~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔗𝔴𝔬 ~

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"My Queen, the horses shall rest", the knight approached Sofya, "I recommend a short break"
"Thank you, Ser Cedwik", Sofya nodded her head and stopped her horse, "We should rest"
Catelyn stopped her horse as well and turned around to look at her daughter-in-law and Ser Cedwik of House Umber. He was the only one Robb trusted since he was Greatjon's nephew.
Sofya jumped off her horse and Lady Catelyn followed her. Ser Cedwik started to take care of their horses and the ladies rested on the large flat stone in the middle of a forest clearing.
The Queen took off her gloves and looked around smiling. She took a deep breath and started to watch the birds flying above their heads.
"You're doing quite well as The Queen", Catelyn noticed carefully. They weren't really talking during their trip and it was starting to get awkward.
"Thank you, My Lady. But don't you think it's something I've always wanted. I was raised in the Red Keep after all so I know how to behave. It was not my wish to become The Queen, though. Your son made me", Sofya looked at her mother-in-law with a smile but it didn't reach her eyes which were scanning Lady Catelyn curiously.
"I can see that you're happy to see your brother soon"
"I am more happy than you can imagine, Lady Catelyn"
"Just call me Lady Mother", Catelyn proposed.
"If that is your wish, Lady Mother", Sofya nodded her head and stood up stretching her arms a little, "We're close, I can feel that. Storm's End has never been my home but my heart is filling with joy with each mile", she said in a dreamy voice, "Oh, how I wish Robb could come with us"
"He's got the battles to win, My Queen", Ser Cedwik smiled at her as he leaned on the tree standing nearby.
"Your Grace", Lady Catelyn addresses her daughter-in-law. She could see that something was wrong and she wanted to know the reason. Sofya turned her head surprised, "May I ask what's bothering you?"
"No need to call me that, Lady Mother", she giggled.
"I can feel the sudden coldness in you. Against me. I want to know what I have done to cause this"
Sofya bit her lip and sighed. She decided to sit next to her mother-in-law once again.
"I've heard your conversation with Robb in the tent. You think I'm a bad influence on your son", Sofya looked her straight in the eyes.
"Oh, I...", Lady Catelyn blushed a little, "No, it's not like that"
"I'm just a reckless child, aren't I? Just like my brother. And I am encouraging Robb to act rebellious", Sofya raised her brows.
"Sofya, I..."
"You're right", The Queen interrupted Lady Catelyn, "I find the idea of rebellion quite romantic indeed. And I am hot-headed, yes. But I love your son and I would never encourage him to do anything that could cause him pain or death", Sofya stated and Lady Catelyn gasped as she's never heard The Queen confessing her feelings towards Robb ever before, "I was begging him to stay in Winterfell, I didn't want him to ever leave the castle. And I haven't told him that we need Balon's ships, he made it up trying to convince you. Robb is a natural born rebel, he'd do all these things with or without me. But he's a lawful, righteous rebel like his father and that makes me worried. Good men are rare these days and they usually die quickly. If it takes violent actions and dishonest cunning to protect your son's life, I am ready to do so", Sofya finished clenching her jaw.
"I...", Lady Catelyn stuttered after long silence, "I don't know what to say"
"You don't have to say anything, Lady Mother", Sofya shrugged her arms, "I was hurt by your words. I thought you liked me, trusted me and... maybe even loved me a little bit. But I can live without these things"
"Sofya, come on", Lady Stark grabbed The Queen's wrist, "I don't know what in the seven hells happened between you and Robb but I am glad it did. I was honestly afraid you're going to hate each other for the rest of your lives. I'm sorry I blamed you for his own reckless behaviour but it is a fact that your presence makes him feel more confident and brave"
"Is that a bad thing?", Sofya asked furrowing her brows, "I don't think so. There's a woman like you or me behind every great man, Lady Mother", she smiled finally, "He's lucky to have a mother like you and a wife like me", she added with a giggle.
"It brings me joy to hear such things from you, Sofya Stark", Lady Catelyn chuckled, "But I am worried a little bit... What will happen in Storm's End? You will be torn between Renly and Robb, I assume. Will you choose The North when the choice will have to be made?", Lady Catelyn looked down.
"Of course. I am The Queen of it", Sofya assured and hugged her mother-in-law.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but it's time for us", Ser Cedwik approached them shyly, "I've heard that King Renly's organising some tournament today, we don't want to be late"
"Of course we don't", Lady Catelyn smiled widely and stood up, "The Queen can't wait to see her beloved big brother, we shall go"
"I will be one of your seven, pledge my life to yours, and keep you safe from all harm", Brienne of Tarth exclaimed while kneeling in front of Renly and his new wife, Margaery Tyrell. She was a big and strong woman who's just won an exhibition fight with Ser Loras - Margaery's brother.
Sofya, Catelyn, Ser Cedwik and Ser Colen - a knight from Renly's camp - were watching the scene closely. Sofya couldn't hide her excitement to be finally in Storm's End and near her brother. She was glad to see the crown reminding of the stag's antlers on his head and she wanted to finally let him know about her presence.
"It's time for us", she gently pushed Lady Catelyn's arm, "I can't wait anymore"
Lady Stark nodded her head.
"Done", Renly smiled at Brienne, "Rise, Brienne of the Kingsguard", he started to clap his hands and everyone followed. Brienne stood up proudly.
The Queen in The North and her Lady Mother approached Renly and Margaery. Renly smiled widely as Sofya's heart was beating fast and her cheeks were burning. She wanted to run into her brother's arms but she knew it was against the etiquette. He stood up.
"My King", Sofya greeted him in a serious tone, trying as hard as possible not to laugh.
"My Queen", he bowed down his head a little with a playful smirk.
Lady Catelyn watched them carefully. From all her brothers, Sofya was reminding of Renly the most. They not only looked alike but also they both were quite frivolous in some ways.
"What great times to be alive in, don't you think? We're both royalty, dear brother", Sofya burst into laughter finally and Renly ran up to her to squeeze her tight. He even lifted her off the ground while laughing.
"Sofya! I've missed you so much!", he couldn't stop smiling, "You hardly look like yourself in these clothes"
"I'm Lady of Winterfell now... and I've missed you more!"
He put her on the ground again and fixed the crown on his head.
"I love the shape", she stated and he winked at her.
"I'm pleased to see you", Renly's voice finally became serious again and he pointed at his Queen who stood near them, "May I present my wife, Margaery of House Tyrell"
"You are very welcome here, Your Grace, My Lady", Margaery nodded her head to both, Sofya  and Catelyn, "I'm so sorry for your loss"
"You are most kind", Lady Catelyn bowed her head.
"My Lady, I swear to you I will see the Lannisters answer for your husband's murder", Renly's face changed immediately from playful to vengeful as he looked at Lady Stark, "When I take King's Landing, I'll bring you Joffrey's head"
People started to cheer but Sofya looked away in silence while biting her lip. Seeing her "nephew" dead was not her wish. She had to talk about it with her brother for sure. But it was not the right time for that.
"It will be enough to know that justice was done, my lord. Your Grace", Lady Catelyn said to Renly.
She wanted Joffrey's head and she had no idea about Robb promising his wife to keep him alive if he'd ever take over King's Landing.
"And you should kneel when you approach the King", Brienne noticed looking at Lady Catelyn and her daughter-in-law. She didn't care they were her King's family, they were strangers in her eyes since they were in the middle of the war.
"How dare you?", Sofya hissed at the woman.
"There's no need for that. Lady Stark is an honored guest and my sister is a Queen herself", Renly calmed her new guard down.
"Has Robb Stark marched against Tywin Lannister yet?", Loras' voice could be heard.
"I do not sit on my son's war councils", Lady Catelyn tried to answer as nicely as possible, "And if I did, I would not share his strategies with you"
"If Robb Stark wants a pact with us, he should come himself, not hide behind women's skirts", Loras kept being distrustful. Sofya clenched her jaw.
"My husband is fighting a war, not playing at one", Sofya turned around as she was allowed to turn her back to the King since she was his sister and a Queen herself. Loras' expression was priceless.
"Don't worry, dear sister. Our war is just beginning", Renly chuckled.
Renly, his sister and her mother-in-law were walking around the camp in a company of Brienne. She was scanning two ladies with her eyes all the time.
"Your wife is so beautiful, Renly. Congratulations", Sofya started with a smile.
"Thank you, dear sister. I hope your husband is handsome as well", he laughed.
"Of course he is. The most handsome man in The North", Sofya winked at her brother, "But he's mine", she added playfully and Renly rolled his eyes.
Lady Catelyn didn't understand what she meant and she was not happy with the fact they were more busy with the small talk than negotating. But she decided to be quiet about it since it was a family reunion in some way.
"I was sad that you couldn't visit us in Winterfell but we were really busy", Sofya explained to her brother.
"I was busy as well, Sofya. Oh, how glad I am to see you here. And I'm even more glad to see you being a happy wife"
A man with a horse approached them.
"Your Grace", he nodded with a smile.
"Gerard. How's your foot?", Renly asked.
"Better, Your Grace. They don't know their own size is all", the man answered.
"Good man", Renly nodded his head and they kept walking. He finally turned his head around to look at Lady Catelyn, "I have one hundred thousand men at my command. All the might of the Stormlands and the Reach.
"And all of them young and bold like your Knight of Flowers? It's a game to you, isn't it? I pity them", Lady Catelyn stated and Sofya rolled her eyes.
"Why?", Renly asked.
"Because it won't last. Because they are the knights of summer and winter is coming", Lady Stark explained.
Renly squinted his eyes at her not knowing what to say. He didn't want to be rude to his sister's new Lady Mother.
"Brienne, escort Queen Sofya Bara... Stark and Lady Catelyn to their chambers. They're tired from their journey", he looked at his guard.
"At once, Your Grace. Shall I return after?", Brienne asked.
"That won't be necessary. I would pray awhile. Alone", Renly nodded his head at his sister and Lady Catelyn and walked away.
Sofya raised her brows. Renly was never religious.
"If you'll follow me, my ladies", Brienne said and started walking in the direction of the castle.
"Ah, Storm's End", Sofya took a deep breath, "I'm so glad to be here... What chambers will be mine?"
"There are still your chambers in the castle, Your Grace", Brienne bowed her head respectfully.
"Really?!", Sofya's face lightened up, "Renly kept my chambers?! Lady Mother, I want you to share my chambers with me. There are three bedrooms in my part of the castle so it won't be a problem", she looked at Lady Catelyn with a smile.
"If that is your wish", Catelyn smiled back and looked at Brienne, "You fought bravely today, Lady Brienne"
She wanted to be nice to Renly's guard because she knew that family ties did not matter at the war. Sofya was very confident of herself near her brother but Catelyn was aware of the fact that Renly did not have to agree to be their ally. Lady Stark was glad that Robb didn't send his wife alone to Renly Baratheon. Maybe he perfectly knew that Sofya's nature could actually cause trouble so he decided to send his mother as well? She wanted to believe in that.
"I fought for my king. Soon I'll fight for him on the battlefield. Die for him if I must. And, if it please you, Brienne's enough. I'm no lady", Brienne said.
"She reminds me of Arya", Sofya giggled to Lady Catelyn in a whisper and Lady Catelyn smiled sadly.
The thought of Arya was breaking her heart. She missed her girls terribly.
The chambers looked exactly the same like on the day Sofya's been in them for the last time which meant two years earlier.
"Sometimes King's Landing was starting to annoy and scare me. I was running away here", she explained to Lady Catelyn while showing her around, "I loved Robert like a father and Stannis is so distant... Renly's only seven years older than me, that's not much in comparision to my other brothers. So he's my favourite", she chuckled.
"That I can see. And I can see that he loves you much as well, Sofya. But please, don't you think that it's enough. It doesn't mean he's going to be our ally", Lady Catelyn started carefully.
"I know", Sofya looked down as they entered another room.
"Ah, there you are", Renly was waiting there for them. Sofya ran to his arms again because they were in private.
"Oh Renly, you have no idea how happy I am. And when I've found out that you kept my chambers... I love you so much", she squealed like a child.
"These chambers will forever be yours", Renly caressed her head, "How are you feeling?", he asked in a worried tone.
"What do you mean?", Sofya furrowed her brows.
"After Robert's death..."
"Better now. My husband's love and his family's support are helpful to get through it", she smiled sadly and looked at Catelyn.
"Ah, Lady Catelyn. Look", Renly pointed his finger at one of the paintings, "Who do you think it is on that one?"
Lady Stark approached the painting and squinted her eyes. It was a painting of a little girl sitting on a deer. Her eyes were deep brown and her dress was pastel pink. She was smiling playfully.
"Um... Lady Cassana, I assume?
"Wrong!", Renly laughed and Sofya giggled, "That's our little Doe", he kissed his sister's forehead.
"Sofya?", Lady Stark smiled at her daughter-in-law, "What a beautiful painting"
"Do you want it in Winterfell? I can send it there, your husband should see it", Renly proposed.
"No, no, I want part of me to remain forever in Storm's End. Robb's going to see it one day. Here", Sofya smiled.
"Why aren't you wearing the crown?", Renly asked suddenly, "You should. Your head has been made to wear one"
"Oh, Renly, come on. People of The North are different", she giggled, "We shall talk tomorrow morning, how about that? I need to write the letter to my husband that we've arrived safely and rest"
"Of course. We're going to talk tomorrow", Renly nodded his head and kissed his sister's cheek, "Good night, my ladies", he nodded hid head and left the chambers.
"Good night, Renly"
"Good night, Your Grace", Lady Catelyn bowed her head and turned around to Sofya, "I hope you've chosen Renly over Stannis because you sincerely think he would be a better King. Not because you like him more"
"Of course!", Sofya exclaimed, "Renly's the best option for The South. Just like Robb is for The North", she added with a sad smile. She missed her husband already, "Speaking of him, I'm going to write him a letter. Go to sleep, Lady Mother"
"Good night, Sofya, dear", Lady Stark nodded her head and left the room.
The Queen sighed. She was glad to be in Storm's End with her brother. But she didn't understand why some part of her wanted to come back to Winterfell.

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