~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔳𝔢 ~

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"Rickon, get off that tree!", Sofya scolded her little brother-in-law with a laugh. She was standing right below the bench so she would catch him if he'd fall down.
"Few more moments", he whined.
"Rickon, please"
Shaggydog laid down next to her and raised his head to watch his master.
"Rickon, that's an order", Sofya added seriously and he looked down with a scared look on his face.
He jumped down and hugged her immediately.
"You still like me, Sofya? You do, right?"
"Of course", she laughed finally, "But you can't climb the trees in such a carefree manner. You're a young man, Rickon, not a boy anymore"
"I'm still a boy!", he insisted.
"Are you?", Sofya teased.
"My lady... They've come back", Benygne interrupted them with a bow. Her voice sounded worried.
"What's wrong, Ben?", Sofya asked furrowing her brows.
"An... An accident occured during the ride"
"An accident? Stay with Rickon, please", Sofya's heart started beating faster as she hurried to the courtyard.
She knew that. She was sure something bad would happen. That's why she had been so worried earlier. Cersei's been always saying that women should trust their guts.
Sofya made wide eyes at Bran in Robb's arms and Theon holding a filthy woman like she was his prisoner.
"What in the seven hells...", she started but gasped at the sight of Bran's leg which was bloody, "Robb! I've told you to watch over him!"
"Sofya, it's not the right time to argue", Robb mumbled but he looked down.
"Call the Maester!", she ordered one of the servants, "Bran, what happened? Does it hurt?"
"I can't feel my legs, Sofya", he reminded and she bit her lip.
"I'm sorry, I forgot", she admitted, "It doesn't look that bad, thankfully. What happened?"
"The wildlings attacked him", Theon informed with contempt in his voice, "I've killed one to defend Bran. But Robb refused to kill that bitch", he pointed at the woman he was holding.
"Master saved my life. I promised to be his", she said and Sofya raised her brows at her husband.
"I just spared her life. For nothing in return", Robb explained.
"That's his Lady Wife, bitch, so better behave", Theon pulled woman's hair and drawled out into her ear.
He hated Sofya Stark indeed but it was less important than the opportunity to degrade and humiliate someone to make himself feel better.
"Stop pulling her hair", Robb hissed at his friend.
"Lady Stark, I can be your servant, I will be good to you", woman fell to her knees when Theon let her go. She started crawling in the lady's direction.
Sofya felt the creeps on her skin at the sight. She's never seen a wildling before. But something in that woman made her feel pity.
"I didn't want to kill the young lord, I swear. I wouldn't hurt a child", she was mumbling.
Maester Luwin approached them. He sighed looking at Bran.
"It's nothing serious", he informed, "Please, carry him to my chambers, I'll look after him"
"Theon, please take Bran. I need to speak to Robb", Sofya looked at the ward of Winterfell.
He nodded his head and smirked at his friend. He perfectly knew that Robb was in deep trouble. That's why he didn't want to marry. And even if, he would never be so soft towards his wife. He's been telling Robb to be more strict, even violent, towards Sofya. But Stark's been refusing to do any of that - even when he was complaining about her.
Current Lord of Winterfell handed his brother to Theon and watched them disappear in the castle. He sighed looking at his wife but she was focused on the wildling woman at the moment.
"Stand up", she ordered and the woman raised from the ground. It was far from standing up, though, as she was bending all of the time, "What do they call you? Does your folk even use names?"
"Osha", she murmured.
"My name's Osha"
"Osha... That's actually a pretty name", Sofya admitted, "What are you doing here?"
"There's a danger behind the wall. The danger's about to wake up soon"
"What danger?", Robb asked approaching her.
"You wouldn't believe me, my Lord. Please, let me stay here. I don't intend to hurt anyone", she fell down on her knees again.
Sofya looked at Robb and he nodded his head.
"My Lord Husband agrees to let you stay, Osha. I am in no position to say otherwise. Nothing bad will happen to you in Winterfell, just be a good servant to us. If you betray us, you will lose your head", Sofya informed her.
"Thank you, Lady", Osha started to kiss Sofya's dress.
"Stop it", Sofya hissed, "Take her somewhere. She needs to take a bath", she turned her head towards the servants surrounding them.
They took Osha with themselves leaving Lord and Lady Stark alone on the courtyard. She slowly turned around to face her husband and slapped his face. It wasn't a hard slap, she wouldn't probably even kill a fly with this kind of strength.
"I am not allowing any rides for Bran in your presence anymore. Unless I am with you. Unbelievable, Robb", she stated seriously.
"If you were with us, you'd be in danger, M'Lady"
"Stop these absurd excuses. How possibly could the wildlings attack Bran in your presence?"
"I... I lost him for a moment and..."
"How could you lose a sight of your cripple brother during his first horse ride after the accident? In the middle of the woods? I thought you were more responsible"
"I'm sorry, I know it was reckless. It won't happen again"
"Of course it won't. Because there will be no rides anymore"
"Unless you're with us", he reminded with a smirk.
"No rides in Theon's company", Sofya hissed, "I believe he kept you distracted"
"You think you wouldn't distract me?", he asked as the smirk didn't want to leave his face.
"It's not funny, Robb Stark. Your brother could have died"
"But he didn't"
"I'm sorry for hitting you", Sofya sighed as her emotions finally let go of her, "I shouldn't have"
"It didn't hurt, My Lady. I kind of like your spirit", Robb pulled her closer, "How protecitve you can be towards my brothers", he leaned in, "You owe me a kiss for coming back home, don't you?"
"Rickon's not here", Sofya looked around to make sure of her words.
"I don't care", Robb pecked her lips and took a step back.
"My Lady...", Benygne's voice made them blush.
They were married for some time now and still, any sign of affection towards each other was making them feel shy and awkward.
"What happened, Ben?", Sofya asked fixing her dress in places Robb's been holding her.
"There's a letter waiting for you in your chamber. From King's Landing"
"I hope it's from my brother", Sofya smiled. She knew that it was impossible for Robert to answer to her letter from the day before but maybe he'd written to her earlier, trying to explain things between Lord Eddard and ser Jaime Lannister.
"Dear Lady Sofya Stark,
I have no idea if you know already but the actions of your father-in-law are worringly rebellious towards your dear brother King Robert and his family - Lannisters as well as Baratheons. I am saddened to inform you that Lord Eddard Stark is trying to dishonour our families and the union between them.
I am aware of the fact you may be in difficult situation at the moment but I believe you want nothing but the best for your family and you would do anything to protect it. I have a proposition for you.
Write to me everything you know about future Robb Stark's and Lady Catelyn's moves. Tell me everything that is happening in Winterfell and I can assure you that you will be safe. I'm providing full discretion of your actions. After the conflict between House Stark and The King will be gone, I will do everything for your marriage to be annulled so you will be able to come back home.
Sending greetings from my children,
Queen Cersei Lannister"

Sofya's heart was sore in her chest as she was reading the letter. She felt like throwing up after she finished. She didn't know what to think. She was aware of Cersei's cunning ways and intrigues but at the same time she didn't want to betray her brother. There was still a little bit of possibility that Cersei's words were true. She hid the letter quickly before Robb entered the chamber.
"And?", he asked.
"It's nothing. Myrtle wrote to me. Something about the upcoming tournament", Sofya tried for her voice not to tremble.
Her husband nodded his head and turned around to take off his coat and fix his hair from the ride before the dinner.
Sofya felt terrible lying to him - he was the only person she could trust in Winterfell and she felt like betraying him. He's been always telling her everything, even the things his mother didn't want him to say. He still wasn't trusting his wife much - but he was trying to be a good husband. She couldn't lie to him. She just couldn't.
"Robb", she stood up and approached him, "Here", she handed him the letter with tears in her eyes, "I can't lie to you"
His Tully eyes were full of worry seeing her cry. He took the letter and read it in silence. Sofya was sobbing quietly, her body shaking from the fear of his reaction.
"My father would never betray your brother, you should know that. They are best friends and my father's an honourable man", Robb looked at his wife.
"I don't know what to think... I... I trust your father and I know that Cersei's probably trying to  manipulate me. I'm starting to think your mother is right and Lannisters are scheming against The Starks indeed. But at the same time... What if it's true? What if your father..."
"Stop it! My father is innocent!", Robb stood up and screamed at her and she started crying even more while hiding her face in her hands, "I'm sorry", he sighed, "I'm sorry. But I can swear to you that my father would never betray his King. Even if your brother would turn out to be a terrible ruler, my father would never do anything behind his back. He would confront him about his mistakes. And he would never come for his family. Sofya, I swear to you. Please, wait for your brother's letter"
"What if he never writes back to me?", she asked looking up, "Something really bad is happening in The King's Landing"
"I know, I've read the letter", Robb sat next to her and hugged her a little, "Please, don't cry"
"I should burn the letter", Sofya nodded her head sniffing.
"Unless you want that annulment", Robb tried to joke to cheer her up.
"No, I don't", Sofya admitted.
"I need to speak to you about something"
"What is it?", she asked wiping wet tears from her face.
"Theon says I should call in the bannermen and raise an army. To march South and make Lannisters pay for their actions"
"And what do you think about it?", Sofya furrowed her brows.
"Only Lord of Winterfell can do that. As in, my father. I am the owner of the title only temporary. But... Maybe I should indeed do something. I'm scared that waiting here and doing nothing is actually making things worse. My mother's in the Eyrie with her sister Lysa. She's actually doing more than me"
"Do I want my husband to march South to attack my family? No"
"Lannisters are not your family"
"Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen are. I want their safety"
"I would never hurt your nephews nor your brothers, Sofya. I want Jaime Lannister to pay for his actions"
"We should wait, Robb. With anything. Maybe they will work things out by themselves and we're going to look stupid for making the judgements too fast", Sofya put her hand on his chest.
"You're right", he nodded his head, "I can't follow my heart. It's filled with anger which is poisonous. We shall wait"
"Speaking of working things out... I think we may actually be a pretty good marriage. Well-functioning one", Sofya tried to change the topic to make them both smile a little.
"We're doing a great job as Lord and Lady of Winterfell indeed", Robb caressed his wife's cheek a little.
He was angry at himself for being so harsh to her in the beginning. It took time to get to know her better but it was worth it. Her eyes, big and brown, doe-like, were not cold at all. They used to look like two black voids to him, now he was able to see the softness in them. And the stubborness like when she hit his face earlier. He wasn't even angry at her for doing that. He had no idea what was happening to him - was he falling in love with his wife?
Sofya burnt the letter from Cersei and tried to forget about it. She was focusing herself on taking care of Bran, who was getting better slowly, and on watching over Rickon. As usual. Her beautiful gown was almost done and her relationship with Robb has never been better. She was trying to listen to her own advice and focus on the good things.
"What will we do today?", Rickon asked during breakfast, "Can Robb spend time with us?"
"My Lord?", Sofya looked at her husband with a smile.
"I think I am able to spend one afternoon with my brother and wife", Robb answered smiling back, "But you have to promise me that you won't bore me to death"
"Bran, do you want to go with us?", Sofya asked her another brother-in-law, "We won't be running, I promise"
"I'll think about it. Maester Luwin wanted me to have a class"
"Oh, it's more important", Sofya noticed.
"My Lord, My Lady!", Maester hurried inside, "I'm sorry to interrupt the breakfast. I have two current letters from the King's Landing. They're urgent, I assume. One for each", he handed one sheet of paper to Robb and another one to Sofya.
They nodded their heads with growing anxiety as they were breaking the seals on the letters they have received.

"Dear Sofya,
I don't have much time. There's a lot of things going on in the King's Landing. I am actually glad that you are in Winterfell and I want you to remain there - the safest place for you at the moment.
Don't trust in ANYTHING that Cersei may be writing to you.
Wishing you all the best and sending love,
Your favorite brother Renly"

Sofya furrowed her brows at the letter. She trusted Renly with her life and she knew already that burning the letter from Cersei had been a good decision. She was worried about her brother's words, though. It sounded like something really serious was happening in The Red Keep.
"It's from Renly but he didn't write much. Just to not trust The Queen", Sofya informed her husband and he looked up at her.
The look on his face terrified her. Yet he remained silent as he had no idea how to tell her what was in his letter.
"Maester, please take Rickon and Bran out", Robb mumbled and Maester Luwin nodded his head as he called for Hodor to help him with Lord Bran.
"What's going on?", Rickon asked whining but Robb didn't answer to him, his eyes still on his wife. She was getting pale and her hands were shaking. She already knew something bad must have happened.
"Sofya...", Robb started in a shaky voice when they were left alone. He took a deep breath, "The King is dead"
The world stopped for her. She forgot to breathe and blink her eyes as her heart stopped the beating in her chest. Everything was still. When she finally caught her breath, she felt like she was falling down despite sitting behind the table.
The silence broke with the sound of her plate hitting the floor when she was trying to reach for the letter in Robb's hands.
"R-Robert's dead?", she asked almost noiselessly.
"He had an accident during the hunt. But it's not everything", Robb refused to hand her the letter yet, "My father's accused of betrayal. He's in prison"

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