~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔈𝔩𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫 ~

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Theon was practising archery in the courtyard in a company of Bran Stark, Maester Luwin and Lady Sofya. Bran was feeling better now so it was a right time for him to come back to having lessons. They were sitting in front of a large map of Westeros. Sofya was only half-interested in what they were doing - she was focused on sewing her new spectacular dress. The stag and the wolf were starting to look pretty good and it was making her feel proud.
Maester Luwin placed his wooden pointer on the map loudly, to remind daydreaming Bran that he was in the middle of a class. Sofya sighed at that because she got scared of the sudden sound as well and almost ruined her dress.
"Bran...", Maester showed him the place on the map.
"The Iron Islands. Sigil - a Kraken. Words - We do not sow"
"Lords?", Maester Luwin asked.
"The Greyjoys", Bran answered and they all looked at Theon with a bow in front of them.
"Famed for their skills at archery, navigation and lovemaking", Theon smirked and that made Sofya look away.
He was disgusting and obscure for her. She couldn't understand the friendship between him and her husband - Robb was far from perfect but he was a total opposite of Theon Greyjoy.
"And failed rebellions", Maester Luwin whispered to Bran and Sofya smirked.
Maester showed Bran another place on the map. Sofya spotted Storm's End right away. She felt weird. She never considered Storm's End her home. She's been there many times, visiting her brother Renly, and she knew the castle very well. But despite being a Baratheon, her home was in The Red Keep.
She still felt homesick when she saw Storm's End on the map.
"Sigil - a stag", Bran answered.
"A crowned stag. Now that Robert's The King", Sofya added proudly and Maester Luwin nodded his head.
"Indeed, a crowned stag. Words?"
"Ours is the fury", Bran said and Sofya's heart squeezed in her chest, "Lords - The Baratheons", Bran smiled at Sofya and she smiled back at him.
He was playing all the time with a silver trout, his mother's house sigil. It was out of boredom but it was also his way to show that he was slightly angry.
Maester Luwin placed his pointer on another place on the map.
"The Westerlands - sigil - a lion", Bran mumbled.
Sofya's been there few times when Queen Cersei was visiting her home. She remembered how surprised she had been to find out that other Lannisters were not as terrible as her. Tywin Lannister and his siblings were nothing but kind towards the young Doe Princess. But those were the old times. She was not even a princess anymore.
"Words - A Lannister always pays his debts", Bran was unsure of his answer.
"No. A common saying, but not their official motto", Maester Luwin explained.
"Lords - the Lannisters"
"We're still on their words"
Bran looked at Sofya but she shrugged her arms with a smile, pretending she didn't know herself just so he'd come up with the motto by himself.
"I don't know them", Bran admitted.
"You do know them. Think", Maester said.
"Unbowed, unbent, unbroken"
"That's House Martell"
"Righteous in wrath", young lord tried again.
"House Hornwood"
"I love their motto", Sofya interrupted them with a smile, "Very similiar to mine"
"Family, duty, honor", Bran kept guessing.
"Those are Tully words... Your mother's. Are we playing a game?", Maester asked him.
"Family, duty, honor... Is that the right order?", Bran asked looking down.
"You know it is"
"Family comes first?", Bran asked with a complaint in his voice.
Sofya and Maester both sighed as they finally understood what it was about.
"Your mother had to leave Winterfell to protect the family", Maester tried to explain.
"How can she protect the family, if she's not with her family?", Bran asked and Sofya didn't say anything. She actually agreed with him. She thought that Lady Catelyn's trip was unnecessary.
"Your mother sat by your bed for three weeks while you slept"
"And then she left!"
"When you were born, I was the one who pulled you from your mother. I placed you in her arms. From that moment until the moment she dies, she will love you. Absolutely. Fiercely", Maester Luwin told Bran and Sofya felt tears forming in her big brown eyes. She stopped sewing for a moment.
"Why did she leave?", Bran asked.
"I still can't tell you, but she will be home soon"
"Do you know where she is now? Today?", Bran kept asking.
"No, I don't", Maester admitted.
"Then how can you promise me she'll be home soon?"
"Sometimes I worry you're too smart for your own good", Maester Luwin admitted.
"What about your mother, Sofya?", Bran asked his sister-in-law and she looked at him with teary eyes.
"What about her?", she asked forcing her voice not to tremble.
"Where is she?"
"With my father"
"And where is your father?"
"Dead and gone", Sofya smiled sadly.
"I'm sorry to hear that"
"It's alright, I mean... I don't remember her much"
"I can't even recall how she looked like. I was four when she died. But I remember perfectly that day", Sofya's voice finally broke, "It doesn't matter, really. Let's talk about something nicer"
"I'll never shoot another arrow", Bran said looking at Theon with his bow and a smirk on his face.
"I said something nicer, didn't I?", Sofya chuckled a little to herself.
"And where is that written?", Maester asked Bran.
"You need legs to work a bow", Bran explained sadly.
"If the saddle Lord Tyrion designed actually works, you could learn to shoot a bow from horseback"
"Dothraki boys learn when they're four years old. Why shouldn't you?"
"Dothraki?", Bran asked furrowing his brows.
"I already see what our next lesson will be about", Maester smiled at the boy.
"Ah, lessons about Essos are the most fascinating ones", Sofya sounded excited, "May I attend the class, Maester?"
"Of course, My Lady. Unless you will be needed somewhere due to your duties"
"I got the raven", Robb stated entering his chambers and looked at his wife suspiciously. She was still working on the dress.
"Hm?", she looked up and stopped her sewing at the sight of his face, "Robb... What happened?"
"My mother has captured Tyrion Lannister as a hostage"
"What?!", Sofya stood up angrily, "Is your mother crazy?!"
"That's not everything. Jaime Lannister has attacked my father and slaughtered his men. I guess your favorite Lannisters are not as innocent as you claim them to be"
"Wh-what? Jaime attacked your father? Let me write to him!"
"Sofya, no", Robb grabbed her wrist, "I don't want you to send any letters to King's Landing, alright? My father's in trouble already"
"You think I would make it worse?", Sofya looked down, "I want nothing but the best for your father... Let me send a letter to my brother at least. You can't forbid me that"
Robb sighed.
"Alright, but I'll read it before you send it"
Sofya nodded her head and put the dress she was sewing away. Robb handed her a piece of paper as she sat behind her dressing table and started to write.

"Dear Robert,
I have recently found out about my father-in-law's conflict with ser Jaime Lannister and I am honestly worried about the whole situation. I hope you are going to find the way to make everything good again. I don't want anything bad to happen to Lord Eddard Stark. I've been also informed about my mother-in-law and Tyrion Lannister..."

"Don't mention Tyrion", Robb stopped her as he was looking over her arm. He handed his wife another piece of paper so she would start the letter again.

"...I don't want anything bad to happen to Lord Eddard Stark.
Sending lots of love from Winterfell to all of my beloved family,
Your favorite (and only) sister, Sofya
PS - Force your children to finally write letters to me!!!
PPS - I hope that the conflict between Lord Eddard and ser Jaime won't affect my sisters-in-law in any way"

Sofya looked at Robb askignly and he nodded his head.
"Send it in the morning", Robb told her.
"I want your mother to be finally home", Sofya said in an annoyed voice, "She's causing trouble out there, you know that?"
"I know you two don't like each other but you should trust her", Robb explained.
"You don't understand women, Robb Stark. Not at all. I am far from not liking your mother. I am just worried about her actions. I don't want the war to come"
"Well, your beloved Jaime Lannister's actions are way more dangerous", Robb snorted.
"I'd say they both are acting risky. And he's not my beloved"
"No? And who is?", Robb teased a little but he still sounded angry.
"No need to take your anger out on me", Sofya hissed at her husband and stood up, "You look at me and what do you see? A Lannister? Just because my sister-in-law is one? What kind of thinking is that?"
"She raised you"
"No", Sofya clenched her jaw, "She's not my mother. My mother was Cassana Baratheon of House Estermont from Greenstone in The Stormlands and my father was Steffon Baratheon of Storm's End. I have no Lannister blood in me. Cersei's given me few lessons in my life, indeed, but she did not raise me"
"I'm scared to find out what lessons they were"
"Better be", Sofya drawled out approaching Robb.
After few moments of an ultimate silence, they had shared a passionate kiss that later led them to their bed.
In the morning Sofya was scared to open her eyes because she still felt weird about the thing that happened between her and her husband on the night before. They've always been making love out of duty or the primal need, never out of pure emotion, especially anger. Which was complicating things between them even more.
She was fortunate to find out that the bed was empty already. She left it and went to find Benygne to help her with her hair and clothes.
"Where's Lord Stark?", she asked her servant when Benygne was brushing her hair.
"He's with Theon Greyjoy. They're planning to take Lord Bran for a ride after breakfast. His saddle is ready and young lord cannot wait to ride a horse", Benygne explained.
"Oh", Sofya nodded her head, "Will I be late for breakfast again?"
"No, My Lady. Your hair is done", the servant girl smiled at her lady.
"Thank you, Benygne. I am beyond happy that Lord Ned offered me your service"
"The pleasure is all mine", Benygne bowed her head.
Sofya entered the chamber where her new family was already sitting by the table and waiting for her. She wasn't late but as usual she was the last one to attend the breakfast. Her heart felt heavier when she had to sit on the empty chair next to her husband. He wasn't looking at her and she wasn't looking at him.
"Robb and Theon are taking me for a ride today, Sofya", Bran informed her with a wide smile, "Can you believe that?! I'm going to ride a horse again! Your uncle's project worked!"
"Tyrion's not my uncle", Sofya chuckled, "And I doubt it is his project. But I am glad to hear that. I hope you're going to be safe, though", she added worried. The last thing they needed was another accident.
"I'll be with Robb", Bran reminded her.
"Yes, I know", Sofya smiled a little.
She didn't want to add that Theon would be there as well. She couldn't stand that man - he was everything she used to fear that Robb Stark would be before she had met him.
"Will we say goodbye to them before they go for a ride?", Rickon asked Sofya after the breakfast when the whole family was slowly leaving the room. He slid his hand into Sofya's and gave her a sweet smile.
"Of course, my dear"
"My mother's always saying goodbye to my father before the hunts and rides", Rickon explained, "That's like a tradition"
"Sounds like a wonderful and sweet tradition", Sofya caressed his head as they entered the courtyard.
Hodor was helping Bran to get on his horse. Sofya and Rickon approached them.
"Be careful, Bran, please", Sofya looked up, "I don't want to be a killjoy but please, please, please, ride slowly, alright? And listen to Robb"
Bran rolled his eyes.
"Dancer's listening to me"
"Your horse?"
"Yes, his name is Dancer"
"That's a nice name, Bran. But please..."
"I'll be careful, Sofya", he sighed.
"Good. I know I'm annoying but it's for your own good"
"I know", Bran smiled finally at her.
"You have no idea how great it is to see you smile", Sofya admitted.
Rickon pulled her hand in Robb's direction. She had to look him in the eye after last night and that made her heart stop beating. He looked as uncomfortable with that as her which was a little bit making it better.
Grey Wind stood behind Sofya and pushed her so she had to take two more steps closer to Robb.
"Be careful as well, Robb Stark. And take a good care of Bran, alright?", she tried to focus on finding the right words.
Her husband nodded his head. Theon was standing nearby and watching them closely. He was impatient and wanted to leave right away but his friend had to say goodbye to his stupid wife first - Theon not only hated Sofya Stark, but also the simple fact that Robb was married.
"We'll be back soon. Before the dinner", Robb assured his wife.
"Have fun", she added when he sat on his horse.
"You too, My Lady", Robb smiled awkwardly and they all started to leave the courtyard slowly.
"Sofyaaaa", Rickon whined.
"What's wrong, darling?", she asked surprised to hear him unhappy.
"You forgot to give him a goodbye kiss! Mother's always kissing father goodbye", he sounded irritated and Sofya perfectly knew that there was only one way to make him stop whining.
"Lord Stark!", she screamed after her husband and hurried in his direction.
He stopped his horse and turned around. Theon and Bran stopped as well. Theon couldn't hide his impatience and anger anymore - his look could kill at the moment.
"What's the matter, M'Lady?", Robb asked looking down from his saddle.
"You forgot about something", Sofya informed him with her heart beating so fast she was scared it would leave her chest any moment.
Robb got off his horse and furrowed his brows at his wife.
"What did I forget?", he asked.
"A goodbye kiss", she mumbled and pecked his lips. He made wide eyes at her action but then he saw Rickon clapping his hands in a distance and understood that it was his little brother's intrigue. Robb was the one to be pushed forward by Grey Wind this time and he ended up hugging his wife tightly.
"Be careful and watch over Bran", she whispered to him once again.
"It's going to be fine", Robb assured her, "Go, Rickon's getting jealous already"
They both laughed a little at that. At least the weird awkwardness has left them and it was a good thing. Robb got on his horse again and they left Winterfell. This time no one stopped them.
"You see", Rickon approached Sofya and hugged her, "It's so easy, isn't it?", he asked.
"What's so easy?"

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