~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢 ~

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After the supper Talisa insisted that The Queen should visit Riverrun's maester because she had not seen any since she found out she was pregnant. Except Qyburn, but he was half dead when she met him.
"I don't think it is needed, I feel fine", Sofya told the healer.
"I know, Your Grace, but we are only healers. We could have diagnosed something wrong. Maesters know more about pregnancies than us anyway, we're more experienced with soldiers and their wounds"
Sofya sighed and knocked upon maester's door. Talisa smiled at her and disappeared behind the corner. After a short while, the door opened.
"Ah, Queen Stark", old man bowed his head, "What is bringing you here? I hope it's not any health issue?"
"No. At least I don't think so", Sofya bit her lip, "May I enter?"
"Oh, of course", he took a step back and let her in.
"My healer insisted on me visiting you. I'm pregnant and...", she started when he closed the door, "And I haven't seen any maester for months"
"Pregnant, you say", he mumbled and squinted his eyes at her, "How many moons?"
"I think I'm half way through"
The maester looked down and up again. Then he smirked.
"No, you're not, Your Grace"
"What do you mean?", Sofya furrowed her brows and asked worried.
"Let me touch, can I?", he asked and she nodded her head.
The man approached her and put his hands on her swollen stomach. After a short while he took a step back.
"The end is sooner than you expect", he told her.
"But...", she gasped, "When?"
"Few weeks, can't be more"
"But it doesn't look that big", Sofya made wide eyes at him.
"It doesn't have to look big, Your Grace. It doesn't always look big. And not all babies are big as well"
"But is everything alright with me?", The Queen asked.
"Yes, everything is fine. I wouldn't be worried if I were you, Your Grace", he smiled and bowed his head.
"Ah, believe me, you'd be worried all the time if you were me", she sighed, "Anyway, thank you", she added and left the chamber in a hurry.
She didn't care that Robb was in the middle of a gathering with his uncles, she needed to tell him right away.
"It's not about glory!", her husband's voice was the first thing she heard after opening the door.
Everyone turned around to look at her and she noticed that they were arguing. Sofya nodded her head at Robb to let him know that she wanted to speak with him and he nodded back but continued talking to Lord Edmure, "Your instructions were to wait for him to come to you", he reminded him.
Sofya looked down and didn't know if she should leave them or stay inside. She decided to lean on the wall and stay. She was The Queen after all, she had every right to be there.
"Your Grace", Lord Brynden Tully whispered in her direction and she smiled at him.
"I seized an opportunity", Edmure spread his hands as Robb approached him.
"What value was the mill?", The King asked.
"The Mountain was garrisoned across the river from it", his uncle still couldn't understand his  nephew's sudden anger.
"Is he there now?"
"Of course not, we took the fight to him. He could not withstand us!", Edmure was really proud of himself but Sofya knew her husband well and his expression meant trouble for Lord Tully.
"I wanted to draw the Mountain into the west, into our country where we could surround him and kill him", Robb started calmly but he was clearly irritated, "I wanted him to chase us, which he would have done because he is a without a strategic thought in his head. I could have that head on a spike by now", he continued with contempt and stayed silent for a little while, "Instead, I have a mill"
Sofya looked at Lord Brynden awkwardly and the older Lord sighed. She decided to stand next to her husband - she always liked this firm tone of his and this serious side of him.
"We took hostages. Willem Lannister and Martyn Lannister", Edmure stopped smiling and started to explain himself.
"Willem and Martyn Lannister are fourteen years old", Robb noticed putting his hand over Sofya's waist.
"Martyn is fifteen", Sofya corrected him.
"Tywin Lannister has my sisters. Have I sued for peace?", Robb asked his uncle angrily.
"No", Lord Tully looked down.
"Do you think he'll sue for peace because we have his father's brother's great-grandsons? He already tried to murder my child", Robb drawled out, "How many men did you lose?"
"Two hundred and eight...", Edmure started carefully as Robb clenched his jaw and stiffened. Sofya caressed his arm a little, "But for every man we lost, the Lannisters..."
"We need our men more than Tywin needs his!", Robb shouted and his wife took a step back, scared by his sudden outburst.
Edmure looked away in shame and The King turned to Sofya to gently put his arm around her again.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know", Lord Tully said finally.
"You would have. Right here today at this gathering if you had been patient", Robb informed him and approached the window with his wife.
"We seem to be running short of patience here", Lord Brynden noticed.
"You know who isn't? Tywin Lannister", Robb stated and sighed before looking at his uncles again, "You may leave now"
Edmure was the first one to disappear behind the door. He did it in a rush, embarrassed. Lord Brynden followed him more calmly.
"What's the matter, my love? I'm sorry of my behaviour", Robb looked in Sofya's eyes.
"It's alrght, you have every right to be angry at him", she nodded her head and chuckled, "I have news"
"What news, darling?", Robb placed his hand on his wife's cheek.
"Talisa told me to visit the maester and...", she took a deep breath as he raised his brows, "Our child will be with us sooner than we have expected"
"You mean...?"
"I mean that we will be parents in no more than few weeks", The Queen smiled widely and Robb smiled back after a short while of processing the thought.
"Gods, I'm so happy!", he raised her from the ground and spinned around few times, "So happy"
"Put me down!", Sofya squealed laughing and when he did, she put her hands around his neck, "I can't wait"
"Maybe you would stay in Riverrun? I was born here as well", Robb's tone became serious again.
"I'll think about it", she smiled, "But as long as you stay here with me. If you leave, I leave"
"I want you to be the first man to hold our child. Please, don't leave me with this giving birth thing alone, I'm terrified", she admitted but giggled right after.
"Talisa, wait!", Sofya approached the healer, "Where are you going?"
"To check upon the hostages, Your Grace"
"You mean the Lannister boys?"
"I'm going with you", Sofya told her when they reached the stairs leading to the dungeons.
"If that is your wish, Your Grace", Talisa bowed her head, "What did Maester say?"
"He...", Sofya couldn't finish because she started chuckling, "I'm sorry, I'm so happy... I'll give birth in few weeks"
"Few weeks?!", Talisa made wide eyes and looked down to squint her eyes at The Queen's abdomen, "Hm... Well, maybe..."
"I've expected it to be way larger", Sofya admitted pointing at her stomach.
"No, it's not always the case", the healer shook her head.
"Your Grace, My Lady", the guard standing in front of the cell bowed down before letting them in.
Two scared boys with Lannister golden hair were sitting on the floor.
"Willem. Martyn", Sofya greeted them with a smile, "Do you remember me?"
They squinted their eyes at her.
"Few years ago you visited King's Landing, we had so much fun", she gave them more hints and Willem stood up suddenly.
"Willem, don't!", Martyn shouted but it was too late already. His brother hugged The Queen.
"What are you scared of?", Sofya asked Martyn and extended her hand towards him, "I don't bite"
"Are you pregnant, Sofya?", Willem asked looking up.
"Yes, I am", she told him with a smile and caressed his head, "Does any of you need a healer?"
"My arm is hurt", Martyn slowly approached Talisa and she started to take care of it.
"They say that you married Robb Stark", Willem started curiously.
"Yes. You knew that I have been promised to him for a long time", Sofya answered.
Willem and Martyn looked at each other significantly.
"Is it true what they say about him?", Martyn looked at The Queen and asked carefully.
"There are many tales and stories about my husband. Some of them are true for sure", she kept caressing Willem's head.
"They say that he can turn into a wolf at night", Martyn told her and she snorted.
"Wh-what? What a non..."
"True", Talisa interrupted her and looked at the young Lannister with a playful smirk.
"Well, you got me. I can't lie anymore. He can", Sofya sighed.
She didn't like scaring the boys, she didn't understand Talisa's little game with them. But there was no point of arguing with her about it at the moment.
"Does he eats the flesh of his enemies?", Martyn asked in a shaky voice.
"Yes, he does. And I drink their blood served in the stag's skull", Sofya whispered approaching him, "But you are not our enemy, are you?"
"N-no", he shook his head.
The Queen laughed and placed a kiss on Martyn's forehead.
"Don't be scared. Are you two treated well here?"
"Well, could be better. But it's not the worst", Willem told her and Sofya nodded her head.
"Good. If you ever need anything, let the guard know and I will come here. Anything. Even a little hug", she winked at them, "Now I have to go. See you later, boys"
"See you later, Sofya", Willem waved at her and Martyn gave her a cracked smile.
The Queen and the healer left the dungeons in silence.
"There was no need in scaring them", Sofya scolded Talisa.
"I wasn't the one speaking about drinking blood, Your Grace"
"You got me", Sofya smirked, "But I can't believe that such stories about Robb exist"
"Isn't it a good thing?", Talisa asked raising her brows.
"It's just weird for me... I can't imagine having him as my mortal enemy. I can't imagine anyone being so terrified of him and hating him so much"
"They probably feel the same about themselves"
"Lannisters? They don't think in such categories. Their only goal is to win. With no sentiments"
"I've never seen being sentimental as a weakness, Your Grace. It takes a lot of strength to remain sentimental, especially during the war", the healer smiled kindly.
"Have you ever killed a man, Talisa?", The Queen asked watching her carefully.
"No, My Queen. But many have died because I couldn't help them or came to them too late"
"It's not the same", Sofya sighed, "Anyway... Can I be a sentimental murderer?"
"That's what a mother should be", Talisa answered, "That's what a Queen should be"
Lady Catelyn's eyes were red and swollen when she approached Sofya after breakfast.
"What happened, Lady Mother?", she asked her in a worried tone.
"It's just... My father... I miss him terribly..."
"I miss mine as well. Shall we go for a walk around Riverrun?", Sofya proposed.
"Yes, sounds great", Lady Stark nodded her head and sniffed.
They started walking slowly in a direction of a courtyard.
"Can I miss someone I have never met?", The Queen asked her Lady Mother after a while, "Is it possible?"
"I think so. It was your father after all"
"I miss all the things we could have and all the memories I could have had at the moment. I miss the person he could have been. But I'm not sure if my imagination is right about him"
"He was a great man. Very brave and very smart", Catelyn told her, "You have my word"
"My greatest fear at the moment is being left alone. I'm afraid of Robb dying and our child never getting to know him"
"I'm sorry to change the topic but...", Lady Stark hesitated, "Do you honestly believe that Bran and Rickon are alive?"
Sofya sighed and looked away.
"I wish to believe", she answered, "The fact is that no one has found their bodies so everything is possible. I'm trying to be optimistic, but you know me, I rarely am", she gave Catelyn a cracked smile, "Ah, look who's there", Sofya waved her hand at her husband, standing on the courtyard and petting Grey Wind, "Robb!", she called him and he turned around with a smile.
Grey Wind ran up to his lady happily and she hugged the dog laughing.
"I'm so glad to see you doing well", The Queen told her wolf and stood up again.
"Have you been crying?", Robb asked his mother worringly.
"A little bit", Lady Catelyn turned her head away.
"Have any ravens arrived earlier this morning?", Sofya asked her husband.
"No. There was only one. For Lord Whitehill", The King informed her.
"Ah, I see", she looked down.
She didn't know if Shireen and Selyse were dead or her sister-in-law just decided to ignore Sofya's letter which was a cruel thing to do. But Selyse would do that.
"And no news from Winterfell?", Lady Stark asked.
"No", Robb shook his head.
They saw Lord Torrhen with a sheet of paper in his hand. He was pale and shaking while crossing the courtyard in a hurry.
"Lord Whitehill!", Sofya called him and he turned around to bow his head respectfully, "Lord Whitehill, what happened? You look sorrowful and you were the only one to receive any letter today", she asked curiously.
"I... It's...", he took a deep breath, "I have to go to my sister. Do you know where she is, Your Grace?"
"In the kitchen probably. She was supposed to help there today"
"What happened, Lord Whitehill?", Robb squinted his eyes at his bannerman.
He couldn't stop being suspicious about everything, especially after so many betrayals in his own camp.
"It's a private thing, don't worry, Your Grace", Lord Whitehill answered and his voice broke.
"Lord Torrhen...", Sofya insisted in a whisper. Something in his expression made her heart squeeze.
"My mother is dead", he finally told them before covering his mouth with his hand, "Excuse me", he mumbled on the verge of tears and left the courtyard.
Robb looked at his wife with a worried face.
"She was very ill, that's what Gwyn told me", The Queen explained, "Oh, poor Gwyn. She's an orphan now"
"And who isn't in these mad times? I was lucky to have my father for so long", Lady Catelyn said, "I could have just appreciated him more"

The Wolf and The Doe || Robb Stark || Game of Thronesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें