounded sad.
"Did something happen?", Sofya asked in a worried tone.
"She died", Lord Westerling answered while turning around, "Maester is behind the door", he pointed.
"Why did she die?", The Queen asked in a whisper.
"She was giving birth to her first child. Both of them are dead. Excuse me, Your Graces"
"Of course, Lord Westerling", Robb nodded his head and watched him disappear around the corner.
"Don't worry, my love", Sofya put her hand on his arm, seeing him getting pale, "It won't happen to me. My mother gave birth to three sons, remember?"
"You are not your mother, Sofya", Robb sighed.
"I am not, you're right. But weren't you the one to tell me that there is no need for mourning before time?"
"My Queen, can we go inside? My elbow's starting to burn", Gwyn whined.
"Of course, my dear, let's knock, shall we?"
"What are you thinking about?", Sofya asked her husband when they were finally returning to their camp on the next day. They were walking in the forest, followed by the soldiers and horses.
"My father", Robb muttered looking away.
"What about him, dear?",
"He once told me that being a lord is like being a father, except you have thousands of children and you worry about all of them", Robb started, "The farmers plowing the fields are yours to protect. The charwomen scrubbing the floors, yours to protect. The soldiers you order into battle", The King looked at his wife. She furrowed her brows, "He told me he woke with fear in the morning and went to bed with fear in the night. I didn't believe him. I asked him 'How can a man be brave if he's afraid?'. 'That is the only time a man can be brave' he told me"
"Your father was a wise man. I hadn't known him for long but Robert's been telling me stories about him since I was a child", Sofya found Robb's hand and squeezed it.
"I am a father to all of them. I am their King. And yet... The thought of becoming a father to our child... Is terrifying me", he admitted.
"Oh", his wife gasped, "That I did not expect"
"Aren't you afraid?"
"No. I am not scared of having children, I am scared of giving them life in such horrific times where they can lose it any time. If only we were in Winterfell now, safe and sound... We are still young, yes. But I think raising children is less scary than a war, Robb Stark", she giggled, "Especially with such an amazing wife as yours, My King", she winked at him.
"You're going to be an amazing mother, I don't doubt. But I am not sure if I will be a good father", Robb explained in a shaky voice.
"Are you kidding me? Me? A good mother? I don't remember my own and Cersei's been my only example. You, on the other hand, were raised by Ned and Catelyn Stark! And you were so lovely  around your siblings. Robb, you're going to be amazing!", she tried to cheer him up and kissed him on the cheek.
They heard Gwyn's laughter and turned around to see her riding on Grey Wind's back.
"Seven hells, child!", Sofya gasped but smiled at the same time, "Be careful!"
"I am, Your Grace!", Gwyn giggled but became serious again while looking at her King, "Or maybe I shouldn't...?"
"You can play with him, Lady Whitehill. I have no power over him, he's doing whatever he wants. I can see that he likes you"
"He never liked Benygne", Sofya realized suddenly, "She was scared of him, remember?"
"Maybe, I don't want to talk about her"
"Your Graces!", one of the riders from the camp approached them on the horse, "The Kingslayer, he escaped in the night"
Robb and Sofya looked at each other holding breath.
"How?!", Robb shouted at the rider, "HOW?!"
"Your Grace, it's going to be difficult to...", the rider jumped off his horse and approached them.
"Tell mow how, right away!", Robb ordered.
"Your mother, My King... She let him go"
Sofya were in shock but it was nothing in comparision to Robb. His surprisement has changed into anger very quick, though, and he rushed to the camp.
"Robb, wait!", Sofya ran after him.
"Tell me this isn't true", Robb entered his mother's tent angrily, followed by Lord Karstark and his wife. Sofya's heart was beating as fast as possible - she had no idea how this was going to end.
Lady Catelyn didn't answer. She only turned around on her seat. She looked broken inside, it made Sofya pity her.
"Why?", Robb asked as he already knew his mother was the one to blame. It was in her eyes. The same as his but they felt so unfamiliar at the moment.
"For the girls", Lady Catelyn explained, giving her daughter-in-law a desperate look. She needed her support.
"You betrayed me", Robb's voice was harsh but it was his words that made Sofya uneasy.
She was the one accused of betrayal. Catelyn was the one they loved. All the Lords wanted Sofya to be more like Catelyn. What were they thinking now?
"Robb...", she started shaking her head.
And what side should Sofya be on? She had to choose one, she was The Queen. The Queen must always be on some side.
"No! You knew I would not allow it and you did it anyway", The King stated.
Sofya was no mother yet but she understood Lady Stark's pain and desperation. She loved her Lady Mother and didn't want her to be in trouble. At the same time she was angry at her for making such an important decision without Robb.
"Bran and Rickon are captives in Winterfell. Sansa and Arya are captives in King's Landing. I have five children, and only one of them is free", Lady Catelyn started to explain as she was getting angry at her son for not understanding her. In her eyes, he was selfish as he was the free one while his siblings were suffering.
For Sofya there was another thing - the fact that it was all about Jaime Lannister. A little, very small part of Sofya Stark was happy that he was free. She hated herself for that, she knew what a terrible man he was. It's hard to start hating someone you've been around for years, though. It's hard to hate someone who's been your guard and even a little bit of a friend. She even couldn't hate Stannis after killing Renly. She refused to admit that but the truth was she still loved her brother.
"I lost one son fighting by your son's side. I lost another to the Kingslayer, strangled with a chain", Lord Karstark interrupted them angrily, "You commit treason because your children are prisoners? I would carve out my heart and offer it to the Father, if he would let my sons wake from their graves and step into a prison cell", he finished looking at Lady Catelyn.
The Queen in The North pitied Lord Karstark and she was torn between her husband and his Lady Mother. Women should remain loyal to their husbands. But Sofya couldn't just break Lady Catelyn's heart.
"I grieve for your sons, My Lord", Lady Catelyn tried to calm Lord Karstark down.
"I don't want your grief. I want my vengeance. And you stole it from me", Rickard told her.
"Killing Jaime Lannister would not buy life for your children, but returning him to King's Landing may buy life for mine", Lady Stark looked at her son, trying once again to convince him.
"Jaime Lannister has played you for a fool, Lady Catelyn", Sofya finally spoke which made her Lady Mother close her eyes. She really hoped that Sofya would be by her side, she was aware of her sympathy for The Kingslayer, "I considered you to be smarter, Lady Mother", Sofya continued, "They will never give us Sansa and Arya back. I know them too well. And now they won't hesitate to hurt them"
Lady Catelyn's face was full of pain and sorrow which caused Sofya's heart to squeeze in her chest. But the truth had to be told.
"You've weakened our position", Robb started in a voice so cold that his own mother couldn't recognize him as she made wide eyes at him, "You've brought discord into our camp. And you did it all behind my back", he added, "Make sure she's guarded day and night", he ordered his men.
"Robb", Lady Catelyn stood up trying to stop him but he turned around already. Lord Karstark followed him.
"How many men did we send in pursuit of the Kingslayer?", The King asked the guard before leaving.
"Forty, Your Grace"
"Send another forty with our fastest horses", Robb told him and looked at his wife, "Come, Sofya"
"Later", she looked down and bit her lip as her husband nodded his head while sighing.
"Robb...", his mother tried to stop him for the last time but he left.
"I'm sorry", Sofya whispered and her Lady Mother sat on the chair again and started crying, "I'm sorry, Lady Mother... I had to speak the truth. And I can't be on your side. I understand why you did that but I am angry at you as well for doing so", she explained.
"He hates me. My own son hates me. Have you heard his voice, Sofya?", Lady Catelyn hid her face in her hands.
"He doesn't hate you", Sofya rushed to her side and caressed her arm, "He loves you. More than ever. But people make mistakes and people get angry at each other. You should know it, you're older than me, Lady Catelyn"
"You considered me to be smarter after all", Lady Stark sniffed.
"I know you wanted me to defend you but I can't. I understand your pain and desperation but I agree with Lord Karstark today. I'm leaving, Lady Mother. But please, don't you think we hate you"
Sofya stood up and left the tent in silence. She wanted Sansa and Arya to be back with them as well but she knew that Jaime wouldn't provide that. She was terrified of the aftermath of Lady Catelyn's reckless act.
"I've been too harsh, haven't I?", Robb asked his wife later in their tent, "To my mother"
"No, Robb. You're not only her son but also her King", she said calmly while taking her jewelry off.
"And yet you stayed with her"
"Only to explain to her why I wasn't defending her decision. Although I understand it. As a woman"
"Gods, I can't stop thinking about what you've said. That Lannisters are going to hurt the girls", he sighed sitting on the chair and resting his head on his elbow.
"My love", Sofya caressed his arm, "For Cersei hurting young ladies is like a sport. I used to be her prey for years. But I was a Doe. Your sisters are Wolves"
Robb raised his head and smiled warmly at his wife.
"You're like a ray of sunshine in the darkest days", he told her as he grabbed her hand to place a kiss on it, "I bless the day your brother decided to give you to me to be my wife"
"What do you see in me, Robb?", she asked carefully. She truly had no idea. She loved him and she was more than happy to have his love as well. But she didn't understand it.
"Your inner strength and your charm. You have everything I am in lack of. Darling, you complement me", he said and she blushed, "No need to be ashamed, Sofya. You're my wife"
"I don't think you're in lack of any of that. You're charming and strong. The difference is you can fight well on the battlefield but you're very soft in real life. I would die right away during the battle but I know how to fight people outside it. I was raised surrounded by the lions and then they left me with the wolves", she smiled sadly, "But I don't want that. I'd rather be a typical lady. Not some fancy Princess from the palace. I'd be softer, more pure. My heart wouldn't be filled with this horrible poison...", she gave her husband a worried look, "I don't want to be like that. It reminds me of Cersei. And it was alright, really. But not anymore. I am your wife now, I wish I were different. For you. Your mother told me once that I have a pure heart. That's how good I am. I have deceived even her"
"Sofya, stop, please", Robb interrupted her and his voice broke, "Your heart is filled with anger but it has every right to be. It's been broken many times because it is pure indeed. It's very easy to break it. You have to defend yourself. And to defend me, our Kingdom. You are the only woman I can imagine by my side", he added, "I swear it by the Old Gods"
"You are my ray of sunshine as well", she chuckled finally and lowered her head to place a gentle kiss on his lips.
"My King, you've wanted to see me?", Roose Bolton entered the tent which made Sofya take a step back and smile at him awkwardly.
"Yes, Lord Bolton. Sit", Robb pointed a chair in front of him.
"Shall I leave?", The Queen asked.
"There's no need, unless you want to", her husband said and she nodded her head.
She stayed, of course, and sat next to him. Lord Bolton smiled at her kindly before bowing his head a little.
"How's Winterfell? Still no word?", Robb asked his bannerman.
"We've sent a dozen ravens. None have returned", Bolton answered, "My bastard is only a few days from there. Once he captures the castle..."
"Theon has my brothers. If we storm the castle...", Robb interrupted him while clenching his jaw.
"He wouldn't dare hurt the boys", now Roose was the one to interrupt, "They're his only hope of escaping the North with his head"
Robb sighed.
"Send word to your son. Any ironborn who surrender will be allowed to return safely to their homes", The King stated.
Lord Bolton looked at him like he's lost his mind. So did Sofya.
"A touch of mercy is a virtue, Your Grace. Too much...", Roose started.
"Any ironborn with the exception of Theon Greyjoy", Robb fixed himself and Roose nodded his head slightly, "He betrayed our cause. He betrayed me. And we will hunt him down no matter where he runs"
"I expect his countrymen will turn on him the minute they hear the offer", Lord Bolton assumed.
"Your Graces, may I?", Gwyn's voice from the outside reached them.
"Of course, my child", Sofya smiled kindly and the girl entered the tent, "What is it?"
"Your bath is ready, My Queen"
"Ah, I must be leaving then", Sofya stood up.
"I'm leaving as well. I'm afraid I haven't brought any good news", Roose sighed.
"You haven't brought any bad news either, Lord Bolton", Sofya smiled at him, "Robb, I'll be back soon", she looked at her husband and he nodded his head.
The Queen and Roose left the tent. Gwyn followed them in silence.
"May I escort you to your tent, Your Grace?", Roose proposed.
"Sure, Lord Bolton", Sofya smiled at him.
"We both think the same thing, don't we?", he started mysteriously.
"I have no idea of your thoughts, My Lord"
"Our King is being too... merciful"
"Ah, yes, indeed", Sofya nodded her head, "But he's got me by his side. His mother actually thinks I am encouraging him to act recklessly", she giggled, "I probably shouldn't tell you that... But I trust you, My Lord. You've always had my back"
"That is my duty, Your Grace", Roose smirked, "I know that most of our Lords are not fond of you but... I'm glad to see a woman like you being our Queen. If King Robb ever dies, there is no doubt you're going to be a great ruler, Queen Sofya"
"Ah, don't even say that", Sofya's heart stopped for a moment, "It feels wrong to even think about that"
"I saw disgust in your eyes when we were talking about Prince Theon. May I know the reason, My Queen?", Roose quickly changed the topic.
"I've never liked him. And he's never shown me any kindness. He was my husband's close friend and he was jealous of him spending time with his wife instead of him. He didn't like the fact I came out of nowhere and became a Stark while he was still a Greyjoy in their eyes. He's a troubled man. Another woman would perhaps pity him but I don't have such kindness in me"
"Good. Our enemies are strong and evil. Being too kind would bring the death upon us", Roose looked significantly at his King's tent and stopped walking as they were finally near their destination.
"Lord Bolton", Sofya sighed and put her hand on his arm, "I understand your concerns but please, have faith in our King. There are songs about him in the North already and The Westerlands' men are living in fear of meeting him. The Young Wolf that has never lost a battle", she smiled kindly, "See you tomorrow, Lord Bolton"
"Your Grace", he nodded his head and watched her disappear in her tent with young Lady Gwyn.
Robb Stark's never lost a battle, that was a fact and Roose couldn't deny that. But he knew that it didn't mean that The King in The North would win the war.

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