~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔦𝔵 ~

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"My King, what now?", Lord Bracken asked in a worried tone during the council in the morning, "King Renly's dead, Winterfell's lost..."
"We should speak to Stannis as fast as possible. We need him as an ally", Lord Karstark stated.
"Never", Sofya hissed. She was sitting next to her husband wih a very serious expression on her face.
"With all respect, Your Grace", Lord Karstark smirked, "But it is not the woman's decision"
"It is not yours neither, My Lord", Robb noticed and Karstark's smile faded away, "There are several reasons why Stannis Baratheon will never be an ally of mine"
"And Winterfell?", Lord Umber asked.
"My bastard son will deal with that", Lord Bolton assured, "Do not worry about it. We should focus on the war here. Our King is going to visit The Crag today to settle its surrender"
"Indeed", Robb nodded his head.
"How can we not worry about Winterfell? We have no idea what happened to Lord Bran nor Lord Rickon", Lord Bracken exclaimed and other lords looked at him while moving on their seats awkwardly.
"Um... Indeed", Lord Glover started and looked at his King and Queen, "There's something we should talk about... I know that it may be inappropiate time but..."
"Go on, Lord Glover", Sofya glared at him so coldly that he got scared of her.
She felt it, too. The coldness in her. Like some part of her died with Renly. She hoped the weird feeling would disappear with time. After all, the time is known for healing wounds.
"Me and the other Lords... We are concerned about the future of House Stark... Since Lord Bran and Lord Rickon may be..."
"Don't even finish that, Lord Glover, they are not dead", Sofya snapped at him.
"But they may be!", Lord Karstark shouted, "And you perfectly know about that, Your Grace! Which makes King Robb the only male heir left"
"And?", Sofya pretended she didn't understand his insinuations and raised her brow while her heart was beating so fast it was about to leave her chest.
"My King, please, I don't mean to be rude... But we need an heir", Lord Glover looked at Robb.
His face looked troubled and sad. He knew that the lords were right but at the same time he was aware of the fact how unhappy Sofya was with that. They looked at each other worried.
They wanted their child to be born out of love. Not because some lords said so, not because there was a need to produce an heir.
"We're in the middle of the war. We spend most of our time in the camp. It is not the best time to...", Sofya started.
"My Queen, you're right. We're in the middle of the war which means our King can die in battle any day. You should know something about it, Your Grace", Lord Karstark told her which made blood boil in her veins.
"Lord Karstark!", Robb scolded him.
"I know you're going to be disappointed that I am by their side on that matter, Your Grace", Roose Bolton bowed his head respectfully, "But... It's not only about an heir. It's also about Walder Frey. He's not famous for his patience and I've heard that Lady Joyeuse is pregnant already"
A long silence occured after that. Sofya felt Robb's hand squeezing hers under the table.
"That is a matter to discuss between me and The Queen", he stated, "Anything else?"
"Ser Alton came back", Lord Karstark informed.
"Bring him here", Robb ordered and Rickard nodded his head at the guards.
They brought Alton inside the tent and The King stood up. Sofya remained on her seat as she felt too dizzy to even think of raising herself.
The whole world decided to place itself on her shoulders and it was slowly turning her insane. She was The Queen with no home since they lost Winterfelll, she was mourning her brothers and she had no idea if her brothers-in-law were alive. Now everyone wanted her to become a mother.
"And what did Queen Cersei say?", Robb asked Ser Alton.
"She admired your spirit, Your Grace"
"And what then?"
"She...", Ser Alton stopped himself and was clearly terrified to continue.
Last time she's seen him, Sofya was giving him unpleasant looks. She was then trying very hard to prove all the Lords that she was a Stark. Now it was unnecessary. She stopped caring about it - she didn't need their approval to be a Stark.
"If every man were held accountable for the actions of every distant relative, Ser Alton, we'd all hang", she spoke and the young knight looked at her, surprised by her sudden kindness. She gave him a warm smile.
Northern Lords looked down awkwardly. Some of them still blamed themselves for the treason against their Queen. Some of them wanted it to look like that.
"She tore the paper in half, Your Grace", Ser Alton finally finished his sentence.
"You've acted with honor. I thank you for it", Robb said to him and then looked at his bannerman, "Lord Karstark, see that Ser Alton's pen is clean, and give him a hot supper"
"Ser Alton's pen is occupied, Your Grace. The prisoners from the Yellow Fork", Rickard told him.
"Too many prisoners", Roose added.
"Is there room for Ser Alton?", The King asked.
"Does he need to lie down?", Lord Karstark asked with contempt in his voice.
Robb sighed and leaned in but Sofya remained silent. She got used to the Northern Men's harsh behaviour and there were even times when she admired their raw spirit.
"Have the men build him a new pen", Robb ordered calmly, "Put him in with the Kingslayer for now. Have your boy watch over them"
"Torrhen", Rickard called his son. He had the same name as Lord Whitehill.
Young Karstark grabbed Ser Alton's arm and led him away.
"That will be all", Robb stated and all the lords left his tent.
He sighed before turning around and looking at his wife.
"Sofya...", he started.
"Let's... Not"
"We have to talk about it", he sat next to her, "I mean... They're right..."
"I know and that's the worst thing about being a ruler, isn't it? When your advisers are right", she chuckled.
"Are you going to The Crag with me?", Robb asked caressing her cheek, "I'd like you to come with me. I'm still afraid of leaving you here alone"
"I don't know if I should, Robb. When The King is away, The Queen should take care of his  people"
"My mother is here. We can count on her, don't you think?", The King asked with a smile.
"Yes, I think we can. I'd actually love to visit Westerlings. One of their daughters, Jeyne, was my lady-in-waiting in The Red Keep"
"Really?", Robb seemed to be surprised by that.
"Yes. But she got married already. She married a knight who's won the tournament for her. Such a romantic story"
"Your Graces", Gwyn entered the tent with one of the healers, "Can we interrupt?"
"Of course, Lady Gwyn", Sofya stood up and Robb turned around, "Better pack your bags, my dear. We're going to The Crag"
"Alright, My Queen", the girl nodded her head.
"And what is the reason of your presence here?", Robb asked the healer.
"I've already run through the supplies I brought with me, Your Grace", she started explaining, "Some are easily replaced. Egg yolks, turpentine, oil of roses. But some are not...", she hesitated, "My King, I need silk for stitching. I need fennel root for those with fever, willow bark. Mostly I need milk of the poppy"
"And?", Sofya asked.
"The Crag will have a maester and he will have what I need, Your Grace", woman looked at The Queen, "If I could write a list..."
"Alright then", Sofya gave her a smile, "Write it and give it to Gwyn"
"Thank you so much, Your Grace", the healer bowed down smiling. She was about to leave when Robb stopped her.
"Are you the one who's treating not only my men, but also my enemies?", he asked kindly.
"They're not my enemies", she explained shyly.
"My bannermen are not pleased with that", Robb said.
"Come on, your damned bannermen are not pleased with anything, My King", Sofya dared to snort and the healer looked at her making wide eyes before smiling at her.
Robb didn't say anything, he only nodded his head at the healer so she would leave his tent.
"Sofya, you can't say such things in front of other people", he hissed at his wife.
"Oh, I missed you being angry at me", she chuckled, "Gwyn, let's leave The King alone now, I need to choose a nice dress for the negotiations with Westerlings"
The Queen and Gwyn were leaving Sofya's tent when Torren Whitehill approached them with a smile.
"Your Grace, I see that you liked my sister? I've heard she's going to The Crag with you"
"Indeed, Lord Whitehill", Sofya smiled back, "Do not worry, I will take good care of her"
"She should be the one taking care of you, Your Grace"
"Don't be silly", she gave him a stern look, "I've expected her to be older"
"I'm sorry, she's my only sister. Everyhing I had to offer"
"I know and I am grateful. She's lovely", Sofya caressed girl's head, "We'll be back in two days"
"You should treat your visit in The Crag as vacation, Your Grace. You need it", Lord Torrhen nodded his head.
"Well... My visit in Storm's End was supposed to be like vacation as well", The Queen sighed, "Wait, I forgot my book... I left it in Lady Catelyn's tent. Gwyn, my dear, go to KIng Robb and tell him to wait few more minutes for me. Lord Whitehill, take these boxes, would you? I don't want Gwyn to carry them, they're heavy"
"Of course, Your Grace", he nodded his head.
Sofya waved at them and rushed to her Lady Mother's tent. She couldn't imagine staying somewhere for two nights and having nothing to read.
"Perhaps her womb is barren", she heard a familiar voice behind the tent she was passing by.
Sofya stopped herself and held her breath. She slowly hid behind the tree nearby and started listening.
"That would make sense, they're married for over a year now and... nothing", Lord Karstak said.
"I doubt that they're not sleeping together. You've seen them, they look like they are really fond of each other", Lord Glover added.
"What will happen if King Robb dies?", Karstark asked.
"Let's not think about it. He's young and strong. He still can have bastards and legitimise them", Glover answered.
"Or he can annule his marriage if her womb is useless and find himself a new wife. Our Northern Women are not barren and they'd make a better Queen", Karstark said.
"Shh", Lord Glover hissed, "Are you out of your mind? That could be considered for treason. You want to lose your head like Ludd?"
"Is suggesting to annule the marriage with infertile woman a treason now?"
Sofya silently moved away and rushed to Lady Catelyn's tent for her book. She could feel tears forming in her eyes. She was angry and sad at the same time which was something she's been feeling very often these days.
"Sofya, what happened?", her Lady Mother made wide eyes seeing her entering the tent so violently.
Brienne almost attacked The Queen for coming inside so suddenly.
"My book. We're leaving, I need something to read. I left my book here", Sofya explained breathing heavily.
"It's here", Lady Catelyn handed her the book, "Are you sure everything else is alright?"
"Yes. I'm sorry, I have to go now. Robb's waiting for me"
"Good luck, Sofya"
"You too, Lady Mother. I know you can handle the camp well", The Queen smiled and left the tent in a hurry.
"What's wrong, my love?", Robb asked closing the door behind them, "You seemed to be uneasy  for the whole supper. Don't you like Lord Gawen and his Lady Wife?"
Sofya sat on the bed and looked at her husband while biting her lip.
"It's not about them. They're nice. And they gave us such a pretty chamber to sleep in. I only hope they won't murder us"
"They won't, we have guards", Robb sat next to her and tried to touch her but she moved away, "What's wrong?"
"It feels weird now"
"What does?"
"That we HAVE TO", she explained standing up and approaching the window. Her husband sighed as his Tully eyes followed her, "The castle is so beautiful", she changed the topic, "It is ruined which makes it look even sadder but I find this kind of sadness romantic"
Robb remained silent as he was trying to find the right words to comfort her. It was difficult for him.
"I don't remember how sleeping in the chamber felt like", he tried to chuckle but she ignored that.
"Sunset Sea looks so beautiful. Although I've been always terrified of it. We have no idea what's out there, beyond it..."
"Sofya, if you don't want me to touch you, look at me at least, please", Robb pleaded and she turned around to look at him. Her eyes were filled with tears.
"I want you to touch me because you want to touch me, not because it is your duty"
"We used to be like that at first, remember?"
"I know. And I don't want to feel like that ever again", she stated.
"You look so beautiful, my dear. And this dress is so pretty", he tried to cheer her up.
"We both know you don't find this dress pretty", she rolled her eyes but smiled a little.
"Just because I know nothing of fashion and I find it funny doesn't mean that I can't acknowledge a pretty dress. Especially on my beautiful Lady Wife", he smirked, "Come to me, please. We don't have to make love, I just want to hug you"
She rushed to his side and sat on his lap hugging him tight.
"Oh, Robb, but we have to"
"Here? I don't think Westerlings would be happy with us trying to produce an heir in their chambers", Robb smirked.
"Well, they should feel honoured", she snorted, "We won't produce it anyway. Never", she added carefully.
"What are you talking about?", Robb furrowed his brows.
"I think my womb is barren", she admitted looking down shyly.
"What makes you think so?"
"It's been over a year and I haven't been pregnant yet. Even your bannermen are talking about it, I've heard myself"
"Which ones?", Robb asked clenching his jaw.
"It doesn't matter. They'd like you to father some bastards or annule the marriage and marry a Northern Lady", Sofya confessed, nervously playing with the hem of his shirt.
"I want to know who said that"
"Nevermind. I've heard two of them but probably all of them say so behind our back"
"Your womb is not barren", he said grabbing her hands and placing light kisses on them.
"How can you be so sure?"
"We didn't want to have children and I know ways to prevent it. I thought you knew them as well and were aware of them", Robb explained. He couldn't help smirking a little bit. She was usually  very smart and sly but sometimes she was so innocently unenlightened that it was unbelievable.
"Ladies should not know such things", she explained feeling stupid, "How could I know?"
"I thought Cersei's told you"
"Please", Sofya snorted, "The only thing she's told me was that marital duties are horrific, painful and humiliating"
"Was she lying?", Robb teased.
"Of course", his wife nodded and kissed him, "I love you, Robb"
"Not as much as I love you", he chuckled.
"Prove it then", she smirked.
"So you've changed your mind about tonight?", he raised his brows.
"Better hurry yourself before I change my mind once again", she threatened jokingly.
They were in the middle of the war, in the castle of their former enemy, surrounded by the ghosts and traitors. But that was life - it was only going to get worse. The truth was that no time was right to have a child and further waiting was only making the situation even less friendly.

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