~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫 ~

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Sofya laid her head on Robb's chest as her hand started wandering all over his arm and neck. She finally caught her breath and looked up with a smile.
"I can't believe in what I'm saying but I missed you so much", she admitted.
"I missed you, too. Every day and every night", Robb caressed her head but he was staring on the tent's walls. His mind was drifting off somewhere else.
"If you want to speak about your father... I am here for you. Whenever you want to", Sofya started carefully.
"It is alright", Robb's voice broke a little, "I am fine. The way it should be. Better like this than the other way around, right?", he finally looked her in the eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that it's children who should bury their parents. It's natural"
"Yes, it is. But still, he wasn't that old. There are so many things he's going to miss", Sofya sighed, "He won't ever see you being The King and he won't ever see his other children's weddings. He won't ever meet his grandchildren", she sniffed a little, "I'm sorry... I am not good at cheering people up. I was usually the one being cheered up"
"It's alright. We're in the middle of the war. We need to focus on other things", Robb hugged his wife tighter.
"So... Now you're The King...", she changed the topic raising herself on her elbow.
"For few hours, yes", Robb smiled a little, "And you are The Queen"
"Ah, I don't think that the Northern Lords are happy with that"
"They have to accept it"
"It's going to be hard for them when even you don't trust me. They can see that", she lowered her voice and looked down.
"What do you mean?", Robb furrowed his brows.
"I had explained why Renly is a better option than Stannis. Then you ignored everything. In front of them all"
Robb snorted.
"That's what councils are like. I've told you it was not a place for women. I won't agree with everything you say just because you're a..."
"It's not about that", Sofya looked at him again angrily, "You have to show me more respect and more trust in front of the other lords. Like the other day when Lord Umber insulted me and..."
"Oh no, not again...", Robb sighed and covered his face with his hand.
"Robb", Lady Catelyn entered the tent suddenly and froze at the sight of Sofya laying next to her son.
It was something she should have expected but she forgot about Sofya's presence in the camp for a moment. She was full of rage and the last thing she was thinking of was her daughter-in-law.
"Mother", Robb blushed a little as he sat up on the bed.
Sofya was completely covered but she still tried to cover herself even more with the furry blanket.
"Lady Catelyn", she nodded her head shyly.
"I don't care what you two are doing, you are married", Lady Catelyn hissed, "Excuse me, I am  furious, I know. But I've just spoken to The Kingslayer..."
Sofya's heart stopped. She forgot about Jaime being her husband's prisoner.
"Mother... You shouldn't have... It's dangerous, for gods' sake", Robb whined.
"He admitted he's thrown Bran out of the tower", she stated and clenched her jaw.
Sofya saw the corner of Lady Catelyn's eye watching her reaction.
"I am not even surprised at the news", Robb hissed.
"Me neither", Sofya whispered in a raspy voice.
"I'm going to leave you alone now", Lady Catelyn turned around, "By the way... I've never met a man as arrogant and savage as him"
"My Lady... I mean, My Queen, you shouldn't...", Benygne was following Sofya around the camp and tried to keep her out of danger.
"Said who?"
"Nobody, but I am sure Lord... King Robb would be angry at you, My Queen", Benygne lowered her voice.
"Please, stop. It sounds... weird", Sofya rolled her eyes, "Just call me a Lady"
"That would be incorrect"
"Alright, call me whatever you want but don't give me orders"
"I would n-never...", Benygne stuttered bowing down a little.
"I will do as I please. You're here to do my hair and help me to get dressed, not to tell me what I can and what I cannot"
"I understand, My Queen", the servant nodded her head and watched Sofya disappear in the crowd full of guards.
"What are you doing here, My Queen?", one of them asked bowing his head.
"I want to speak to Jaime Lannister", she stated.
"Uh... I-I I don't know if..."
"Oh, come on. I won't tell Robb that it was you who let me in", Sofya promised, "But I don't understand why my husband would see that as a problem"
"Follow me then, My Lady", the guard waved at her, "I mean... My Queen"
Sofya had no idea why it was making her feel so weird. She was born a Princess and she was raised in The Red Keep - with her brother, The King, and his wife, The Queen. Yet, people addressing her "My Queen" were making her stomach twist.
The man led her to the tree growing nearby the cages full of other prisoners. Jaime was sitting there alone, with his hands bonded and his face dirty from blood and dirt. His head was resting on his arm and his eyes were closed.
"Wake up, Lannister", the guard kicked his leg, "The Queen wants to speak to you"
The Kingslayer opened his eyes and the moment he saw Sofya, he smirked.
"Thank you, leave us alone", Sofya looked at the guard who nodded his head and went away although he was not sure if it was the right thing for him to do.
"The Queen", Jaime repeated ironically, "How lovely. Look at you, it suits you"
"I'm not here to brag about my titles. You have more of them, Oathbreaker", Sofya tried to remain calm.
"You have many as well. You stopped being The Princess and became a Lady because of a man who now made you The Queen. You don't even look like yourself anymore. A real Stark like Lady Catelyn... Are you wearing each other's dresses?", he kept teasing.
On that day Sofya was wearing a casual northern dress, there was no need for any specials.
Despite Jaime's behaviour, she still couldn't hate him.
"Is it true? You pushed Bran off the tower?", she asked in a serious tone. She desperately needed a reason to start hating him.
"Yes, I did", Jaime's voice became serious as well as they looked into each other's eyes deeply.
Few tears escaped Sofya's brown ones but she still couldn't hate him. She felt defeated by her own feelings.
"Ser Jaime...", she kneeled in front of him and wiped his dirty face using her handkerchief, "Why does it have to look like that?", she asked fighting her tears back.
He was slightly shocked by her action as he looked at her with pity.
"I don't know, Princess. Just life being a one little bitch as always", he tried to cheer her up in their old way but that only made her cry.
"I used to have a crush on you", she admitted with a smile, "When I was a foolish girl"
"I know"
"You do? Oh Gods, how embarrassing", she giggled despite the tears.
"Of course I do. You were forcing Robert to make me go everywhere with you"
"I'm sorry", she sniffed and wiped her own face using her hand, "I'm sorry"
"I don't know what are you sorry for but I liked spending time with you, Princess", he chuckled, "And if you're being sorry for crying at the moment, believe me, I want to cry as well"
"Why do you have to be so evil?", Sofya asked looking at him, "Why do you have to make everything so hard? You, Cersei, all of you... You're full of hate. I can't be like that no matter how much I'm trying. Not towards you. I only hate myself for not being able to hate you"
"There's no such thing as evil. It's different for everybody", Jaime explained.
"What is evil for you then?", she asked still sitting next to him and wiping his face carefully.
"My evil is no different from yours. I just don't care that that something is evil. Maybe for someone else it wouldn't be anyway", he shrugged his arms.
They were so focused on the conversation they didn't even hear people coming their way.
"Sofya...?", Robb's voice made her heart stop in her chest. She turned around slowly to face her husband and Benygne behind him. Sofya stood up quickly and furrowed her brows at Benygne.
"I'm sorry, My Queen, I had to! For your own good!", the servant exclaimed.
Jaime snorted and Sofya closed her eyes for a moment.
"Just leave already", she ordered and when she opened her eyes, Benygne wasn't there anymore.
But Robb was still standing there and she's never seen him like that before. He's never been so angry at her in his life and it was showing by the way his jaw clenched and his pupils widened.
"What are you doing here?", he drawled out.
"Visiting", Sofya answered in an innocent voice.
"Are you jealous, Stark?", Jaime laughed.
"Nobody's asked you", Robb snapped at him.
"Did she tell you?", Jaime smiled widely and Sofya gasped.
"Jaime...", she started. She couldn't believe how honest and nice he's been to her in private and what kind of insolence he was showing in front of Robb.
Her husband looked at her askingly. His expression even angrier than before. She started being scared of him and that was something brand new to her.
"What should she tell me?", Robb asked with his jaw still clenched.
"How dare you...", Sofya hissed at Jaime with tears in her eyes again. Now he was giving her many reasons to hate him. More and more with each second.
"She was in love with me", Jaime smirked and Robb clenched his fist.
"I was a child! It was not love...", Sofya rolled her eyes, "Robb, let's leave, please, and talk somewhere else", she grabbed her husband's arm.
He nodded his head as his eyes softened a little. They were about to leave but it wasn't over for Jaime Lannister.
"Do you fuck her good?", he asked teasingly.
Sofya couldn't believe her ears. She gasped turning around and looked at The Kingslayer once again. Suddenly she felt nothing but the coldness inside her chest for him.
"What did you say?", Robb asked turning around as well and approached his prisoner.
"If I were her husband I'd fuck her good", Jaime clearly didn't know when to stop. Sofya took a step back trying not to get sick, "I'd take her from behind and..."
He didn't finish because his disgusting monologue was interrupted by Robb's fist hitting Lannister's face. Jaime shut his mouth and bit his lip out of pain, he didn't expect Robb's hit to be that hard.
"I would rip off your abhorrent tongue if you weren't that useful in one piece. But next time I won't fucking hesitate", Robb informed him, with his face only few inches away from Jaime's.
Lannister looked at Sofya but she took a deep breath and turned around to walk away. Her husband followed her.
"What were you thinking?!", Robb screamed at his wife when they were in his tent again.
"I wanted to speak to him..."
"What for?!"
"Just speak to him. I know him since I was a child, I can visit him when I want to"
"No, you can't! The fact that you know him for so long... It's complicating things", Robb tried to calm himself down, "You know perfectly well that he's thrown Bran off the tower and you're sitting there wiping his face?!"
"I'm sorry", Sofya whispered looking down.
"Northern Lords don't trust you not because I don't show you enough respect", Robb snorted, "But because you do things like this! Do you know how it looks like?! Like you came here to meet with him"
"It's not true! I forgot about him until yesterday evening when your mother...", Sofya gasped at that insinuation.
"I know", Robb interrupted her, "But do they?"
"I know I've been too kind to him. But please, don't be angry at me for that. I won't see him again, I promise", Sofya approached her husband who looked away angrily. He didn't believe her, "I swear, Robb... I won't be seeing him because it makes my head even more confused"
"What's there to be confused about?", Robb asked shaking his head.
"You don't understand, I don't blame you..."
"What do I not understand?! You keep telling me I don't understand. Then please, explain it to me!"
"Darlings", Lady Catelyn interrupted them once again but this time Sofya was even kind of glad that she entered the tent before the fight would get worse, "The whole camp can hear you"
"We're sorry, mother", Robb took a deep breath and walked away from his wife, "I need to calm down. We'll talk later"
He left, leaving two women alone. Sofya was scared to look up at Lady Catelyn. She expected to be scolded by her mother-in-law.
"I've heard what happened", Lady Catelyn sat down on the chair, "With Ser Jaime... Sofya, please, sit with me", she said gently.
Sofya looked at her mother-in-law and nodded her head before sitting in front of her.
"So... You're not angry at me, Lady Stark?"
"And you? Are you angry at me for the deal with Lord Frey?", Lady Catelyn sounded nice and calm.
"Kind of", Sofya admitted, "But not really. I've been in The Twins. I've seen his daughters. Robb's a man so of course all he wrote to me was that they were not beautiful. But it is not true. I don't need my son's wife to be beautiful anyway. They looked kind and nice, their hearts must be pure and full of sorrow with a father like that. I'll gladly take one in and show her love and respect she's never known at home. She'll be grateful and in result she's going to be a good Lady of Winterfell one day", Sofya explained.
"Your heart is pure as well, Sofya. Too pure. That's why you felt pity towards The Kingslayer", Lady Catelyn smiled, "You're hiding behind the mask. But I can see through it"
"I thought you didn't like me, My Lady", Sofya said shyly.
"I am a mother and it was painful for me to see you and my son fighting all the time. But I've also seen you with my other children, with animals, around the castle. And the fact that you came here..."
"With all respect, I didn't come here only because of Robb"
"I know. Because of your brothers", Catelyn nodded her head, "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Of course Robb would never understand. He's a man. But I do"
Sofya tried to hide her surprised face. She never expected to have such a conversation with her mother-in-law.
"I know how it is to be torn between your families. My sister's an Arryn, my brother's a Tully and I am a Stark. Everyone expects you to be always by your husband's side but your heart says no. You want to remain loyal to all of your family. Why would you be more loyal to a stranger they made you marry than to your own kin? Why would you lose your house's identity to a brand new one's that you don't even know much about? I am Lady Catelyn Stark of Winterfell and I am a mother of five Stark children and I still have thoughts like that"
"I... I am... Grateful for this conversation", Sofya smiled, "It means a lot to me"
"I know. But Sofya, my dear... It's going to look like this for the rest of your life, you must get used to it. You'll always feel torn. I used to think that maybe after giving birth to my first Stark child I would feel more of a Stark than a Tully... It was not true"
"The worst thing is that when I actually start thinking I am the wolf... something inside tells me it is inappropiate for me to call myself one", Sofya whispered very quietly, ashamed of her confession.
"Nonsense", Lady Catelyn squeezed Sofya's hand, "You are the wolf and you shall howl when needed. Now you are their Queen, they need your howling more than ever"
Sofya started crying. Probably for the hunderth time that day and it was before the noon.
"Thank you...", she whispered as Lady Catelyn stood up and gave her a warm hug.
"No, I thank you. For taking care of my sons", the older Lady Stark squeezed her daughter-in-law tighter, "All of them", she added with a chuckle, "I'll talk to Robb. He doesn't understand anything but don't expect him to ever do. I'll try to explain to him, though. Don't worry about that"
Sofya nodded her head and sniffed before Lady Catelyn left her alone in Robb's tent.

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