~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔢𝔫 ~

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"Must say I received a slightly warmer welcome on my last visit", Tyrion said looking at Sofya.
He was on his way to King's Landing from The Wall and as he had promised to her - he wanted to stay in Winterfell for a night.
But a lot of things have changed since the last time. At least for Robb. Sofya still wasn't sure if Lannisters were to blame for Bran's accident. But she was sure that Tyrion was the only Lannister they could trust. It was difficult trying to convince Robb about that, though.
So they were just sitting behind the table and watching carefully Tyrion's every move.
"Any man of The Night's Watch is welcome at Winterfell", Robb said looking at the man from the Castle Black that came with Tyrion.
"Any man of the Night's Watch but not I, eh, boy?", Tyrion asked with a little smile.
He couldn't understand the sudden coldness of Robb and all of his showing off.
"I'm not your boy, Lannister. I'm Lord of Winterfell while my father is away", Robb informed with contempt in his voice.
"Robb", Sofya whispered gently but Tyrion interrupted her.
"Then you might learn a lord's courtesy", Tyrion answered.
The sound of door opening made them all turn their heads. Hodor was carrying Bran inside.
It was painful to watch Bran in such state, Sofya looked away biting her lip.
"So it's true", Tyrion noticed, "Hello, Bran. Do you remember anything about what happened?"
Sofya closed her eyes. She didn't want Robb to spectaculate even more.
"He has no memory of that day", Maester Luwin explained.
"Curious", Tyrion whispered.
"Why are you here?", Robb asked like he was starting to get impatient.
"Lord Stark, I have told you already that Lord Tyrion would be staying here on his way home from The Wall", Sofya tried to sound calm.
Robb clenched his jaw but said nothing.
"Would your charming companion be so kind as to kneel? My neck is beginning to hurt", Tyrion ignored them and turned to Bran.
Sofya was always admiring him for the ultimate kindness. These words weren't an irony, he was genuinely kind. She wished she could always be able to find the right words like Tyrion. Being nice was sometimes more useful than being mean.
"Kneel, Hodor", Bran ordered and Hodor listened to him.
"Do you like to ride, Bran?", Tyrion asked.
Sofya could sense how stiff Robb was getting. He had no idea what was going on but he didn't like any of it. He wanted Tyrion Lannister to be as far away from his brother as possible.
"Yes. Well, I mean I did like to"
"The boy has lost the use of his legs", Maester Luwin informed Tyrion.
Robb was not happy about that either. Tyrion didn't need to know everything about Bran.
"What of it? With the right horse and saddle, even a cripple can ride", Lannister exclaimed.
"I'm not a cripple", Bran murmured as Sofya's heart felt heavier. She wished it was true.
"Then I'm not a dwarf. My father will rejoice to hear it", Tyrion tried to joke, "I have a gift for you", he gave Bran a sheet of paper, "Give that to your saddler. He'll provide the rest", Bran started to examine the paper and Tyrion looked at Lord and Lady Stark again, "You must shape the horse to the rider. Start with a yearling and teach it to respond to the reins and to the boy's voice"
"Will I really be able to ride?", Bran asked.
"You will. On horseback you will be as tall as any of them", Lannister assured him.
"Is this some kind of trick? Why do you want to help him?", Robb asked finally.
"Lord Stark, please", Sofya stood up. Her chair made a creaking sound that broke the uncomfortable silence in the chamber.
"I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards and broken things", Tyrion explained while smiling gently at Lady Sofya.
She gave her husband a stern look.
"You've done my brother a kindness. The hospitality of Winterfell is yours", Robb said although he wasn't happy to do so.
"Spare me your false courtesies, Lord Stark. There's a brothel outside your walls. There I'll find a bed and both of us can sleep easier", Tyrion turned around to leave.
"Lord Tyrion, wait!", Sofya hurried to his side, "Let me at least walk you out"
"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Stark", Tyrion smirked at clearly annoyed Robb and left the chamber with his wife.
Sofya didn't know what to say when the door closed behind them. She was embarrassed.
"I-I'm so sorry", she sighed finally.
"That's not your fault, My Lady. I can see you're not wearing the ring I have given to you"
"Um, I..."
"I see already that the gift was improper", Tyrion smiled sadly.
"No, no, it is beautiful. We're just so busy lately, I don't really have time to focus on the jewelry and such things"
"Yes, just wanted to say that you look so... Northern. Not like yourself"
"I'm the Lady of Winterfell now", she laughed a little.
"Really? Where's Lady Catelyn?"
"Oh, um... She's visiting her sister Lysa", Sofya quickly lied.
"I see", Tyrion squinted his eyes. He didn't believe her, "Last time we've been here, I was sure that Robb Stark was a good man to you. Now I'm having my doubts... Just say one word and I'm kidnapping you back home"
Sofya stopped as they were already in front of the gate. She had no idea what to say.
"It's... No, it's not like that...", she tried to explain, "Robb's a good man indeed. He's just very stressed and confused, and... I'm sorry for today, really. He's usually way nicer. You can stay in Winterfell. Please, don't go to the brothel"
"You already defend him", Tyrion smiled, "Which is a good sign for your marriage"
"I... I don't know what I feel towards him", she admitted looking down.
"And that's a progress! Few weeks ago you wanted to murder him"
"Well, a murder is quite big word", she laughed.
"Are you with child?", Tyrion asked. Sofya rolled her eyes.
"I am not. That's not the right moment. So... Will you stay in Winterfell?"
"No. But you should be coming back, you've made your husband quite angry and now you should make it up", Tyrion winked at her and Sofya shook her head while smiling at his words.
"You're unbelievable", she laughed leaning in to hug him, "So... It's a farewell, isn't it? The last person from The South is leaving me here all alone"
"I am sure we are going to meet again, Lady Stark", Tyrion smiled, "Next time we'll see each other you're going to be surrounded by the young wolves of your own"
"And I hope you'll be surrounded by your small Lannister lions as well", she waved at Tyrion and watched the guards close the gate after him.
"Say something", Sofya whispered finally.
Since she came to her chambers, Robb has been pretending to read the book. She quietly played with Grey Wind but couldn't stand the heavy silence anymore.
"Robb", she addressed him.
"I have nothing to say to you", he looked up.
"Come on, Robb. You were rude! Lord of Winterfell can't have such manners. Especially towards someone his wife considers family"
"Lord of Winterfell shall be rude when needed. Lord of Winterfell can't be weak", Robb stood up throwing the book away, "And the person his wife considers family is Lannister. And you know what Lannisters have done"
"First of all we are not sure if they did anything, it's just an assumption. Second of all, it's Tyrion"
"So? What does it change?"
"I trust him. The only Lannister thing about him is his surname. He treated Bran with such a kindness, Robb"
"Yes, I've seen. I offered him a place in here but he didn't want it", Robb sat next to his wife although he was still angry at her.
"Are you surprised by that? You were terrible to him! Well... I trust him. Why can't you trust him  just because I do?"
"You're defending Cersei and Jaime all of the time"
"I'm not. I'm only saying we don't have any proof"
"What were you talking about with him later?", Robb asked watching her carefully.
"Oh. You don't trust the same people as I do because you don't even trust me", Sofya looked away. She felt hurt.
"And you trust me?", Robb snorted.
"Well, actually, I do", she turned her head and faced him. He made a suprised face, "You are the only person I've got at the moment. No matter if I like it or not. You are the only person I can trust and I know you would never hurt me because you are a man of honour"
Robb didn't say anything.
"He asked about your mother. I told him she's with her sister. He offered to kidnap me back to King's Landing and save me from you. Excuse me, I must go pack my things", Sofya sniffed standing up.
"What?", Robb grabbed her wrist gently.
"It was a joke, Stark", she squinted her eyes at him, "I can't believe I've actually defended you in front of Tyrion. You don't deserve my kindness towards you"
"So... The way you're acting towards me... You call that kindness? I never want to find out about your bad side, then", he let go of her hand.
"Oh please, let's not do that again. Let's not come back to this", she started crying and sat on the bed again, "It was so exhausting to fight with you all of the time and now we have better things to do"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...", Robb's voice got more gently. He started to shush his wife, "I'm sorry, Sofya. I'm sorry"
"We're always fighting about the things related to my family", she sniffed, "I can't choose. I can't choose my family and I can't choose my husband. I can't choose anything so stop blaming me"
"I'm sorry, alright?"
"Can I hug you?", she asked suddenly, "Just for a while. It won't mean anything. If you don't agree I can go hug Benygne, anyone, really"
"Of course you can hug me", Robb answered in a soothing voice and she did while hiding her face in the crook of his neck, "I don't want you to hug anyone, you're my wife", he chuckled.
"What would you do if I ran away?", she mumbled, "Would you send someone after me to kill me?", he could feel her lips curling in a smile.
"I guess I would have to accept that. It would mean I've failed as a husband. That I've been so terrible to you that you had to run away. I would never force you to come back. But you know that our marriage would never be annulled right? Too late for that"
"Oh come on, The King is my brother", she let go of him and smiled while rubbing her wet face.
"I want my mother to be back already. I'm so curious about what's going on in the King's Landing"
"Me too. I've sent three ravens to my nephews and I got no answers"
"Don't you think it may have something in common with Queen Cersei? I've seen you with your nephews. They're crazy about you. It's quite disturbing that they don't write to you", Robb admitted.
"I mean... She's always been jealous of me. But would she forbid them to write to me? I hope not..."
"And about your brother Renly visiting us..."
"Oh come on, I've written to him already that we don't have time because we have to run Winterfell on our own. He'll understand. But you know, he wants to have fun all of the time. Feasts, hunts and such. We don't have time for any of that", Sofya smiled.
"So I see now why he's your favorite brother"
"I'm not like him", Sofya laughed, "Really, I'm not. I love feasts just because I can have the nicest dress there"
"Ah, the dresses", Robb bit his lip, "You know, you can wear your fancy dresses, I don't really mind"
"Are you crazy?! I'd freeze to death here in Winterfell. They're for special occasions. Do you think they will invite us to Sansa and Joffrey's wedding? I have one dress perfect for this occasion"
Robb made a digsusted face.
"I don't know if that is a good idea for Sansa to marry your nephew", he admitted.
"He's more of a Lannister than Baratheon indeed but... He's going to be a good man one day, I want to believe in that. He's just spoiled by his mother right now"
During breakfast, Bran couldn't stop talking about the saddle project that Tyrion gave him. Sofya on the other hand was very quiet. She was aware that Tyrion was probably on the road at the very moment - and with each step of his horse she was being left alone in The North more and more.
"We'll be able to go for the rides together, Robb", Bran's cheeks were red from excitement.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea", Robb nodded his head with a smile, "Rickon, why aren't you eating?"
"When will mom be back?"
"I don't know. Soon, I hope", Robb sighed, "Please eat"
"Why is Sofya sad? Were you mean to her again?", Rickon asked.
"I'm never mean to her", Robb pretended to be surprised.
"Oh come on, he's not stupid", Sofya finally turned her head to them, "Rickon, darling, please eat"
Bran was watching his brother and his wife closely with his deep brown eyes. That made Sofya uncomfortable.
He was finally acting like himself. Well, his less joyful self but it was obvious after such an accident. The thing was that she still could remember the weird emptiness and coldness in him right after his awakening. Sofya tried to convince herself that it was natural for a person waking up from a long coma. But still, the creepy feeling couldn't leave her.
"Bran, do you want to spend the afternoon with me and Rickon? We're going to read stories and make up new ones", Sofya smiled at her brother-in-law.
"Gladly", Bran nodded his head with a smile, "Anything better than spending time with my septa"
Robb chuckled at that.
"Someone here must have forgotten about her duties, though. Can Lady of Winterfell spend her whole afternoon with children instead of running the castle?", he asked jokingly his wife.
"I am sure that current Lord of Winterfell is such a bright, smart and wise man that he can do everything on his own", Sofya answered in the same joking tone.
"Stop it! I never know when you're joking and when you're not!", Rickon sounded irriatated.
"It's alright, mate", Robb caressed his head, "We're always joking. Don't worry, I won't send my lady away"
"He wouldn't be allowed to send me away even if he'd want to", Sofya snorted.
"Robb, we need to talk", Theon entered the chamber and everyone stopped whatever they were doing.
"That's no way to greet the Lady of Winterfell, Theon", Robb noticed, "Not a proper way to address my brothers as well"
"Nobody's watching us", Theon sat by the table, "We are friends, aren't we?"
Robb nodded his head and Sofya rolled her eyes. He didn't scold Theon but he was rude towards Tyrion on the night before.
"What's the matter, Theon? Why are you interrupting the family time?", Sofya asked.
Theon gave her a deadly look. She dared to consider herself a part of Stark family now. She, a stranger. She, a princess that Robb had been complaining about all of the time. And she dared to point out the fact that he was interrupting anything.
"Is it? A family time?", Theon asked squinting his eyes at the Lady of Winterfell.
"Theon, it's alright now. Come on, let's go, we'll talk outside. Let them finish the meal", Robb stood up and put his hand on Theon's arm.
Greyjoy nodded his head and stood up as well. They left the chamber quietly but Sofya could feel Theon's angry gaze on her.

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