~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔖𝔦𝔵𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫 ~

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Rickon's eyes were full of tears but he didn't want to hug Sofya goodbye. Bran was calmer in Hodor's arms although he was as scared of being left alone in Winterfell.
"You're leaving me, too?", Rickon sniffed looking up.
"Rickon, nobody's leaving you. I'm going to be back soon. WE are going to be back. Your mother, father, Robb, your sisters, all of us", Sofya lowered herself and tried to hug him but he took a step back. She sighed, "Rickon, please. I don't want to go thinking you hate me"
"Then don't go"
"I have to"
Maester coughed a little. He didn't think it was a good idea and Sofya knew about it. She was aware of the fact how it looked like - like running away from Winterfell and her duties.
"Can I go with you?", Rickon asked finally letting Sofya hug him.
"No. Winterfell is the safest place for you and Bran. The safest place in Westeros. Robb's protecting it from The South and Jon's protecting it from The North", Sofya explained to him, "I love you, Rickon. And I will come back. It's breaking my heart that I'm going away. But I must"
"If it is the safest place in Westeros why are you leaving?", Bran asked suddenly, "Stay here"
"Yes! Or let me go with you and I will protect you!", Rickon proposed which made Sofya smile a little.
"There must always be a Stark in Winterfell", Sofya reminded them in a mysterious voice. She didn't even know why people were saying that but it was perfect to use at the moment, "Maester will take care of you and the castle. The truth is that he's better at it than me", she looked at Maester Luwin and he nodded his head with respect, "Don't write to Robb. I don't want him to be focused on worrying about me more than on his war"
"Of course", Maester agreed. He had to listen to her orders even when he didn't agree with them, "Are you sure, My Lady?"
"I've told you about million times. I am. I can't sit here and read the letters about my family being at war. Against each other"
"Do you think your presence there will change anything, Lady Sofya?", Maester asked carefully.
She didn't answer at first. Bran and Rickon were watching her closely. For a moment she looked like she was about to stay in Winterfell.
"No. It won't change anything, I don't think so. But I'd rather be there", Sofya stated.
"Take Shaggydog with you at least", Rickon whined, "He'll protect you"
"I don't need him, darling. You need him more than me. I have two knights that are leaving with me", she kissed Rickon's forehead and looked at Maester once again, "They will come back to you after I reach my destination. I want them to protect Winterfell. You don't have many men here"
"I don't think that leaving Winterfell is the best option for you, My Lady, but don't worry. We are going to be alright. I'm more worried about you. War is not a place for women"
"Lady Catelyn is there. Why can't I be?", Sofya furrowed her brows.
"Lady Catelyn is...", Maester started but Benygne interrupted him.
"I'm going with you, My Lady", she stated bravely.
"What are you talking about? I would never ask you to leave with me. You are a child of Winterfell", Sofya told her, "I won't need you in the camp"
"My Lady, you will! There's a lot of dirt, blood and mud. I'll stitch your dresses and prepare you for the meetings with all the lords you're going to have negotations with"
"Are you sure you want to leave Winterfell?", Sofya asked furrowing her brows.
"I am!", Benygne was very excited. Her lady assumed it had to be an adevnture for a girl who had never left the castle in her life.
"Alright then"
"My Lady", another voice could be heard. This one made them all turn around in silence as it made them uncomfortable.
It was Osha.
"Yes?", Sofya asked watching the wildling closely.
"I'll take care of the young Lords. Don't worry about them", she promised.
Benygne snorted at that but Sofya heard nothing but honesty in Osha's voice.
"Thank you. I appreciate that", she approached her and put her hand on the woman's shoulder, "I am glad Lord Robb agreed for you to stay"
"Me too, My Lady", Osha gave her a faint smile.
"Once again, children. Please, listen to Maester Luwin and don't worry. It's going to be fine", Sofya turned around and hugged Bran and Rickon before she would start crying.
Rickon tried to hide his anger and confusion. He didn't understand. First, his father had told him to stay with his mother. But his mother wanted Robb to take care of him. Then Robb disappeared, leaving him under Sofya's protection. And now Sofya was telling him to listen to Maester Luwin. And they were all leaving Rickon alone. None of them came back yet.
Two knights, the lady and her servant were on the road. They were heading to The Twins, the last place Robb was seen in. Every minute was precious for the travellers because Lord Stark's army would be marching South any day, increasing the distance between him and his Lady Wife.
They followed Robb's traces because it was safer for them but still they were in a great risk. Sofya realized that few nights later, after weird-looking men kept asking them the same questions about their identity and destination. Her well experienced knights knew how to lie and save the day but Lady Stark understood in what danger she's put herself in. It was too late to go back, though.
Well, actually not. But she was too stubborn and too proud to tell them she wanted to come back to Winterfell. And Benygne kept telling her everything was going to be alright. It seemed like the young servant wanted to be as far away from Winterfell as possible. Sofya couldn't blame her - she would never want to be locked inside any castle forever.
They were riding as fast as possible and Sofya didn't even have the time to look around and contemplate. She had been thinking she would never leave Winterfell after her wedding day and there she was, galloping on her horse to The South again.
"Tomorrow we're going to reach The Twins", one of the knights, Ser Rych Flint, said as he sat next to Sofya and Benygne.
The other one, Ser Tomas Dormund, was trying to keep the fire going. The nights were warmer than in The North but they were still not warm enough to survive without the hot flames.
"Finally", Sofya sighed watching the stars above her.
Last week was full of anxiety and fear for her, it felt almost unreal, like she was in the middle of a dream.
"We are pretty sure Lord Robb's not there anymore, though", Ser Tomas stated, "But he can't be far away"
"We'll find out tomorrow", Sofya mumbled calmly, "I want to be with him already. Such a shame that horses get tired"
"We must sleep as well, My Lady", Ser Rych laughed a little. He was an old man but still very strong and clever. Sofya trusted him with her life.
Ser Tomas was young and reckless sometimes, but his heart was pure and loyal. Yet, they couldn't make her feel as safe as Robb was able to.
"That's a weird feeling", she admitted looking at her companions finally, "I thought that going South would make me feel like I'm coming back home. But actually I feel like I left home behind me. At Winterfell"
"That's a good thing", Ser Rych nodded his head, "You're a good Lady of the castle"
"How so? I abandoned it"
"That's not a good word to describe it. My Lady, you wished to join your husband at the war, it takes bravery to do so. Not many ladies would be able to do such thing"
"I agree!", Benygne exclaimed although she looked like she wasn't listening at all.
"Thank you, Ser. I hope my husband won't be very angry at us, though", Sofya smiled.
"Well, that was your idea, My Lady", Ser Rych laughed and so did Sofya.
"At the same time, though", Lady Stark added seriously, "Despite feeling like I've just left home at Winterfell, I hope I'm going to feel like at home again when I'll join Robb"
"And that sounds like love", Ser Tomas giggled, "I mean... My Lady... My apologies", he fixed himself quickly.
"That's alright, Dormund. You're right, it's love", Sofya winked at him, "Are you in love, Tomas? Do you have a lady?"
"No", he blushed.
"What a liar", Rych laughed.
"Hm?", Sofya asked trying to keep the conversation going.
"There was one lady... He won the tournament for her", Rych explained.
"But she doesn't love me so it doesn't count. She's to marry someone else", Tomas added quietly.
"Maybe it was supposed to be this way. Maybe you're heartbroken today just to meet a lady of your dreams tomorrow and be happy that you're still available for her", Sofya tried to cheer him up and looked away.
The Twins' lights were flickering from afar and she focused on them squeezing her eyes. She felt so adult suddenly. She was giving advices to young knights, joining her husband at the war and her unborn children were already betrothed.
"Lady Sofya Stark of House Baratheon", Walder Frey's voice sounded like a hiss with a hint of contempt.
Sofya stiffened as she took a deep breath. She felt anything but safe in The Twins, surrounded by its raw and cold walls, her every movement being watched by Frey's sons. And Lord Frey himself was rather repellent and terrifying. He was old and his smirk was revealing his cunning nature. His wrinkled hand was caressing the lower back of his eighth Lady Wife - young Lady Joyeuse. She was looking down, few tears were streaming down her face.
"Yes, Lord Frey, that is me", Sofya answered proudly. Oh, how happy she was to be Robb's wife. And not some old, disgusting lord's like Walder Frey.
"Princess Sofya Baratheon...", Lord Frey added with a degrading smirk, "Not all the songs about you were lies"
"Thank you, Lord Frey. Well, I believe you have made a deal with my husband. You should let me and my people cross the river", Sofya wasn't in a mood to have a small talk with Lord Frey. She wanted to cross The Trident as fast as possible.
"Your husband's camp is nearby. I assume your wish is to join him"
"Well... I don't have any reason not to let you. We're... Almost family", Walder Frey said with a wide and fake smile that made Sofya shiver out of disgust.
She looked at few young girls standing near him, they had to be his daughters. Lady Stark's heart squeezed in her chest. She couldn't imagine having a father like that and spending all of her youth in a dreadful place like The Twins.
"I am honoured to be a future mother-in-law to one of your daughters, Lord Frey", Sofya smiled sweetly.
She decided to be as fake as him. Cersei's lessons were quite useful from time to time - pretending to be nice was something so easy to do and it could work miracles.
"Are you?", Lord Frey asked surprised. Her kindness was so sudden he didn't hide his surprised expression in time.
"Why wouldn't I be? The girls standing by your side are lovely"
"How do you like my new Lady Wife, Lady Sofya?", he asked putting his hand on his wife's buttock. Sofya clenched her jaw trying not to react at that. It was unbelievable for her, "She's your age or even younger. How old are you, Joyeuse?", Lord Frey asked his wife in a fake-innocent voice.
"F-fifteen", girl whispered.
"Little bit younger than me", Sofya nodded her head. She felt like crying out of pity while looking at Joyeuse.
"Soon I will be ninety. I thought it would be a perfect gift for myself on that occasion", he laughed and Sofya had to follow him although she hated herself for that, "No worries, she'll give me many sons. And a beautiful daughter for your heir"
"I am sure of that, Lord Frey", Sofya bowed her head a little, "All of your daughters are pretty"
He smiled with appreciation. He was aware of her play but it amazed him how good she was at it. He liked her way more than her husband and Lady Catelyn.
"You should be going, Lady Stark. I know you probably can't wait to see your husband", he said almost nicely.
"Thank you, my Lord"
"If you hurry, you may reach his camp today before the sunset...", Lord Frey hesitated before giving her another creepy smile, "By the way... I believe the news haven't reached you, have they?"
"What news, My Lord?", Sofya asked worried. Her heart stopped in her chest. Walder's mischievous smile was making her anxious.
Of course he wouldn't just say goodbye and let her leave in peace. He had to be the winner of the game and let her know about it in the end.
"Your father-in-law has been executed"

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