~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔑𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫 ~

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"The supper is ready, Your Grace", Benygne entered Robb's tent and looked at her lady. Sofya's eyes were swollen a little but she seemed to be alright in general.
"Thank you", The Queen fixed her hair and gave her servant an awkward smile.
"I'm sorry about earlier...", Benygne looked down, "I didn't want something bad to happen"
"You are from Winterfell and you remain loyal to the Starks, I get it. But I am a Stark as well, Ben", Sofya sighed and put her hand gently on the girl's arm, "Robb shouldn't have known about me visiting Ser Jaime. He has other things to worry about", Sofya claimed which made Benygne furrow her brows.
"I'm sorry, I am your servant, not the King's, I know... But..."
"No, Benygne. It's alright. Let's forget about it now", Sofya moved away and left the tent to approach the big table standing behind it. All the lords were already eating there and their eyes squinted at their new Queen.
Robb was sitting next to his mother. She was whispering something to him and Sofya felt how her heart was getting heavier with each step towards the empty chair next to her husband.
Benygne left her, she was not a lady, she couldn't eat with them. Lady Catelyn gave her daughter-in-law a small, warm smile.
"Are you feeling better now, Your Grace ?", Robb asked his wife turning his head around when Sofya finally sat next to him. He sounded quite worried. His mother tried to explain some things to him.
"Yes, I am, thank you", Sofya answered quietly, "My King", she added quickly and started to eat the soup that was in front of her.
The taste was awful but she decided not to say anything about it. Food in the war camps has never been good and it was a known fact. Her complaints would only make all the lords like her even less.
"I'm glad that you're alright, My Queen, after The Kingslayer's... assault", Roose Bolton nodded his head and smiled.
Sofya had no idea why he liked her so much. Something about this man was terrifyingly reminding her of Tywin Lannister. But she was happy to have at least one Robb's bannerman who would respect her. Other lords snorted at his words, as all of them perfectly knew that the situation between Ser Jaime and Sofya was not an assualt in any way.
"You don't have to worry about me, Lord Bolton, but I appreciate", she smiled back at him.
"He's such a lickspittle", one lord whispered to another. Sofya pretended to be deaf. So did Robb.
"We are wondering... Why did you visit The Kingslayer, Your Grace?", Lord Greatjon Umber mumbled looking deep into Sofya's eyes.
The kindness that could be seen in his eyes on the night before disappeared completely.
"I... I wanted to ask him about some things and...", Sofya tried not to sound like a lost child.
"The Queen is not obligated to explain herself to you, Lord Umber", Lady Catelyn interrupted her harshly, "I'm sorry", she added in a nicer tone and nodded her head at Sofya.
"Thank you, Lady Catelyn", Sofya smiled back at her mother-in-law. She was happy to finally have a good relationship with her, "But it is alright, I can explain myself as my intentions were pure", she looked at Lord Umber again, "I wanted to ask Jaime Lannister about Lord Bran's accident because I had to hear the truth myself to believe it. I wanted to use the fact that I have been raised near this man to gain useful informations but it did not work"
Lord Umber nodded his head, pretending that the answer was good enough for him.
"The Kingslayer is locked in the cage now, My King", one of the guards approached Robb and Sofya after the supper.
"Thank you", Robb nodded his head and turned around to face his wife.
"Why?", she asked and he sighed, "Alright, I'm sorry, he deserved that"
"He was trying to kill my brother and he disrespected my mother and wife. He deserves much worse things", Robb informed her, "I'm going to see him now, we'll talk later. Calmly this time, alright?", he kissed his wife's forehead.
"Of course"
She wanted to join him but it would be too much to ask him for. She made a promise to never visit Jaime again. Didn't matter if alone or in Robb's companion.
Grey Wind stood between them and started to rub his head on Sofya's hand. She petted him and smiled.
"I'm taking him with me, sorry", Robb put his hand on the direwolf's head as well but he caressed Sofya's fingers instead of the fur.
"Ah, alright. See you later"
"Take a bath or a nap, whatever. You need to relax"
Sofya nodded her head and watched her husband disappear behind their tent. It was getting dark and cold, she actually wanted to have that bath.
"Ben", she smiled at her servant approaching her, "I want to take a bath. Can you prepare it for me?"
"Of course, Your Grace. But may I propose something?"
"What, Ben?"
"A little walk? It would help you to get some fresh air, My Queen. The camp is noisy and dirty. There is a forest nearby"
"I don't think that it would be safe for us to wander in the woods. Especially when it' getting dark", Sofya noticed.
"It's not far away from here. And it's quiet. All these men around me are creeping me out"
"I'm sorry. Although I feel the same and I'm here only for a day"
"It's alright. I wanted to go with you, no one forced me to, Queen Sofya", Benygne smiled widely, "So?"
"Let's go for a walk then", Sofya nodded her head, "It's going to be refreshing, especially after today"
"That's what I'm talking about!"
"I doubt that Lannister army is hiding in these woods anyway", Sofya giggled.
"Do you know, My Queen? Where are they hiding?", Benygne asked when they started walking slowly in the direction of the trees growing nearby the camp.
"Why would I know?", Sofya asked laughing nervously as she watched her servant carefully.
"I don't know. I just... Thought you may be supposing something, Your Grace"
"I know Tywin Lannister pretty well but I think that even his children are never sure of what he is going to do. This man is a mystery. But I know one thing, we shouldn't underestimate him. In many ways he's a genius"
"Mhm", Benygne nodded her head as they approached the guard standing between the last tent and the forest.
"I'm afraid I cannot let you pass, Your Grace", he stated bravely.
"Oh, come on, Fern, let us go", Benygne whined in a rather flirtatious way.
"I can't, Ben. You can go if that is your wish but my job is to protect The Queen", he explained, "I don't want The King to be mad at me. I've heard him yelling at Earle"
"Earle?", Sofya furrowed her brows.
"The man who led you to The Kingslayer, My Queen", the guard called Fern answered.
He was a very young man and Sofya had to admit that he was quite handsome. It was hard for him to hide the fact he was intimidated by her presence.
"We're just going for a walk, not far away", she started calmly, "My husband won't find out"
"He was not supposed to find out about visiting Jaime Lannister as well, My Queen"
Sofya chuckled a little bit. That was true.
"You are right. But the reason he's found out about me seeing Ser Jaime is standing here with me so don't worry", she pointed at Benygne who winked at Fern.
"A-alright", he sighed and let them go, "But I haven't seen ANYTHING"
"Of course", Benygne giggled.
"I had no idea you are friends with him", Sofya started after a short while when he couldn't hear them anymore.
"Friends, hm", the servant smiled mischievously, "Yes, some people may call it friendship, Your Grace"
"Oh... Do you know him from Winterfell?"
"Yes, he's from Winterfell. How can you not know that, My Queen?", Benygne asked, "Do you even know the names of all your bannermen?", she asked boldly.
Sofya stopped walking and clenched her jaw.
"Excuse me?", she asked angrily. She couldn't believe in what she's just heard. Benygne has never been so rude.
"I think you've heard me pretty well, Your Grace", the girl turned around to face her lady and smirked in the way that made Sofya feel the creeps on her spine.
"Your behaviour is impermissible, Benygne. For your information I not only know my bannermen's names but also their house's histories, sigils and mottos, because I am educated unlike you. I'm coming back to the camp", Sofya turned around angrily and jumped in her place as she faced a man pointing her chest with a sword, "Wha-what is going on?", she asked furrowing her brows and felt another man holding her wrists tightly behind her back.
"You see that sword?", first man asked, "It's going to be in your chest if you scream for help"
"It's going to be in her chest anyway", familiar voice approached them and Sofya saw Lord Whitehill leaving the darkness between the two trees nearby.
She started realizing what was going on. Her heart started beating like crazy as she turned her head around to look at Benygne. Her servant was smirking at her maliciously.
"Lord Whitehill, what are you doing?", Sofya asked in a shaky voice, "Please, let me go"
He snorted.
"If... If you let me go, I won't tell my husband about it", she felt tears forming in her eyes.
She wanted to be proud. She wanted to raise her head and tell him to kill her if that was his wish. But the fear of joining her parents and brother was too petrifying. She was scared and angry at the same time. Angry at Benygne, Lord Whitehill and the men he brought along, but also mad at herself for being so stupid and trusting her servant.
She looked in the direction of the camp. She could see the tents, the lights and hear few people talk from afar. She was so close to the safety and yet she was going to lose her life. But... what for?
"Kneel down and better be quiet about it", Lord Whitehill ordered her and the man behind her violently pulled her down. Sofya wanted to buy herself more time hoping that maybe someone would look for her. Was Fern one of the conspirators as well? There had to be more of them. Otherwise, Lord Whitehill would never dare to do such a thing.
"Why?", Sofya dared to ask trying not to cry, "Why are you doing this?"
"For The North"
"Robb is going to kill you for that, you must know it", she was on the verge of tears and her voice was breaking.
She was growing up surrounded by the dead. Her parents were nothing but stone statues for her - she would play around them for days when she was a child. Death is something common in The King's Landing as well - the plagues, murders, poisonings. She's met death so many times she shouldn't be afraid of it anymore. And yet she was.
"I know I am going to lose my head. But I don't mind. King Robb's blinded by...", Lord Whitehill stopped for a moment and snorted, "No, it's not love. Desire, maybe? But other lords are not fooled by you. Someone has to get rid of you before it's too late. To save The North. My life is a small sacrifice", Lord Whitehill sighed.
He loved The Starks, Robb and Winterfell. He loved The North, it was obvious. But there was no way of explaining to him that she loved it, too. Few moments before her death, her mind was drifting off to Winterfell. Rickon and Bran playing with her on the courtyard, Sansa and Arya gossiping about Prince Joffrey, Robb and Jon making fun of her Southern ways during the feast. Her very first memories from the place she called home. Warmth of her bed in the morning, waking up next to her husband, Grey Wind's barking outside. Lady Catelyn's stern looks and the servants giggling in the kitchen. Maester Luwin making wide eyes at her inappropiate behaviour... The tears finally escaped her eyes.
"I am innocent. I want nothing but the best for The North", Sofya tried to assure him, "I swear on my life"
"You're about to lose it so what is your life worth?", Lord Whitehill laughed, "You're cunning and fallacious like all The Lannisters. Your death will send the message to Tywin that his tricks are not working on us"
"I am not a Lannister, I am a Baratheon if you refuse to call me a Stark", Sofya shook her head closing her eyes for a while. The scary man was still standing in front of her with his sword pointed at her although he wasn't saying anything. The one behind her was squeezing her wrists so hard that she could feel bruises forming. It didn't matter, though. The bruises were nothing comparing to death that was coming for her.
"What is the difference? The Southern Lords are all the same", Lord Whitehill shrugged his arms, "Enough of talking. I don't usually kill women so you may choose the way you want to die", he added.
"How generous", Sofya hissed at him as her anger started winning with her fear, "My husband won't be as generous in your case. He'll kill you with his bare hands"
She was sure of that after seeing Robb with Jaime. He could be violent and primal when needed - maybe the war they were in encouraged this side of him to be showing.
"As I said it's a sacrifice I am willing to make. And your husband, My King, will find himself a new Queen sooner than you expect. A Northern Lady, humble and polite. He won't cry for long, you're not even that pretty. So? What kind of death? Choose fast. And don't worry, we'll see each other again in one of the seven hells", he drawled out lowering himself to look her in the eyes.
Sofya took a deep breath and faced the sword touching her chest gently. Benygne covered her eyes with her hands.
"Heart", Sofya mumbled under her breath.
"Hm?", Lord Whitehill asked her with contempt in his voice.
"Heart is on the left side, not on the right", she said looking at the man standing in front of her who was pointing the right side of her chest, "Such a shame you don't have enough balls to kill me, Lord Whitehill. Who's this man, anyway?", she looked at him.
If she was about to die anyway, what did she have to lose?
Dying wasn't the worst. She was scared of the pain. She was never brave when it was coming to pain.
The moment she turned her head in Lord Whitehill's direction was the moment of a swift, quiet sound causing the man in front of her lose his head. She made wide eyes seeing his head on the ground next to his body. When she looked up, she saw Robb, Lord Umber and few guards. They all had their swords unsheathed but Lord Umber was the one with his sword bloody.
They had to be standing there for a while which meant they were quieter than the wind blowing softly in the forest. Robb wanted to attack right away but Lord Umber knew that it would be a mistake. Any violent move would make the assasin to finally murder The Queen.
"Let her go, now", The King ordered the man who was still holding Sofya's hands. He listened to him and took a step back while looking around to find the best way to run away, "Take him", Robb told the guards and they approached the assasin.
He was surprisingly calm, Sofya expected him to be more angry but perhaps he was still in a state of shock. He faced Lord Whitehill.
"Lord Ludd Whitehill, you are declared a traitor and you will be put on trial tomorrow", Robb drawled out. It was now hard for him to hide that his voice was shaking.
"Your Grace, the girl's running away!", Lord Umber shouted seeing Benygne trying to get away.
"Catch her. She cannot escape", Robb ordered and Lord Greatjon nodded his head. Two of his men started chasing the servant.
Other guards were busy with Lord Whitehill and the living assasin.
Sofya started to pant loudly as she forgot to breathe for the past few moments. She tried to stand up but her hands and legs were shaking. Robb kneeled down in front of his wife and hugged her so tight she lost her breath again. He was shaking as well and he felt like his head was spinning.
"H-how did you know?", Sofya sniffed squeezing his arm desperately.
"The guard, Fern. He was suspicious of Benygne for some time now", he explained.
"Robb... I... I... I really thought I was going to die", she looked him in the eyes trying to find the right words. His blue ones were watery as well and he caressed her face gently, "I will never break any rule again, I promise", she tried to chuckle but ended up crying even more in result.
"I got her", Lord Umber approached them as his men were holding Benygne. She was struggling to get away and cursing under her breath, "We should be going back to the camp, Your Graces. Lady Catelyn must be worried"
Robb nodded his head and helped his wife to stand up. She almost fell down right away but squeezed his arm bravely and took a deep breath.
"I'll carry you", he proposed.
"No, no. I don't want your men to see me weak. I can walk", Sofya rubbed her face to wipe her tears off but only made it dirty from the mud.
"Sofya, you can barely stand", Robb was insisting.
"Let The Queen walk, My King", Lord Umber interrupted them.
Sofya smiled at him weakly. The fact that he saved her life despite not even liking her was something unbelievable in her eyes. It was the kindness that she's never expected from anybody. It was unusual for the people in The South - they would kill people they considered friends for their gold. But men of The North, well, most of them, were honourable and loyal. Greatjon Umber didn't want Sofya to be his Queen and he didn't like her. But she was his Queen,  the one his King loved and trusted, so he would still die to protect Sofya Stark.
"I don't know anymore who I can trust in the camp", she admitted shyly, "It's good to know it's not full of traitors, though", she nodded her head at him.
"We are going to find all of them and make them pay for it, I can assure you", Lord Umber nodded his head.
In his eyes Robb was still a child. No matter how many battles he's won and how smart he was. King Robb Stark was just a boy. And what was his wife? A little girl, nothing more. Lord Umber didn't expect that of himself but he felt pity towards the girl standing in front of him. She was just a lost orphan in ragged clothes, dirty from the mud, crying and shaking, far away from home.
Robb took her hand and squeezed it gently. Her face was dirty and her dress was torn in few places. Her wrists had bruises on them and her eyes were red from crying. But she was coming back to the camp on her own feet with her head held high.

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