~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔦𝔳𝔢 ~

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"Just let us in", Robb's voice broke before he pushed the door leading to his brother's chamber.
Maester Luwin sighed. He was trying to explain that Bran was alive and his life was now in the hands of the gods. Robb and Ned were eager to see him as soon as possible, though.
Bran was laying on his bed while Lady Catelyn was praying loudly and crying next to him. Sofya was by his side as well, with scared Rickon on her knees. Arya and Sansa had red eyes from crying, standing behind their mother.
"What happened?", Ned asked. He sounded so sad that it broke Sofya's heart.
"He fell from the tower. The servants found him, and then Lady Sofya", Catelyn answered.
Robb looked at his wife. She was caressing his brother's hand softly while her own was shaking. She looked stressed and no less terrified than Rickon.
"I was sure that he was dead", Sofya whispered and sniffed.
"He is not. He's asleep and recovering. Let the gods decide", Maester Luwin interrupted them.
"Can I come inside?", Jon asked appearing in the doorway. Lady Catelyn gave him a deadly glare.
"Of course, Jon", Sofya had answered before her mother-in-law opened her mouth which caused everyone stir a little.
Even Robb and Arya, who loved Jon like their own brother, looked at Sofya like she was mad. She shouldn't have acted like she was Lady of Winterfell already. Sofya, on the other hand, couldn't help liking her father-in-law's bastard son. Although she was a Princess growing up in a palace, she perfectly knew how it was to feel unwanted and lonely.
Lady Catelyn only nodded her head. She didn't have time to fight with her son's wife. She had to say her prayers.
Jon walked inside and smiled sadly at Sofya. She stood up and decided to leave the chamber. She didn't feel wanted there, she wasn't a part of the family. She cared for Bran but she didn't want to spoil the family moment.
It kind of broke her heart that no one has stopped her and no one has told her to stay.
When she closed the door, she faced Jaime Lannister. She almost jumped in her place.
"Jaime, what are you doing here?", she asked furrowing her brows.
"Wondering how's the boy doing"
"You have feelings! Since when?", Sofya giggled a little although she was still sniffing.
"That's very unfair of you to accuse me of being heartless", Jaime whispered piercing her with his eyes, "I've been by your side when you were sick, don't you remember?"
"I do. And I am gratefeul", she nodded, "Lord Bran is asleep at the moment. His fate is still not sure. We need to wait for the gods to decide"
"Horrible thing", Jaime shook his head.
"Indeed. His mother is devastated. I can't imagine what I would do if that was my son..."
"We're leaving soon. How do you feel about that?", Jaime asked suddenly, squinting his eyes at her.
Sofya and Jaime were never very close but they kind of liked each other. He would often protect her as The Guard and when she was a very young girl she even had a crush on him. Thankfully he's never found out. Sofya didn't trust him in everything and was aware of the fact that he was loyal to his sister but still, she sort of considered him as family.
"How soon?", she asked as her heart squeezed in her chest.
"Two days"
"That's fast", she admitted.
"King Robert's got a lot of work to do in King's Landing", Jaime explained.
"I wish I could just come back with you and forget about Winterfell", she sighed.
It wasn't exactly true - Sofya accepted her fate already and she even found few good things about living in The North. But the thought of being far away from her family was breaking her apart.
"You and my sister will have a break from each other, that's going to be a good thing for both of you", he smiled a little.
"True that", she smiled widely when the door opened in front of them. It was her husband who was making wide eyes at Sofya chatting with Jaime Lannister.
Sometimes he was forgetting that she wasn't only King Robert's sister. She was somehow connected to all those people there were stories about in the whole Seven Kingdoms. Robb hated to admit that but he was intimidated by that.
Sofya's eyes lost the sparkle at the sight of him. Jaime noticed that and looked down smiling sadly. He was often defending Sofya in front of his sister. He knew that she was no competition to Cersei - she just wanted to find her place in the world. And Winterfell wasn't it.
"My Lady", Robb started officially because of Jaime's presence, "Could you please help Lord Rickon with preparing to sleep? It's late already"
"Of course", she nodded her head and extended her hand as Rickon took it.
Sofya was sleeping already when Robb joined her in their bed. But in the morning she found herself hugging him slightly. She quickly moved away, hoping he didn't notice that. She didn't do it on the purpose after all - she couldn't control herself while she was asleep.
New Lady Stark quietly dressed up and left the chamber. This time she wouldn't be late for breakfast. She wanted to take a lonely walk but Grey Wind joined her. She didn't mind him being around so she was smiling slightly at him.
Suddenly another direwolf appeared out of nowhere - the white one. They started to play together.
"Why are you up so early, my lady?", Jon asked laughing. He was sitting outside and staring at the trees.
"Don't call me a lady, we're family now"
"You're Lady Stark, I'm not a Stark", Jon said as she sat next to him.
"That's fucked up, isn't it?", she looked at him as he made wide eyes at her cursing.
He would never expect a princess to curse.
"What is?"
"That's not a kid's fault that their father is some licentious lord. But that fact is defining their whole life. With all resepect, Jon, but your father doesn't look like those lords that cheat on their wives, though", she laughed a little.
"And how do they look like?", Jon asked smiling.
"Like my brother", she answered seriously, "I love him but he's got so many bastards, it's crazy...", she sighed.
"If that's what you're worried about... Robb won't bring you any. Maybe one. Like his father", he chuckled.
"I'm not worried about that anymore. You're only worried about such things when you're in love", she admitted shrugging her arms, "What were you thinking about?"
"I'm leaving, did Robb tell you? I'm going to join The Night's Watch"
"Ah, yes, he mentioned something. Are you sure?"
"Yes. That's my destiny"
"It's going to be sad here without you", Sofya said although she didn't even spend enough time with him to be able to say such thing.
"Most people don't think the same. Hey, thank you for what you did yesterday but... Don't do that again. Lady Stark is not someone you'd want as your enemy", he sounded worried.
"I know, I am Lady Stark as well", she tried to joke but she knew that he was right, "I just didn't want you to feel excluded. Bran's your brother as well"
"You left, though"
"Didn't want to spoil a family moment. So, you asked me about being up so early. I can't just lay in bed and overthink, I'd go crazy. Tomorrow my family's leaving"
"I know, I'm leaving with them. But I'm going North while they're going South"
"It's killing me. The thought of staying here alone"
"You're a total opposite to what Robb has told me about you", Jon snorted, "He should give you a chance. I think he's judged you too fast"
"You know, we're still young, Robb and me. We're fighting a lot but eventually we're going to learn how to accept each other. And we'll probably ignore each other for the rest of our lives but at least we won't be annoying each other so much. That's a good thing . Other ladies have it way worse", Sofya sighed.
"Grey Wind!", Robb's voice interrupted them, "I've been looking for him. Stop stealing my direwolf", he looked at his wife.
"Robb, come on", Jon scolded his brother.
"Are you by her side now?"
"There are no sides, Robb. You are married, you are one side. The sooner you both realize that, the better"
"I don't know if The Night's Watch is a good idea for you since little cleavage can turn you crazy, man", Robb informed his brother.
"Northern men are impossible!", Sofya stood up, "Those expensive dresses you always laugh at, they make men from where I'm coming from, swoon. And you are whining about it being too flashy and too revealing. That's honestly boring. And out of taste in my opinion because at the moment you should be worried about other things", she clenched her fists in anger.
"A real furious Baratheon, I can see", he kept teasing. He didn't know why he couldn't stop himself.
"Well, not a Stark for sure", she snapped at him and left. She didn't want to be late for breakfast again and she didn't want Robb and Jon to see her tears. She was crying out of anger and out of sadness. She didn't want the rest of her life to look like this. Away from family and being an outsider in Winterfell.
When Robb went to check on his brother, he was surprised to see his wife in the chamber. She was sewing next to his praying mother.
"What are you doing here?", he asked shocked.
"Robb, stop it", his mother muttered in between two prayers.
Sofya looked up at him giving him watery doe eyes which were probably her only trait that he   actually liked.
"Keeping your mother company", she whispered.
"I mean... It's the last day your family's here"
Then, someone else entered the room. Cersei Lannister. Robb and Catelyn stood up which made Sofya roll her eyes. She left her unfinished sewing work on her seat and stood up only to approach her husband and put her hand on his shoulder.
"We should be leaving now", she whispered.
Robb didn't understand much but he nodded his head and left his mother alone with The Queen. And Bran, of course.
"What was it about?", Robb asked.
"I don't want them to know how bad things between us both actually are. My brother's got more important things to be worried about", Sofya explained which wasn't true. She just wanted to avoid Cersei and pretend in front of her that her marriage was good.
Sofya left Robb's side after few moments of awkward silence during which she still had her hand on his chest.
She decided to visit Myrcella and Tommen. On her way, Rickon joined her.
"Where are you going?", he asked jumping around. He was too young to be fully aware in what danger his brother really was.
"To see my nephew and niece", Sofya explained.
"Can I go with you?"
She knew that no one was really taking care of him. Lady Catelyn was focused on constant praying, Lord Stark and his daughters were getting ready for the journey, same with Jon. And Robb was too busy annoying his wife. Sofya felt responsible for the youngest Stark.
When she entered the chamber, to her surprise, there were not only Myrcella and Tommen, but also her brother.
"Oh, my Doe", he smiled and approached her which made Rickon take few steps back. Robert hugged his sister and caressed her cheek, "You're so pretty. You look just like our mother, you know that?"
"No. I don't remember her much", Sofya admitted looking down.
"Sofya, we're leaving tomorrow", Myrcella sniffed and hugged her aunt.
"I know, darling", she kissed her head.
"Will you be taking good care of my aunt?", Tommen asked Rickon. Young Stark looked scared of that question.
"Y-yes", he answered which made everyone laugh. Sofya hugged him close.
"How's the married life?", Robert asked laughing loudly.
She gave him a deadly look.
"You perfectly know how the married life is. Nothing special, quite annoying", she admitted.
"You should give that Stark boy a second chance"
"The problem lays in him, not in me", Sofya tried to explain, "He's criticizing everything I do and nothing seems to please him. He despises me in general because I am a rich, spoiled Princess from the capitol and not a humble, boring lady of The North"
"And you are being disgusted by him because you don't see a good, loyal and a brave man in him. You see some simpleton from The North and you seem to be annoyed by the fact that he didn't fall in love with you immediately"
"I'm not like that", she rolled her eyes although she knew that her brother was right. She didn't want to admit that nor change anything, though.
"Daddy, I want Sofya to go home with us", Myrcella whined.
"No!", Rickon suddenly grabbed Sofya's dress and hid behind it, "I won't let her go", he mumbled.
"Oh", Sofya's heart melted, "You see, guys, I need to stay here for a special fella", she winked.
"Your husband?", Myrcella asked giggling.
"Not exactly", Sofya caressed Rickon's head, "Where's Joffrey, though? I feel like he's avoiding me"
"He's not. He's in love and he tries to spend as much time with Sansa as possible", Tommen made disgusted face.
"Well, he's going to have a whole eternity with Sansa and only one day left to spend with me", Sofya sighed, "Speaking of Sansa, I must go see her. See you around"
"Come inside", Sansa opened the door and faced her sister-in-law with her youngest brother.
"Hello, Sansa. I wanted to speak with you. I hope Rickon can be around as well? I can't just leave him be or tell septas to take care of him, I'd feel terrible"
"Of course", Sansa laughed, "What is it?"
"Wanted to talk about you about The South", Sofya sat on the chair and took Rickon on her lap, "You're not going to be alone, you're going with your father and he's a wise man, but... Please, look out and be careful, alright? It's not a peaceful place like Winterfell. And it may be dangerous. Some people will pretend to be your friends but in fact they will want to destroy you"
"You make it all sound so gloomy", Sansa whined.
"But that's the truth", Sofya made wide eyes at her.
"I'm sure it's going to be wonderful. I'm going to be a real Southern Lady like you and then I'm going to marry the love of my life and and become The Queen", Sansa's voice was dreamy.
"I hope it's going to be like this, I really do. But you need to be ready for everything", Sofya tried once again, "Sansa, please"
"I'm sorry that I'm going to King's Landing and you have to stay here, it's unfair. I wish we both could go to The South"
"It's not about me", Sofya sighed as Sansa approached her and hugged her.
"I'm really glad that you take care of me and that you're worried, really, but Joffrey won't let anything bad happen to me"
"I hope so"
"Robb's so stupid and blind. You're the best lady Winterfell could get!", Sansa was so excited her face was all pink. She couldn't wait to be in the King's Landing, wear her hair up and her dresses fancy. Sofya was her role model, "I hope that when we see each other in few months, I will already be as refined as you are"
Sofya was only smiling at Sansa. There was no way of warning her about anything. She was too happy and too excited. Sofya couldn't blame her for that. Young girl's dreams were about to come true - living in the capitol, marrying The Prince. Sofya was just a little bit sad and a little bit jealous of Sansa's happiness.

The Wolf and The Doe || Robb Stark || Game of ThronesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin