~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯 ~

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Sofya knocked upon the door lightly and waited for an answer while biting her lip in anticipation. Gwyn pretended she wasn't there.
She stopped trusting her lady and she was quite scared of her since the assassin's murder. Sofya was aware of that and it was making her feel even worse. The Queen decided to open the door anyway and violate her servant's privacy.
"Your Grace", Gwyn stood up immediately and sniffed before looking down. She was wearing her night gown already, "Do you need me with anything? I'm sorry I didn't open the..."
"Shh, it's alright", Sofya closed the door behind her and approached the girl, "I just didn't want you to be here all alone", she sat on the bed and extended her hands.
Gwyn hesitated for a moment but decided to hug her lady. She closed her eyes and let her tears flow. Sofya kissed her forehead and caressed her cheeks in a caring way. Her servant curled up next to her on the bed and kept hugging The Queen.
"I'm sorry, Lady Whitehill, I'm so sorry", Sofya whispered, "But remember, you have me. No matter what happens. Please, don't be scared of me"
"I can't be scared of you anymore, I don't have anyone else. Only you and my brother, Your Grace", Gwyn answered quietly.
"Do you want to talk about your mother or just sit here and hug?"
"I don't know... Did you want to talk about your mother after she had died, My Queen?"
"I was four years old, I didn't understand what happened. I thought she'd just walk out that door one day and...", Sofya's voice broke, "And come back to me. Which never happened"
"Was your mother sick like mine?"
"Yes, but her sickness lasted few days. In the morning she was smiling and running around the Storm's End with me and Renly and in the evening she was laying in her chambers with fever", Sofya kept caressing Gwyn's head, "She died five days later"
"My mother has been sick for a year now. She was getting weaker and weaker with each day. I feel bad because... Because I was happy to receive a letter from my brother that I shall leave the castle. I didn't want to be there and watch her dying a little more every day", Gwyn hid her face in Sofya's chest and sobbed.
"I can't blame you for that. At least you don't see her dying face whenever you think of her. That would be terrifying. I don't remember my mother, not really. But I remember perfectly her dead body on the bed"
"I'm sorry, you should focus on happier things, Your Grace", Gwyn sniffed and wiped her face with her hands.
"In the middle of the war?", Sofya snorted.
"If there was one thing you could wish for, My Queen, what would it be?", the servant girl asked curiously, "Whatever you want, possible or not"
Sofya sighed and started thinking about the answer.
"And you?", she asked finally, not being sure what to say.
"I would bring my mother back. My healthy mother. We would sing every day and I would show her all those beautiful places in Westeros"
"I'd bring Renly back", Sofya looked away, "Yes, I miss him the most. I love all of my family the same but I miss him the most"
Lady Gwyn made surprised face.
"What?", The Queen asked her.
"I thought you'd say you want to win the war"
"We would win it already with Renly. I'd be in Winterfell with Sansa and Arya, waiting for my child with nothing to worry about"
"Dear Queen Sofya Stark,
I've heard about the incident on your way to Riverrun. I must admit that my respect and admiration towards you are now beyond words.
Everything is alright and well in Harrenhal and we are awaiting for your comeback.
I've also heard that you will be in labour in few weeks from now. Since Winterfell is ruined, I am offering you a safe place in Dreadfort for as long as you wish.
Lord Roose Bolton"

Sofya furrowed her brows at the letter and looked at Robb. Her husband was laying on their bed and thinking about something rather important because his expression was focused and concentrated.
"And?", he hummed still staring at the ceiling.
"It's Lord Bolton. Everything's under control in Harrenhal", The Queen informed her husband and he finally looked at her with a smirk.
"Why is he writing letters to you instead of me?", he asked, "I think Lord Bolton may be in love with you"
"Don't be stupid", Sofya laughed approaching him, "But... Well..."
"Hm?", he looked up with a smile and raised his hands to touch her abdomen.
"He offered me a place in Dreadfort for my labour. Because Winterfell is ruined"
"Maybe it's a good idea. Our child should be born in The North"
"In Dreadfort, though?", Sofya chuckled, "No way", she shook her head and laid next to her husband.
"And how's Lady Gwyn?", Robb's voice saddened.
"And how can she be? She's devastated"
"I'm starting to think that...", he took a deep breath, "We may lose this war"
Sofya turned her head to face him and rested her head on her elbow.
"You saying? I know it for quite a long time now", she tried to sound ironic but the fear overshadowed her.
"I'm thinking what to do when we lose. I mean... I know I will die soon, I can feel it in my bones. I'm thinking how to protect you, my mother, my siblings and our child. And it seems to be impossible..."
"Robb!", Sofya hissed at her husband and put her hand on his mouth, "Stop saying such things. It makes me sick to listen to that. You're not going to die. I won't let anyone harm you, my love"
"Your nephew will have my head on a spike if we lose and there's nothing you can do about it"
"I'm dead fucking serious", Sofya leaned in and looked him deep in the eye, "I'd kill every innocent child and woman of King's Landing with these bare hands, I'd destroy every house of Lannisport and I'd fuck every soldier in the capitol to keep you alive. I'd burn their septons and temples and I'd be cursed forever. I don't care"
"I don't like the part where you fuck every soldier", Robb tried to turn it into a joke and his wife pushed his chest with a smile.
"It was a metaphor of my devotion!"
"I appreciate", The King caressed her hair and placed a kiss on her lips, "You always make me feel better. We still can defeat Lannisters, right? Without any help. Tywin is a genius but he's not invincible"
"Exactly", Sofya lied because she didn't want to see him being sad anymore.
"My Queen, Willem and Martyn Lannister would like to see you", one of the guards approached Sofya when she was sitting in the garden, caressing her stomach. Lady Gwyn was there as well with her head rested on her lady's shoulder.
"Alright then", The Queen sighed and stood up, "Gwyn, do you want to go with me? They're nice boys"
"Yes, I want to go", the girl followed her lady and shyly touched her hand with her own, pretending it was done accidentally. Sofya smiled gently and squeezed her hand.
"I'm starting to hate this pregnancy, I feel pain while standing up and I can't sleep at night. I'm glad it's going to end soon", Sofya admitted when they were on their way to the dungeons.
"I can't wait to take care of your baby, Your Grace", Gwyn smiled widely, "How old are Martyn and Willem?"
"A little bit older than you"
They approached the guard standing in front of the cell. His expression was rather unfriendly and he squinted his eyes at his Queen while bowing his head.
"Sofya!", Willem stood up and rushed to her. They hugged.
"You must be bored here, am I right?", she asked.
"Do you think uncle Tywin will help us?", Martyn asked biting his lip.
"We haven't received any letters", Sofya told him and pointed at her servant, "This is Lady Gwyn Whitehill. She's my... lady-in-waiting"
Gwyn bowed her head with a shy smile. She was grateful that her Queen didn't tell them that she was nothing but a servant.
"Hello, Lady Gwyn", Willem shook her hand.
"Nice to meet you, Lady Gwyn", Martyn approached her and placed a kiss on the palm of her hand. Gwyn felt how her cheeks were burning.
"You're such a gentleman", Sofya giggled.
"Well, I'm a squire", he told her with pride in his voice.
"A squire?", Gwyn asked in awe, "Will you be a knight one day?!"
"Ser Martyn Lannister", The Queen nodded her head, "Sounds great"
"I'm a squire, too!", Willem added but Gwyn was more interested in Martyn anyway.
"You both will win many tournaments for sure", The Queen told him kindly.
"Not when you win the war", Willem noticed and his smile faded away.
"Why not? I've told you already that we are not enemies", Sofya sat carefully on the floor.
"Are you alright, My Queen?", Gwyn asked her in a worried tone.
"It's just my spine"
"Won't your husband be angry at you for spending your time with us?", Willem asked Sofya sitting next to her.
"No. He's rarely angry at me"
"What will happen to us?", Martyn started.
"You will be free to go on the same day The North is proclaimed to be independent. I promise", The Queen looked at him and answered seriously.
"It's going to be soon, I hope", Lady Gwyn sighed leaning on the wall. She couldn't stop staring at Martyn.
"It's unfair that we're here because of King Joffrey and uncle Tywin", Willem whined.
"Willem!", his brother scolded him.
"It's true, though", Sofya caressed younger boy's head, "I wish I could send you home but I am their Queen. I can't do such a thing. I hope you understand..."
"I do", Martyn nodded his head, "Just like I understand why we're here. We are Lannisters and we shall be loyal to King Joffrey, Willem"
"And I don't understand! I don't even like him", Willem protested and Sofya laughed at that.
"You two are reminding me of how much I miss Myrcella and Tommen", she sighed, "I hope they're happy and safe"
It was late in the evening and Robb was slowly preparing to sleep. He finished writing the letters and untied his shirt when Sofya stood up from their bed and put her hand on his bare chest with a smile.
"What is it, my love?", he asked placing a kiss on her hand.
"How do you want to name our child?", she asked.
"Well, I don't think it matters because your smile is telling me that you already know what name we should choose", he smirked.
"Oh, come on", Sofya whined and bit her lip, "Tell me"
"I don't know, I don't really care. Anything except Tywin and Joffrey", he laughed, "And Jaime"
"Very funny", his wife snorted ironically, "I thought you'd want to name our son Ned"
Robb looked away for a moment and sighed.
"I don't know if I want. I think it's too early", he admitted.
"Oh. I mean, I didn't want to name him Ned anyway", she shrugged her arms.
"What do you want to name him then? Robert? Renly?"
"Steffon. After my father"
Robb tried to hide his surprisement but he raised his brows which made his wife take a step back.
"I know that I have never met him. His body was never found, I couldn't even visit him in the crypts. But I love him anyway, Robb. Naming our son after him would bring him back to me a little bit", Sofya's voice broke.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have... been surprised", The King caressed his wife's cheeks, "Steffon Stark sounds great. King Steffon Stark sounds even better", he added with a smile.
"And a girl? Any names for a girl?", she sniffed and smiled back.
"Anything but Cersei"
"Stop it!", Sofya laughed when the door opened suddenly.
Lord Brynden stood in them, breathing heavily.
"Your Graces, I'm sorry... But... But... You have to see this", he mumbled and Robb furrowed his brows in worry. He approached his uncle and his wife followed. Her heart squeezed in her chest, "No, not you, My Queen. With all respect but you shouldn't go", Lord Tully tried to stop her.
"What do you mean, Lord Brynden?", Sofya asked in a shaky voice.
"Please, stay here, Your Grace"
"I'm going", she insisted and left the chamber with her husband.
She didn't know if it was a good decision. Her stubborness has led her to trouble many times before.
Lord Brynden Tully opened the door to a large room. Lady Catelyn was sitting there in silence and Lord Edmure was standing nearby with his head down. There were two dead bodies laying on the sheet on the floor. The bodies of slaughtered Martyn and Willem Lannister.
"NOOO!", Sofya cried out and rushed to their side. She collapsed on the ground and tried to shake them but they weren't responding, "No!", she sobbed.
Robb made wide eyes at the sight and opened his mouth slightly, not knowing what to say.
"What does it mean?", he clenched his jaw and stood in front of the bodies. He felt like crying as well but he couldn't. Sometimes he wished he was a woman. All these emotions buried deep inside of him were starting to drive him mad.
"Lord Karstark and his men", Lord Brynded answered shortly, "We have captured them. They're waiting"
Robb nodded his head and looked down at his wife.
"I promised them that they would be safe!", she looked at Robb angrily like it was his fault but her expression softened right after, "I promised them...", she repeated in a whisper and hid her face in her hands.
"Shall I bring them in?", Lord Tully asked.
"Give my Lady Wife few moments", Robb told him and crouched next to her, "There's nothing you can do now. Stand up, please"
"How can you be so calm?!"
"I have to be", he answered in a shaky voice.
"How many more people will have to die during this bloody war?! How many more children will lose their parents and how many more parents will bury their children?! Why can't you do something about it?! You've started this and you can end this!", Sofya screamed at her husband and raised her hand to push him away from her but she sobbed instead.
"Ending this right now would mean you burying me and we've had this conversation already", Robb stated calmly. His mother furrowed her brows at him.
Sofya sniffed and stood up with Robb's help. She fixed her dress and hair as she felt the wave of sudden wrath inside of her veins. The fury.
"Bring them in", Robb nodded his head at his uncle. He didn't notice his wife clenching her fists.

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