~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 ~

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Sofya raised her brows at the sight of her breakfast in front of her. Food in her husband's camp has always been awful but that day it seemed to be even worse than usual.
"What is it?", she asked the cook that brought it to her.
"Um... Scrambled eggs... As always, Your Grace", she made wide eyes at her Queen's disapproval.
"I won't eat it, bring me something else", Sofya whined.
"A-alright, My Queen", the cook looked down and went away.
"What's wrong, my dear?", Robb whispered in a worried tone, "You look pale"
"I don't feel well", she admitted, "I'd rather eat in private"
"Then go", her husband nodded his head.
"Excuse me, My Lords", Sofya stood up and they squeezed their eyes at her, "I feel sick, I'd like to eat in my tent"
"Your Grace", they murmured while nodding their heads.
Grey Wind followed her. She smiled at the wolf and caressed his head a little.
"Wanna spend some time with me, boy?", she asked him cheerfully and he waved his tail.
They both entered Sofya's tent and she laid down on her bed.
"What's wrong, Your Grace?", Lady Gwyn entered the tent right away.
"Gods, Gwyn... I feel like throwing up. I hope I won't"
"Well... Dinner last night was terrible. I couldn't sleep all night because of my stomach", Gwyn admitted.
"Really? Ah, these damn cooks will be the death of me", Sofya sighed.
Gwyn approached her Lady to check on her when Grey Wind suddenly jumped between them and gave her a dangerous look.
"Um... Grey Wind?", Gwyn asked surprised, "I thought we were friends...?"
"What are you doing?", Sofya scolded the wolf, "It's Gwyn!"
"Your Grace, how would you like beans with bacon?", the cook entered the tent.
The Queen made wide eyes as she sat up on her bed. The smell made her feel even worse.
"Ah, leave! I can't even look at it!", she screamed before turning around and throwing up.
The cook took a step back.
"Leave, she's sick, can't you see?", Gwyn snapped at her and the cook left the tent in a rush, "My Queen...", she tried to approach Sofya once again.
Grey Wind started growling.
"Let me pass, Grey Wind! I'm trying to help!", Gwyn hissed.
The dog took a step back but continued to watch her carefully.
"I'm sorry for him", Sofya sighed wiping her mouth, "Gods, I hate throwing up"
"But do you feel better now, My Queen?"
"Not really", Sofya whined and laid down on her bed again.
"I'll clean it up. You should eat something, Your Grace"
"I'll never eat anything again", Sofya whined.
All the Lord put their cutlery down and started watching their Queen with wide eyes. During the supper they saw her again, in a new dress, looking much better than in the morning. She started eating right away and she already ate three plates of the meat with potatoes.
"S-Sofya, are you sure you should be eating so much?", Robb asked in a surprised tone.
"Why not?", she asked with her mouth full which made everyone raise their brows even more, "I'm hungry. Do we have any dessert?"
"In the war camp?!", her husband asked.
"Gods, I would kill for some chocolate cakes..."
"Gwyn told me you were throwing up this morning", Robb lowered his voice so only she could hear him, "Are you sure you should be eating so much now?"
"I feel better. And I'm so hungry. Robb, is there really no chance of getting chocolate cakes?", she made her doe eyes at him.
"I... I'll ask in the kitchen", he sighed.
"Thank you, you're too good to me", Sofya smiled and started staring at Roose's plate. He stopped eating but half of his meal was still there, "Are you going to eat that, Lord Bolton?", she pointed at his plate.
"Um... No, I don't think so, Your Grace", he gave her a worried look.
"I'd love to eat it then. May I?"
"Y-yes, sure", he handed her his plate and she started eating without even thanking him.
Robb and Roose looked at each other while shaking their heads.
After the meal, Sofya went to visit Lady Catelyn. She was doing that everyday since her Lady Mother helped The Kingslayer to escape and had been guarded day and night.
"Ah, Sofya, my dear. I've heard you felt sick this morning but I'm glad to see you doing better", Catelyn smiled at her.
"Yeah, I actually ate four plates of the supper!", Sofya giggled as Grey Wind entered Lady Stark's tent after her, "Ah, he's following me around all of the time"
"Hello, Grey Wind", Lady Catelyn approached them to greet the wolf but he started growling, "Oh", she took a step back.
"Again?! What is wrong with you, dog?!", Sofya scolded him and he looked down and started to squeal, "I'm sorry for him, he's acting so strange today"
"That makes two of you", Lady Catelyn chuckled.
"Yes, it does", Sofya nodded her head, "What were you doing today, Lady Cat?"
"Reading the book you've given to me. What else can I do being locked here?", Lady Stark sighed.
"Did you like the book?"
"Queen Sofya", Gwyn entered the tent but took a step back seeing Grey Wind.
"Come in, he won't hurt you. He's just very moody today"
"There's a gift for you... From Highgarden"
"Wh-what?", Sofya made wide eyes at her servant and left the tent.
One of the soldiers was standing there. He was holding a small wooden box with a golden rose on it.
"It's from Margaery Tyrell", he informed.
"Who gave you that?", Sofya asked suspiciously.
"Ser Loras Tyrell"
"He's here?!", The Queen started looking around.
"No, he's left already. We didn't let him enter the camp. But he's given us this", the soldier handed her the box.
Sofya took it and nodded her head.
"Thank you", she whispered, "Lady Mother", she turned around to face Lady Stark, "I'll come back later, alright?"
"Of course, Sofya"
The Queen hurried to her tent, followed by Grey Wind. Her heart was beating fast as she had no idea what the box could contain. She only hoped it wasn't some magic trick that was supposed to kill her. After Renly's mysterious death everything was possible.
Sofya sat by her dressing table and opened the box. To her surprise, there was a necklace made of colourful stones inside. Her mother's necklace that she's given to Margaery. There was also a letter.

"Dear Sofya,
I consider us friends and I have to admit we have spent a really great time together in Storm's End. I'm really sorry that it all had to end so sudden and so quick.
As you probably know (or don't) - your brother Stannis Baratheon was trying to take over King's Landing but failed terribly. My parents made a deal with Queen Cersei Lannister and I am going to be King Joffrey's wife very soon.
We are very different. You must think I am a terrible person. Your honour and pride would never let you do such a thing. But my only goal is to become The Queen. King Joffrey is going to provide me that. I'm telling you all of this because I really consider us friends (of course we will no longer be them after my marriage, which is obvious). But I mean you no harm.
I felt that it was inappropiate for me to keep Lady Cassana Baratheon's treasure. It belongs to you. I'm sending it back.
Wishing you all the best,
Margaery, your former sister-in-law"

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