~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔒𝔫𝔢 ~

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Lord Whitehill's hands were tied and he was standing with his head held down, surrounded by the Northern Lords. His assasin, the one that hasn't been killed, and Benygne were standing next to him in silence. They all were aware of the fact it was the last night of their lives.
"My King", Lord Umber bowed his head seeing Robb approaching them, "My Queen", he added in a surprised tone.
Everybody turned around as they did not expect Sofya to accompany her husband.
"My Lords", she nodded her head with a little smile, almost a smirk, as she fixed her dress and stood humbly next to Robb.
"Let the trial begin", The King stated harshly. He couldn't even look at the traitors' faces because it was making him feel sick, "Lord Ludd Whitehill, you are considered a traitor. Do you have anything to say?"
"No, My King", Whitehill's voice sounded somehow sad, "There are no words that would change the past nor my fate"
"Your fate is in the hands of Your Queen", Robb looked at his wife and smiled at her.
Sofya nodded her head trying to hide the fact she was nervous.
"You", Robb looked at the assasin, "Your name is Lewys, right?"
"It is, My King", Lewys nodded his head.
"Do you have anything to say?"
"I... Me and Tymon, my brother... The one that has been killed... We didn't want that, not really. We are from poor family and Lord Whitehill paid us a lot of gold, I... I did it for my family, I have two little sons, my brother has... Had... Three daughters. I know it's rude for me to ask for forgiveness but they won't have anyone to take care of them since my wife is sick and it's impossible for my sister-in-law to make enough money... I...", his voice broke.
All the Lords and Sofya looked at each other. They pitied the man but it wasn't changing the fact he was one of the traitors.
"Your children", Sofya interrupted him, "And your nieces. They will be taken care of. Children of The North won't die from starvation as long as I am The Queen of it. We'll find a good and well-paid job for your sister-in-law. No man of The North should murder for money to be able to feed his children, that is a disgrace for all The Kingdom"
"Th-thank you, My Queen", Lewys sobbed, "You're too good, Your Grace"
"Speaking of disgrace", Roose Bolton hissed looking at Lord Whitehill, "Your reckless act was a clear message to our enemies that King Robb Stark is weak as he is not respected even by his own bannermen. Are you proud of yourself?"
"I wanted the best for The North", Lord Whitehill blushed, "But I can see I've made a mistake. I was blinded... My Queen", he looked up and met Sofya's eyes that were full of disgust, "Please, don't punish my son, Torrhen, for my treason", he pointed his head at a young man standing beside him. He was watched by few guards as well but his hands were not tied, "He had no idea of the conspiracy and he was not a part of it"
"Traitors' sons are usually the traitors themselves. It runs in their blood", Roose Bolton drawled out.
"Lord Bolton", Sofya scolded him.
"I'm sorry, Your Grace"
"I've told Torrhen to swear fealty to you, My Queen", Lord Whitehill assured.
Torrhen approached her and Robb placed his hand on his sword watching him closely. Young Lord Whitehill kneeled down in front of Sofya and looked at her terrified.
"Your Grace", he whispered.
"Lord Torrhen, stand up", Sofya gave him a little encouraging smile and he did, "There will be plenty of occasions for you to prove me your loyalty. For now you have my faith in you"
"Thank you, My Queen", he bowed down and took few steps back to be as far away as possible from The King who looked like he was about to murder him any moment.
It was not like her heart was that kind and forgiving - she wanted to act kindly in front of her people to have a good reputation and it was all about wanting to go down in history as a strong but kind ruler. 
"Is that all, Lord Whitehill?", Robb asked Ludd with contempt in his voice.
"Yes, My King", he nodded and looked at Sofya with tears in his eyes.
He didn't expect such kindness from the woman he's been trying to murder.
"Benygne... Do you have anything to say?", The King looked at the servant girl.
He knew her since they were children and she was personally chosen by his father to serve Sofya Stark. It was still hard for him to believe that she was a part of the conspiracy against his beloved wife.
"Nothing", Benygne shrugged her arms with a smirk, "I'm going to die anyway"
"For a reason", Robb reminded her.
"Who else was in the conspiracy?", Lord Umber approached Ludd Whitehill, "We need to know"
"No one", Ludd whispered looking away.
"And that is a lie"
"It is not"
"We are not the fools you think we are", Greatjon was starting to get angry at him.
"I think he is not lying", Roose Bolton said suddenly which made everyone surprised, "No one's been trying to escape the camp last night after all"
"He would never dare to do such a thing alone", Robb shook his head.
"He's an idiot, of course he would", Bolton snorted, "Just look at him, Your Grace. Crying like a child now and pretending to be sorry. Pathetic"
"The trial won't be over unless I find out the names of all the traitors", Robb hissed at Roose, "It is unbelievable that The Queen in The North feels unsafe in her own camp, surrounded by The Northern Lords. In some ways all of you are traitors"
They all gasped as Sofya made wide eyes at her husband's statement. She was grateful for him to stand by her side but she didn't want to make the conflict even worse.
"Your Grace, please", she put her hand on his chest gently, "I feel safe. I know that all The Lords here would sacrifice their lives to protect me. Lord Umber has saved my life", she nodded her head at Greatjon and he nodded his head back.
"Of course we would", Roose Bolton added and Robb squinted his eyes at him but he sighed and looked at Lord Whitehill.
"You are guilty of treason and murder attempt on The Queen in The North Sofya Stark", he started trying not to show that his voice was shaking, "Ludd Whitehill, Lord of Highpoint, here in sight of gods and men, I sentence you to die", Robb unsheathed his sword, "Unless Your Queen says the otherwise", he glanced at his wife.
Sofya shook her head. She wanted Lord Whitehill dead.
The guards pushed Ludd's head down on the felled tree trunk and kept holding him although he wasn't trying to escape.
"Would you speak a final word?", Robb asked raising his sword.
"May My King win the war. May My Queen bring life to many sons of The North", Lord Whitehill said.
"Your Grace, you shall leave now", Roose Bolton approached Sofya and stood between her and her husband.
"No, I'm staying", she raised her head and few Lords made wide eyes at that.
She gently moved Roose Bolton out of her way so she could see. Her heart was beating like crazy as she's never seen an execution in her life. She didn't know if it was a good decision of hers - it could cause her sleepless nights. But she wanted to see. One of her assasins has been beheaded in front of her by Lord Umber but she wasn't looking directly at him then, though. This time she was supposed to watch every second and every move.
She nodded her head at her husband to let him know she was ready.
Robb's sword went down and Ludd's head rolled over on the ground until it reached her feet. The King turned around scared of his wife's reaction but to his surprise she didn't scream nor faint. She moved away and took a deep breath looking deep into his Tully blue eyes.
Sofya felt a wave of sensation looking into Robb's eyes after seeing him killing Lord Whitehill. If they were alone, she'd run into his arms and attack his mouth with a passionate kiss. Robb on the other hand felt uneasy with a disquieting spark in his wife's eyes.
"The trial is over", he stated carefully, "Hang them two", he pointed at Lewys and Benygne.
Lord Umber nodded his head.
"My Queen", young Lord Torrhen approached Robb and Sofya when they were about to leave, "I'm sorry, I know it is not the best time and... I know that it may be considered inappropriate but... To compensate the loss of a servant... I offer you the services of my dear sister, Gwyn"
Sofya turned her head and smiled at Torrhen although other Lords snorted.
"How dare you offer Queen Sofya your sister, traitor?!", Lord Karstark screamed.
"Have some decency, boy", Roose Bolton hissed at Torrhen.
New Lord Whitehill blushed.
"Your sister is a Lady and she should not be anyone's servant", Sofya decided to ignore the screams and smiled at the young man.
"Please... It would be an honour... And I would sleep better knowing that I can compensate my father's sins at least a little bit", Torrhen insisted.
"Alright then", Sofya nodded her head making all the Lords surprised, "I will gladly take your sister in, send her a letter and invite her to our camp"
"Thank you, Your Grace, thank you", Lord Whitehill kneeled down and started kissing the palms of her hands which made her chuckle.
"My Queen, are you sure that is a good decision?", Robb asked in a concerned voice.
"I am", she nodded her head, "I know too well what it means to be judged by your family's mistakes"
"What happened to your doe eyes, my love?", Robb's voice sounded worried when he was starting a conversation very next morning. He was sitting on their bed and watching his wife brush her hair like in the old days in Winterfell.
"What do you mean by that?", she giggled not looking at him.
"I have to admit I was intimidated by you last night"
"Intimidated?", she asked and turned around finally.
"You stayed for the execution and something in your eyes almost scared me... What are you hiding there, my dear?"
"A wolf", she smirked at him, "I won't be a prey anymore"
"You've never been", Robb furrowed his brows.
Sofya stood up and approached him putting her hands around his neck and smiling at him sweetly.
"My love, I don't know what's happening to me but I got quite excited seeing you beheading Lord Whitehill last night", she admitted but her tone was rather playful.
"That you proved", he chuckled finally, "Later that night"
"Don't be scared nor intimidated by me, though, I won't bite you", she added sitting on his lap, "I love you", Sofya added caressing his dark hair.
"I love you, too", Robb touched her forehead with his own and closed his eyes, "And although I hate killing my own men, I promise to behead anyone who won't show you enough respect"
"That's the version of you I like the most", she placed a kiss on his lips, "A rightful, honourable, loyal man like your father. And a brave warrior ready to murder anyone on your way like my brother when he was young", Sofya sounded dreamy, "I was such a blind and stupid girl for not falling in love with you at the first sight"
"You'd be stupid for falling in love at the first sight. Such things don't happen", Robb caressed her waist and sighed looking away, "What do you think of Theon's proposition?"
"Ah, that", she left her husband's side and sat on the chair again, "I don't know. You know I am not fond of him. His father rebelled against my brother and Theon was never a friend of mine. His proposition is tempting but it may cause us trouble. Greyjoys always cause trouble"
"Theon will rule The Iron Islands one day and I'd rather keep him as a friend. I know him for ten years, my love. I trust him", Robb explained.
"Then don't ask me", she smiled, "You have finally decided"
Sofya was standing in front of the tent Robb was in. She was informed that her husband wanted to speak to her but she decided not to enter the tent right away. She heard Lady Catelyn's voice inside and she wanted to listen to the conversation between her mother-in-law and her husband.
"You don't want Balon Greyjoy for an ally", Lady Catelyn said.
"I need his ships. They say he has two hundred", Robb tried to explain.
They were so quiet Sofya had to carefully take a step forward to hear them better.
"They say a million rats live in the sewers of King's Landing. Shall we rally them to fight for us?", her mother-in-law raised her voice finally. She was moving a lot around the tent and it looked like she was about to pack her things. Sofya furrowed her brows.
"I understand you don't trust Lord Greyjoy", Robb started.
"I don't trust Lord Greyjoy because he is not trustworthy. Your father had to go to war to end his rebellion"
"Yes. And now I'm the one rebelling against the throne", Robb's voice was calm unlike his mother's, "Before me, it was father. You married one rebel and mothered another"
Sofya smiled to herself. It was a family full of rebels - her brothers were rebels and now her husband was one as well. She only hoped that her future son won't have to rebel against anything.
"I mothered more than just rebels, a fact you seem to have forgotten", Catelyn's voice turned into whisper again.
"If I trade the Kingslayer for two girls, my bannermen will string me up by my feet", Robb admitted. Guilt could be heard in his confession. Sofya had no idea that he's changed his plans and she was as surprised as her mother-in-law.
"You want to leave Sansa in the Queen's hands? And Arya, I haven't heard a word about Arya! What are we fighting for if not for them?!", Lady Stark sounded desperate while scolding her son.
"It's more complicated than that! You know it is!", The King raised his voice which made his wife stiffen. She's never heard him yelling at his own Lady Mother, "Sofya despises Greyjoy, too. But she agreed that we need Balon's ships", he added more calmly after a long silence, clearly trying to bring the previous topic back.
It wasn't even true, Sofya didn't say anything like that. But she understood that he needed that argument in front of his mother.
"Is it because of her?", Lady Catelyn's whisper made The Queen's heart squeeze in her chest. Lady Stark sat in front of her son, Sofya could see their silhouettes through the tent's walls.
"What is?", Robb asked.
"We headed South to bring your father and sisters back. It was all we cared about. And now you're caught up in some silly war and you're forgetting what's the most important thing for us"
Sofya gasped and covered her face with her hand right after. It was not the first time when Lady Catelyn has been nice to her at first and later proved otherwise, but this time it hurt more than ever.
"I thought you liked Sofya", Robb admitted.
"I do", Lady Catelyn assured, "I do like her. She loves you and she loves the boys, she loves girls as well, I am sure of it. She truly wants the best for The North. But her nature is wild, she's Robert's sister, remember that. Can't you see that she's still a child? I think you rely too much on her. I know that a beautiful woman is able to make any man do stupid things. But please, don't be one of them. Don't be one of those fools...", Lady Catelyn sighed, "She should have stayed in Winterfell. She would make a good Lady of the castle but now she's here, encouraging you to act recklessly"
"She is not...", Robb started but stopped seeing his wife entering the tent.
Sofya bravely fought her tears back and decided to join them. She had enough of their conversation about her.
"My King, you wanted to speak to me", she bowed her head.
"Come on, Sofya", Robb rolled his eyes, "Please, sit"
"How are you feeling now, my dear?", Lady Catelyn asked her giving her a warm smile.
"Fine, thank you", Sofya smiled back although she wanted to confront Lady Stark about everything she's just said.
"It's time for me to go home. I haven't seen Bran or Rickon in months", Lady Catelyn announced.
"Is that why you asked me to come here?", Sofya asked Robb, sitting next to him and caressed his hand, "If so, I am not coming back with your Lady Mother. My place is here by your side"
"It is not the reason", Robb explained smiling at his wife, "You can't go to Winterfell", he looked at Catelyn.
"I beg your pardon?", Lady Stark asked as she sounded almost offended. Her son could have been The King but he had no right to give her orders.
"I'll send Rodrik to watch over the boys, 'cause tomorrow, you and Sofya will ride South to The Stormlands", Robb announced.
His wife and mother made wide eyes at him. The difference was that Sofya's face lightened up with a smile and Lady Catelyn's one seemed to be irritated.
"Why in the name of all the Gods...", she started.
"Because I need you to negotiate with Renly Baratheon", Robb explained giving his wife a smile.
"Oh, really?!", The Queen squealed and hugged him tightly, "I can't believe that! Oh, Robb..."
"He's rallied an army of one hundred thousand", Robb caressed his wife's back and let her peck his lips.
"I can go alone. Let your mother come back to Winterfell, her place is with her children just like mine is with you", Sofya started carefully.
"You shouldn't go alone", Robb stated.
"Why? Are you afraid I would never come back from my brother? Do you still not trust me?"
"It is not about that...", he sighed, "You shall go together. Visiting your brother will make you feel better after recent events and my mother's presence will make the trip more pleasant"
"I miss my sons, Robb. You have a hundred other lords you can send with Sofya"
"Which of these lords do I trust more than you?", Robb stood up. He was getting frustrated that his mother wasn't so easily convinced, "You and Sofya are the only ones I trust completely", he added, "If Renly sides with us, we'll outnumber them two to one. When they feel the jaws beginning to shut, they'll sue for peace. We'll get the girls back. Then we'll all go home for good", The King promised standing in front of his worried mother.
"I'll go with The Queen", Lady Catelyn nodded her head finally and Sofya gave her a warm smile, "We will ride at first light"
Robb leaned in to kiss his mother's forehead and hugged her tight.
"We will all be together again soon, I promise", he said.
"You've done so well. Your father would be proud", Lady Catelyn said suddenly which made them stare at each other sadly in silence.
Sofya looked down at her own hands and she started to play with them nervously.
Would Robert be proud of her? And their father, Steffon Baratheon? She's never been lucky enough to meet him. But she was lucky to spend four years by her mother's side. What would Cassana think of her daughter being The Queen in The North? All these questions rambling in  her mind were stopped by Robb's lips on the top of her head. She looked up at him.
"Are you glad, My Queen?", he asked trying to read her expression.
"I am, yes. Thank you", she nodded with a little, cracked smile.
"You should prepare for the trip now. Please, remember to give Lord Renly my regards", Robb said.
"King Renly", Sofya corrected her husband.
"There's a king in every corner now", her mother-in-law commented.

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