~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯 ~

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The Queen in The North was sitting on her horse next to her brother, King Renly, in a company of Lady Catelyn, Ser Loras, Brienne and their bannermen. Strong wind was blowing from the sea as they were on a cliffside, facing Stannis Baratheon in a company of his own people and a mysterious red lady. Her eyes was following Sofya's every move and it was making her feel uncomfortable. The Queen knew already that the lady had to be the one Stannis has been writing to her about. The Red Priestess from Asshai.
They were standing in silence, not knowing what to say. Stannis' raven came to Storm's End that very morning. The eldest Baratheon wanted to speak to his younger brother.
"What a lovely family reunion", Sofya noticed first.
She was their little sister so she was privileged in their eyes. She could get away with the things most of the people couldn't. Her only goal was for the tension to disappear, though. Stannis scanned her with his eyes.
"Sofya Stark, I had not thought to find you in the Stormlands", he bowed his head in a serious tone which made her heart squeeze in her chest, "Same with you, Lady Catelyn"
"I had not thought to be here, Lord Stannis", Lady Stark answered as her daughter-in-law was left speechless by her brother's behaviour.
"Can that truly be you?", Renly asked finally with a smirk.
"Who else might it be?", Stannis asked quite surprised by the question.
"When I saw your standard, I couldn't be sure. Whose banner is that?", Renly pointed out the fact that Stannis' banners were different from what they've known. The usual crowned black sigil was enclosed within the fiery red heart.
"My own", Stannis answered.
"That's blasphemy", Sofya hissed.
"I suppose if we used the same one, the battle would be terribly confusing", Renly chuckled although his sister was far from laughing. The thought of her brothers fighting against each other was terrifying her, "Why is your stag on fire?"
"The king has taken for his sigil the fiery heart of the Lord of Light", the Red Priestess answered. Sofya hated to admit in front of herself that she probably was the most beautiful woman she's ever seen.
"Ah, you must be this fire priestess Sofya told me about. Brother, now I understand why you found religion in your old age", Renly teased and the Priestess looked down.
"Watch yourself, Renly", Stannis warned.
"No, no, I'm relieved. I never really believed you were a fanatic. Charmless, rigid, a bore, yes, but not a godly man", Renly's words made Sofya burst into laughter finally. He always knew how to make her laugh. She moved a little bit closer to him on her horse.
Stannis squinted his eyes at his sister's chest as she was wearing Stark's silver direwolf on the necklace. He remembered the same one from Lyanna's chest.
"You should kneel before your brother", the red lady looked at Renly and his sister, "He's the Lord's chosen, born amidst salt and smoke", she stated.
"Born amidst salt and smoke?", Renly asked smirking as he raised his eyebrows at Sofya, "Is he a ham?"
The Queen in The North laughed once again but this time even the Red Priestess snorted.
"That's twice I've warned you", Stannis wasn't amused.
"Listen to yourselves", Lady Catelyn interrupted them suddenly. She knew it could be a mistake to say anything but she couldn't just sit there on her horse and listen to these stupid fights. She was hoping for Sofya to calm her brothers down but she was laughing like a child at everything Renly's been saying, "If you were sons of mine, I would knock your heads together and lock you in a bedchamber until you remembered that you were brothers"
"It is strange to find you beside my brother, Lady Stark", Stannis looked at Catelyn, "My sister's young and reckless like Renly so it does not surprise me, but your husband was a supporter of my claim. Lord Eddard's integrity cost him his head. And you sit beside this pretender and chastise me"
"We share a common enemy", Lady Stark explained.
"The Iron Throne is mine by right. All those that deny that are my foes", Stannis claimed in a tone that made Sofya's smile disappear from her face.
"How can you say such a thing in front of your family, Stannis? Have some decency", she told him.
"I am saddened to see you choosing Renly over me. Your decision may bring death to your beloved husband and his people. I am the only rightful King", the eldest brother's eyes didn't soften at all while looking at his baby sister and it brought few tears into her own eyes. She swallowed them quickly, though.
"The whole realm denies it, from Dorne to the Wall. Old men deny it with their death rattle and unborn children deny it in their mother's wombs. No one wants you for their King. You never wanted any friends, brother. But a man without friends is a man without power", Renly explained with a contempt in his voice.
"For the sake of the mother who bore us, I will give you this one night to reconsider", Stannis said coldly, "Strike your banners, come to me before dawn, and I will grant you your old seat in the Council. I'll even name you my heir until a son is born to me", he finished speaking to his brother and looked at his sister, "Dear sister, come with Renly and swear fealty to me acting on behalf of your husband and he shall be the Warden of The North like his father. Otherwise I shall destroy you"
There was a long silence after that. Lady Catelyn was terrified to hear Stannis speaking such words to his own siblings. Sofya looked at her mother-in-law with a worried face.
"Brothers, please", she started desperately, "Please, listen to yourselves. There's only one enemy and its name is Lannister. Baratheons shouldn't fight against each other", her voice was breaking. After all, she joined Robb in The South not only to be by his side, but also to help her brothers get along. It turned out to be a hopeless case and it was making her feel both angry and sad that there was nothing she could do. Not even her love towards her brothers was able to change their stubborn minds.
"What do you care about the Baratheons fighting against each other, dear sister?", Stannis asked suddenly, "You're a Stark"
"Look across those fields, brother. Can you see all those banners?", Renly interrupted them before Sofya opened her mouth to answer.
"You think a few bolts of cloth will make you King?", Stannis asked.
"No. The men holding those bolts of cloth will make me King", Renly's voice was full of anger and contempt.
"We shall see, Renly. Come the dawn, we shall see", Stannis smirked and rode off on his horse.
"Look to your sins, Lord Renly. The night is dark and full of terrors", The Red Priestess added and followed her King. Her words scared Sofya as they sounded maliciously.
Stannis' people rode off and she finally let her tears run down her cheeks.
"Would you believe I loved him once?", Renly asked furiously.
"Would you believe I love him still?", Sofya added in a whisper as they headed back to the castle.
"Robert, Stannis and Renly used to take me there", Sofya pointed at the small garden behind the window and looked sadly at Lady Catelyn when they were sitting in their chambers, "I was a little girl, those were the best times of my life. Stannis used to smile more, believe it or not. He was talking with Robert for hours and Renly was chasing me around the garden. It was better than any feast in King's Landing, better than any fancy dress and better than any title I've ever had"
"I'm sorry, Sofya. I can't imagine what you must be going through"
"I'm not the one that should be pitied. Not yet. One of my brother's going to lose the battle soon but I'm still hoping for him to get out of it alive. You lost your husband, though", Sofya sat next to Catelyn.
"I'd like to talk to you about what you've done two days ago", Catelyn started carefully and Sofya raised her brows, "Why did you negotiate with Renly without me? I came here as Robb's envoy as well"
"I know, Lady Mother", Sofya sighed, "And please, don't be angry at me. I respect you and adore you. It's just... Well, let me be honest"
"Go on", Catelyn encouraged her.
"I am The Queen, not you. You are my beloved's Lady Mother and there are no words in our language to explain to you how grateful I am. You are like a mother to me in some ways. But your son is not a child anymore. He's got a family of his own, I mean, he's got me to be by his side all of the time"
"I know, Sofya. I have other children to be focused on. I'm not trying to steal Robb from you. You are the most important lady in his life now", Catelyn smiled kindly, "It's not like I don't trust you. I know you wouldn't do anything wrong on purpose. But you're still quite new when it comes to being a Northern Lady and I just want to offer you my guidance. I don't want Northern Lords to dislike you anymore, I want them to see what Robb sees in you. What I see in you", Catelyn held Sofya's hands and they both smiled at each other with tears in their eyes.
"Don't say that you're not the most important lady in Robb's life anymore. We both are equally important", Sofya chuckled.
"But that is the truth. You don't have this title forever neither. One day you'll give him a daughter and the moment he'll hold her in his arms you're going to see in his eyes that you're not the favourite one anymore", Catelyn said sadly as she remembered handing newborn Sansa to her late husband for the first time.
"Women are so unlucky. We lose the title of someone's favourite lady so easily"
"There's a trick", Lady Catelyn whispered, "Don't give birth to girls"
They both laughed cheerfully.
"King Renly wishes to see you both, Your Grace, My Lady", Ser Cedwik entered the chamber after knocking upon the door.
"Where is he?", Sofya asked.
"In his tent in the camp. He's preparing himself for the battle"
"Let's go then", Catelyn stood up and fixed her hair, "Sofya, my dear, when do you think we shall come back to my son?"
"After the battle"
"Alright then"
Renly was sitting behind his desk and sipping red wine from the golden goblet. Brienne was standing beside him.
"Looks like you've been crying, Doe", he noticed looking at his sister.
"I have. Your conflict with Stannis is making me sad"
"It's not only my conflict with Stannis. It's yours as well", Renly pointed out sighing, "Don't worry I won't let him hurt you"
"Thank you", Sofya smiled and sat in front of him. Her mother-in-law sat next to her.
"No need to thank me, I am your big brother. The only one you have left", Renly's bitter voice made her want to cry again.
"I miss the simpler times. I wish none of this happened. I wish Robert was still The King and his children were his children. I'd be in Winterfell now, next to my husband, probably getting prepared for the wedding of Sansa and Joffrey", Sofya said in a whisper.
"In some ways it's better this way", Renly chuckled, "Speaking of your husband... I've been thinking..."
"Yes?", Lady Catelyn asked furrowing her brows. She didn't like the sudden change in Renly's voice.
"The appetite grows with what it feeds on", Renly squinted his eyes, "I've been thinking about our deal and I think that if I give Robb Stark The North, he's going to want more"
"Renly!", Sofya scolded him.
"That is not going to happen for sure", Lady Catelyn made wide eyes at The King.
"You swear it?"
"By the mother. My son has no interest in the Iron Throne", she assured.
"Then I see no reason for hostility between us", Renly nodded his head, "Your son can go on calling himself King in the North. The Starks will have dominion over all lands north of Moat Cailin, provided he swears me an oath of fealty"
"Renly, that was not our deal", Sofya reminded him.
"And the wording of this oath?", Lady Catelyn asked carefully.
"The same Ned Stark swore to Robert eighteen years ago. Their friendship held the kingdoms together", Renly explained, "I can't imagine my sister's husband not being a friend of mine"
"And in return for my son's loyalty?", Lady Stark asked.
"In the morning, I'll destroy my brother's army", Renly stated with a smirk and stood up while Sofya sighed, "When that's done, Baratheon and Stark will fight their common enemy together, as they have done many times before", he winked at his sister.
"Actually, sounds perfect for me", Sofya admitted, "Except the part where you're fighting Stannis"
Brienne removed Renly's cloak and Lady Catelyn stood up with a worried face.
"Our two houses have always been close and we both want the best for our beloved Sofya, which is why I am begging you to reconsider this battle. Negotiate a peace with your brother", she pleaded.
The Queen in The North looked up at her mother-in-law as her face lightened up. Catelyn's words meant everything to her.
"Negotiate with Stannis? You heard him out there. I'd have better luck debating the wind", Renly snorted as Brienne kept removing his armor.
She finally took it off and turned around to put it down.
"Robb's a good husband to my sister and he's a lawful man from what I've heard from many people. Together we could end this war in a fortnight", Renly smiled turning around to face his sister and her Lady Mother.
Suddenly the wind started to howl and a dark cloud creeped into the tent. Sofya furrowed her brows with a terrified expression. The dark cloud stood behind Renly and formed into a man.
"Renly!", Sofya shouted but it was too late as the mysterious shadow stabbed her brother in the back, through his heart. Brienne gasped at that when she raised from the ground where she was putting her King's armor down.
Renly started to choke with his own blood. Catelyn was standing there petrified and Sofya's face  turned pale.
"NO! NO!", Brienne's screams filled the tent.
Renly collapsed on the floor and the shadow disappeared. Sofya rushed to his side and fell to the ground next to her brother.
"Renly, please, no, Renly... Renly, I'm begging you, no...", she was repeating as she put her hands on his wound, trying to stop the bleeding but it was fatal. Her vision became blurry as tears started to appear in her eyes.
Her brother's guards entered the tent in a rush, unsheathing their swords.
"You'll die for this!", one of them yelled at Brienne.
"No, wait, it wasn't her!", Lady Catelyn tried to explain but they did not listen and started to attack the woman.
Sofya didn't care about anything happening there. She was sobbing while holding her brother's lifeless body in her arms. She pressed his head to her chest and caressed his hair still repeating the same words.
"Renly, please, come back to me, please, wake up... I'm begging you, please, don't leave me alone... Renly..."
Sounds of Brienne's fighting with Renly's guards overcame Sofya's sobbing and Lady Catelyn was watching the scene from the tent's corner making big eyes. She wanted to run to her daughter-in-law's side but it was risky for her to move.
When Brienne finally won the fight and her King's guards were laying dead on the floor, Lady Catelyn and the woman stared at each other for a while in silence. Sofya kept crying and caressing her brother's head while rocking gently back and forth. She hoped for it to be a bad dream, just a bad dream.
Brienne was a strong, big and brave woman but she burst into tears seeing her King dead and she kneeled next to Sofya to hold Renly as well. She touched his arm when Sofya pushed her away.
"He's my brother, leave him alone! He's my Renly, don't touch him, don't! Go away!", Sofya lamented.
Lady Catelyn finally rushed to her side and she lowered herself to caress her head. She started to shush her and The Queen let go of her brother's body to let Brienne mourn him as well. Sofya hugged Lady Stark trying to catch her breath desperately and not being able to stop crying.
"My Renly...", she whispered.
Lady Catelyn remained silent. She didn't know what to say. She pitied Sofya more than ever.
"We've got to leave", she finally dared to make a sound and put her hand on Brienne's arm as she looked around, "They'll hang you for this!"
They heard the voices of another guards outside the tent running in their direction. Sofya didn't care about them, they could hang her as well if that was their wish.
"I won't leave him", Brienne stated.
"Me neither", Sofya choked on air and started sobbing again.
"Sofya, my son will kill me if I let anything bad happen to you", Lady Catelyn looked deep into her swollen, wet eyes, "We're leaving, can you hear me?", she asked in a serious tone and Sofya forced her shaking body to nod her head slightly. Lady Catelyn looked at Brienne, "You can't avenge him if you're dead"
Brienne started standing up but Sofya reached Renly's hands and took off his ring before raising from the ground as well. Lady Catelyn rushed to the entering of the tent but Brienne stopped her.
"Not that way", she said and disappeared behind a tapestry.
Catelyn waited one more second to be sure that Sofya was following her but The Queen needed one more look at her brother before running away into the night.
Which was dark and full of terrors.

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