~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯 ~

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When Sofya woke up, she felt something warm and big beside her and after few moments she realised it was her husband.
She was Lady Stark.
Funny feeling.
She opened her eyes slowly and noticed that the sun was up already. Grey Wind was napping on the carpet in front of the bed and Robb was slightly snoring next to her naked body. She had to admit that she felt quite satisified after the night before and it was nothing like Cersei has been telling her about.
Sofya started to watch sleeping Robb and try to find at least one good thing about him she could learn to like or at least accept. Then he opened his eyes.
"Gods, you were kicking me for all night through, princess", he mumbled irritated. The word "princess" was nothing but a sneer in his mouth.
"Wow, thank you, so nice. I've been just trying to find one good thing about you. Impossible. And you're snoring"
"Trying to find one good thing about me? I have plenty of good things. You are the one who doesn't"
"And thanks to you I'm not a princess anymore", Sofya crossed her arms, ignoring his words, "We're late for breakfast I assume"
"Newly weds don't eat breakfasts with their families. They will bring us breakfast over here", Robb explained.
"Oh, how wonderful, I have to spend even more time with you", she stood up to dress herself before servants would come with the food. Grey Wind woke up as well and he started to jump all over her happily.
"Why does he like you so much?", Robb asked.
"Oh, don't cry about it. He's a smart dog, he can smell who's worthy of his attention, right, baby?", Sofya kneeled down to pet the direwolf.
The servants must have heard their fighting already because someone knocked to the door.
"Come in", Robb said as Myrtle appeared. She was with one of the servants from Winterfell. Sofya couldn't remember their names and she didn't even care much about it.
"How were you sleeping, Lady Stark?", Myrtle asked with a wide smile although she was as nervous about the whole new situation as her lady.
Sofya expected to be disgusted by the sound of that but actually she kind of liked it. It made her feel powerful. "The Doe Princess" was childish. No one was taking her seriously in The King's Landing. She was Robert's younger sister and she was a spoiled girl dancing during the balls and wearing fancy dresses. Here she was Lady Stark. Future Lady of Winterfell. The North was a poor area and it was ugly in her southern eyes - but it was offering her the real power.
"I've had a wonderful night, thank you", she nodded at Myrtle.
"And you, my lord?", the servant girl of Winterfell asked Robb.
"It was tolerably", he smirked at Sofya and she had to force herself not to sick her tongue out at him because of the servants around. They would gossip later about it.
"I'm going to change the sheets", Myrtle informed Robb so he stood up as well and he started to watch his wife putting some weird things on her face. Women in The North weren't using make up.
"What's that? A toy?", he snorted at the wooden doe standing on her dressing table. They moved her things to his chambers before the wedding and he didn't have a time to look at them before.
"That's not a toy... That's a gift", Sofya's voice saddened a little and Robb felt stupid about laughing, "From my niece Shireen. She made it herself, she's gifted with such things. I hope you will let me invite her over one day. She's one year older than Bran"
"I don't mind your family visiting you", Robb lied. He minded about the Lannisters. He didn't like them. King Robert was annoying him at times but he was nice and funny in general. The Lannisters were giving him a bad feeling.
"I'd only invite my nephews and nieces. Robert wouldn't have a time to visit me anyway, he's busy being a King. Stannis is... Specific, he wouldn't come here just to visit me. But maybe I'll invite my brother Renly, actually I think you two would like each other"
Robb noticed how her eyes were lightening up when she was speaking of her family. He suddenly wanted to meet Renly.
"Do you annoy him as much as you do me?", he asked.
"Probably", she smiled and shook her head.
"All done, enjoy your breakfast, my lady, my lord", Myrtle and the other girl bowed down and left.
"Why did you take Stark surname? You didn't have to as a Princess", Robb asked suddenly.
"Robert insisted. And I've been reading a lot of books about The North. I know that people here wouldn't like that", she came back to bed and started eating.
"You've been reading books?", Robb asked furrowing his brows.
"Yes, I can read", she got angry at him.
"I mean, about The North?"
"Not like I've wanted to. I've been forced. I've been raised to be your wife, Stark. I had to know everything about Winterfell, your history, traditions and all these stupid things I didn't care about. But I've been prepared. You haven't been raised to be my husband, though, right? You know very little about me. Just a common knowledge about the southern princesses and their traditions, fears, funs and wits. You know very little about me and I had to learn everything about you. It's unfair, isn't it?", she asked giving him a deadly glare.
"It's all for a reason", he shrugged his arms. He didn't want to show her that he kind of felt sorry for her, "It's because you came here to live with me, not the opposite"
"Also unfair", she noticed.
When Sofya left the chamber it was noon already. Despite fighting all morning with her new husband she was in a good mood - the wedding night wasn't that horrific and all the stress related to the wedding was over.
"Princess Sofya...", Tyrion's voice interrupted her. He spotted her when she was leaving her chamber, "Or Lady Stark, actually?"
"Tyrion", she smiled. They always liked each other, "Whatever you want to call me"
"You will always be The Doe Princess for me. My sister's looking for you"
"Yeah, I know, not the news you wanted to hear. Mind me joining you on your way?"
"Not at all. Where is she? In her chambers?"
"Where else would she be? She hates Winterfell even more than you do", he looked up curiously at Sofya.
"I don't hate Winterfell", she admitted taking a deep breath, "But don't you say it to Robb, he can't know", she laughed, "I don't like it in here but it's better than I've imagined"
"Good. Speaking of Robb...", Tyrion hesitated, "Was he good to you? Did he hurt you?"
"No", Sofya blushed, "He was very nice actually. He cared of not hurting me"
"Sofya... These Starks, they... They will take a good care of you. Maybe try giving them a chance, how about that? They may be a family you've never had. And believe me, something stinks in the King's Landing. Some big storm is coming and The North may be the safest place right now. I wouldn't want to see you being used in encounters between The Great Houses"
"Thank you, you've been always caring for me, why?", she asked biting her lip.
"I see the pain in you. The pain that no one else seems to see. Not even your brother, I mean, I can't blame him, he's too drunk, but with all respect, I'm a drunkard as well and I see. You have been raised with no father, you barely remember your own mother. Your brothers didn't know what to do with you. It was obvious Renly was too young and too carefree to take care of you, Stannis' wife didn't want you and Robert decided to make a Princess out of you. He's been spoiling you for years so you were thinking you are living the best life. But in fact you have been raised surrounded by people who were trying to destroy you, and yes, I mean my sister by that. Jealous bitch, isn't she? Jealous of your youth, beauty and the title because there was still a possibility for you to take over The Seven Kingdoms. And in the end you have been given away to some lord from The North, no one has ever cared if you wanted it or not", Tyrion finished his monologue as Sofya's eyes became watery. She sniffed.
"Except children... It seems like you were my only friend in King's Landing", she admitted.
"Now go, face The Lioness. Maybe the last time in your life. But remember that right now it's lady Stark she's speaking to", Tyrion winked at her and left as Sofya held her head higher and knocked to the door.
Cersei opened it after a while and invited her sister-in-law inside.
"I saw the sheets, congratulations", she greeted her.
Sofya stiffened. It was making her uncomfortable.
"Excuse me?", she asked.
"You're a woman now"
"Why did you see my sheets?"
"I asked the servants to show me and they did. Someone had to check it and your brother and The Starks weren't eager to"
"Because it is a business between me and my husband"
"Don't be so smart now, being a wife does not make you a better person. It actually makes you worse", Cersei snorted as she sat on her chair, "And it is not just your business. You are... Were... The Princess of The Seven Kingdoms and he is one of the most important heirs in Westeros. Your marriage is not just your business"
"Why did you lie to me?", Sofya asked coldly, changing the topic.
"What are you talking about?", Cersei asked surprised.
"About the wedding night, you've been telling me lies. You scared me, you made me look like a fool in front of Lord Stark"
"Hm?", Cersei was really shocked at that confession, "I don't understand"
"He was nothing but charming", Sofya said although the word "charming" according to Robb sounded almost like a blasphemy in her mouth.
But she wanted to annoy Cersei. She wanted to show her that she had been treated well by Robb even if Cersei has been wishing for him to hurt young princess. Because that was what Cersei has been always wanting - for Sofya to be hurting.
"I-I'm glad that he turned out to be better than most men", Cersei smiled a little but Sofya could sense the anger and jealousy in her sister-in-law's voice, "It was not my intention to lie to you"
"I hope so", Sofya nodded her head, "You wanted to speak to me?"
"Yes, I wanted to congratulate but..."
"Alright, see you around then", Sofya turned around and left the chamber.
She perfectly knew why Cersei invited her over - she hoped that new Lady Stark would tell her terrible stories from the wedding night so she could enjoy her suffering. But nothing horrific had happened and for the first time Sofya was the winner.
"Where are you going?", Sofya muttered when Robb was leaving the bed early in the morning on the next day.
"Not your business", he mumbled although he knew that he would tell her anyway.
"Excuse me? I'm your wife now"
"Your brother wanted to go hunting, remember?"
"Oh, but so early?"
"I have to prepare myself. What do you care?"
"Nothing, I'm actually glad because I have whole bed for my own", she shrugged her arms and watched him getting dressed for a while.
"We don't need to sleep in the same chamber, you know that?", Robb asked, "But they won't let us use different bedrooms until we have a child"
"I know, I know. But I don't mind sleeping with you. I'm not conscious then anyway. And I get to kick you"
"Very funny", he rolled his eyes, "My father agreed. He's going to be The Hand of The King. And he's taking Sansa and Arya with himself. My mother wants Arya to learn how to be a lady. And Sansa... She's going to marry your nephew. Stark and Baratheon marriages will soon be a new fashion", Robb seemed to be bitter about it.
"Why are you telling me all these things?", she asked surprised.
"You're my wife, are you? We don't need to like each other but we're gonna have to run whole Winterfell one day"
"I know. Go already, I want to sleep", she closed her eyes again.
"You Southern Women are so lazy, I can't believe that", Robb shook his head, "You'll have to learn how to wake up earlier, princess"
"Stop calling me that"
"But what's the point of waking up at six if putting your make up on and waiting until Myrtle finishes doing your fancy hairdo takes another two hours?"
"Just go already and let me sleep!", she screamed after him as he left the chamber laughing. He was happy that he managed to annoy her.
Lady Catelyn wasn't happy with the fact that Lady Sofya was late for breakfast. She gave her daughter-in-law a stern look but Sofya pretended not to see it.
"When will I be able to go hunting as well?", Rickon asked.
"Very soon, my dear", she lied to him to make him smile.
"Where's The Queen?", Sofya asked looking around.
"The Queen doesn't feel well and she asked to bring her breakfast to her chambers"
Sofya was glad that she didn't have to look at Cersei's face but she couldn't say it out loud of course.
"And where's Bran?", she asked.
"He's somewhere around. He finished his breakfast already", Lady Catelyn answered.
"Tommen and Myrcella are in their mom's chambers", Rickon explained with his mouth full.
"Rickon!", his mother scolded him as Sofya giggled.
"Have you heard the wonderful news, my dear?", Sansa asked. She couldn't wait anymore. Her mother rolled her eyes.
"Yes, your brother informed me this morning. Congratulations, future Queen", Sofya jokingly bowed down a little, "Arya, I've heard you are going to King's Landing as well?"
She didn't look happy about it.
"You'll love it, believe me", Sofya smiled at her but Arya didn't even look up, "I'm glad Lord Stark agreed to become The Hand of The King. My brother needs a man like him around. A loyal friend and a wise man", Lady Sofya looked at Lady Catelyn and for the first time that day Lady Catelyn smiled at her nicely.
"Thank you. Although I'd be happier with my husband at home"
"Of course"
"I'll have to run Winterfell on my own which may be complicated", Lady Catelyn sighed.
"Well...", Sofya didn't know if she should finish but her mother-in-law raised her brows already, "Robb and me are going to help, that would be a good practice for us, right?"
"Have you ever ran a castle?", Rickon asked with a full mouth again.
"No", Sofya looked down.
"Don't worry, Robb didn't either", Sansa giggled.
After the breakfast Sofya went to the library. She loved to read and she wanted to see if they have any interesting books in Winterfell. Grey Wind was running around her because he was too small to go hunting with his owner.
"You know, if they don't even have good books here, I'm going to force Robb to order me some from the King's Landing", she was talking to a dog. She felt like the direwolf somehow understood her, "I'm going to tell him that when I'm reading I don't have time to annoy him", she giggled.
"Are you completely crazy right now?", Myrcella's voice asked. She was playing with Tommen nearby.
"Oh, hello", Sofya smiled and looked at their septa who nodded at her.
"They all call you Lady Stark now, I don't like that", Tommen admitted sadly.
"Me neither", she answered jokingly.
"Do you have to stay here?", Myrcella asked.
"Yes, unfortunately. But don't worry, Robb doesn't mind me inviting you over", she caressed their heads of golden hair.
"I'm gonna tell you someting but don't be mad at me, okay?", Myrcella started.
"What is it, my dear?"
"Your husband seems to be okay"
"Pfft", Sofya snorted.
She opened her mouth to say something witty at it when a loud scream interrupted them.
The scream was so loud that it filled all the corridors of Winterfell and it made Grey Wind jump in his place. Sofya's heart stopped in her chest. Such scream could only announce trouble.
"What is it?", Tommen asked and looked at his septa.
"Let's go there. Take my hands, both of you", Sofya ordered and they started to walk towards the tower. The scream was clearly from this area.
"He fell! He fell!", Sofya recognised the voice, it belonged to one of the servants.
"What happened here?", she let go of Tommen and Myrcella's hands and approached the small crowd around something laying on the floor.
"Lady Stark...", the servant made wide eyes at her as she finally explained, "Lord Bran, he... He fell down from the tower"
Sofya looked down and noticed that the thing laying on the floor was indeed her brother-in-law.
"What's going on?", Lady Catelyn's worried voice could be heard as Sofya's heart clenched in her chest.

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