~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔑𝔦𝔫𝔢 ~

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Grey Wind became very frustrated when so many people started entering the tent because it became more difficult to watch over his lady.
Now it was Catelyn's turn, after all the healers finally left Sofya's side. Her Lady Mother was in a company of two guards.
"Sofya, my child", Lady Stark hurried to her side with a smile and held her hand, "Such wonderful news!"
The Queen in The North smiled back widely and squeezed Catelyn's hand.
"It should be the happiest time of my life, shouldn't it?", Sofya asked looking down.
"When you're lucky enough to marry a man you love... Even if not, though, it's impossible not to love your own child. No matter who's the father"
"I know such cases", Sofya whispered, "I've seen mothers leaving their newborns on the strees of King's Landing to die"
"Why are you having such thoughts, Sofya?", Lady Stark asked in a worried tone.
"I'm scared of what's to come", The Queen looked her in the eye, "And I don't mean my child. I am ready to have it. But this war is starting to look really bad. We can't forget that we're fighting Lannisters. And they always win"
"Oh, I see that pregnancy's not going easy on you. Once you're happy and next moment you're sad, right?", Catelyn smiled.
"I'm worried, that's it", Sofya shrugged her arms.
She couldn't understand how Lady Catelyn was the one trying to cheer her up when they were in deep trouble because of her. Sofya's mind was far away, wherever Jaime Lannister was. There was still a little hope for Robb's people to catch him but it wasn't enough for her to feel safe.
The King entered the tent and smiled at the sight of his Lady Mother and wife holding hands. Grey Wind barked at him but started to wave his tail happily.
"The healers say you should leave the bed today", Robb approached his wife and kissed her forehead, "But it is your decision"
"I will. Laying here and overthinking is not doing me good", Sofya admitted, "I've heard men celebrating last night. What happened?"
"Their Queen is expecting", Robb smirked.
"Ah", Sofya sighed, "I thought that maybe they have captured Jaime", she stood up with a little help of Lady Catelyn, "I don't think it was a good idea to tell everyone I am pregnant"
"What do you mean?", Robb furrowed his brows.
"Cersei's going to find out", Sofya noticed while trying to find a dress in her box, "She will never let this child to be born"
"You say it like you're sure it's going to happen", Lady Stark scolded her.
"Because I do! I know her too well", Sofya snapped at her, "Jaime pushed your son out of the tower. What makes you think Cersei wouldn't send someone to put a dagger in my womb?"
"My Queen, am I needed?", Gwyn entered the tent.
"Yes, darling. Help me with the dress, alright?"
"Of course", girl nodded her head and approached her lady.
"Where are we heading now?", Sofya asked her husband.
"Harrenhal", he informed her in a worried tone.
All her pessimism was making him feel anxious. He sat on their bed and started watching her getting dressed. The Queen didn't look pregnant yet but the invisible aura of warmth and coziness was surrounding her already. Robb remembered all the times when his mother was pregnant with his younger siblings. She had the same aura then. But his mother was smiling all the time. Sofya's eyes were filled with sadness and worry. He felt responsible for that as her husband and as the person who kind of started this bloody war.
"Harrenhal is three times bigger than Winterfell. It's the biggest castle in Westeros", Sofya said with a sad smile as she remembered her classes in The Red Keep when she was a little girl, "It's full of ghosts and gloom. They say it's cursed"
"It must be hauntingly beautiful", Lady Gwyn dared to speak and Sofya cupped her chin with a smile.
"Oh, Lady Whitehill, we're so alike", The Queen chuckled and her servant blushed.
"Isn't there really any safe place for Sofya in Westeros? Pregnant woman shouldn't follow her husband all over the kingdom during the war!", Lady Catelyn exclaimed suddenly.
"Especially when she's carrying such an important heir", Robb nodded his head, "I'd love to find Sofya a castle to stay in. But I think she'd be the safest by my side"
"And what if the heir wouldn't be so important?", Sofya asked him harshly, "Don't even think of sending me away. If I die, I die by your side and with my people. Not somewhere far away from  my family, slaughtered by Lannister's assassins"
"Sofya, my dear, no need to be so upset. We want the best for you and the little one", Lady Catelyn approached her and caressed her daughter-in-law's cheek.
"What if it's a girl? Will the Lords hate me again?", Sofya continued.
"I'll make her a King then. Until we have a son", Robb said and everyone in the tent looked at him like he was crazy, "I can die anytime and we don't know where Bran and Rickon are. If... If they...", his voice broke, "If they're dead... If I die and you're carrying a girl... She will be The King. My bannermen know it already"
"And they agreed for such a thing?!", Sofya asked surprised.
"They had to", Robb nodded his head and looked down.
"Oh, my love, I don't think they're dead", Sofya rushed to his side and put her hands on his arms, "Theon would never..."
"You're only saying this because you don't want me to be sad. We both know you're always the one who's imagining the worst", Robb muttered.
"It's better this way. I'm avoiding being disappointed", she smiled faintly and he looked up. Sofya pressed his worried face to her abdomen and started caressing his curly hair, "Gods, why can't we be home already?"
Stark's banners were waving proudly in the wind but all the men riding their horses looked exhausted and weary. Sofya was surrounded by the guards and soldiers because it was dangerous for pregnant women to ride horses and she felt nauseous all of the time. But each time she had been stopping everyone because she was about to throw up, which never actually  happened, she was given no dirty look from any Lord. Robb's bannermen were relieved to see her finally expecting a child.
"How are you feeling, Your Grace?", Lord Bolton approached Sofya on his horse.
"Better now, My Lord", she nodded her head.
"We are near, do you want to see the castle?", Roose asked and she smiled while going faster and joining him and her husband in the front of cavalry.
"Oh, it's beautiful", she gasped looking at the ruins which made Robb turn his head, "Despite the  hanging bodies I can see"
Robb sighed. His wife looked terrible - her skin was grey and the bags under her brown eyes were huge. She looked like she was about to fall off the horse any moment. He hated seeing her like this and he wished for everything to be finally over, he wanted Sofya and their unborn child to be safe.
"We should set the siege lines one thousand yards from Harrenhal", Roose's words caused him to come back to reality.
"There won't be a siege. The Mountain can't defend a ruin", Robb shook his head.
"I imagine the Mountain will defend whatever Tywin Lannister tells him to defend"
"The Lannisters have been running from us since Oxcross. I'd love a fight. The men would love a fight. I don't think we're going to get one"
They continued to ride in Harrenhal's direction. Sofya was starting to feel more anxious with each minute but she bravely didn't let her horse to slow down and she remained right behind her husband.
When they finally arrived and stopped in front of the gate, Robb helped her to jump off her horse. She almost collapsed onto him as there was no more strength in her after a whole day of riding in a state of a constant nausea.
"You should stay outside, Your Grace", Roose noticed bowing his head in her direction, "It stinks like death there"
"Call one of the healers, they may be needed", The King ordered, "Sofya, stay here, alright?"
"Mhm", she nodded her head but followed him anyway.
"Sofya", her husband turned around gave her a warm smile, "Have you heard what I said to you?"
"Yes. But I can perfectly smell rotten bodies here as well. What's the difference if I stay outside or go there?"
"I'm here, Your Grace", one of the healers approached them.
"Am I needed?", Gwyn rushed to her Queen's side.
Young girl felt responsible for Sofya and she was very worried seeing her lady sick. She was aware of her father's sins that she had to repay for.
"No, no, you're staying here", Sofya insisted and when she turned around again she noticed that her husband and his bannermen are gone already which meant that they left her outside.
She rolled her eyes and entered Harrenhal.
"Ah", she gasped noticing that she placed one of her feet in the middle of the blood puddle. When she raised her head she saw something she's never seen before.
As The Princess she used to be visiting poor areas of King's Landing very often. She's seen death and sickness there. But it was nothing in comparision to the carnage in Harrenhal's courtyard. Flies were buzzing loudly among the corpses of men. It all looked still and calm, almost like it was natural. But it wasn't. And Robb was right. The disgusting sweet smell of rotten flesh made Sofya throw up right away. She wasn't even ashamed of that and no one really paid attention to her. Except Lady Catelyn who rushed to her side.
"Are you alright, Sofya? You shouldn't be here", she whispered.
"I know, I'm too stubborn sometimes", Sofya admitted.
"Two hundred Northmen slaughtered like sheep", she heard Lord Karstark noticing.
"The debt will be repaid, my friend. For them and for your sons", Roose Bolton assured him.
"Will it? They rot in the ground while their killer runs free", Lord Rickard gave Catelyn a dirty look.
"The Kingslayer won't remain free for long. My best hunters are after him", Lord Bolton said.
The healer started to check men laying on the ground to see if some of them were still alive. Robb was walking around the courtyard in silence. His Lady Mother decided to join him as it didn't look like Sofya was going to be sick again. She joined her husband as well because she wanted to be as close to him as possible. She tried to squeeze his hand but he moved his away as they approached an older man with white hair and a beard laying dead with a sword in his heart.
"A Mallister?", Robb asked his mother.
"Ser Jeremy. My father's bannerman", Lady Catelyn answered in a sad voice.
Sofya started to feel uneasy and she looked around quickly realizing what made her feel this way. Roose Bolton, Rickard Karstark and all the soldeirs were looking at Lady Catelyn hatefully. The Queen pulled Robb's sleeve a little and pointed all these men with her head to let him know about it.
Lord Karstark and Lord Bolton left the courtyard giving Lady Stark dirty looks. Sofya understood them and couldn't blame them, especially Lord Rickard. But she loved her mother-in-law and nothing was going to change that.
"Find her a chamber that will serve as a cell", Robb ordered his men harshly.
Sofya looked at Lady Catelyn and furrowed her brows with worry. Her Lady Mother's beauty was overshadowed by sadness in that moment. She followed the guards in silence and Sofya bit her lip. She was surprised to find her hand resting on her abdonmen. She didn't remember putting it there, it had to be done unconsciously.
The King turned around and approached his wife finally, touching her arms gently. She smelled like vomit but it was nothing in comparision to the smell of the bodies laying around them.
"You should rest, Sofya. They're going to find you a chamber to sleep in, alright? I'll join you later...", he started but he was interrupted by sudden coughing.
One of the men was still alive. Sofya noticed that he was wearing Maester's clothes.
"Here! Here!", she exclaimed while waving her hand at the healer, "He's alive!"
"Water... Water...", the survivor mumbled as the woman approached him and started to examine his wounds.
"This needs to be cleaned and closed", she noticed.
Robb gave him his water and helped him to drink it.
"What's your name, friend?", The King asked lowering down when the healer started to clean the survivor's wounds.
"Qyburn", he answered in a whisper.
"You're lucky to be alive", the healer noticed with a warm smile.
"Lucky?", he asked ironically as he looked up and noticed Sofya standing behind her husband. A weird smirk appeared on his face, "Ah, what a sight. Congratulations, My Lady"
Sofya took a step back and Robb furrowed his brows while standing up.
"How did you know...?", Sofya asked the man curiously.
"There's life forming inside of you which makes a contrast with death around. You're like the center of the whole world, glowing", he answered slowly.
Each of his words sounded somehow mischeviously. He had to be a Maester for sure, but a very unusual one.
"Find me a chamber, please", Sofya turned around to one of her guards, "It was a long day, I need to rest"

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