~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫 ~

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Black Walder and Lothar Frey were sitting in front of Sofya, Robb, Catelyn, Brynden and Edmure by the table. Walder Frey's sons were squinting their eyes at The Queen like they didn't want to believe that she was indeed expecting a child.
"Thank you for riding here so quickly. I know travel isn't easy in these times", Robb started.
"The roads are crawling with cutthroats and bandits. But when the King of the North summons us, we come", Black Walder answered but each word sounded like it was ironic. Sofya moved uncomfortably on her seat.
"I guess it is true what they say all around the Kingdom. Our Queen is expecting a child", Lothar said with a smirk, "We hope it's a boy", he added.
"We hope that, too", Sofya nodded her head.
"Lady Joyeuse has recently given birth to a baby girl", Black Walder informed them.
Sofya and Robb looked at each other worried but smiled widely at their guests.
"Congratulations", The King told them.
"I'm so glad to hear such news. If I'm carrying a son, she's going to be my daughter-in-law one day", Sofya's smile wasn't fake. She knew that nothing was this little girl's fault and she pitied her mother more than anything, "What's her name?"
"Kaylynn", Lothar answered with a mischievous smile and Sofya frowned. Robb furrowed his brows at her.
"K-Kaylynn, hm... Very beautiful name indeed", The Queen nodded her head.
"Our father was sure you'd like it, Your Grace", Black Walder added smirking.
"Anyway", Lothar looked at Robb, "Our father has instructed us to tell you that his alliance with the North is very important for him but the deal was to cross the Trident. Now you're expecting  our men to replace The Karstarks"
"We are giving you two marriages", Sofya interrupted him although Robb tried to stop her, "Two marriages. For crossing the river and few soldiers. You must admit it sounds stupid"
"That was the deal, My Queen"
"I'm sorry for my Lady Wife, her state makes her... rather nervous", Robb laughed a little and Sofya rolled her eyes. She hated being treated like a child or another crazy woman, "I can understand that your father may not agree to my new requests"
"He demands Harrenhal and all its attendant lands", Black Walder stated.
Sofya gasped at that and Lord Edmure made wide eyes.
"I don't think that's...", he started,
"We are fighting for the North", his nephew interrupted him. Robb was clearly desperate, "Harrenhal is not in the North. It is his once the war is over and we have no further strategic need for it"
"And there's something else", Black Walder said.
"We will do whatever we can to give Lord Frey what he needs", The King nodded his head and his wife ostentatiously crossed her arms.
"Not what, whom", Black Walder looked at Edmure.
"What?", he asked after a while of everyone staring at him.
"You've made a promise to marry one of Lord Frey's daughters", Catelyn reminded him.
"After the war!", her brother exclaimed.
"That was not in the deal", Lothar told him.
"It was not said when shall I marry her so I assumed it's going to happen after..."
"Our father wants Lord Edmure to marry his daughter Roslin as fast as possible", Lothar interrupted him rudely.
"How old is she?", Sofya asked in a worried tone.
"Could I see her first?", Lord Edmure asked. He was clearly nervous.
"You want to count her teeth? We depart for the Twins in the morning", Black Walder informed them, "We need an answer before we leave and a wedding not more than a fortnight thereafter or this alliance is at an end"
"Your father does realize we're in the middle of a war?", Lord Brynden asked.
"Father is old. It will put his heart at peace if he could see her wed to a good husband", Lothar explained.
"He has every right to be. Please excuse us while we discuss it", Robb told them and they left the chamber in silence.
"I'm his liege lord. I agreed to marry his daughter but I don't want to do it now", Lord Edmure started right after the door closed behind The Frey brothers.
"Why are you so mad about it, Lord Edmure?", Sofya asked him boldly, "Maybe you were thinking how to violate your sacred oath? You hoped you would never have to marry her?"
"Actually, yes!"
"Disgusting", Sofya stood up violently and started walking around nervously, "Men are disgusting. You want a pretty wife, do you? Like it's the most important thing in this fucking world. You don't care about Lady Roslin's feelings, huh? She's probably the scared one, crying on her sister's shoulder that she doesn't want to get married. You're just disgusted because she may be ugly. You're not even handsome yourself", Sofya finished her monologue and took a deep breath.
Lord Edmure stood up as well and approached her angrily but stopped himself seeing his nephew's warning face.
"She's nineteen! That's a lot, especially for Walder's daughter", he tried to sound calm.
"So? You'd rather marry a child?"
"I mean... She must be hideous"
"I can't believe that Lord Paramount of the Trident is so shallow and vile", Sofya drawled out.
"She may be even handicapped", he sighed.
"Gods, Edmure. You can have lovers. It's just a wife", Lord Brynden stood up as well and Sofya rolled her eyes.
"Excellent", she hissed.
"Well, you can't force him to love her, can you?", Brynden asked her nicely, "Forcing him to marry her is disgusting as well. Forced marriages are disgusting"
"Yes, they are", Sofya nodded her head and Robb sighed, "Oh, shut up, I'd probably marry you anyway, just later"
"Yeah, of course", Robb snorted.
"We're not talking about us at the moment", his wife reminded him and finally looked at his face but they smiled at each other right away.
"I thought Walder Frey would let me choose which daughter I shall marry. You were younger while marrying Robb and you were a Princess, he could have waited few more years for you. So Lady Roslin must be really...", Lord Edmure started all over again.
"Oh, come on, stop it already!", Lord Brynden shouted at him, "You're whining like a Lady. Be a man about it"
"I am a man about it. The laws of gods and men are very clear. No man can compel another man to marry"
"The laws of my fist are about to compel your teeth", his uncle warned him.
"It's all right. You heard him. If you refuse, our alliance with the Freys is dead", Robb said finally.
Lord Brynden and Sofya sat down on their chairs and Lord Edmure looked behind the window.
"He's wanted me for one of his daughters since I was twelve. He's not gonna stop wanting it now. When I say no, he will come back and offer me a daughter of my choosing", he started explaining his plan as he came back to the table.
"You're willing to risk our freedom and our lives for a chance at a prettier wife?", Lady Catelyn asked. She hated to admit that this time she was on Sofya's side.
"I have a war to fight. We can't win it without them. I have no time to haggle", Robb got annoyed, "You said you wanted to make amends for the Stone Mill"
"You recall that heroic engagement?", Lord Brynden asked and Sofya snorted.
"I had something less permanent in mind", Edmure answered.
"I've won every battle, but I'm losing this war. If we don't do this and do it now, we're lost", The King exclaimed in a pleading tone. Long silence occured after that.
"I'll marry her", Edmure spoke finally.
"Who's Kaylynn?", Robb asked in the evening, entering the chamber. His wife was laying on their bed with Grey Wind.
"I-It's nothing important", she answered staring at the wall.
"Please, tell me. I want to know", Robb sat down on the edge of the bed and Grey Wind jumped on the ground to make space for his master on the mattress.
"That's a very shameful story. Shameful for my family", she looked at him.
"How so?"
"Robert told me about this", Sofya sighed and sat up, "Our father once attempted to violate the honor of a noble lady", she whispered and Robb made wide eyes, "He was drunk... Very drunk, you know. Ser Dayne of the Kingsguard subdued him and he was spared on account of his drunkenness. I don't know this Lady's house, Robert never told me. But her name was Kaylynn"
"Do you think Frey did this on purpose?"
"Don't be stupid, of course he did. You've seen their faces. And they said that their father had known I would like the name"
"Son of a bitch", Robb caressed his wife's cheek, "I hope it's a daughter you're carrying"
"No, Robb, it's not a big deal. I'll just have a living reminder of my father's shameful act around Winterfell for years"
"I wish we didn't have to make deals with The Freys"
"It's not Lady Kaylynn's fault. But now I don't know if I should name our possible son Steffon"
"It was in the past. And they are not your father and that woman - they're brand new people. You're not responsible for your father's sin", Robb reminded her.
"I know...", she looked away and sniffed, "Your family hates me, right? Your uncle and your mother now as well"
"My uncle is a fool and you are his Queen so you have every right to remind him of that", Robb kissed the palms of Sofya's hands, "He pities me for marrying such a mean woman", he snorted.
"He wants a pretty and quiet wife. That's boring", The Queen smiled gently at her husband.
"And my mother, she...", Robb lowered his voice, "She's being too harsh for you lately, I see it, too. But I doubt that she hates you. This word is too big"
"She blames me for your recent behaviour. Am I really a bad influence?"
"I think I may be", she interrupted him and sighed, "It's very deep in me, Robb. This rage and Baratheon fury. It's not something made up. It doesn't exist only to make my house sound so noble or to cover up its members' reckless acts. It is real. Wherever I'm going, I'm bringing the chaos with me. I should be a pretty and quiet wife. I shouldn't stand next to you during councils and get into fights with all the Lords. I'm bringing trouble and I'm probably insane. You've seen me, you know it's true", she finished.
"Sofya...", Robb shook his head and leaned in to be closer, "I love you. I love you mad, furious, insane, chaotic and bringing trouble. I would never want any other woman for my wife. You're pushing me to make decisions. Some of them may be wrong but you can't always be right. No one can. But at least you're pushing me to do anything. Sometimes I'm in lack of confidence and you always know what to do"
"I don't. The thing is I don't", she chuckled, "I'm pretending and improvising. That's why I'm a bad influence"
"I don't care", Robb shrugged his arms, "I'd rather lose this war with you by my side than win it with any other woman", he confessed and tried to kiss her but she moved away.
"That was very romantic, my love, but it was such a stupid thing to say", she confessed with a sad smile, "You can't be so selfish, you have people relying on you"
"I know it was stupid, I just wanted to tell you how much I love you", he smirked, "Don't leave me waiting and kiss me, come on"
Sofya pecked his lips teasingly and laughed.
"We're leaving tomorrow morning", he informed her, "Back to Harrenhal, I want to see if everything's really alright there. Then we're going to The Twins for Edmure's wedding with Lady Roslin"
"I'm wondering what she's really like..."
"Me too. And we're going to see little Kaylynn"
"I can't actually wait", Sofya smiled and kissed him again, "Although..."
She wasn't feeling well anymore and she wished to stay in Riverrun. But it was against everything she's been always telling him and fighting with him about. She never expected herself to feel this way but she was too tired, too heavy and too weary. The thought of travelling back to Harrenhal and then to The Twins was making her sick.
But she was a stubborn woman - admitting that Robb's been right and that she'd wish to stay in Riverrun was something she would never say out loud. And she really wanted to see Lady Kaylynn Frey.
"Nothing", she shrugged her arms and smiled, "It's fine. I'll always go where you go"

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