~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫 ~

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"Dear Doe,
I hope that Starks treat you well, especially your new husband.
I am saddened to inform you that I am writing this letter on my deathbed. Actually, your father-in-law's writing what I'm saying and I hope he is not going to change anything. Ha-ha. Yes, Ned, write the "ha-ha".
Lord Stark is fine and well as you can read in the letter, he's sitting next to me and everything is going to be good now. Unfortunately not for me.
I've been thinking lately about my life - my mistakes and my victories. I've been a bad husband and I've been even worse father, especially to Joffrey. I think I've also been a bad brother - I shouldn't have forced you into your marriage. I still recall the day of your wedding and your beautiful eyes swollen from tears. I should have locked you in the tower and spoil you till the rest of your life. I'd lock Myrcella as well so you wouldn't be alone. Ha-ha. Yes, "ha-ha" again, Ned.
Lord Eddard will rule the Kingdom for now, we still need to wait until Joffrey is ready. I've told Ned that he should annule your marriage if that is your wish.
I just want to say goodbye properly and tell you for the last time how much I love you. You have Stannis and Renly that you can rely on, remember that. And the whole Stark family. I still hope you're getting along with them and the annulment won't be needed. All I'm asking is for you to give Robb Stark a chance.
I'll tell our mother that you love her when I see her on the other side.
Sending you lots of love,
Your beloved brother Robert
PS - I don't know why my children don't write letters to you, I've scolded them already"

Sofya hid the letter quickly so her tears wouldn't ruin the sheet of paper - it was supposed to be her treasure she would keep forever. She turned around to face worried Robb.
"His last letter to me", she informed her husband and sniffed, "Written by your father's hand. They were truly the best friends, I believe"
"They were", Robb nodded his head. He was standing near the door with the coat and gloves on, ready to leave Winterfell in any moment, "I think Grey Wind should stay with you here"
"Robb, no", Sofya stood up from her dressing table and approached him, "It's your direwolf, not mine. He's going to help you in the battlefield. He's so big already"
"I don't want him to get hurt. And I don't want you to get hurt"
"Shaggydog and Summer are here", Sofya reminded her husband, "Grey Wind has his own master"
"And his lady"
"He's going with you, Robb", Sofya insisted, "I want him to protect you. You'll be in much worse danger. What can happen to me in The North when the enemy is in The South?"
"You're right. And I will be between Winterfell and the danger. Everything should be fine. For you, at least", Robb looked down. His hands were shaking. He was trying to hide it from his wife but it became impossible at this point.
"You're terrified", Sofya whispered, "Robb, you don't have to do it. I don't think your father is expecting that from you. You're still a young boy..."
"I'm a man. Lord of Winterfell", Robb stated but his voice broke, "I need to protect my family. I want my sisters, mother and father to be back home"
"Maybe you're right", Sofya nodded her head, "Please, take it with you", she unclasped her small and delicate neck-chain with a golden doe, "It doesn't have any interesting history, didn't belong to anyone important. Robert ordered it for me, it's custom made. But please, I want you to have it"
Robb took the necklace carefully and looked into his wife's deep brown eyes.
"Don't be stupid. It belonged to a very special and important person. You were The Princess of Westeros, there are songs about you"
"And now there will be songs about you as well, Young Wolf", she smiled a little before holding him tight, "I think it's time for you to leave", she added sadly.
"Yes, I know. Thank you for the pendant, it's beautiful. I'll always keep it close to me for the good luck which will be needed", Robb kissed his wife's forehead before they left their chamber.
He sighed looking around and closed the door. He hoped it wasn't his last time in Winterfell.
"Please, please, please don't go", Rickon whined as he was about to cry. Robb was holding him in his arms and small Rickon's hands were tangled around his neck tightly. He didn't want to let go of his older brother, "Why is everyone leaving me? Jon, father, Sansa, Arya, mother, and now you"
"One day you will understand but believe me we are not happy to leave home. We love you. Both of you", Robb looked at Bran as well, "Please, listen to Sofya. Anything she says, listen to her like she's your mother"
"Bran nodded his head and Rickon finally let go of Robb, just to hide behind Sofya's dress.
"Tell him to stay", Rickon looked up.
"I've told him million times, he's too stubborn, darling", Sofya chuckled, "Be careful Robb Stark. Write to me, please", she took a step in his direction.
"Of course, My Lady, I will"
"And come back here, please. Alive. You still haven't got an heir", she tried to turn it into a joke to hide how terrified she actually was.
"Don't marry Rickon if I die, please. No matter how much he's going to beg you", Robb tried to joke as well.
"It's not funny, Stark", she pushed him slightly.
"You have to be strong, Sofya. I know you can do it. Maester will help you around Winterfell. I'll be back soon, I promise", Robb leaned in and hugged her for the last time.
All the lords around were watching them closely. It was hard for them to hide the despise towards new Lady Stark. She wasn't from The North and she was too close to The Lannisters. It was enough not to trust her.
"Alright, enough of it", Theon interrupted them, "We must be going"
Sofya nodded her head and wiped few tears from her cheek.
"You will be wishing he was dead when he'll bring you few bastards home", Theon laughed.
Both Lord and Lady Stark gave him a deadly look.
"It's not my intention to do so", Robb stated harshly.
"Nobody ever wants a bastard but the reality is a bitch", Theon continued.
"He can bring me hundreds of bastards, I just want him to be safe and back home", Sofya didn't want to start another argument with the ward. She was actually happy to see him leaving Winterfell with all the lords. She simply bowed down a little in front of her husband and his friend and turned around to stand next to Bran and Rickon.
Grey Wind approached them and let them pet his head. He was both sad and excited to go with his master for the war. Shaggydog and Summer waved their tales sadly.
Sofya was squeezing Rickon and Bran's hands as she watched her husband disappear with other lords. She felt like the weight of the whole world was on her shoulders and it made her feel sick.
"I've never had to care for anything. Not even doing my hair. How am I supposed to rule the whole castle?"
It was late at night but Sofya was still sitting in Maester Luwin's chamber. They were surrounded by the sheets of paper full of numbers and annotations.
"Winter is coming and we're really short of the food supplies. First King Robert's visit and now all the bannermen...", Maester tried to calm her down but his words were actually making it worse.
"I don't know how to deal with this. I've had lessons in the past, yes. But they taught me wrong. My ideas are always the worst ones. We're dealing differently with such things in The South", Sofya sighed.
"I know, My Lady. That's why I am here", Maester smiled at her, "Also... I don't know how to say this but... The Tyrells are not replying to our letters anymore, I don't think they're going to sell us any grain"
"Oh, for fuck's sake", Sofya hissed as Maester made a shocked face, "I need some wine", she mumbled standing up.
She wanted to try Cersei's ways - when everything was turning into shit, The Queen would drink.
"Wine? I don't think it is a good idea, My Lady. Not in your state", Maester pretended he didn't hear he cursing.
"What state?"
"You're still not expecting, are you, Lady Stark?", he asked and she stiffened.
"No, I am not. I think. You are the Maester, not me"
"Benygne told me she was not given any herbs from you, My Lady"
Sofya felt how her cheeks were about to blush. She didn't want to have such conversations with Maester Luwin. And she didn't like the fact Benygne wasn't as loyal as she should have been.
"I am not doing anything against my Lord Husband. It is our decision when is the right time. The war is not the right time, Maester", Sofya tried to answer calmly.
"He may not come back from this war and you know it, Lady Stark. What then?"
"Bran or Rickon will rule the castle. Starks don't need to worry about an heir", she answered.
She wanted to change the topic badly. The thought of Robb not coming back to her was making her feel like throwing up.
"I think we should come back to the problem of food shortages", Maester sighed.
"Tomorrow, please", Sofya whined.
"Of course, My Lady. I'll give you few options and you will choose the best one"
"I hope so", she nodded her head, "Goodnight, Maester"
"Goodnight, Lady Sofya", he smiled softly at her.
She went to her chambers and didn't even call Benygne to help her to undress. The servant was probably asleep already and Sofya was angry at her anyway. She took off her dress and brushed her hair while trying not to burst into tears.
She poured herself some wine and leaned on the window while watching Winterfell's courtyard. It was empty and scary without Robb around. It felt like the weather was colder since he left.
Winterfell was her home, she was sure of it now. It was the only place she could always come back to. They wouldn't want her in King's Landing anymore and Storm's End never truly felt like home. Winterfell was her place now. But without Robb it wasn't the same. She missed him already and she couldn't imagine how it was going to be without him for the next few weeks. Maybe months. Or even forever.
Sofya not only missed him sleeping next to her but even the sound of his steps around the castle, his laughter echoing through the walls, his jokes and the looks they were always sharing. She even missed his rude comments and their fights. She also missed Grey Wind and his big, warm body sleeping on the carpet of their chamber. She missed the feeling of being protected and maybe even loved.
She fell asleep quickly thanks to the wine but her sleep was troubled for the whole night.
Current Lady of Winterfell was leaving Maester's chambers as her head was hurting. She felt like she wasn't leaving them for years. She was blaming herself for not spending enough time with Bran and Rickon but Winterfell indeed needed her helping hand. Northern Lords would hate her even more if she failed as Lady of Winterfell.
She hoped for Lady Catelyn's comeback, though. Now, when Robb was marching South, his mother should be back any minute. Sofya had no idea what was taking her so long. Wasn't she missing her youngest sons?
She was walking towards Godswoods to pray and have a moment for herself when she saw Osha leaving it after Bran who was carried by a servant. She furrowed her brows at the sight.
"What were you doing in the sacred place?", Sofya asked the woman.
"It's as sacred for me as for you, My Lady", Osha explained.
"Well, you are not forbidden to pray. But what were you doing with the young Lord there?"
"Just talking. Don't be scared, Lady Stark, I won't hurt him"
"I hope so. I want to believe in your loyalty", Sofya sighed.
"You can trust me", Osha insisted looking deep into her lady's eyes, "And you can't trust many people, My Lady"
"What does it mean?!", Sofya lost her temper a little. She was on the edge of breaking down and Osha's comment made her angrier than it should have.
The wildling didn't answer but she smirked a little and looked at Benygne carrying wooden boxes from the stables. Sofya clenched her jaw.
"Why should I even believe you?", she asked Osha but didn't wait for an answer.
"You don't have to, My Lady", Osha shrugged her arms.
"And I won't", Sofya mumbled and left her side to enter Godswoods finally.
She was wearing one of Robb's coats. He couldn't take all of his clothes with himself and he wasn't much taller than his wife so she decided to wear it. It somehow felt warmer and better than her own coats.
"My Lady", some voice interrupted her and she closed her eyes for a second before turning around. Of course they would never let her spend one moment alone.
"Yes?", she asked one of the servants.
"The very first raven from Lord Robb has just arrived"
"Oh", her cheeks went red as she hurried back into Maester's chambers.
He was already reading the letter as it wasn't addressed to Sofya directly.
"What happened?!", Lady of Winterfell asked in a voice of a curious child.
"Lady Catelyn has joined her son", Maester informed with a smile.
"What do you mean she joined him?!", Sofya took the letter from Maester's hands rudely and read it quickly. Her heart stopped in her chest, "So she's not coming back?!", she asked like she still couldn't believe in what she's just read and heard about.
"Not anytime soon", Maester nodded his head. He was aware of how terrified Lady Sofya had to be so he wasn't judging her quite childish reaction.
"She's leaving me all alone here?! How am I supposed to handle the castle?!"
"My Lady... That's a good sign. Lady Catelyn trusts that you will take a good care of Winterfell and her sons", Maester tried to explain.
"Of course, I know. I... I am grateful, but...", Sofya started, "Oh gods..."
She looked away and cursed under her breath.
Her last hope was gone. She truly had to become The Lady of Winterfell.

The Wolf and The Doe || Robb Stark || Game of ThronesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ